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Business Notices. HAS CAPACITY" FOR 100 GUESTS— SUITES OP APARTMENTS— SAMPLE AND SHOW ROOMS ATTACHED— BILLIARD ROOM AND ALCOCR'S PRIZE TABLE. D. LYNCH, Proprietor. CROWN BREWERY, HOKITIKA. SPECIAL CHMISTMAS BREW. SPECIAL~ATTENTIbN~ IS^DIRECTEirTO "^ ii. i . i mw&n win nis Of excellent quality, brewed from Hops grown at his on the bank of tbe Hokitika River. These Hops are pronounced by experienced Hop growers to be of Superior Quality. MANUFACTURER OF CRATED WATER AND CORDIALS.

ri Fop the Blood igrfoejtfe." j WORLP_FAMEDL— - THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIEB AND RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the bloo3 from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy Skin and Blood Diseases, Eczema, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the face Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from alllmpure Mattel Fromswhatever cause arising Clarke's Blood Mixture is the only real Specific tor Gout and Rheumatic pains, for it removes the cause from tbe blood and bones. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free from anything injuriout to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give ; a trial io test its value. « qOMETHING FRIGHTFUL." ' " I cannot neglect giving you the particulars of my extraordinary cure, for I feel it my duty. My life was a misery to me from the terrible suffering arising from eleven dreadful abscesses on my chest and side, the discbarge from them being something frightful. I was under medical treatment, but got no relief. At last I resolved to try your Clarke's Blood Mixture and Salve. The effect was beneficial from the first dose ; I am now perfectly cured. — Yours truly, Thomas Kent, Fisherton, near Lincoln, Jan 2, 1888." THREE DOCTORS DECIDED to AMPUTATE. " Dear Sir, — I enclose you a splendid testimonial, which you can use if you choose. Mr Lenney is one of our Church members, and personally known to me. — Yours truly, Joseph B. Kingston, Secretary Primitive Metbodisfc Mission, GKllespie Boad, Highbury Vale. "14, Newington-green, London, N., May 16, 1887. "Gentlemen— l am very pleased to inform you of the benefit I derived from taking Clarke's Blood Mixture 11 years ago. I had been totally laid up for 32 weeks with a bad leg. Three doctors bad consulted together, and decided to amputate it ; but being induced to try Clarke's Blood Mixture I am glad to say in three weeks I was enabled to resume my work, and have never lost a day since through illness. I may also add that I now usually take a bottle at tbe Bpring of tbe year. I am now in excellent healtb, hearty, well, and strong and in active work. Yours truly, " Simon Lenney." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold in Bottles 2s 9d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11s. — sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing caset>, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MBDICINE VENDORS throughout the world Proprietor?, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Deug Company, Lincoln, England, Trade Mark — *' Blood Mixture." CAUTiON. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should see that they get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words " Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincolo, Eng land," are engraved on the Government Btamp, "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blown in the Bottle. WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE,

FRIEND OF ALL. ♦ JJOLLOWAY'S PILLS IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. These wonderfnl Pills are valued at the humblest hearths as well as in the houses of comfort and wealth. They work a thorough purification throughout the whole system without disordering the natural action of any organ, and eradicate those germs of complaints which consign tens of thousands to an early grave. INDIGESTION, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS AND SICK HEADACHE. No organ in the human bedy is so liable to disorder as the liver, and none is more apt when neglected, to become seriously diseased. Remember when nausea, flatulency, or acidity on the stomach warn us that digestion is not proceeding properly, that Holloway's Pills regulate every function, give strength to every organ, speedily remove all causes of indigestion bile, and sick headache, and effect a permanent cure. In cases of debility, languor, and nervousness, generated by excess of anykind, whether mental or physical, the effect of these Pills is in the highest degree bracing, renovating and restorative. They drive from the system all morbid causes of disease, re-establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions, strengthen the nervous system, raise tbe patient's Bpirit, and bring back the frame to its pristine health and vigor. TURN OF LIFE AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. The turn of life is the most distressing period in woman's existence; it destroys thousands. The whole of the gross humourß collect together and like a tide sweep away health and life itself, if not timely and powerfully checked. The most certain antidote to all these dangers is Holloway's Pills. Armed with them the fiery ordeal is passed through and the sufferer is once more restored to the possession of unimpared health. It is but little known that at the so-called "turn of life," man also, when verging on forty or forty-five, discovers that his health is considerably deranged and knows not the cause — a critical period of his life. All perils to both sexes are at once removed by recourse to these THE KIDNEYS— THEIR DERANGEMENT AND CURE. If these Pills be used according to the printed directions, and the Ointment rubbed over the region of the kidneys for at least half an hour at bed-time, as salt is forced into meat it will penetrate the kidneys and correct any derangement. Should the affliction be stone or gravel, it ia particularly recommended that the Ointment, in such cases, be used night and morning, as by its judicious application most astounding cures may bo performed. Hollo way's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseasesAgue pileap ilea Asithma Rheumatism B lious Complaints Retention of Urine Blotches on the skin Scrofula, or King's Bowel 1 Complaints Evil Debility Sore Throats Dropsy Stone and Gravel Female Irregularities Secondary Symptoms j Fevers of all kinds Tic-doloreux Gout Ulcers Head-ache Tenereal Affections Indigestion Worms of all kinds Liver Complaints Weakness from whatLumbago ever cause, &c. Full printed directions are affixed to each box or pot, and can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian or Chinese. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Prof. Holloway's Establishment, 75 New Oxford street, London ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilized World, in Boxes and Pots. The smallest Box of Pills contains four doz. ; and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. Tl/TINBES and PROSPECTORS are [ -"-■- invited to SEND SPECIMENS of Varfouj MINERALS, &c, met with by them in their explorations, to the Office of this Paper, from whence the will be forwr'dec for Exhaustive Analys. I)RINTING of Every Description executed with Neatness and Despatch. Tiuia Office,

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West Coast Times, Issue 7299, 21 January 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 West Coast Times, Issue 7299, 21 January 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 West Coast Times, Issue 7299, 21 January 1889, Page 4