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[Dates from Europe up to August 24-]

Queen Victoria arrived at Renfrew on August 22, on her way to Glasgow, where she was to visit the Exhibition on same afternoon. The bouses were decorated with flags. Sir H. Ponsohy, private secretary, refused to present to Her Majesty a petition signed by the Irshmen of Glasgow praying for Dillon's release. At Glasgow, an address was presented by the President of the Exhibition to the Queen, who replied in feeling terms, The force of police detailed in 1882, to protect various members of the British Ministry was withdrawn on August 21, While preaching in Winchester Cathedral, on August 11th, Bishop Harris, of Michigan, United States, was stricken with apoplexy, and fell unconscious. He died on August 21. The revival of English trade is now considered as permanent, and nearly all the vessels laid up in the Tyne have gone into commission. Parliament was -prorogued on August 13, until November %. The election in the West Division, Liverpool, on August 10th, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Claud Hamilton, Conservative, reaulted in the return of Mr William Henry Cross, eldest son o£ Lord Cross, Conservative, Mr Parnell has retained, J. B. Balfour, formerly Lord Advocate of Scotland and Asher, formerly Sollciter-General for Scotland in Gladstone's administration to conduct his suits in the Scotch Courts against the Times. The atewart of the British ship, Daveady Hall , was sentenced to be hanged for murdering the ciptain during the voyage from San Francis ;o to Liverpool. He was respited on August 30, The card-room hands in tbe Blackburn Mills went out on August 15, employers refusing to grant the 10 per cent advance on wageß demanded. • 10,000 men will be affected as the strike becomes general, and the whole trade » paralysed. A London despa'ch of August 18 says there is mnch gossip over the reported conversion of Queen Victoria's daughter, Helena, now Princess Christian, to the Roman Catholic faitb. The Queen has □ot denied it. The banquet in honor of Cabinet Ministers was given by tbe Lord Mayor at the Mansion House on the night of August Bth.

In response to the toast of tho Navy, Lord George Hamilton, First Lord of the Adtniral'y, said it would be necessary in future to maintain the navy at a high standard if the country is to feel a sense of securityLord Stanhope, Secretary for War, said Government was trying to improve all the defences of the country. Lord Salisbury declared that the local Government Bill solved the problem of h^w to govern without doing injury to valuable privileges in the couatry. Res garding Ireland, he said the great curse of that c untry was poverty. The Government was able to do little to diminish the poverty or to enrich men, but could enable them without interference to enrich them-a-lves. He maintained the Government had been succ ssfulinle-s^ning the tyranny exercised by the National As ,cci'ition over the Irish people. If the Government of Ires lani was administered for a few years with the s me judgment and firmnecs as now, liburty aud. pro perity would be reassured to the country. O'DoaruJl, who resently lost his suit , against the Times, cabled his solicitors from Paris on August 24 to briug another suit against the Times. The iron clad Warrior, while cruising in tlxa Cuanuel on August 12 discovered a wrecked b-tlloon and rescued the aeronaut and three companions, who were found clingiog to a banket with rope*. They had ascended from Antwerp on Monday 2. '''he Parnell defence fund had reached £400 on August 23. Scotch lawyers report that it will be easy to delay the trial of ParneH's action against the Times until after the Compassion of Inquiry has reported to Parliament. The Gazette of August 23 publishes a proclamation ordering the suppression of the National League in the Baronies of Longford, (Jaetlerea and Ciankee, and revoking the op ration of the Crimes Act in various parts of Queens County.

The Emperor William attended the unveiling of the monument to Prince Frederick Charles at Frankfort on August 16. At breakfa-t he gave a toast to "German Unity," and said that 46,000 ,000 Germans would d : e rather than deliver a single stoae of Alsace-Lorraine to France. He a'so said, "Oae thiug I must add gentlemen, we all know each other too well to entertain such thoughts, yet I must defend my departed father against the shameful suspicion tint he could have re* linquUhei any part of the gains of the great war," This spe eh caused depression on the European Bourse- The German newspapers of different sta(e3 of opinion expressed approval while the French journals preserved a dignified silence, which is regarded os significant of the intensity of feeling created by the Imperial speaker's words. King Christian of Denmark, accotn* pinied by Lii brother, Prince John, arrived is Berlin on August 24. President Fioquet received a deputation ot striking navvies in Paris on August 25, and said in hU remarks that although the Republic allowed the workmen to discuss the condition of labor it did not allow them the right to impede labor. The etrikiag workmen resume! work in a number of shipbuilders yards at Calais on August 24, a sign tint the strike had suffered a tot<l collapse.

Dr Pasteur sent a latter to the Academy of Science of August 20 from Dr Garaalier of Odessa, announcing the discovery of cho'era vaccine.

M. Goblet no ified the Turkish Am. bassador en August 23 that France supported Turkey's contention that the Suez Canal convention does not imply that Turkey shall renounce its control of the western coast of the Red Sea.

Dr Woodford, of Nelson, who recently visited the Isthmus of Panama, was inter viewed at Washington on August 10th touohing work on the canal. He reportt d a deplorable and discouraging condition of affairs. The statement of De Lesseps that the canal will be opened in 1890 ia ridiculed by the contractors. Adasi:al Krantz, Minister of Maine, has given orders for the equipment of

e'uht ironclads to reinforce the Fretlotl squadron in the Mediterranean. The fttal thifclugh express* traiti from Paria reached Constantino^ at midnight on August 16. . , The Romany Bii Expiriese hag been productive of serious riots. The Albanian Garrison at Melzora, exasperated at the non«receipt o£ their wages, revolted on August 25, burned houses and killed a large number of Christians, and then plundered many shops. Advices received in London, August 16, report that Cetewayo's son ia insisting on full sovereignty in Zululand, and refuses to submit to the civil rule of the British. The Pope received the Gardiaals on August 19, He i<* represented as very weak and worn, and is a' ill forbidden to take exercise in the garden. Rheumatism is hia principal ailment. A despatch dated London, August 10, says there is deep concern over the destruction of crops by rain and cold weather; meetings of landlords and tenants are being held to consider the situation, and the conclusion reached is, that the English farmers must abandon wheat raising. The uncertain climate coupled with foreign competition, renders it impossible to make wheat pay as a crop. The report regarding the wheat crop in Russia, received up to August 22, shows prospects of the summer wheat to be promising. The yield of winter wheat will reach the average. It it expected the wheat crop in India will reach 26,000,000 bushels ; this will ensure a good average quantity for export. King Otto, of Bavaria, by last accounts, is rapidly growing weaker mentally and physical ! y. His insane fits are increasing and his condition is such that hie attend ants never permit him out of their sight. A pitched battle occurred between Opportunists and Bouhngists at Jean Daogely, Cbarente Inferieore, who Had gathered to do honor to the General, on August 12. He arrived on an electioneer* ing tour at 4 p.ra and provoking remarks being uttered a»uinst the General by per* ona on the skirts of crowds a battle ensued, and thrusts wer* given with the utmost ferocity, aud the partisans of the General being ia the minority fought with tbe savagenesa of cU-pair, Comte Dillon was knocked insensible by a blow on the head. M. Persin, friend of M. Lois, the Mayor, who opposed Boulanger, fired at the latter, and a friend, M. Ratgran, threw himself before him and lvc.ived the ball in the back of the head. Four other shots were fired. A horse was badly wounded in the shoulder. The Gendarmes charged on the crowd and restored order. Paris was excited over fhe affair, crowds parading the streets at night, some shouting for Boulanger and some reviling bim. The Russian Government purpose to assist (he new railroad froai Paris to Pera, as it will enable peasant farmers to obtain better prices for their wheat. The British Government has finally refused to grant a subsidy for the projected cable between British Columbia, Honolulu, and Australia, and the directors are pressing the Dominion Government Tor a subsidy to supplement tbat promised by the Australian and Sandwich Inlands Govern* ments. The outlook is at present by no means pleasing. According to a Lmdon despatch of August 19 tbe Japanese Government has decided to spend £10,000,000 in five years purchasing men-of-war. A despatch from Suakim says reports concerning a white man in Bailor el-Qazell distri t are confirmed. He is known as Aba Digna, and has a force of Arabs, including a large number of half-nakei men, probably from Nimro country* There is a strong argument in favor of the idea that the white man is r^tanley.

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West Coast Times, Issue 7194, 17 September 1888, Page 2

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GENERAL SUMMARY. West Coast Times, Issue 7194, 17 September 1888, Page 2

GENERAL SUMMARY. West Coast Times, Issue 7194, 17 September 1888, Page 2