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The sittings of the Supreme Court will oominenoeihis 1 morning before his Honor Mr Justice W&rd. The driminal calendar will probably contain only one cade as it is understood the libel prostration will not be gone on with. In the other case, that of indecent assault, a plea of insanity will probably be pu in. The charge is described as being of a very revolting nature, and we venture to hope that the judge will, if possible, order it to be heard with closed doors. Some little time ago a contemporary took exception to our description of the earthquake, more especially to that portion relating to the phenomena at Otira, averring, on the alleged authority of a Mr Burley, a passenger by the coach, that it was exaggerated, and that we had been misinformed, some incidents being referred to as imaginary. In Friday's Canterbury Times appears a letter from this self-same Mr Burley, in which he says : — " I have taken the opportunity of sending you the enclosed report of the scenes witnessed in the Otira Gorge and vicinity during the noent earthquake shocks. Having been a passenger through from Springfield to Hokitika at the time, and having seen the effects of the shock, I thought you might like a few words from an eye witness." The "enclosed report " is our own description, which Mr Burley is said to have Btigmatiaedjin the terms previously referred to. Either he is untruthful or our contemporary disingenuous. For some reason or other the Greymouth agent of the Press Association neglected to telegraph the result of the football match, Greymouth versus Eeefton. From a private source we learn that Greymouth won by two points to nil. The match Dunedin against Invercargill, played in the latter town, resulted in a draw, neither side scoring. Tenders are invited elsewhere by the Westland Hospital Trustees for Biz months supplies* Tenders must be sent into the office, Eevell •treet, on or before Friday, the 21st inst. On Saturday we had quite an influx of visitors from Greymouth and other West Coast towns, some brought down on business connected with the Supreme Court, and others came for aj pleasure trip. Several availed themselves of the invitation of the Tennis Club to try conclusions and compare play with local men. There would be many oi these friendly visits between the residents oi the two towns were the railway — which has soarcely progressed at the rate of a mile a year — finished. Mr J. J. Miller, the well known Australian sportsman, sends his sporting pamphlet for 1888, which, as usual, is full of valuable information to anyone interested in our national pastimes. A meeting of the Westland Land Board will bp held on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. At the last meeting of the Board of Education Mr Grimmond gave notice of the following resolution which he will move at the next meeting :— " That the decision of the Board with regard to limiting the standards taught at tke Donoghues school be rescinded." An adjourned meeting of the Westlaud County Council will be held on Thursday at noon for the purpose of dealing with tenders for sections 6, 7, and 8, Cedar Creek draj road. We have received from the seoretary of the Centennial Exhibition, Melbourne, copies oi the prize schedules and other circulars relating to the two special shows of vegetable products to be held during the months oi October and November. In the horticultural chow there are 325 classes. The proprietors of the skating rink advertise a grand carnival for Friday next the 21st inßt., for which arrangements are now in progress. Handsome priz-s will be given for prettiest and most original costumes, the audience to be judges. The volunteer band has been (specially engaged for the occasion, a proof that the music provided will be of the best. The management wish it notified that the rink will be kept open till midnight, and that a charge of one shilling will be made for admissionMr R. E. Wylde, a school teacher at Kumara, publishes in the columns of the local paper an apology to the editor for having assaulted him, and also for his most ungentlemanly conduct, and begs to withdraw the in•ulting, abusive, and threatening words he used on that occasion. The Argus says the Grey County Council received a trifle over £434 as gold revenue for the past month. This is the largest return from that source for a very long time past, one month alone excepted. Speaking of the minerals in our court at the Melbourne Exhibition, the editor of the Australasian gives the following unbiassed opinion j— "lt would have been better if the coal for the exhibition had been sent from New Zealand in large blocks to indicate the thickness of the seams. Lumps loosely put together, as in a coal yard, do not produce a striking effect nor tell an impressive story. No fault is to be found with the quantity or the quality of the separate collections in the New Zealand Court. But the proper way to show coal and auriferous and other stone is demonstrated in the .New South Wales Court, where everything is on a large seale — the coal in pillars, and the quartz, silver, and tin ores in tall pyramids. The mineral specimens in the New Zealand Court would only interest a mineralogist." A Napier exchange says :— The American Rink in Napier benefits the foreign speculator to the tune of about £100 a week, that sum representing the average amount sent to America by the management. Is this the sort of thing calculated to do Napier any good ? So far as the rainf ull in and around Sydney is concerned the present year is one of the driest that has ever been recorded, as they have had only 27 per cent of the average fall of rain. The driest year on record prior to this one was 1840. "Rough on Corns."-- Ask for Well's Rough on Corns." Quick relief, complete, permanent cure. Coroß,warls, bunions. At chemists and druggists. Womb's Schnapps is a standard medicinal beverage, and is highly recommended by medical men. The best Remedy for Indigestion. — Norton's Camomile Pills are confidently Recommended as a Simple Remedy for Indigestion, which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which we are Bubject. Norton's Pills, with justice called the "Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach," act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient, are mild in their operation, and safe under any circumstances. Sold in bottles, at Is l£d., 2s 9d., 11s., by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Miners having business in the Warden's Court are informed that Mr L. Northcrof t will prepare applications, attend the hearing when unopposed, and obtain certificates, for a fee of 5s each application, besides Court fees,— Am

The Christchurcb. coach arrived at five o'clock on Saturday afternoon. The funeral of the late Mr W. Kenny took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended largely by the public. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Father Martin. At the R.M. Court on Saturday, before Messrs Michel and James Holmes, justices, Helen M'Gregor, an old offender, was sentenced to a fortnight's imprisonment for being drunk and disorderly. The Prince of Wales Lodge of Druids will shortly hold an entertainment at the theatre. Amongst the items is mentioned a torchlight procesiion, in which the Druids will appear in their flowing garments and long white beards. ♦•Rough on Itch."— "Rough on Itcb,' cures' skin humors, eruptions, ring worm tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains tcb ivy poison, barber's itcb.

A private cable from St. Petersburgh conveys the intelligence that it will be impossible for any of the European armies to take the field till next spring. The greatly increased demand for Blunok's wines has diminished the stock in the continental capitals, and consequently it will be impossible to provision the armies till the time mentioned. The consumption of these wines in New Zealand is also rapidly increasing.^— Advt. The celebrated Wolf's Sohna?£s is a pure invigorating bever*gei Be sure you i ©btMuWdfc'i j

A Victorian journalist, named Waldon, was lost for fiye days in the Australian Alps, where he remained "without food. When found he was in a most exhausted condition, with his clotheß torn to rags. Viotorian agricultural implement-makers complain that British and foraign manufacturers exhibiting at the exhibition hare closely copied the colonial-made implements. The present year has been a remarkable one for fires in Russia. As in Russia nothing is done by halves (writes a correspondent), you never hear of a house having been burned down, but "a whole town, the inhabitants of which to the number of 800 or 10,000 are i camped in tents and have nothing to eat." Russia burns every summer, but since 1881 there has not been suoh a year for fires as the present. The principal cause of all these fires is the insurances offices. As Boon as a man has insured his house for double its value he sets it on fire without the slightest regard to the human beings inside, so causing the most distressful loss of life. Of course, the incendiaries who are caught are udged, condemned, and sent to Siberia, but not one in 10 ib caught, and most of the catastrophies attributed to evil chance are the work of incendiaries or pyromaniacs. In Finland, where the laws are so severe, and where a man who sets his house on fire wilfully is shot down like a dog, fires are of very rare occurrence. The national banks (writes the New York correspondent of the Sydney Mrorning Herald) have just united in a scheme of mutual insurance which promises at once to provide an effectual remedy against "runs," and to ensure the absolute safety of depositors. The scheme seems so simple that the wonder is that it has not been suggested earliei. About 1000 banks, according to their capital, subscribe 5,000,000d0l of stock in a company known as the Depositors' Guarantee Company, and each bank pays yearly an insurance fee of one-fifth of 1 per cent on its gross deposits. An annual fund of about 500,000d0l is thus provided for losses and expenses of working. The company will maintain its own staff of bank examiners. In return for the insuranoe fee, the subscribing banks will be permitted to advertise the fact that their depositors are insured by the Guarantee Company against loss, and the ultimate effect of this will probably bo to force all other banks to join in the association. Thus a machinery is provided by which directors, shareholders, and depositors are enabled to obtain an impartial examination by competent experts of the banks in which they happen to be interested, at the cost, as is fair, of the bank itself. A curious case occurred at the criminal sitting in Melbourne. The jury having retired to consider their verdict on a charge of indecent assaxilt, returned in a quarter of an horn*, the foreman stating that 11 were agreed but the twelfth was deaf, and had not heard the evidence properly. The deaf juryman was sworn, and stated that he had onlj heard portions of the evidence. The judge dispensed with the services of the deaf juryman, and, under the 88th section of the Juries Act, he took a verdict of guilty of the 11 jurymen. In Melbourne Lady Loch is collecting funds to bring from England a lady competent to give instructions in a new method of sewing, by which quicker and better reresults may be obtained in a shorter time than by the old way. The S/'ecfcator supjjlies its readers with a brand new copybook sort of definition ol the word "jockey." "A jockey." it says "is, as a rule, an under-sized but plucky lad, who rides immature horses in uselesi races for gamblers to bet about." lhit sentence, says a contemporary, deserves to find a place in the next collection oi literary gems. I have got no news, so will tell a true storj of a hasty marriage that just comes into mj mind. Dan Define arrived per steamer in Hobart one morning at 9.30 o'clock. Passing round St. David's Church he jostled a young Irish woman who was coming from an opposite quarter. "No offence," quoth Dan, '• More t'other," responded Mary. "You're Irish." "And single at that," said Mary. "I'm wanting a wife," Baid Dan. " Take me at once," replied Mary. The distance to Father Wood's place was a quarter of a mile. The pair were married. Time only 55 minutes Dan was a civil servant, and his wife Mary was a civil woman. — Hawke's Bay Herald. Of O'Donnell who recently brought a libel case against the Times, a very venerable "chestnut " is told. One night, some years back, as that intensely respeotable old gentleman Sir Richard Cross (then Home Secretary) was waiting in the lobby, O'Donnell (who had dined well) suddenly button-holed him* and holding the astonished Minister at arm's length, observed with mellow contemplation : 'Well, you are a d d fool.' 'How dare you, sir j leave go, you're drunk,' ejaculated the outraged Sir Richard; but O'Donnell only shook his head and repeated sadly : ' Yes you are a d d fool.' ' Don't address me, sir ; you're drunk, 1 stuttered the Home Secretary furiously. 'Yes,' with tipsy solemnity admitted the Irishman, 'I'm drunkBut (brightening) look ye here : to-morrow I shall be sober, whereas you'll still be a d d fool.' To invigorate the system and rectify irregularities of the bowels, drink Woefe's Schnapps. The best medicine known is Sander and Sons' Etjcaltpii Extkact. Test its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenza, &c. — the relief is instantaneous. Thousands i give the most gratifying testimony. His Majesty the King of Italy, and medical syndicates all over the globe are its patrons. Read the official reports that accompany each bottle. Wo have no occasion to offer rewards in proof ef the genuineness of our references. The official reports of medical clinics and universities, the official communication of the Consul-Q-eneral for Italy at Melbourne ; the diploma awarded International Exhibition, Amsterdam— all these are authentio documents, and, as such, not open to doubt. We add here epitome of one of the various cases treated by Siegen, M.D., Professor, &c: — Burning of the right hand through the explosion of a small oil stove. The epidermis on the volar and palmer side of the hand of the thirty-year-old patient was completely separated and lifted up as far as the joint of the hand. The likewise lifted nails were hnnging loose, and half of the phalanx of the nail of the middle finger was coaled. The wounds thus contracted healed in three weeks under daily applications of the Eucalypti Extract dressing. The patient has retained the full use of her hand.— Ad vt. Min«r3 having business at the Warden'u Court are informed that Mr J. Staines, of Kanieri, will fill in application forms, attend hearings when unopposed, and take out certificates for a fee of 5a for each, application. — m Ajyrx, «i

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West Coast Times, Issue 7194, 17 September 1888, Page 2

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1888, West Coast Times, Issue 7194, 17 September 1888, Page 2

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1888, West Coast Times, Issue 7194, 17 September 1888, Page 2