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Congratulations to the committee on the very successful show staged in Marton last month, were extended by the president, Mr. E. H Simpson, at a meeting of the Marton A. and P. Association last week. He complimented the stewards, exhibitors, judges and all those who had contributed to that success.

The gate takings established a new record, said Mr. Simpson in briefly surveying the show. While the fine day no doubt helped materially, he thought that this may be taken as an expression of confidence by the general public cn the ability of the committee to stage an A. and P. Show, and in this connection he pointed out that every judge expressed satisfaction with the manner in which the various class stewards had carried out their tasks and the excellent manner in which the classes were presented for judging. An interesting comparison was made by Mr. Simpson, when he quoted figures to show the progress the association had made in its annual event since the war-time recess. In 1945 the number of pony entries were 12, in 1946 35, and this year 49. The number of hacks had risen from 28 to 36. In the competitions (other than postentry events) the entries had increased from 82 to 143, cattle from 84 to 143 and sheep from 212 to 235. Pigs, however, had shown a decline from 53 to 35, this being due io a reduction in classes. The quality of the stock exhibited at the show was very high, said Mr. Simpson, and was the subject of complimentary remarks by the judges. The evening show was again most successful and reflected credit on Messrs W. G. Aitken, N. Shelton and G. Griffin. Finally, the president expressed thanks to the chief steward, Mr. S. W. Morrison, for his excellent w;rk, and the committee for their splendid cooperation throughout, and the secretary, Mr. A. Way, and Miss F. L. Way for the manner in which they had carried-out their duties. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE WANTS MORE MEMBERS On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the Nursing Division will hold the annual meeting, at which nominations for officers will be received, and all nurses are asked to be present, as well as any adult Avho intends joining the classes which will be commencing at an early date. It is the intention of the brigade to hold a canvass for new members this year, and details suitable to both divisions have yet to be finalised. The general public, in realising the splendid work done by the brigade, possibly does not realise the work that is carried out by those responsible in arranging the covering of sports grounds and public functions, to enable qualified members to be in attendance. It is thought that if ten new members for each division were available it would ease the question of St. John members at these functions. Unfortunately, at the present moment, the men's division is short of members owing to several being out of town temporarily, and to build up a strong team in readiness for the winter sports new members are needed. Often during a week of sports gatherings one or two of our members have had to forego their own pleasures to go on duty, to keep faith with the public and the brigade, but this should not be necessary in a town of this size, where young men should take an interest in the work of St. John, and it is hoped that the canvass for members will prove very successful. MATANUI NARROWI-Y DEFEAT RATA AT TENNIS. By the small margin of two sets and three games, Matanui defeated Rata in the inter-club tennis match played at Rata on Saturday. The games were evenly contested throughout. While Matanui had an advantage of two sets in the men’s singles, Rata reversed the result of the ladies’ singles by the same margin and the combined doubles ended all square. Rata gained a lead of one set in the ladies' doubles, but the visiting men proved superior in the doubles combination, winning all three sets, which sealed the issue for Matanui. The following are the results, Matanui players being mentioned first; — Men's singles: R. Stantiall beat R. Garner, 6-1; T. Do.nmett beat L. Signal, 6-il; S. Lightfoot beat A. Kay, 6-4; W. Kereama lost to T. Green, 3-6; H. Earles beat J. Taiuru, 6-3; P. Butler lost to A. Mitchell, 3-6. Matanui, 4 sets, 30 games; Rata, 2 sets, 20 games. Ladies' singles: Mrs. F. Parkinson lost to Mrs N. Signal, 1-6; Mrs P. Morrison beat Mrs. M. Taiuru, 6-4; Mrs. J. Fisher lost to Mrs. Hayward, 4-6; Miss B. Ward lost to Mrs H. Downs, 2-6; Miss J. McDonald lost to Miss M. Stevens, 3-6; Miss By Brcnnand beat Miss M. Diehl, 6-4. Matanui, 2 sets, 22 games; Rata, 4 sets, 32 games.

Combined doubles: Stantiall and Miss M. Rubery beat Garner and Mrs. Signal 6-2; Donvmett and Mrs. Morrison lost to Signal and Mrs. Taiuru, 5-6; Kereama and Mrs. Fisher lost to Kay and Mrs. Hayward, 4-6 Lightfoot and Miss Ward beat Green and Mrs. Down®, 6-5; Earles and Miss McDonald lost to Taiuru and Miss Stevens, 5-6; Butler and Miss Brennand beat Mitchell and Miss Diehl, 6-4. Matanui, 3 sets, 32 games; Rata, 3 sets, 29 games. Ladies’ doubles: Miss Rubery and Mrs. Morrison beat Mesdame; Signal and Taiuru, 6-5; Mrs. Fisher and Miss McDonald lost to Mesdames Hayward and Mrs Downs, 2-6; Misses Ward and Brennand lost to Misses Stevens and Diehl, b-6. Matanui, 1 set, 12 games; Rata, 2 sets, 17 games. Men's doubles: Stantiall and Dommett beat Garner and Signa!, 64; Lightfoot and Earles beat Kay and Green, 6-5; Kereama and Butler beat Tanuru and Mitchell. 6-4. Matanui, 3 sets, 18 games; Rata, no sets, 13 games. GATE CRASHING AT MARTON SHOW. Wanganui is not the only place where the “gate crasher'' seems to be prevalent; he is also to be found in Marton, judging front remarks passed at a general committee meeting of the Marton A. and P. Association last week. A number gained admittance to the Marton show last month through holes in the fences, said one member. One gatekeeper reported that he had seen whole families make use of the unorthodox entrance, and as a result money had been lost towards the gate receipts. Effective measures were shortly to be taken by the course committee of the Marton Jockey Club to remedy the situation, replied the secretary, Mr. A. Way.

NATIONAL SAVINGS. Although Marton's long record of attaining weekly National Savings quotas has been broken—savings being well below the required £3OO weekly over the past few weekt—once again Marton has more than exceeded its annual quota and come within striking distance cf doubling it. In the current financial year, £24,141 has been deposited in Marton, compared with £24,452 last year. Marton has five weeks to pass last year’s total, a task which should not be difficult, for the amount of little over £3OO represents only one week's quota. MARTON LIBRARY BOOKS. Twelve new books were added to the Marton Public Library last month. Books and their authors were: “The Loving Spirit, D. du Maurier; “Night and the City.” G. Kersh; “Thieves in the Night,” A. Koestler; “I Love Miss Tillie Bean,” I. Chase; “Wake of the Red Witch,” Garland; "The Suite of Cheng Su,” E. P. Thorne; “A Frenchman Must Die,” K. Boyle; “Death of a Train,” F. W. Crofts; "Mink Coat,” Kathleen Norris: "The Triumph of Death,” C. F. Mamuz; “Forlorn Sunset.” M. Sadlier; and “Time to Live,” J. Lindsay. MARTON’S NARROW LEAD IN; CRICKET COMPETITION. With a defeat and a draw in the last two club competition matches, Marton’s lead in the Rangitikei cricket championship has shrunken considerably, and, they now lead by only 2 per cent, from Old Boys, who have displaced Porcwa, last year's champions, for second place. Computing on a points basis, Porewa leads with 35 points, buT on the percentage basis, which is what really counts, the club fills third position. Bulls is handily situated in fourth place. Present indications are that if the management committee directs that the matches not played on February 15 owing to the wet weather, be played on March 29, the results of this jt'riejs will have a vital say in the championship. The following are the positions of the teams at the conclusion of last Saturday’s (February 22) matches : Marton, 33 points, 66 per cent.; Old Boys, 32 points, 64 pjer cent.; Porewa, 35 points, 63.6 per cent; Bulls 29 points, 58 per cent.; Junction, 10 points, 20 per cent; High School, 8 points, 17.7 per cent. The management committee meets next Tuesday night and will then decide whether High School, who were unable to journey to Bulls on Saturday owing to transport difficulties, should forfeit their match. If Bulls win by default their points will be 34, 61.8 per cent, and High S.hool, 8 points, 16 per cent. RING COMPETITOR AT MARTON SHOW BECOMES OFFENSB'E.

If a recommendation from the Marton A. and P. Association is adopted by the Western District Council, a certain lady competitor in the ring competitions at the Marton Show last month, who used abusive language to the horse stewards, is to be disqualified from entering all future A. and P. shows.

The chief horse steward, Mr. F. McLean, who reported on this unfortunate happening at the ringside, said that one of the events was for qualified hunters and a lady competitor became very offensive concerning the conditions imposed. He made it quite clear to her that the association did hot want her support as they had had trouble previously with her. He considered that this class of behaviour shoud be firmly handled. These remarks were supported by Messrs R. Simpson and R. H. Haise, and the committee passed a resolution upholding the action of the horse committee in connection with the competitor’s abusive language to the stewEtfds. HANDICAPS FOR TO-NIGHT’S SPORTS MEETING. The fourih of a series of five evening sports m/.’tings will be held on Murton Park to-night. The attendance of the public up to the present has been very encouraging for the club, and given a fine evening .the sports should be' well patronised to-night. The running handicaps have been declarea by Mr. C. Henderson as follow: 100 and 220 yards.—K. Coles 3i, 8; W. Kereama, 54, 13; W. Towler, 6, 84; R. Torrens, 74, 14; C. Kereama 64 14; M. Whale 74 16; M. Kereama 9, 15; R. Westwood, 9, Id; I. Clark, 9, 20; W. Keeole, S, 18; E. Hauseman, 10, 20; C. Simcox, 10, 20; D- Murray 10, 20; D. Gow, 10, 20. 880 yards and two mile.—S. Robertson, —, scr.; J. Howard, 30, —; C. Cox, —, 130; D. Robertson 35, —; C. Muir 55, 185; S. Christopher 40, 195; W. Hill 400, 185; M. Griffin 45, 210; R. Howard 55, —-; G. Thomson 60, 265; A. Thomson 65, 320; C. Stantiall 65, 320; C. Simcox 65, 320; T. Rivers 65, 320; R. Price 65, 320; R. Haise 65, 320; W. Welsh 65, 320; B. Phillips 65, —; M. Kereama 60, —. Ladies' sprir.ts, 75 and 100yds. -D. Pateison 14, 3; H. Griffin 54, 54; J. Morris 64, 7; S. Rivers 7,8; O. Young 7,8; J. Paterson 7,8; P. Young 74, 84; M. Andrew 8,9; E. Stokes 8, 94;; P. Fittler 8, 91; L. Bailev 8, 10; C. Keeley 8, 10; B. Hayes 8, 10; J. Foote 8, 10; L. McKenzie 8, 10; D. Morris 8, 10. Cycling.—J-mile, 4-mile one mile and three mile: D. Wapp„ 10. 30, 40, 120; B. Martin 15, 45, 70, 150; P. Gribbin 15, 40, 70, 200; W. Crocker 25, 70, 140, 300; K. Kendall 25, 70, 140, 300; W. Clarke 25. 70, 140, 300; W. Kendall 30, 80, 160, 340; M. Newman 30, 80, 160, 340. GRASS FIRE. At one o’clock yesterday afternoon, the Marton Fi<e Brigade received a call to extinguish a grass fire which had broken out at the eastern end of Kain Avenue, oft Wellington Road. Prior to the arrival of the brigade, good work had been done by pupils of tne Marton District High School in beating out the Hames Tall tinder dly grass was burning well and creeping nack into Holder's property, where several dry trees, had they caught alight, might have presented a problem to tile brlgadesmen. As it was, the use of a bucket pump was sufficient to quell tlie grass lire. LOSS TO A. AND F. WORK. The recent dcatiis of two wellknown and highly esteemed farmers, Messrs E. Schultze, South Makirlkiri (Marton) and Mr. W. Craig (Wanganui) were referred to by the president of the Murton A. and I'. Association, Mr. E. H. Simpson and Mr. R. W. Marshall respectively when the general committee met last week. Votes of sympathy to the relatives of the two deceased gentlemen were carried in silence. Mr. Schultze, said Mr. Simpson. Jiad been a keen supporter of the associa- ) tion for a number of years and had

loyally supported the society financially. ' Mr. Craig, said Mr. Marshall, was chairman of the Western District Council and president of the Wanganui A. and P. Association. He wa« keenly interested in all A. and P. affairs. BRING ANO BL Y ST ALU The Marton Scottish Society will hold a street sale in Broadway to-day to augment their funds for purchasing pipes and drums to equip the Marton Pipe Band. As this will be the final effort until the middle of the year, the society hopes that the residents of Marton, particularly the farming community, will patronise this street sale. Gifts of any kind will be gratefully received by the organisers. BOWLERS WIN PRESIDENT'S CUF FROM BULLS. Marton bowlers who visited Bulls on Saturday were successful in retrieving the President's Cup. a trophy presented by presidents of the Marton and Bulls Bowling Clubs in 1943, and held by Bulls tince last season. Marton* two winning rinks were Thompson, and Morris and Jobberns and Denbow Scott and Baines were unsuccessful in their game. COMING EVENTS To-night (Tuesday): Showing this afternoon and evening, “Adventures of Mark Twain," at Civic Theatre, starring Frederick March. Bring and buy stall in Broadway under the auspices of the Marton Scottish Society. Amateur athletic sports meeting on Marton Park. Wednesday, February 26: Interclub swimming contest in Marton baths between Wanganui East and Marton for ‘Runnymede" Cup. Annual meeting of Marton Nursing Division of St. John Ambulance in VictoryHall General meeting of Marton Amateur Athletic Club In Jockey Club room to make arrangements for grand open sports meeting. Thursday. February 27: General meeting of Matanui Tennis Club in Marton Jockey Club room, to make nomination for Sports Queen. Saturday, March 1: Rata sports meeting and horse show, to be held on Mr. A. H. Rhodes’ property, Bulls. Dance in Rata Hall in evening. Tuesday. March 4: Marton Plunket. Society's street day sale in Broadway.

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Wanganui Chronicle, 25 February 1947, Page 2

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RECENT MARTON SHOW REVIEWED BY PRESIDENT OF A. & P. ASSOCIATION Wanganui Chronicle, 25 February 1947, Page 2

RECENT MARTON SHOW REVIEWED BY PRESIDENT OF A. & P. ASSOCIATION Wanganui Chronicle, 25 February 1947, Page 2