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WELLINGTON MEETING ONE FOR GREEK SHEPHERD -tbiesland gets reward [ Par Frew UmcHlm. 1 WELLINGTON. March 16. The Wellington Racing Club’s autumn meeting was continued at Trentham to-day in fine, bright weather before a fair attendance. Th 3 track was in good order and the totalizator handled £28,450. The Gay < hief inquiry was further adjourned a !l tomorrow to get the evidence of the rider. P. Burgess. An inquiry was held into W. Broughton’s handling of Korero in the Autum i Handicap. The committee expressed the opinion that Broughton had con - mitted an error of judgment but there was nothing to warrant further action. Results: —- RIMU HIGH WEIGHT HANDICAP •Of JS2OO; If miles.; 1/1 Entheos. 9.12, Tito I 3/4 —Earl Colossus. 9.1, Wright .. 2 4/3 —Blue Tiger, l/.1. Anderson .. 3 Also: 6/5 bummer Hill. 5/6 Royal I’apa. 8/8 Nightlass. 10/10 Billy Buy. 7/7 Brown Pearl. 9/9 Grand Blow. 2/2 Peter’s Pence. Length; head. Royal Fa pa was fourth. Time, 2.7 j. TOTARA MAIDEN STAKES •Of 4200: six furlongs.) l z I Le Grand, b.O, Sheild 1 5/5 —Alloa, 8.0, Anderson 2 7/9 —Toper, 8.0, Faulkiner 3 Also: 7/6 Ay resleigh. 2,2 Black Frost 8.2 j, 9/6 Camilla Horn. 10/8 diamond, 11/11 Gay Vai, 4/4 Martial Lady 8.1, 3/3 Night Spi, 8/8 Youssipoff. Half a length; three lengths. Martin! Lady was fourth. Time, 1.12 j. RONGOTAI HANDICAP •Of £2.*»o; one mile.) 3 J BIG DOOK, S2. Atkins . .. 1/1-VARIANT. 7 11. Messervey .. 2 2/3—FRACAS. 9A L. -I. Ellis ... 3 Also: 6/6 Full Throttle, 1/4 After Moncv. 9 9 Gav Bov, 8/8 bunec, ."»/.> I*ady Graceful. 7/7 Hunting Lodge. Length each wa - Suuce was fourth. Time, 1.39 KARITANE HANDICAP ■Of £250; five furlong.*.) 2,2 Karl. 8.0, At kirn . * 1 6 6—Deficit. 7.13, «. WiL r- .. .. 2 3/3 —Wagner, 8.6. Reed 3 Also: 1/1 Laughing L.t-s, 5/5 Peb.ict, I 7 7 Moquette. 4/4 Double Gift. 8/8 Top Notch 7.8 L 13/12 Good Sun 7.7. 10/1" Liane 7.4. 12/13 Wistful, 11/11 Galtemore. 9/9 Tnheritnac • Length and a half; head. Pelmet .vns fourth. Time, 60src. AUTUMN HANDICAP •Of £v«»o ; CHren furlong?.) 11— GREEK SHEPHI.ED x'. L. J. Ellis 1 4 4—ARGENTIC. 8.1. . 2 6 6—QI EEX OF SONG, ?.«), C. T. Wilson 3 Also: 3/1 Hunting Cat. 7 8 Might. 5 » Tunneller. 2/2 Senior, 8/7 Arel;c King, 10/10 Korero. 9/9 Happy Land big. Two and a half lengths; i.e.-k. Hunting Cat was fourth, firn*. 2.13 J. TASMAN HACK HANDICAP •Of £200; seven furlong*.) 1 I —PMkanui, 8.10. Atkins i 4/4 —Chief Ranger. 8.5, Reed .... 2 *, 9—Hunting Mars, 7.7. Leach 3 Also: 3/5 Shy, 2/2 Silver Jtst. 6/6 Reaming, 10/10 Misurina. !» S \ iuco, 3 Rival Shot. 7/7 Sansfoy. 13/13 Fortene, 11/11 Prince Reio. 12 12 The f*andwichman. Neck; neck. Shy was iourth. Time. 1.264. MARCH HANDICAP iOf £3»)0; eeven furlong*.) 3 _ - FRIESLAND. 7.11. Broughton 2/I—REREATF, 8.7. Reed 2 1/3—SILVER STREAK, 10.4, A. E. Ellis 2 Also; 5/5 Davolo. 7/7 Prost rat io •». t l Haut Monde. 6 6 Jubilee Song. 8/8 Beau Gallante. Head: three lengths. Beau Gallante was fourth. Time. 1.251 BELMONT HACK HANDICAP •Of £250; one mile.) 3- Erua, 8.8, A. Jenkins .. 1 I.s—Dungarvan. 8.6, Reed 2 1 1 Maine. 8.8, L. J. Ellis 3 4 Iso: 6 6 Royal Banquet. 5/4 K 7 8 H< st, 12 11 Dare<ourt. 8 • 1 K ■ 7.5 9/9 Ge:te I 2 Ponty. 13/13 Contract, 10/12 The Image. Half a length ea-’h way. Ponty wa< fourth. Time. 1.39 j. ACCEPTORS FOR TO DAY 12.17 NGAIO HIGHWEIGHT HANDICAP •Of 4259; If miles.) laumai .it 0 Civile ..92* < ardinal Court Arma .921 M.v>n 10 1 The Imax® .90, Summerhill .. 9 11 Rar'-hus Ma i 9 0 ’ Earl 9 5 Indiscretion 9 0 1 12 57 PLUNKET NURSERY HANDICAP • Of 4259; five furlongs.) I>efi«*it .. RS Cricket .. .. 7 8 ■ MandamiK R 7 Top Notch .76" Pelmet .. 7 13 Good Sun . . 7 5 i Moquette ... 7 It Liane . .. 7 Birthday Party 7 In Inheritance . 7 0. Double Gift . 7 X 1 NORTH ISLAND CHALLENGE STAKES ] ■Of £500; seven furlong*.) . Silver Streak 10 i Pelmet .. 7 0 j Jub lee Song 9 1 Maxown £l2 . Wild Chase 7 R Top Notch 6 & 1 > oo ( PRESIDENTS HANDICAP ; •Of £500; lj mile?.) Queen of Song R 10 Tunneller . . 7 13 Rig Dook - . a o Senior 7 10 I Hunting Cat R 4 Korero ..78] Spiral .. . . 8 ?» Sunee 7 3 • Might . . . . > 2 Str Nigel . . 7 0 Argentic ... 8 2 1 CHAMPION HACK CUP (Of 4350; eleven furlongs.) Onewhetu ... RlO Blue Tiger .. 7 9' Riptide .. R 9 Ingenuity . . 7 0 « Taumau .... R 9 Nightlass ... 7 0 Pukeko .. R 8 <’ontract ... 7 0 D ingarvan .. R 5 Prince Reno 7 o Ma ; ne . ...85 Revival 7 0 $ Heel .. . . . R 2 1.42- I HUTT HANDICAP •Of 4800; one mile.) C R'g TV»ol R 13 Ta-'ion Flower T 7 C Prostration . 7 9 Graceful 7 4 After 7 7 Hunting Lodge 7 3

GREEK SHEPHERD WINS FKIEBLAND AND BIG DOOK. NOTES ON THE RAGING. (By “Kestrel”) The Wellington Racing Club's an'..umn meeting was continued under excellent weather conditions, though the outlook was far from bright just before the first race was due to start. The attendance was good for an off day. Racing throughout was very interesting, and a feature was the success of the well-backed division, aj dividend approaching double figures. Backed down to a short pi ice o.i both machines, Entheos won the Rimu Highweight comfortably. He was well hack early but improved his position along the back, where Brown Pearl and Peter’s Pence were clear of Nightlass and Earl Colossus was at the head o2 the others. Entheos followed Brown Pearl and Peter’s Pence and Earl Colossus into the straight and then came away to win by a length and three quarters from Earl Colossus. Blue Tiger finished fast into third place, a neck away, and then came Royal Papa, and Brown Pearl. Barkers went, strongly for Le Grand in the Totara Maiden Stakes, and the Posterity—Eulogy colt duly won, perhaps more easily than the official margin of a neck suggested. Alloa and Camilla Horn Ind Black Frost, Night Epi. Martial Lady and Le Grand to th? straight, but Le Grand came throngii and headed Alloa in the last half furlong. Toper finished fast to get third place, two and n half lengths away, ahead of Martial Lady and Diamond, and return a good dividend. Big Dook Convincingly. Big Dook made amends lor his Thompson Handicap failure by winning the Kongotai Handicap convincingly. He was always well in the picture and came away from Variant at the d. - I tance tu score by a length. Fracas was always in the rear but threaded her way through at the fal-e rail to get third, a length further back. Sunee was fourth and Hunting Lodge ue.xt. Karl was always in the leading division in the Karitane Handicap, following Laughing Lass on to the course proper and then coming on to win by a length and a quarter. Deficit tin ished very fast over the last furl.-ng to hold off Wagner by a neck. Pelmet and Double Gift were next, and then came Moquettc. ahead of the favourite, Laughing Lass. Easy for Greek Shepherd. Greek Shepherd, well backed for the Autumn Handicap, slipped the field at the seven furlongs and was never afterwards troubled to win by two and a half lengths. len of Song. Korero. and Hunting Cat led Greek Shepherd and Happy Landing over the slowlyrun initial taree furlongs, but then Greek Shepherd took charge. He was followed into the straight by Hunting Cat. Argentic, of Song and Happy Landing. Then Greek Shepherd c'lme away again to win convincingly. Argentic beat Queen of Song by a neck for second place, and Hunting Cat was a close feurrh. with Tunneller, Might and Arctic King next to finish. Pakanui scored another popular win when he took the Tasman Handicap, making his seventh victory in succession this season. Pc followed Hunting Mars. Vinco and Chief Ranger down the back snd round the turn, tvith Sansfoy next, but the favourite forged ahead at the distance and won by a neck from Chief Ranger. Hunting Mars hung on to get third, a head ; n front of Shy. w th Rival Shot end Silver Jest right up with them. Friesland Beats Rereatn Silver Streak as the win favourite for the March Handicap but the weight stopped him. and it was left to Fries-, land and Roreatu to fight out a stirring finish. Rereatu, Prostration, Beau Gal lar.te. Haut Monde and ’Friesland was the order out from the harrier, but within two furlongs Beau Gallante hnd wrested the lead from Rereatu Into the straight Beau Gallante was two lengths «clear of Rereatn, Jubilee Song and Haut Monde, with Prostration and Silver Sight wide out and Friesland coming through on the rails. Below the di<tance Friesland commenced to gather in the leaders and set out after Reieatu. who had headed Beau Gallante. Tn a ding-dong finish Friesland got the verdict by a head. Two and a-half lengths bark Silver Streak beat Beau Gallante by a heal, and Haut Monde and Prostration were right up with them. Pontv and Maine were favourites for the Belmont Handicap, but the winner turned up in Erua. third in the order of th? betting. Dungarvan and Debham led out from The Image and Ponty and at the half-mile Erua and Riptide followed them. On the turn for home Dungarvan. Debham and Pontv were almost in line, with The Image, Riptide. Geitel t Royal Banquet and Erua. with Ma ne al-o commencing to move up. The field bunched at the distance, where Erua came through and held off Dungarvan to win by half a length. ■ Maine wa« only half a leng+h fuither back, and Ponty. Darecourt. and Debham were right irp with them. J Prospects for To-day ( The meeting will bp eoncJuded to•lay. when thp following mav he well supported in their respective engagements:— Ngaio Highweight.—Chile. Taumau. Summer Hill. \ Plunkpf X’ursery. —Birthday Party, j Deficit. Mandamus. c Challenge Stakes. —Silver Streak, t Cnstos, Wild Chase. o President’s Handicap.—Queen of q Song. Argentic. Korero. k Champion Hark Cup.—Riptide. One- G whetn, Dungarva®.

SUBURBAN HANDICAP 'Of £350; six furlongs.) ; Rere.-tu .. .. Knockfin .. . 1 Acceptable J Queen of Song 8 11 Haut Monde 8 6 Fulojoy .. . . 8 5 Lordly Knight 8 5 Grateful .. .. 8 2 • HAJ3RE-RA HACK HANDICAP (Of i\ 150; seven furlongs.) ! Solaria .. .. 9 5 Ponty Erua 9 2 Hunting Mars i Grateful .. .. « 2 Meaurina . . . Chief Ranger 8 8 Rival Shot . . Boomerang .. 7 12 Whetuma . . Shy . . 7 12 Consummation 1 Debham .. . . 7 11

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 65, 17 March 1936, Page 4

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RACING AT TRENTHAM Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 65, 17 March 1936, Page 4

RACING AT TRENTHAM Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 65, 17 March 1936, Page 4