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| OFFERINGS AT WANGANUI CRUTCHINGS SELL WELL. IMPROVEMENT ALL ROUND. WOOL HD. BETTER THAN IN APRIL. The recent hardening tendency in the price range of wool was evident at the Wanganui winter sale yesterday, an ottering comprised largely of crutchings being submitted to a representative bench of buyers. Compared with prices ruling at the last auction in Wanganui, which was in April, the market showed an improvement all round to an extent appriximating ljd per lb. Crutchings sold well. Fleece wool, which formed about one-third of the total offering, was erratic, but prices were up quite ljd on last April’s range. Fairly extensive American competition was noticeable, crutchings appealing to this section of the trade for the reason that this type of wool, which is suitable for carpet-making, is admitted duty free. Bradford was in the market for wool suitable to the trade in that centre, and there was a sprinkling of Continental bidding. Except in the case of American bidding, however, 'inuts were fairly well delined. It was a good sale for crutchings and all scouring wools. Good quality fleece wools, free from seed, were sought after, but medium and seedy lines were hard to quit. Coarse fleece wool was inclined to bring more than medium. There was a small quantity of lambs’ wool on the market, and good lines sold at ruling rates, but other types were dull of sale.

The following is a price range averaged over a representative catalogue:— Fleece Wools. d. d. Extra flue ...... 11 Fine ...... 8 to 9 Medium - 7 to 72 Coarse GJ to 7j Cnitchings. d. d. Good G$ to 7 Average 5i to 6J Seedy and Inferior 3f to 5 Brokers operating at the sale have comments to make us under:— N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited (Incorporated m England) report as follows: Ihe Wanganui crutching sale was held yesterday in the Opera House when a total catalogue of approximately 3340 bales was submitted, cf which our quota was 319 bales. There was a full and representative bench of buyers.

Competition for crutohings was very keen and our highest price lor these was 7id for three bales branded ZILX.I, on account of Messrs. Aleads Bros., Murton, aud several other lines at from Gd to bid. For fleece wool there were orders in the market but buyers’ limits were not equal to owners’ reserves: consequently, quite a lot was passed iu unsold. Comparing prices for crutchings with those ruling earlier in the week they can be quoted as very firm, and in some cases, taking condition into consideration, they were perhaps a shade dearer. The following is the range of prices: AMK, hoggels, BAd; BOW, cigs, G|d; ZHM, cigs, 7|d; G circle 1* VV, cig', Gid; TauKoro, ctgs, GAd; HBW, ctgs, sd; Kotowhc M o, ctgs A, 7d; Birugrow, ctgs, bid; LB, ctgs A, Gid; circle X, cigs A, GAd, ctgs B, bid; Buae, ctg:, aid; 77/B, ctgs, 5Ad; JWU, ctgs, Gd; TOD, ctgs, 3d; Aldunie, ctgs, Gfu; WB/ L’aripapa, ctgs, sjd; Hiria, ctgs, 5Ad; IvTB/Moawhango, ctgs A, *7d; KO, ctgs, Gd; Aranui, ctgs A, GAd; Tyro, cigs, Gd; J GM/Wharf dale, ctgs, Gid; Tauui, ctgs, sid; Konini, ctgs, djf l; Whaka/s), ctgs, sd; PB, ctgs, 4<l, A-hook-K, fine crossbred, 8 Ad; Castle, A dead, 6]d; Castle, ’Down lambs, Bfd; Tawa, ctgs, sd. DaJgety amd Coy. Messrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report as follows: At the winter wool sale held last evening there was a total offering g-i 3200 bales, half of which were crutch ings. Our catalogue contained 200 bales, of which we sold 80 per cent, under the hammer at prices which may be considered very satisfactory. Fleece wools were not readily quitted, as ven dors’ ideas of values were, in many, cases, considerably in excess of buyers’ limits. ►Some of our principal sales arc as under; Horse, ctgs. AA, 7fd, ctgs, bid; Lismore, ctgs, AH and W, Gfd, ctgs, AE, GAd; Aliandalc, ctgs A, Gid; JWR/M, ctgs, sd; DH, cigs A, GAd; DC/WN in square, ctgs, GAd; JK A’ . ctgs, GAd; CMC, lambs, 8d; Taruta, ctgs, 53d; Komai, ctgs K Gjjd; OL’/11, Southdown lambs, 73d; Otirunui, ctgs, 53d; Tangahoo, hoggets, 7d, lino crossbred, Gsd, crossbred, Gd; circle XV, ctgs, 5 Ad. Wright, Stephenson and Newton King Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Company, Ltd., in conjunction with Newton King, Ltd., report as under: At the crutching sale held lust night at the Wanganui Opera House approximately 3400 bales were offered to a good attend:’nee of buyers. The steady

J-go. A small line of exceptional wethers made 335. Lambs, mostly practically at the hogget stage, also met with a good demand at slightly advanced rates. A few spring lambs wero placed on the market, and commanded keen bidding to sell up to 27s fid. Generally, spring lambs are late coming in this year. Wethers, prime, mad 0 24> Io 33.5; unfinished, 21s to 23s 9d; ewes, prime, 18s to 21s 3d; unfinished, l"s lot 17s 9d; lambs, prime, 17s 94 to 265; unfinished, 15s to 17s 64; spring lambs, 25s Io 27s fill. A ieduee4 offering of pigs of average quality sold ; i a firm market, the baconers offered being on the light side. For these the privc levels were unchanged, while porkers were the subject of keen bidding and were slightly Tiigho'/, though generally the prices per lb. wero not in advance of those ruling reecnlly. Baconers sold at from 5d to s|d per lb. and porkers 5Jd to A few store pigs penned wore of poor quality and failed to rehlisc recent value*.

rises reported in the wool market during the past few mouths were reflected very strongly at this sale especially on all grades of ‘crutchings. Our top price, 71d, for crutchings was obtained for a 5-bale line branded AB/Huia, sold on account of Mr Alex Sutherland, Fordell. Fleece wool sold at about Id to 1 A<l in advance of the rates ruling at the close of last season. A very nice parcel of 9 bales of Romney ram hogget wool sold on account of Mr James Campion, of Okirae, realised IOJd. A splendid clearance was obtained for crutchings and oddments. Growers have every reason to look forward to more remunerative prices for the coming clip. The following are some of our prices: APB: Halfbred, lid. Okirae: Romney ram hoggets, lQjd. Karaka: Crossbred fine, Bpl. CJM/H: Medium crossbred, 74d. JB: Crossbred, 7d. PAH: Crossbred H, 7pl. AP/Patu: Crossbred H, 7pi. Crutchings: AS/Huia: 73d. Okirae: 6}d. Marchau: 6|d. Paratu: 6pl. Makatote: 7d. Porotiti: 6d. Oamarunui: 6)d. Matawa: 6}d. Glendalla: 6d. Anta: 6d. JG/A: fid. LB: Gid. GMH: 6pl. JSC: 6pl. Paratu: 52d. Makuku: sjd. Te Waka: s|d. "Manawa: 54. AM-BB: spl. Larnhil: “pl. NE/Rapanui: spl. Nikau: spl. Ngahu: s{d. JMW: s|d. Moata: spl. Lodge JK: 5Jd. Levin and Company The winter wOol sale was held last night before a good attendance of buyers, states Levin and Company’s report. Crutchings were eagvily competed for at prices on a par with yesterday’s range of values at Wellington Fleece values wero somewhat erratic which make it practically impossible to supply an accurate statement of the ruling range. The following are some of the realisations of crutchings;—NFM/ T: 6pl. D arrow R: fid. FE2B: spl. Tapuwai: 6td. BET/B: sd. JR/Ratahi: fijd. Oxton/WJT: 7.{d. Dunard: 6|d. Rosemead: 6d. C L reversed: 6d. KN/Arapata: fid. Rua/Tangata: 6pl. CN/ Turak: fid. AGS/Glonmorven: 6|d. F J »S: GJil. R/S in circle: 6Jd. HEAO: sd. Rcnagour; Omaha: 53d. Murray Roberts and Co. There was a larger attendance of buyers than usual at the winter crutchings and oddments sale held last evening, reported Messrs Murray Roberts. Competition was keen and the prices realised for crutchings were very linn on present rat erf, and showed an advance of fully l|d on prices ruling at the close of last season. Fleece wool sold erratically, but suitable lots met with a ready sale. The total offering comprised 33-18 bales, of which a fair proportion was fleece wool, the balance comprising crutchings, with a sprinkling of pieces, lambs and oddments. Some of our realisations were as follows: —J in Diamond; Romney crutch- I ings, spl. Waiau: Crutohiugs, j EMcG over Mangara: spl. MP/Glen- I toy; Crutchings, 61. PMD; Crutchings, ER/Mangainahu: Crutchings, spl. Me D/5; Crutchings, fid. Rukumoana: Crutchings, 6 pl. EMG over Wai re re: Crutchings, sjd. Ore Oro: Crutchings, ujd. ICW; Crutchings, sfd. IIPB: Crutchings, sd. MTV: Crutchings, (id. Lochiel: Crutchings, 63’1- HM/To Mere: Crutchings, sid. HM/Te Merc: Hogget crutchings, fijd. Johnston and Company The Wanganui crutching >a!e was [ held yesterday evening, when a total I oll’ering of 3318 bales was submitted nt * auction, states Messrs Johnston and Co. I The greater proportion of the offerings ■ consisted of crutchings, although a ! ■<nall percentage of fleece wools were j also catalogued. There was a representatitve bench ! of buyers and competition generally I was keen and sustained throughout the I sale, partivula;ly for crutchings. In ) view of the improvement in ’he wool market during the. last few months, it had been expected that there would be a substantial advance on the closing rates of last season, and in this respect growers’ expectations were realised. The crutching market can be quoted us fully firm compared with recent sales, and shows an increase in nrice of al least l|d per lb. on last spasm’s realisations. Good quality fleece clceitod keen competition, and this <4ass of wool shows an advance of from l{d to 1 pl per lb. on the fMist season’s p.flecs The following are. a few of our rea--1 ’ sa t i 0 n sGI on n/K a i w a k a : C r 11 tch i n gr A. (>3d; crutchings, 6pl; crossbred fleece, (ipl. 3 in Diamond; Crutchings, Old. S & B/W: Crutchings, 6pl. Okoia: Crutchings, fipl. VUT; Crutchings A, Gpl; crutchings 11, 4|d. We.derhill: Crutchings A. vrr.tchir.g, B, s?d; hogget crutchings A, fipl. Kainalu: . Crutchings, (>,]d. Royston: Ci utidlings, ; 54. Tawakakara: Crutchings. (ipl. 1 \BP; Crutchings, fipl. Binned Crutch Ings: Gd, 5Ad, s<l, 4p], and 3,pi. *

Farmers’ Distributing Company. The N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Distributing Co., Ltd., report as follows:—We submitted a catalogue of fioB bales of which we sold 90 per cent, under the hammer. There was a good attendance of buyers and bidding was keen on all lines of fleece wool. Alixed parcels of inferior wool were not so keenly competed for but sold fully up to late rates. Our top prices for Romney hogget wool was 10id for four bales of Mr. James Hunter’s wool. The following are some of our realisations:—Southdown: Dunvegan, OJd; Hin circle, lOd. Ewes: 48/50’s, D 7, Bd. Hoggets: 48/50’s, Oeta, lOd; P/O, 9d. Hoggets: 46/B’s, Bushlea, BJd; H in circle, 7Jd. Ew«s: 46/B’s, Bushlea, 7d; Dunvegan, 73d; P/O, 7Jd; H in circle, 7sd. Ewes: 44/6’s, D 7, 7d. Ewes: 40/4's, Dunvegan, 7d. Southdown lambs: Dunvegan, 72d. Romney lambs: H in circle, 73d; Karaka, 7<d; FS/Foxley, 7d; D.W.M., 7id; Co-op., 7d; L.H., 7Jd. ► leedy lambs: AMK, 6}d; FC/Foxley, sd; Co-op., sid; NM, sd. Pieces and bellies: Taonui, 5Ad, sd; LXW, 41d, 4d; OHO, 43d; Dunvegan, 4|d; Co-op., 43d; 1[ in circle, 4|d. Crutchings: GM/C, 63d; GVS, 63d; JS/W, 6id; Araha, fiid; FMC, fiAd; Banks, fiid; Oiopu, fiAd; GM/C, fiid; DKB, fiid; Various, fid; Various, fid; Various, 53d; Tokorangi/ AH, 63'1; Ngaturi, 7id, spl; HDZ, 5Ad; Riverside, fid; S 3, fiid; Ftl/Foxley, fid; Kurua, sd; Whareroa, 6d; Ringa, spl; FS/Foxley, 6Jd; Various, fiid; H in circle, 5Jd. Freeman R. Jackson and Co. Afcssrs. Freeman R. Jackson and Co. report. —The Wanganui brokers held their crutching and supplementary wool sale in the Opera House last evening, when they offered 3300 bales to a fairly representative bench of buyers. Our catalogue of 1000 bales contained a fairly big proportion of fleece wools. Good fine wool was selling well, and any Jots in fair condition and tree from seed met with a ready sale. Wools of medium and lower quality unskirted and carrying a fair amount of seed, were difficult to quit. Our best price was lid for a line of 56’s quality from Mr. A. Kilmister, llunterville. A nice line of 48/50’s from the same owner made 9d. There was a very keen demand for crutchings. A line of ‘.‘various’’ in our catalogue made 7d. Any lots of crutchings of fair quality made fid to 6’l d, ami seedy lines 4d to sd. We estimate that the average price of all wools sold is about over the sale held last April. Fleece wools are still far below the cost of production and are selling relatively lower than crutchings and scouring lines. Farmers’ Co operative Organisation. The Farmers’ Co-operative Organisation Society of N.Z., Ltd., report that at the Wanganui crutching and odd inent sale, held last evening, there was a total offering of 3348 bales, our catalogue comprising 279 bales. There was a fairly representative bench g! buyers’ for a winter sale. Crutchings sold well up to expectations, but prices for fleece and lambs’ wool were disap pointing, owing to very few buyers having orders for this class of wool. The following are some of ‘>ur realisations:—Stile crutchings, fid; TA/K crutchings, 4(1; WOW under V crutch iugs, 53d; Waikaro crutchings, 43d; Rahui crutchings, fijd; deal in oblong crutchings. fi|d; PE/W crutchings, 43d; LU/W crutchings, 5Jd, cots, fid; SI'S crutchings, sd; CM H, 8d; HIG E, fijd; PITO E, 63d; various crutchings, fiid; various crutchings, fiid; various crutchings, fiid.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 196, 22 August 1935, Page 11

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WINTER WOOL SALE Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 196, 22 August 1935, Page 11

WINTER WOOL SALE Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 196, 22 August 1935, Page 11