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XMAS BARCAIN FAIR jhte, LG. Paul’s Commencing W ' ' W-\ WEDNESDAY, ' December 17. BIG REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DURING Xmas Week Silks and Summer o ... Fancy Linens, Dress Fabrics Superior Quality Damasks etc. 1000 Yards NATURAL FUJI SILK— JO Dozen HANDMADE AND COLOUR29in. Splendid quality. ■ < • 9 ED EMBROIDERED LACE AND Usual Price, 1/.11 Yard ■ . Zl 1 S LINEN D’OYLEYS, Xmas Bargain Price, 1/4J Yard JL /UUiv'3 Usual Prices. 1/3, .1/6, 1/9, 2/3 each JU Pieces PLAIN COLOURED FUJI Xmas Bargain Prices— SILK—3O inch; in medium and dark 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 each. Slltß! Xmas Bargain Price,"’l/ll Yard O*!! JT J HAND EMBROIDERED LINEN TRAY 850 Yards JAP CREPE—3U inch; super- I|X II M AVI AT O W CLOTHS— New cross-stitch designs. ior quality; in dainty pale shades. kill IL J I 11.1 Cl I WW I Sizc 14in - x 20i "- Xmas Bargain Price, B.ld Yard rZABAB wV Usual Prices, 3/11. 4/3, 4/11, 5/6 each 6 Pieces HAPPY PRINT—In attractive B»rg»»n Prices—bright floral patterns. 3/3, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 Each At \ Usual Prices During Usual Price 1/11 Ynr.l Serviettes to match. Xmas Bargain Price, 1/6 Yart Ymac W/>Z>V I seal Prices, 14/6. 25/6, 29/6 each 25 Pieces ASSORTED PLAIN DRESS Z>.m&S WCCK Xmas Bargain Prices-FABRICS-In Fujiette, Orsyl, Rayon, 11/6 ’ 19/11 ’ 23/6 Bach Voile, etc. rAimNcnur CREAM EMBROIDERED LINEN I sual I rices, _/•-> to 4,6 lard COMPRISING CH'EST TOWELS, —Handsome ders P- K ll , Yai ? siß"’- L ’’ ual Pricc ’ 3 /' ! E “ h iriesrilV patterS qU HANDWORKED CREPE-DE-CHINE AND CHINA SILK Xmas Bargain Price, 2/11 Each Usual Prices, 3/11, 4/11 Yard NIGHTDRESSES. COLOCRED ART. SILK DUCHESS Xmas Bargain Price, 2/6 Yard SETS—With pretty lace edge. 50 lirtam5“£ H a“X RADIEX NIGHTDRESSES BLOOMERS, VESTS AND quality. Usual Price, 6/6 Yard PRINCESS SLIPS. Xmas Bargain Price, 4/11 Yard EMBROIDERED CREAM LINEN TEA tis ?n Y 3"' , iov'iy P s l hades CUrNi; ~ 36 inch ’ CELANESE NIGHTDRESSES, BLOOMERS, VESTS AND S ’ _As i"ua? PriTs/ii Seh Usual Prices. 3/6, 3/11 Yard PRINCESS SLIPS. Xmas Bargain Price, 6/11 Each Xmas Bargain Price, 2/11 Yard vrtia w i 6 DRESSING gowns, JACKETS, ETC. coloured 'hemstitched designs. Size Green and Brown. 33in x 33in. I sual Price. 19/6 each Xma s S Rj/Z i ' C p- /, ' ,/i / I ti ? r J BIG REDUCTIONS OFF LADIES’ FROCKS, COATS, Xmas Bargaw price, 11/6 Each « p- o COLOURED LINEN DAMASK SETS—ade, ixe eTder Cop BLOUSES, COSTUMES, RAIN COATS, ETC. In P«tty shades of Rose, Saxe and onaues. liaurt, oaxc, riatenacr, ver > > > Honey. 1 yard and 1} yards square, ise ami Cinnamon. I sun! Price 5/6 yd. - Priec|)j M/6 17/6 S Pieces STHH’Fn n Fr”Tr e ’<sn LADIES’ SATIN JUMPERS— Xmas Bargain Price from 19/11 Xmas Bargain Prices, 9/6, 10/6 Set wide and medium stripes?,• suitable fur 'Y.'JTi pl/fIU/r A Xmas Bargain Prices from 14/o SELF-COLOURED LINEN PyjamaS ° r f I-±| Price -/U Yard »AMASK CLOTHS- With six Sem Xmas Bargain Price,'2/3 Yard PLATED SKIKTS.-In Cream and 19/6 " and ’"yarjs x 3 _ y™rds Cob 50 s h7d?s%orLing S \rlampl ; ade s Plaln FINE CREAM SERG E PLEATED SKI RTS- ’ ' Vs's? £6 InTser. Usual Price, 8/9 Yard. Bargarn Price. 17/6 75/ . Xmas Bargain Price, 2/3 Yard 8 Pieces CREPE SATIN BEAUTE.—tn All T !• SO DAMASK BREAKFAST CLOTHS.— beautiful shades of Canary, Scarlet, /9k I I I With coloured borders. 1 yard, li Rose, Silver Grey, Green, Apricot and * yards and H yards square. name. Usual Prices, 2/9, 3/11. 4/11 Each Usual T’rices, 7/11, 12/6 Yard. Xmas Bargain Prices, 1/11, 2/11, 3/9 ea. Xmas Bargain Price, 6/11 Yard IVI 1 I 11 0 ™ ™ rinv 9 Pieces ENGLISH CREPE—32 inch. J 20 Dozen FANCI BORDERED FACE Shades: Blue, Green, Red and Navy; CLOTHS. Assorted colours. excenont quality SH OWING REDUCTION DURING XMAS WEEK S, 1/2 Xmas Bargain Price, 1/3 Yard ' ouwinr hardfrfd 9 Pieces FLORAL SATEEN.-38 inch. COLOURED FUJI SILK BEACH HATS- Usual Price 7/11 15 emon Tn attractive patterns for linings or Xmas Bargain Price-5/11 tUFST rOWELS-In Lemon Mauve bungalow aprons. Usual Price. 2/6 yd. SMART PANAMA HATS- Xmas Bargain Price-8/11 a " d 1 ca ' d . ' ’ h Xmas Bargain Price, 1/11 Yard ENGLISH READY-TO-WEAR SUMMER HATS- Xmas Bargain Price, 2/2 t*cn 20 Pieces FANCY MOROCAIN AND Usual Price—l9/6. Xmas Bargain Price—l2/6 o( . SELF-COLOURED TOWELS. ART-DE-CHINE—The newest designs IMPORTED ENGLISH MODEL STRAWS— Usual Price, 29/6 “ “Super Osman.” Tn Blue, Lemon, Usual Prices, 4/11, 5/6 Yard Xmas Bargain Price, 19/6 , Helio; in three sizes. Xmas Bargain Price. 3/11 Yard SMART MODEL HENDERSON SUMMER MILLINERY. — Usual Prices, 2/9. 4/11, 6/3 Each 12 Pieces PLAIN EOI.ENE— Lovely Usual Prices—39/6, 49/6, 55/- Xmas Bargain Prices, 2/3, 4/3, 5/6 Each shades- for underwear. Xmas Bargain Price—29/6 and 39/6 Usual Prices, h/11, 4/6 Yard ALL FLOWEB SPRAYS J USUAL PRICES. 30 Dozen COLOURED BATHING Xmas Bargain Price, 2/11 Yard TOWELS—In assorted bright colours , _ _ and sizes. Fur Coats and FANCY GOODS Xmas Bargain Prices 3/9, 4/6, 5/6 Pair Mpptrltffc io Pairs EMBROIDERED LINEN PILIYCLniCIS LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS—Nice quality, with woven borders; LOW SHAMS.— Hemstitched and at. -vsaac nior.Tv outovii > n assorted colours and designs. Fast colours. Scalloped Edge. Usual Price, 15/6 Pr. AT XMA.. BARGAIN PRICES. Xmas Bargain Price—2/10 Dozen Xmas Bargain Price, 11/6 Pair. LOVELY CANADIAN MARMOT FUR BEAUTIFUL QUALITY OPAL HANDKERCHIEFS.—In a won- n TAPANFSF MATS—In quaint (viat Usual Price £62 derful variety of designs; all guaranteed fast colours. ° Dozen JA . * - COAT Xmas Baigaln Priie| £35 Xmas Bargain Prices for 1/9 Z T ° ' BEAUTIFUL SABLE CONEY FUR DAINTY OPAL HANDKERCHIEFS—Iu White andeolours; with and 1 ra -'.''° h ]/g 4/6 Eaeh COAT.-Browu Skunk Collar. hand embroidered corners. Xmas Bargain Price-6d Each ' Usual Price, £33 10s BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS—In Jor J dozens; in White or col Xmas Prices, lira, i/n Xmas Bargain Price’, £l6 16s oured linens or opals; daintily embroidered and attractively 2|| Do7Pn PUIJj SIZED PILLOW CHIC IMITATION ERMINE FUR boxed. Xmas Bargain Prices—3/11 to 21/- Box CASES.—Taped; full size. COAT. Usual Price, £3l TOURIST COMPANIONS.—Very neat and compact; containing Usual Price, 2/9 Pair Xmas Bargain Price, £l6 16s ’oap, face cloth, etc.; in waterproof lined cretonne. xmas Bargain Price.’2/2 Pair. EXQITSITI-; PESCH A NIKI FUR Xmas Bargain Prices —1/3, 1/11, 3/11 Each COAT—-South American Skunk Col- DAINTY SHOE TREES.—Covered with ribbons and finished rose 30 p a j rfl WHITE TWILL SHEETS.— j ar Usual Price, £6B bud trimming. Xmas Bargain Price—l/3 Pair. Guaranteed pure. Xmas Bargain Price, £37 COAT HANGERS.—In wonderful variety; beautifully covered and 54 j n> x o* yards. Thrice 9/11 Pair SABLE KITTEN FOX NECKLET — trimmed. Ladies’ and children’s sizes. Xmas Bargain Price, 7/6 Pair Usual Price, 57/6 Xmas Bargain Prices—l/11, 2/6 Each §9 j n- x 23 yards. Price, 15/6 Pair Xmas Bargain Price, 35/- UMBRELLAS.— That have been carefully selected and bought Xmas Bargain Price, 12/11 Pair SOUTH AMERICAN SKUNK TIE.— from the best British manufacturers; all new colours and Hack. WHITE TWILL SHEETS.— Usual Price, 5 gns. x , mas Bargain Prices—6/6 to 39/6 Each. £j nen finish; best quality. GuaranXmas Bargain Price, 57/6 HAND BAGS.—A beautiful range of smart, styles; in brown or 5 vpars SMART CONEY TIE— With Squirrel black antelope; black or coloured Morocco; also water snake ■ vards pri 17 , fi pair Tails. Usual Price. 49/6 or lizard skins. Xmas Bargain Prices—B/11 to 50/- BacJ. Bargain Price, 14/6 Pair Xmas Bargain Price, 39/6 NEW ZEALAND M ADE HOSIERY.-O pure silk reinforced with s ‘ RUSSIA X KOI IX’SKI TIE Rayon. Beautiful quality and in all wanted shades. 80 in. x-3 >ards. In , 1 Pair ‘ rsual Pri( , (l 9 gns Xmas Bargain Price—s/6 Pair Xmas Bargain Price, 18/6 P*ir Xmas Bargain Price. £4 19s 6d SILK HOSIERY Fully fashioned in all the best makes; all shade-. p; cces CREAM LINEN DAMASK.— DARK BEIGE FOX NECKLET- With point or new French heel id( , dflrf Usual Price. £8 17s 6,1 Xmas Bargain Prices—7/11, 9/11, 10/6 to 19/6 Pair pri( , e(|> 3/(( 4/1 » Xmas Bargain Price. 5 gns. Xmls Bargain Price's, 2/6, 2/9 Yart LIGHT BEIGE FOX NECKLET— Usual Prill'. £8 17s 64 Open Until 9 D.m. Fridays. 15 Pairs BEST QUALITY WHITE Xmas Bargain Price. £5 10s r r a TWILL REINFORCED SHEETS.— BROWN FOX FUR NECKLET-- 54 in. x2} yards. Price, 17/6 Pair Usual Price. 9 gn-. _ Xmas Bargain Price, 14/6 Pair Xmas Bargain Price. £5 19s 6<l W A ■TT 80 in. x 23 yards. Price, 25/6 Pair LIGHT AMERICAN MARTEN FOX ■ ■ B M 111 W I __ Xmas Bargain Price, 21/- Pair. X '■ rß »nL” Bargain'' 'rice' 'wwf 66 Ij, kl al«■> J I d V/O 3 Pi<?CC " WHITE EMBW>ID ™ Y HAUMARTEN FOX NECKLET— • “ * « LlNEN.—Heavy quality. 40 inch. Usual Prive. Hl gns. AlrriMltc WANCANIn Usual Price. 5.9 lard. Xmas Bargain Price, £6 10s AVtNUt WAHUAIWI Xmas Bargain Price, 3/11 Yard

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 73, Issue 450, 16 December 1930, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 73, Issue 450, 16 December 1930, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 73, Issue 450, 16 December 1930, Page 5