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MARTON RANGITIKEI HUNT CLUB The annual general meeting of the above club will be held in the Alartou Jockey Club’s rooms on Alonday, April 22, at 3 p.m., when the report, and balance sheet, will be presented and the election of officers takes place. Alleged Fraud At the Marton Court on Alonday before Alessrs H. Y. L’ameron and D. Ingle, J.’sl‘., Archibald C. Benson was charged with obtaining credit from C. W. Preece, cycle dealer, of Alarton, to the extent of £2 12s by fraud, in that he stated that he was a farmer at Bonny Glen. Air Dickson, of Wan’ganui. appeared for defendant. After •hearing the evidence which proved that {Bensen was not a farmer at Bonny Glen, the Bench entered a conviction .and a fine of £2 was imposed. Junior Shield Competition The Rangitikei Rugby Union competitions start this afternoon, when junior teams take the iield. Athletics play Halcombe on the Alarton Park, commencing at 3 p.m. Following will represent Athletic: Saunders, Alitchell, Glengarry, Ingram, AleLaren. Whale, Tolley, Roache, Podjursky. Gilchrist. Williams, Pearce, Steore, Mcßeth, Leo. Reserves: Faulding, Nuttall, Thompson. Alarton Old Boys.—Dobbs, Duncan, Carey, Cockburn, B. Wilson, Parkes, Gray, R. McDonald, AVilkic. McLean, Atkinson, Kelcher, Follis, Thompson, A. N. Other: reserves: Sergeant, {Hawkins. Bulls.-—H. Brown. I. Bevan, Ed{wards, G. Whisker, Ball. Field, Guy, C. | l)uncum, Harper, Kcat, B. Bromley, T. | Torrey, J. Coogan, J. Harris find C. ■ Timmins. Emergencies: S. Duncum, iS. Last-Harris ami J. Castles. ■ Rata (to be selected from). —H. Taiuru, D. Hobbs, S. Hartley, D. Downs, ;B. Hartley, B. Gardner, S, Riddell, S. I Hart, C. Hartley, Al. Taiuru, P. Waitere, G. Waldron, T Potaka. E. Piekjford. L. Potaka. S. Newnham. G. Hartley, T. W. Aldron and S. Heigh. Huntcrville.—W. Cook. R. Powell, IW. Stevens, L. Stewart, L. Wilton, D. i Abel, A. Nesbit, B. Alerwood, G. Adi kins, J. Coutts, A,. Aidworth, V. Ald- ! worth. R. Parkes, T. Mclntyre, L. i Bildorbeck. Emergencies: E. Donoi van and S. Powell. The Pictures j “Anybody Here Seen Kelly?” is a (story of two continents. Kelly is a (soldier with a “line,” which includes • asking every girl he meets in France Ito marry him. One girl takes him seriously, and when she comes to America iafter the war to claim her own, Kelly iis naturally quite put out. Then when (she moves into his apartment both of them arc almost put out. The comedy (is filled with comedy situations and I moments of hilarity. The story was suggested by the popular song hit of a few. years hack, and will be screened I at the Alarton Tojvn Hall this evening, (in conjunction with “Bpring Fever,” a I perfect entertainment in every respect | —an accomplished star, a strong cast, | a skilful director, and a great story. (Nothing could be added to improve its instant, powerful and lingering appeal. Athletic Hockey Club At a largely attended meeting of lady hockey enthusiasts on Friday evening it was -decided to form a 1 ladies’ hockey club in Alarton to be : known as the Athletic Hockey Cluo. [Aliss Al. Jackson was appointed seereItary and Air J. J). Le Comte coach and •selector. The committee will consist j of the captain, a ice-captain, coach tnd | It was decided to approach the Cricket Association with a view to sei curing the cricket ground as a playing area. The subscription was fixed at 3s 6d. The first match will be held •on the Park this afternoon at 2 o ’clock. The Dental Clinic At the meeting of householders

at Alarton on Alonday the following resolution was unanimously carried: — “That this largely attended meeting of householders urges upon the Alinistcr of Health (through the Member for the District) the necessity for having a full time dental nurse stationed in Alarton, so that not only children from Alarton schools can receive attention, but children from the country schools It was pointed out that the nurse only spent three months of the year at, the clinic, and could only treat 90 children from Alarton School. The accounts showed a debit of about £3O. Messrs A. J. B. Sicely, T. Low and .T, JI. C. Broad wore elected a subcommittee to go into the matter with the school committee. Conviction for Fraud At the Alarton Magistrate’s Court, before Alessrs 11. G. Cameron, J.P., and D. Ingram, J.l’.. Archibald C. Benson was charged with obtaining credit from W. Preece, cyclo agent of Marton, by fraud, to the extent of £2 12s, in that he represented that he was a farmer at Bonny Glen. Air I*. Dickson appeared for accused, who after evidence had been heard was convicted and lined £2. Golf Opens The official opening of the Alarton Golf Club eventuated on Saturday in tine weather in the presence of a l«V-'gc attendance. Over 13 holes combined foursomewere played, the winners being Mr a'*l Airs AL C. Fenwicke, with a card (.£ 5G—4—52. Aliss Haise and Air H-iise were, runners-up with the creditable I score of 60 —6 —54. The club intends to promote several special competitions i and arrange inter-club matches. Rifle Shooting. At the Kimbolton Rifle Club's mectl ing on Saturday Rangitikei riflemen were very prominent, winning every 'match. E. Grant of Turakina, won the Kimbolton Belt for the best aggregate score on the 300, 500 ami 600yds. ranges with a total of 96. F. Soles, of Alarton, being runner-up with a score of 95. C. H. Gower, of Rata, won the 500 and 600yds. matches with a score of -‘12 —32 —6-1, whilst C. AL Broughton, of Bulls, won the 500yds. match with I the possible.

Ladies’ Guild. The annual general meeting of St. Stephen’s Ladies’ Guild took place on Thursday There was a large number present, Rev. B, D. Ashcroft prosiding . The election of officers and com- • mitten for the coming year resulted as | follows: President, Airs FullertonSrnith; vice-presidents. Afesdames Crooke, Wood and Stevens; hon. sec., Aliss Cook; hon. treasurer, Airs R. AV. Harris; committee. Alessrs . Purnell, Haise, Date. Hemplcman and W. Newman. Airs Fullerton-Smith then took the chair. On the motion of the Vicar it was decided to have three general stalls, ! viz., St. Stephens, Crofton and the Junction, and a. country members’ stall at the flower show. Each of these ! is to include anything the district in charge of it like to collect or provide, and they may be divided into subsections if so desired. There will also be the usual produce and flower stalls and a special children’s stall t* take the place of a bran tub. It was further decided to moot every Thursday at 2.30 p.m. for work instead of (>vcry other Thursday, the committee to meet every first. Thursday in the month at 2 p.m. After various small matters had been settled the vicar brought up the question of the disposal of the proceeds of next bulb show. It was decided that these should bo handed to the vestry for the maintenance fund. The committee will meet, to-morrow, April 18 t at 2 p.m. for business and sewing which will begin at 2.30. General. Attention is drawn to the time of starting, the unreserved clearing sale on account of Alessrs Alcßeth and Kerr at Calico Lane at 11 a.m, to-morrow (Thursday). TURAKINA THE RIFLE CLUB. A team journeyed to Kimbolton on Saturday to take part, in their annual Rifle Association meeting, and E. Grant succeeded in winning the Champion Belt Grand Aggregate, Handicap Aggregate, and second in Optional Aggregate. A very meritorious performance considering he is only a young shot. Others of the team to get into the prize money w-ere. A. Goventock, J. Kelly, G. Glasgow and W. Tate. The next competition for the Lethbridge Cup will bo fired on Saturday April 20, commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp.

BULLS RANGITIKEI GOLF CLUB The stroke competition played on Saturday was won by Geo. Bertram, whose card read: 93—28—65. Other good cards returned were those of R. Alansell, 94—28—66, Hendry, 90 —22—68, and Amon, 95—26—69. The professional coach. Air J. Lambic, is now giving lessons on the links, and a good number of members ar 0 taking advantage of the opportunity to improve their game. The L.G.U. competition commences to-day, and ladies taking part are asked 1 to be at flic golf house at 1.15 p.m. Association Football. Flock House lads promise to do well in the soccer eod e again this season. In the first senior league game of the season, played at Parcwanui on Safurday, Flock House defeated Athletic. (Palmerston North) by 7 goals to 1. Scorers for Flock Hous c were Goodall (4), Jeromson (2), and Garner 1. Watt goaled for the losers. | Rugby Football. Great interest is being taken in the [first showing of the Bull s teams this week, the juniors playing Huntcrville. at Huntcrville, to-day, and the seniors

meeting Halcombe, at Bulls on Saturday. 'i’hc junior team appears to be a good one, while the seniors will include Bert. Johnson, ihe Cameron Bros., AlcKenzie. Hakaria, Dwyer. Brock. Wereta, and others of the lead ing senior team of last season. There appears to be every reason to view their prospects with a good deal of hope. Bulls juniors to meet Huntcrville today have been selected as follows: Baeks, 11. Brown, Bevan, Edwards, (4. Whisker. Ball, Field, Guy; forwards, C. Timmins J. Harris, Coogan, Torrey, B. Bromley, Keat, Harper and C- IDuncuni. Emergencies, S. Duncum, 8. LastHarris and J. Castle. The following have been selected to | represent Bulls Juniors against Hunjtervillo Juniors, at Huntcrville, to-day (Wednesday):—C. Timmins, J. Harris, J. Coogan, T. Torrey, B. Bromley, R. Kent, L. Harper. C. Duncan, C. Guy, K. Feild, Ball, G. Whisker, Edwards. Bevan, H. Brown. Emergencies: S. Duncan, S. Last-Harris, and J. Castles. Bulls School Report. Interesting reports were presented lat the annual meeting by Air J. Cam(pion. chairman of the school committee, and by Air W. H. Olson, headmaster. Air Campion’s report read, inter alia: “During the past year the overdraft had been reduced from £lO3 19s 3d to £lB 16s 3d. A good deal of work had been done at the school, a concrete play and drill area being put down, an electric range installed, etc. Credit was due tu the committee and the headmaster for their work, and to the Wanganui Education Board fur assistance in their efforts to improve the school.' la supporting th e adoption of the report and balance sheet, Air J. FWalker said that when the old committee had taken ollice they knew that they would have a stiff task to reduce their debts, but thanks to the ladies they had been able to achieve their purpose. Air Olsen’s report was a mos u comprehensive one, and detailed the progress made by the pupils; the unproved discipline, ami th e co-operation of the parents- Proficiency candidates and those sitting at the annual examinations had done well. Owing to the facilities provided by the committee the children had been able to participate in basket-ball, tennis, football, cricket and athletics, and all had done their best in their respective spheres. Alisses Aluir and Halfe had severed their connection with the teaching staff, Aliss Goodall taking Aliss Aluir s place. School funds had been assisted by means of euchre parties, and picture entertainments kindly provided by All Goebel. The annual picnic at Aloana Roa had been most enjoyable. He referred to the valuable work done by 'Dr. E. ' Gunn in examining the children, and in making recommendations for the good of their health. Arbor Day had been honoured by tree planting. He commended the new syllabus, which gave teachers greater freedom in planning courses of instruction. “We have reached the cross road s in our educational policy,” he said, “and this syllabus is the herald of greater changes in the near future.” In conclusion he thanked the courteous committee and the loyal teaching staff, and suggested that the improvement of the school library was a pressing need which he commended to the kind consideration of the in ’ coming committee. The Pictures With the entire world discussing the strange new subject of “It,” Elinor Glyn, distinguished English author and originator of the theory, has for the first time stepped forward and illustrated its meaning on the screen. Jll ‘lt,” the title of Madame Glyn’s newest Paramount photoplay starring Clara Bow, coming to the Bulls Town Hall to-night, she explains “It” as follows: “ ‘lt’ is an invisible emanation which exudes from certain human 1 beings, rendering them irresistible to ' all members of the opposite sex.”

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 72, Issue 91, 17 April 1929, Page 2

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RANGITIKEI Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 72, Issue 91, 17 April 1929, Page 2

RANGITIKEI Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 72, Issue 91, 17 April 1929, Page 2