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FIRST WANGANUI SALE GROWERS RECEIVE SATISFACTORY RETURN Thg keenness shown by Continental and American buyers at Wellington and Napier was again in evidence at the Opera House yesterday, when a very large bench, representing all the principal consuming countries of the world, bid eargerly at the first wool sale of the Wanganui season. Though the offering, taken generally, was not up to the standard of wool sold at the Napier and Wellington auctions, prices were firm and rates were maintained, resulting in practically a total clearance of the 11,360 bales offered, which represented an increase of approximately 3000 bales on the November offering last year Wanganui district growers have eve?y reason to be highly gratified at the result of the sale, and if the same rates hold good for the remaining local fixtures, the 1927-28 wool season will go down in history as a very successful one for sheepmen on this coast.

RANGE OF PRICES ▼ALITES WELL ABOVE LAST SALE The range of prices, compared with the March sale, was as follows: — March Nov.

AGENTS REPORTS MURRAY. ROBERTS AND CO. Murray. Roberts and Co. report: — The third sale of the first round, and the initial at Wanganui, was held yesterday with a combined offering of about 11,307 bales, our catalogue consisting of 700 bales. There was a large attendance of buyers from Bradford, Germany, France, Belgium and America, besides representatives of Australian and Dominion mills, supplemented by the local scouring firms. Competition was very keen, often animated, and buying was more general than at the opening sale at Wellington, some buyers who bought little or nothing there being in evidence to-day. This competition was very useful in keeping the market about up to the level of the opening sale. The offering of wool here was, of course, not equal in general style or attractiveness to that of the Wellington or Napier sales, and. taking this into consideration, the market shows little or no change.

Skirtings, on the prices realised, might seem to have eased, but there were no really good lots submitted, which would have tested the market, most of the pieces and bellies being wasty, skirty, and generally very seedy. German buyers were much more prominent in this sale, and secured a good weight of wool; Bradford was also buying in large quantity. French competition was felt in the fleece wools which were suitable for them, and the better lots of skirtings. A few lots of lambs were offered, but not in quantity to be any fair test of the market. We cleared the whole of our catalogue at prices which can only be considered as highly satisfactory to growers. Some of our sales are quoted below: —MP/Glenrov: HA. 191 d; HB, 17d; WAA, 17d; WA loid; WB. 15d; pieces A, 13}d. J in Diamond: Romney H 18d; Romney E, 16d; Romney W, 15d; pieces A, 14£d; bellies, ll’d. Chester: Hoggets. 171 d; wethers, 15Id. Konui Hoggets. 18id; hoggets. 16]d; A, 153 d; B. 15Jd; C, 14d; bellies, lid. Braemore: Ewes, 143 d. YH: Hoggets, 17|d; wethers, 15jd. J.H.: Hoggets, 16Jd; wethers, 15d. VMM: Ewes, 15’d. RJ/M: Romney. 15d. Opaea: HA, 17d; crossbred A, 16d; crossbred B, 155 d; necks and pieces, 13d. Rukumoana: Hoggets, 15d; ewes. 14Id. West Ho: Hoggets. 17|d; ewes, 15id; wethers. 15)d; crutchings, Bd. JWR/M: Hoggets. 16d; wethers, 15d. EMcG/Mangara: HA, 16Jd; WAA. 164.1; B. 16U” pieces A, 13id. WytbaU/EV : HA, 163 d. ]*rnscliffe: HA A, 16; d. 2C: Ewes, 143 d. JLR in Triangle inverted NZ: Ewes, 15d. Waiau: HA. 173 d; EA, 15d; EB. 13|d. M & J/M: Romnev. 15}d. ECL: HA, 163 d; H, 16d; WA 154 d; WB. 14|d; crossbred W. 13’d; bellies. IOJd. U9/Pakira: HA. 15|d; HB. 15id; crossbred, 15|d. Glenian: Hoggets, 15jd; ewes, 144 d.

JOHNSTON AND CO. Johnston and Co., Ltd., report:—The lirst Wanganui wool sale of the 192728 season was held yesterday with a large attendance of buyers, fully representative of all sections of the trade. Several new faces were noticeable on the benches. The offerings submitted at the recent Wellington and Napier sales can be said to have been a speciality selection. whereas the offering submitted here was a Bradford, topmaking and Continental selection. Following so closely upon the auctions in these two centres, the sale was interesting to all sections of the trade as to whether or not the values established mentioned would be maintained, and the full Bradford buying strength enter into the market or still persue the wait and see policy. Although some buyers entered the market, Bradford cannot be said to have yet altered its policy. The real test will come at the Auckland sale on Thursday, when a catalogue of 24.000 bales will be submitted and a sound basis of value established for the season. Prices realised were very satisfactory to growers. The market showed no material change for fine, medium crossbreds, but for all lower grades »was easier. Bellies and pieces were not in such good demaud, meeting with very little enquiry at times. Locks and crutchings were also easier. Some of realisations are as follows: BH: H. 163 d; E, 151. MK/Wood- < tester: H. 16J. VFT: E, 143 d. Papaiti/G in circle: E, 143 d. TA/K: A, B, r. Tarata: H, I+id; W. 14|d; E. 143 d. Westerhill: HA, 163 d; HB. 153 d; HD, 153 d; EA, 153 d. KEA: E, 153 d. Maewa under triangle: HA, 163 d; HB. 15d; A. 16d; B, 143 d; C, 14d. (Waikare: H. 15*d; EA, 15d. TA/K/jWaikare: Bls. lOd, Ctgs. 81d. TA/K: iXßred 133 d. Maewa under triangle: Ctgs. 83d. Glenn/Kaiwaka: HA. 18}d; HB. 16d; XBred H, 14Jd; WA, 17d; WB. 153 d; WC. 15d; XBred. 144<J; Bls, lid; Pcs. A. 13d; Ctgs., 10jd. Ruanui: WA. 163 d; WA, 16jd. Cluny: H, 143 d. BH: Down. 18d. CFH: XBred, lOd; XBred 123 d; dead. 103 d. Awawaro: I HA, 163 d. JAG/Mako: H, 153 d. JAG/Ohau: Ohau: H. 16« d. C under curve: H. 154 d; E, 14}d. Arramnore: H, 163 d. Abbot: A, 163 d. Various: Down, 193 d; Dead A. 13d. Awawaro: XBred W. 1133 d; fine XBred 163 d. BH: Ctgs, lOd. ■ DR/O: Ctgs. 93d. VFT: Down, 18d. I MK/Woodchester: Bls. & Pcs. 7d. Various: Lks. A. 73d. CH: Lbs. A, 13d; 'down lbs, 8d; 2nd. Pcs, 7|d. CFH: ; Black, lOd. Waikare: Pcs, 71d. ‘TA/K: Necks. 12d; Lbs, 133 d. Arranjmore: Dead A, 12d.

FARMERS’ CO-OP DISTRIBUTING CO. • The N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Distributing Co., Ltd. report as follows: —We : held our first sale of the season in I Wanganui yesterday morning, our offering comprising 1.133 bales. I The condition of the wool generally, | was only fair, many of the lots being off colour, doubtless due to the adverse ; weather conditions obtaining at shearj ing time. ! Competition was a little better spread than at Wellington, there being ; more bidding from Continental operators and Bradford, to a lesser extent, has come into the market. Competition was exceedingly keen and at all times spirited, the result being that a very good clearance was effected, prices being on about a par with those ruling at Wellington and Napier series. America was not a keen competitor but but it must be admitted that the bulk of the offering was not suitable. (>n the whole prices were satisfactory indeed and growers are* to be congratulated on the excellent results which the following realisations obtained by us amply demonstrate: — Al over O: H. 173<1. CML over H: H. 173 d. A.J.H.; H. IGLI. WJT over T2: H. 173 d. W.F.: 11. J7d. JG over Balwither: H. 163 d. TWW over Wellbury: H, 16]d. Omuia: H, 163 d. A.P.0.: H, 153 d. RC over B: H. 16.|d. Horseshoe: H, 17; EA. 16|d. WFE: H, 151 d. SOHO: H. 17<l. JB over Teaunui: HA. 17d. Brandon: H, 17fd. T-C: AA, 184 d; A, 163 d. Highiay; H, 163 d. JGM over Wharfdale: H & E, 15Ad. Wairepo: HA. 15Jd. Planes: H, 15pl; EA, 143. 54 over S: H, 14|d. Birnam: H. 16d. Waireka: H & E, 153 d. Mt. Huia: H. 163 d. Birdgrove: A, 153 d. OETA: H. 173 d; A. 173 d. GLM: Rom. 153 d. Marua: A. 16d. GLM over Hessett: H, 163 d; EA, 15. Tauwhare: jH. 16A. Arainairr: H. 153 d. GEA over NZ: H. 15. ER over Afangamahu: ’HAA. 173 d; WAAA. 163 d; WAA, 15kl; I EAAA, 16d; EAA. 15Ad. WBR: H, 153 d. RW over K: E, 141 d. Hazleburn: H, 143’1; 2R over Wainui: W, 15d. Cross: A, 163 d. A & CM: H & WA. 154 d. W under Bar: H & E, J4Ad. G 3 under Curve: H & W, 153 d. Ohutu under Bar: H. 163 d. Gavie G: A, 15d. LD over F: H E. 16d. OHO: H, 163 d. Te Huia: H. 143<1. OOO: EB, 14d. Various: DN, 21 ]d.

FARMERS’ CO-OP. ORG. SOCIETY OF N.Z. LTD. The Farmers’ Co-operative Organisation Society of New Zealand, Limited, report: The first sale of the season was held in Wanganui yesterday when a total offering of 11,31 i bales was submitted io a full bench of buyers. The wools opened up in good condition and compared favourably with the offering at the opening sale Last year. The bidding was well spread, although some Yorkshire buyers were practically out of the market,* being unable to compete at the prices paid by the Continent. As compared with the opening sale held in Wellington ten days ago, when quality and condition wore taken into consideration, prices may life quoted firm at late rates. The present values are well above the London parity, and whether they will continue remains to be seen. However, the London sales open to-day. and it is anticipated that there will be an upward trend. Our catalogue comprised 1.266 bales and wp had practically a total clearance, the following being some of our realisations:—

WHB: Hoggets, 173 d. OP/A hoggets, IGAd. CRH Romney hogget, 153’1; Lincoln hoggets, 143 d. OTOIA hoggets 163 d; ewe, 153 d; wether, 15d; hogget, 16fd: owe, 143 d; lambs, 16|d. MLROMV: Hoggets, ISld. AC-O: Hoggets 15 Ad. SL/P: Ewes, 14d. WHARE: Hoggets, 16Ad; ewe 15Ad. AJC/H: Hoggets, 163 d. UU/GB: Wether, 14 Ad. HC-T: Ewe, 14d. A 7: Crutchings, 103 d. LM/T: Hoggets, 163 d; wether, 15-Ad; ewe. 14d. HW/0: Hogget ,15|d. AOW: Hogget, 154 d. DJM: Ewe, 14jd. L&L: Hogget and ewe 133 d. ' RRB/TOKO: Crossbred 143 d. AAI/TOKO: Hogget, 15d; ewe, 143 d; ewe, 133 d. J/HH: Crossbred, 14d. W B/V: Hogget, 17|d. Mil*: Xbred W. 15d. MEH: Xbred E, 133 d. MM/W: Xbred W 144 d. FS/T: Lamb, 121 d. GLEITI: Hogget, 163 d. A: Xbred W, 143 d. WAIKARI: Xbred A, Ls’d. 03/KAK: Xbred, 14M. J.R./O: Xbred, 14d. H&L: Xbred E, 141 d. AG: Wether, 14J-. RWB: Hogget, 163 d; owe, 15d. A 7: Hogget 153 d. JHB: Romney hogget, 15d; Romney wether, 143 d; Lincoln wether, 133 d. SBT: Hogget, 143 d; hogget, 15d. PT: Xbred, 153 d, Xbred, 14A<L JB/W: Hogget, 14Id. JW/T: Xbred, 133 d. LB/O: Romney, 153 d; Lincoln 133 d. T.H.: Hogget, 143 d. A 7: Southdown, 17Jd; hogget, 15d; ewe, 15d; Xbred, I4fd. LBL: Romney hogget, 154 d; Lincoln hogget, 14-Jd; Romney ewe, 15d; Romney wether, 143 d; Lilcoln wether, 14d. CLR: Ewes, 14d. RAHUI: Romney hogget, 163 d; Romney ewe, 15 Ad. CLIFFS: Hogget, 153 d. MIRO: Hogget, 163 d; wether 14d. HAF/T: Hogget. 17d; wether 163 d. LJN: Xbred ewe, 143’1. TARERE: Hogget, 15; wether, 143 d. JJS: Romney wether, 15d. EHU: Wether 143 d. EHH: Hogget, 15|d. B/ARI: Wether, 163 d; wether, 14d; crutchings, 9Ad. I: Hoggets, 143 d; wether 143 d. AC/M: Wether and hogget, 14d. UU/GB: Xbred ewe, 143 d. H 6: Ewe, 15d. 2A/W: Ewe, 14|d. 64/W: Ewe, 13jd. 4A/W: Ewe, 14jd. FS/T: Romney ewe, 143 d; wether, 143 d. LBL: Xbred, 143 d. TT: Xbred, 14d. JL: Xbred, 144 d; crutchings, 93d. JHB: Lincoln, 12d. STS: Ewe, 153 d. L&L: Ewe, 143 d. W&W/H: Hogget, 15{d; wether, 143 d; ewes and wethers, 143<T. GAD/IX: Ewes, 14 Ad- TWM: Xbred, 14 Ad. PvWL: Hogget: 143 d. JJB/Z: Romney hogget, 14|d; Romney wether, 143 d. ORGANISE: Medium Xbred, 153 d; coarse Xbred, 13fd; Cotts, 123 d. M/AJC: Southdown, 20d; hogget, 16d; ewe, 143 d. SHB: Xbred, 14Ad. TLL: Roinney hogget, 13jd; Romney wether, 14d; Lincoln wether, 123 d. ACB/TUTU: Ewes and wethers, 14Ad. CG: Hoggets and Ewes, 14Ad. AA: Wethers 144 d. T&R/M: Hoggets, 16Jd. LB/O: Romney. 14 Ad. HPW/MAJTA: Hoggets, 16Ad; ewes, 143 d. STS: Hoggets, 15Ad. H: Xbred, 133 d. FREEMAN R. JACKSON AND CO LTD. Messrs Freeman R. Jackson and Co. Ltd report as under upon yesterday’s wool sale: —The combined brokers offered 11,300 bales of which our quota was 1321 bales. There was a record attendance of buyers and bidding was keen and spirited throughout. The wool generally was better grown and in better condition than last year. Prices were well maintained on previous sales held this season and in some cases, in the better lines, exceeded Wellington prices. A 13 bale line of down cross, wellgrown of 50’s branded “Hayes” made 19d in our catalogue, Glenmore fine ‘hoggets reclassed by us, 48 s quality made 18 Ad, A ewes in the Auraki clip, 46’s quality, made 173 d, and neck pieces from the same clip 173 d.

The sale must be considered a most satisfactory one for the grower, as prices have now reached a payable basis. A pleasing feature of the sale was the fact that Bradford operated freely and,’ took the bulk of the medium wools and a share of the finer qualities. When Bradford is taking a good proportion of the wool offering there is more prospect of prices being maintained.

The continent took most of the lower grade fleece wool and practically all ;he pieces and bellies. Uur re-classed Lues were again well competed for, and: an increasing number of farmers are icciassing their clips. The following were some of our sales:—Aries: 11 193 d; LR XB Isd; AN 16Ad to 14Ad; W IGrl; 21* 15jd. Bothwell: 15Ad; ET/R 143 d. Pukeaki: 153 d to 153 d; AHA 18d; 8 14d.«; HJW 15Ad; WEM/Newtonlees: 17d to 14jd; Poiki 17id tv 14d; JOL 153 d. (ilennevis: 18d and 153 d; R6/Rawa 143 d; DBR 15d; Auraki: AE 173<i; BE JJd; Dury H; 15Ad; BW 15d; DW 14d; necks 173 d; pcs. 12|d; FHO: Hogt 16d; A 153<J, C 153 d; Glenmore: AFH 18Id, FH 163 d; H 1534, AFW 17d, FW 15Ad, AW 143 U; Lincoln: 143 d to 121 d, JA (coy) 16d; ZO 15Ad to 15d; AT /Aotea 14{d and 14d; Hapua: 153 d; ET/Kainga 18d and 151 d; Koatanui 17,1; FDL 143 d; AJW 153 d and 143<i; EDH 153 d; GESD 153 d; WDB/M 15jd, 14Ad. 15.4; JH/S 14Ad; Hayes, 19d, 15d and 133 d; Otupai, AAH 18Ad, AH 16d»; FE 1434; Rangi (Lincoln cross 133 d) AL/W 153 d to 124 d; Mangoihe 15d, 13 3d; three eyebrows (Lincoln) 123 d and 124 d; Meredith: AA 173 d, A 14Jd, B 133 d; C 121 d; Ann Bank: RH 16jd; Ddysdale: AH 16Ad, CH 15A,d; A 15Ad; B 143 d, Hut la: 14d; Poito: H 15d, AW 154, AE 143 d, C 13d, EBS/N 143 d; AL 153 d and 123.4, CMC AH Ibid; Okota: II 153 d, AA 153’1, A 15.1; GM/TAKU' F 16id, BF 153 d. XB 143.1, BXB 133 d, CGH/Pukeho: AH 1536; AJ/M 16d to 15d; CL (reversed) Lincoln 13jd; Oaklands H 13M 1 ; Wairoa: 1434; Clinton: AF 153 d; BF 14id, XB 143 d, BXB 143 d; luzevar: AH 163 d. BH, 15d, 2P E 15d, OTAU 15.4. CM/O 16d.

LEVIN AND COMPANY. Messrs Levin and Co., Ltd., report:— The first local sale for the 1927-28 season was held yesterday. The total offering was oyer 11,000 bales, this being 3000 more than at the corresponding sale last season. The Wellington priSies on fleece Avool were maintained and finer wools, especially hoggets, were, if anything, in still stronger demand, and after taking into consideration the heavier condition and the style of the wools, the results can be considered highly satisfactory. The United Kingdom, America, France, Germany. Italy, Belgium, Japan, Australia and the Dominion mills and scourers all had their representatives on the benches. Several new operators were present, a tribute to the established importance of the Dominion sales. They came principally from the Continent, indicating the economic importance to grower and consumer alike of the marketing of wool near the point of production, thus eliminating unnecessary transit costs, and at the same time enabling buyers to get their requirements first hand. The new clip, although early shorn, is already showing a good deal* of grease, and there being an all round improvement in growth, there should be a much greater weight yield this season. Bidding was good and all buyers apparently wanted supplies, but the Continental buyers usually had the last say, and they secured the bulk of the wool offering. Pieces and bellies and necks sold well, the demand for them coming mainly from the Continent. Crutchings were a little disappointing, and although they were on an average about 3d to 3d better than in August, they were just short of Wellington realisations, but this might be accounted for by the heavier condition. The following are some of the prices:—Otiwhiti/N & H, 13 bales crutchings, lOd. F7/O, 4 E & H, 15d. Hopefield/O, 8 W, 153 d. U over Curve, 5 W, 15d. JFR, 5 crossbred, 143. Rhyhie, 8 crossbred, 15d. D arrow R, 15A, 153 d; 14 B, 14d; 4 C, 123. Makuri, 6AA sktd., 18{d; 21 A skd, IGA; 11 B 15jd; 4 C, l(>3d; D arrow R, 13 R, 153 d; 5 L, 13d; 10 crutchings, 93d. Mount View, 6 2nd, 7d. EP, 4 crossbred, 133 d. RM —Springfield, 6 R, IGAd. OJP/O, 4 crossbred, 143 d. LCO, 4 crossbred, 17d. Tin half circle, 4 E, 11 Ad. W over bar, 5 E & W, 14|d._ JR/Ohuraiti, 4 AA, 163 d; 21 A, 153 d; 6 B, 143 d. Pentagon, 7 crossbred, 153 d. MD, 4 E, 133 d. Mount View, 4 lbs. crutchings, 5Ad. Ohutu, 6 crutchings, lOd. Mahoe/OCP, 19 AE sktd., 15Ad. Cone, 5 crossbred, 15d. Bar and Curve, 10 crossbred, 15d. EM/Porau, 18 A, 143 d; 20 B, 143 d. AGS/Glenmorven, 5 AA sktd., 163 d; 13 A sktd., 153 d. Hoggets.—BCG, 4 H, 18d. HEF, 4 H, 17d. Wair, SH, 17d. Makuri, 4 AAH sktd., 173 d; 9 AH sktd., 17d. NFM/T in circle, G sup. H sktd., 19-Jd; 21 AAH sktd., 17jd; 4 AH sktd., 153 d. JBR, 11 H, 17id. RR/Waipapa, 8 H, 163 d. FB/O, 9 H, 133 d. R/S in circle, 5 H, 16<L LCO, 4 H, 17|d. HE AO, 10 H, 16d. Atauiri,6 AAH, sktd., 173 d. Teringa, 8 H, 17d. JAH/Tewhare, 4 H, 183 d. EC/M.onavale, 5 H, 173 d. Ohutu, 5 H, 153 d. Wentworth, 10 H, 163. Dunard, 11 H, 15’d. Mahoe/QCP, 4 AAH sktd., 17d; 7 AH, 15Ad. EM/ Porau, 8 AH, 15d. M/Renagour, 9 H, 16d.

WEIGHT, STEPHENSON & CO. Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., in conjunction with Newton King, Ltd., report:— The first wool sale of the 1927-28 season was held yesterday morning before a full bench of buyers. Bidding was active throughout, Bradford being more noticeably on the market than at any of the previous sales this season. The Continent was buying freely, with keen competition from Germany at intervals. All good hogget wool brought exceedingly good prices throughout, particularly any that was well classed and skirted.

The only line that showed a slight slackening in price as compared to other sales was pieces, these being probably a little lower. Lambs were neglected, owing, no doubt to the absence of orders, it being too early in the season yet for this class of wool. The top price for the sale for crossbred wool was Secured by Air E. H. Whiteman, Kakatahi, who realised 203 d for fine hogget wool, tying with Mr W. G. Moore, of Maxwell, who secured the same price for fine cross-bred off grown sheep and 20Ad for fine hogget wool. Our catalogue comprised. 2200 bales out of a total offering of 11,300. There is little doubt that nearly double the quantity of wool would have been offered at this sale had it not been for the unfortunate spell of bad weather lately, blocking shearing and the transport of wool. The following are some of the prices realised by us:—Kahura: 12 bales Xbred, 143 d. Kukuta: 14 Xbred 153 d. CM/M: 13 H 16|d. Ikitara: 8 H 153 d; 7 W, 143 d. VB/P: 7 H an 4 W, 15d. ERW: 9 H 153 d. ADK: 4 H 173 d; G W, 143 d. Rongomai: 6 18d; 4 HA, 163 d. HVD: 8 H 153 d; 18 E 143 d. EHW/btar: 3 super fine, 203 d; 6 HAA 193 d; 4 HA, 18$d; 17 EAA, 183 d; 14 EA, 163 d; G WAA, 18d; 6 WA, IGd; 8 B, 14d; 7 Xbred, 133 d; 5 pcs A, 12Ad; 5 bels, 11 Ad; 5 erts, 6d. Ardshiel: 6 Cor. H, 20d; 5 Cor. E, 183 d; 11 E, 153 d. Okirae, 5 HAA, 173 d; 11 WAA(, IGd; 21 WA, 143 d; 5 bels, 103 d. A&A/Tututawa: 12 HA, 163 d; 7 B, 133 d. KGD/D: 11 EA, IGd; 8 EB, 15d; 6 H. 163 d. KMH: G HAA, 17d; 4 HA, 153 d; 19 EAA, IGd; 23 EA, 153 d; 8 EB, lid; G pcs A, llAd; 4 bels, lid. P/Manurewa: 17 HAIA, 18d; 7 HA, 163 d; 5 HB, 153 d; .23 AA, 163 d; 13 A, 15d; 7 B, 14d; 7 dingy, 14Ad; 13 pcs A, 123 d; 4 pcs, 7d; 7 bels 113 d. Four P’s: 3 S’down, 203 d. M&P: 9 H, 18d; 17 E, 143 d; 15 WA, 15d. Tehuc: 14 HA, 183 d; 12 HB, 153 d; 8 WA, 163 d; 14 WB, 143; 5 WC, 143 d; 10 pcs A, 123 d; 5 bels, 103 d. Pito: 10 A, 163 d; 6 HA, 183 d; 4 XBB, 143 d. OP/H: 8 H, 153 d; 11 W, 15Ad. PXR: 8 HA, 16d. Takiri: 4 EA, 15d; 4 EB, 14d. Tyro: 10 EA, 153 d; 7 B’down, 20d.

Several clips reclassed by us gained very satisfactory prices, as follows: — Kanura: 5 bales fine hogget, 183 d; 8 HAA, 173 d; 7 HA,, 153 d; 4 HB, 133 d; 4 bels and pcs, 113 d. Atone: G fine Xbred, 173 d; 15 AA. 153 d; 8 A, 143 d; 4 B, 133 d. FM/O: 8 FH, 203 d; 4 HAA, 193 d; 5 FXB, 203 d; 21 AA, 183 d; 10 A, 163 d; G B, 143 d; 4 C, 14d; 4 A pcs, 13-Ad; 5 bels, 13d. Naumai: 9A, 15d; 68, 133 d; 4 C, 133 d. Momona: 4 fine XB, 163 d; 19 A, 143 d; 12 B, 143 d; 9 C, 133 d; 4 bels, 9d. KHC: 7 HAA, 163 d; 13 AA, 143 d; 8 A, 13jd. JCW: 8 HAA, 153 d. Tewaka: 8 HAA, 17fd; 7 HA, 153 d; 20 AA, 153 d; 15 A, 143 d; 10 B, 133 d. BL/Makaraka: 5 HAA, 173 d; 12 AA, IGd; 3 B, 143 d; 5 bels, 103 d. OKO: 5 HA Al, 161 d; 13 AA, 153 d; 8 A, 14d.

N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE COY. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report as follows: —We held the first local wool sale of the 1927-28 season yesterday, when out of a total offering of 11,306 bales our catalogue comprised 1977 bales, drawn from the Wanganui, Main Trunk, Palmerston North and Taranaki districts. There was a very large bench of buyers representing Bradford, the Continent, America, Australia, as well as Dominion mills, scourers, and fellmongers. Competition from the commencement was very keen, with the result that prices were much on a par with those ruling at the previous sales. The wool on the whole was qilite up to the usual first sale standard, with a few very nice lines showing quality, those being well grown, bright, and in light condition, and whenever such lots were submitted they elicited very keen competition, and realised full rates. Taken all through the sale must be recognised as very good, and vendors should feel highly satisfied with the prices obtained. / The following are some of our prices: Preston Hill: HA 173 d, W 153 d. Sedgebrook: E 17d. Mt. Zion: HAA 183 d, HA 17d, E and WAA 17d, E and WA 15d, Bls. 123 d. UL/R: Lbs., 113 d. CMC: Lbs. 17jd, Ctgs. 91d. Te Tuhi: X-bred 13jd. CVS: E and W 154 d. Whakatea: HA 163 d, Ewes A 15d. Kohunui: HA 17d, WA 16d, WB 14d. Arawa: H 16?.d, E W 15$d. CMC: H 153 d, W 153 d. Taukoro/I: HAA, 183 d, HA 173 d, A IGAd, B 153 d, AA Pcs. 14d, Bls. 12d. Rotowhero: HA 16, E 14Ad. FXK/KI: Rom H 163 d. C & CO/W: H 143 d, E and W, 14d, Ctgs. 9 Ad. HT: HA 16d, HB 133 d. Okura: HB 163 d, WB 153 d, WD 143 d, Necks 163 d, Bls. and Pcs. 123(L CB/ Tekorito: H 174 d, AA 163 d, A 15}d, B 14Ad. O-TE-AO: Il 16Jd, W 15d. HWA in square: HB 17d. Tehunga: A, 15d. Ohoe/FC: W, 143<1. Wyna: H 15’d, W 143 d, E 15d. Ngakiwi: W 16d. H & S: HAA 184 d, HA 161 d, EA 16d. EB 143 d, EM 133 d, WAA 18d, WA 16d, WB 14Ad, WC 13 Ad, Necks 17d, Bls. 123 d, P’cs. 123 d, Lks. 63d. JS/T: E and W 14. )(: H 17|d, W 153 d, E 153 d. JRB: H 16d. B over curve: E and W, 153 d. Buae: H IGd, W 15d. RTB/Moawhango: HA 18d, HB 173 d, HD 163 d, EB 153 d, Rom. R 13d, Bls. 113 d, Pcs. H 153 d. GWB/Moawhango: HA 173 d, HB 173 d, HD. 163 d, Bls. 113 d, Pcs. H 154 d. CMC: E 14«cL G P in circle W: Rom. H IGJd, Rom. Lin. H li'id, E 16id, W Mid, WB 131 d. AS under bar: E 143 d. Teawa: H 17Jd. Raupirau: A 14|d, B 133 d. Aranui: HAA 18d, HA 163 d, WAA 163 d, WA 153 d, EAA 163 d, EA 15d, E and WB 143 d, Rams 143 d, H Pcs. 14d, H Bls. 12d, Bls. ll|d, Ist Pcs. 13fd. Monovale: A 183 d, B 153 d, EA 15jd, EB 14Ad, Bls. HAd, Pcs. 13d. UL/R: H 15, AV 16d. LY/Puriri: HAA 18Id, HA 17d, E and WA 16jd, E and WB 153 d, Bls. and Pcs. 13|d. HGH: H 163 d, E 14ld, E 14d. Binned Wool.—HA and HAA 163 d, A 153 d, B 15-ld, AO 13d, AA B & P lid. Westoe: HA 173 d. EW: E 14Ad. Kaka/E and JB: HA, 17d, HB, 143 d, EA, 143 d, WA, 143 d. LE: HA, 17d, WA, 15d. DML/Taurimu: H, 17d. PS/W/Omata: H, I A, 15d, B, 14d.

DALGETY AND CO., LTD. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report. —A very full bench of buyers were operating at the sale, when 11,000 bales were catalogued, our quota being 1200 bales. Prices were practically on a par with those ruling at last Wellington sale, Bradford, French, and German buyers all operating freely. The major portion of the wools were well suited for the Continental trade being of carding length and fairly fine in quality. The condition generally was heavier than Wellington and as is usually the case many clips were faultily got up, skirting having been neglected. At the moment the wool position is causing English top-makers and spinners some anxiety. For many months past the above trades have found it difficult to buy the raw material, convert the same on the lowest possible basis of cost and sell the produce at a profit. Up to this sale the offerings at Wellington and Napier have been small and in both centres the wools submitted have in the main been of super quality and well suited for speciality orders. A true test of the position will not be obtained until after the Auckland and following sales, when a heavy weight of medium wools will come on the market. Auckland will offer about 20,000 bales, but much of the offering will be comprised of light bright early shorn wools, which will no doubt command excellent competition. Sales so far have been characterised by keen and general competition, and although Bradford is adopting a cautious policy, they are buying a fair weight of the textile, and probably more than the casual observer thinks.

The position at the moment looks sound and even if prices for medium wools recede slightly the return to growers will be considerably over last year’s average. Germany was well in the market yesterday and it was mainly owing to their steady buying that prices held. Bradford on certain wodls was well in the market and lifted a fair weight of the total offering. The outlook appears sound and we do not look for any sharp depreciation during the remainder of the season, although a slight easing in rates may later be recorded. We sold all our offerings under the hammer and hereunder quote‘some of our prices:— DML: 5 Bales Crossbred, 153 d. Wharcroa: 6 hA, 17d; 53 WA, 15d; 17 EA, 153 d. CJ: 9 Crossbred. 163 d. HB in circle: 35 WA, 17d; 36 WB, 15d; 6 B, 113 d; 4 AP, 123 d. Hiwiroa: 17 HA, 173 d; 12 EA, 15d. Ngatitoa: 4 FC, 163 d. FN conjd: 7 H, 163 d; 7 W, 14d; SE, 144 d. Orautoha: 4 SH, 154 d; 4 H, 153 d? Komai: 10 WA, 163 d; 5 HA, 173 d; 5 EA, 143 d. THW: SH, 16d. Opeke: 5 Crossbred, 153 d. CBD- —The Gums (fine Romney): 5 H, 18d; 9 Rom. 153 d; 4 Crutchings, 9Ad. GG-T/K: 4 H, 15d. JH/NZ: 4 Ctgs, lOd. Win C: .10 H, 153 d; JK: 9 HA, 173 d; 11 HB, 16d; 8 CA, Dgy, 153 d; 8 CB Dgy and S, 143 d; 4 C, 15d; 8 Ist Pcs, 13d; 4 B 12|d. EHP: 9H, 153 d; 7W, 14|d; 22 E, 143 d. Tataramoa: 8 HA, 16Jd. Glennui: 11 WA, 161 d; 14 BW. 15d; 5 WC, 133 d; 7 HA, 17}d; 4 HB, 16d. WP/P: 39 XB AA, 15d; 17 XB A, 14d. Allandale: 4 HA, 16Ad; 14 HB, 154 d; 9 W. 143 d. Tawariki: 6H, 173 d; 9E, IGd; 4 Pcs. 133 d. Pickwick: 5 HA. IGAd; 4 H, 15d. WPH/P: 9 HA, 173 d. HBD/Glen warlock: 11 E, 15 4 l d. JAJ/M: 8 XB A, 17d. JN/Toko: 13 XB, !15i. B Wineglass B: SXB A, 15d. DCO/WN: 4 SD, 20jd; 4 XB, 153 d; 4 Lambs A, 153 d. ME.KA: 4 H, IGfd. HMB: 23 EA, 153 d; 6 H, 173 d. DCO/WN: Dn XH„ 18d; 4 fine XB, 153 d; 3 XB dingy, 16d. Various: A dead, 123 d. GCC: 5 H, 16d.

EARNED, NOT BOUGHT How hard it often is to earn and maintain a good reputation, and how easy it is to lose one. As with a man’s reputation, so it is with other things in his life. Some things achieve a reputation which stays with them. They are founded on intrinsic value. They face the public backed up by honesty and work their way quietly and thoroughly. People want no better proof of merit than is contained in the following experience. Mrs. H. Curran, Hunterville, says:— “A member of my family was troubled more or less with his kidneys, the most trying symptom being backache. The pain centred right across his loins and prevented him from stooping or moving about freely and he was thus handicapped a good deal at his work. He was not always in pain, but the ailment worried him a good deal as he was afraid of more serious trouble developing. When Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills were brought under his notice he decided to try them and it was a good thing that he did, for they gave almost immediate relief and before long cured him completely. He never suffers with his kidneys now, but always keeps Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills by him and takes them whenever ho feels out of sorts. We are all believers in this splendid medicine and would not like to be without it.” Four years later, Mrs. Curran says: “The cure referred to still holds good, no sign of kidney trouble having returned since Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills effected the cure some vears ago.” Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills are sold by all chemists and storekeepers. Foster-McClellan Co.. Proprietors, 15 Hamilton Street, Sydney. But be sure you get DOAN’S.

Fine Crossbred — Super — — Average — Inferior — d. 15 13 11 d. 16} 15 13 <1. 17 15 13 d. 19} 17 14} Medium Crossbred — Super — — 14 15 16 17 Average — 12J 13} 14 Inferior — 11 12} 12 13} Coarse CrossbredSuper — — 121 13} 13J 151 Average — 11} 12} 11? Inferior — io 11 10 12 Low Crossbred — Super — — 12 13 13 13} Average — 11 12 11} 13 Inferior — 10 11 9 111 Hoggets— 48/50 — — 14 16 16 19? Fine — — 13 15} 15 18} Medium 15 15 14} 10} Coarse — — 12 13 1 O } 15 Low — — — — — 12 ' 13} Lambs — Down 14 17 None Fine — 13 19} None Medium 11 14 None Seedv and Inferior — 6 11 9ne Crossbred — Good to Sup. 10 14} 13 15} Low to Med. 7 10 8 12} Crntchings— Med. to Good 8 9} 9 10} Inf. to Seedy 4} 8 6 3} Locks — Crossbred — 4* 5} 5 6

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 20005, 23 November 1927, Page 10

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WOOL PRICES HOLD UP Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 20005, 23 November 1927, Page 10

WOOL PRICES HOLD UP Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 20005, 23 November 1927, Page 10