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MONTHLY MEETING. The monthly meeting of the Rangitikei County Council was held at i Marton yesterday. There were preI sent:—Crs A. G. Simpson, Doole, J. i Brice. Brown. Gibbs, O’Callaghan, i Pederson, and g. R. H. Brice. CORRESPONDENCE. ■ The Secretary to the Treasury wrote advising payment of £1875, being Government subsidy on general rates, and also advising payment ‘ of S.M. Court fines amounting to £2B I 14/6. 1 The Department of Internal Afi fairs wrote advising that the provi- | slons of the Dogs Registration Act ‘ now apply to Maori dogs as well as I to European dogs. The Department of Internal Affairs further wrote advising that it i is proposed to issue a proclamation 1 adding to the Erewhon Riding the ; area being taken over from the . Hawke’s Bay County. The Superintendent of the Nai tional Provident Fund wrote for- , warding particulars regarding superannuation for employees of local authorities.

The Clerk explained that the clerical staff of the Council had expressed approval of the scheme. The Superintendent had pointed out that the Council could make their own regulations regarding who were permanent an<T who casual employees. Cr Callaghan said that he would be quite agreeable to go on with the scheme wight away, provided they took the roadmen in.

I A committee consisting of Crs I Simpson, Brown, and F. R. H. Brice, I with the Clerk, was appointed to go I into the scheme and submit a report I to next meeting. 1 The Public Works Department i wrote regarding the legalisation of a ■ road in Block Via. Rangitikei. It was decided to have a legal I survey of the road made. i The Agricultural Department : wrote notifying that a slaughteri man’s license had been issued to R. . E. Halford, of Bulls. I The Public Works Department I wrote forwarding the proclamation 1 legalising the Toe Toe road exten- : sion through Awarua IA, No. 2 East, Lot 1.

The Department of Lands and Survey wrote, stating that Sections 13 and 14, Poukiore Village Settlement, had been vested in the Council as a reserve for a roadman’s cottage.

The Kiwitea County Council wrote accepting the Council’s proposals regarding the Upper Kawhatau and Hikurangi bridges.

The Engineer was instructed to define a special rating area to provide cost of Council’s contribution towards these bridges. The Taihape Borough Council wrote stating that that body would agree to the application of the Rangitikei County Council to have Section 10, Block 1.. Taihape, vested in the Rangitikei County Council, or sell same, provided all arrears of rent and rates and all costs were paid by the Rangitikei County Council. as well as the sum of £250. The Minister of Crown Lands : wrote stating that he would go fully : into the proposal to change the pur- , pose of Municipal Reserve, Section I 10, Block 1., town of Taihape, and i communicate with the Council later. It was decided to take over the j section from the Taihape Borough I Council in terms of their letter, subi ject to the approval of the Minister, and provided there were no legal ’ difficulties in the way.

The Taihape Borough Council further wrote asking that the question of assistance being given to the I’oundkeeper in respect of losses sustained by him in connection with the sustenance of County stock which are impounded and. owing to their being unclaimed and sold at a less sum than the cost of feeding them, should be re-opened.—The matter was left in the hands of the Clerk and Engineer to look into. ,

It was decided to abolish the pound at Koeka. and to give public notice to this effect. The Pahiatua County Council wrote regarding the appointment of a representative on the Manawatu Gorge Road and Bridge Board of Control.—-Cr Brice reported on the doings at the last meeting of the Board. He said it was proposed to raise a loan and go ahead with the improvements necessary. A subsidy of £lOOO from the Government was confidently expected. The Public Works Department wrote stating that 23rd February had been fixed as the date for the appointment of members of the Manawatu Gorge Board.

The New Zealand Counties Association wrote regarding the proposed employees’ accident insurance fund, and asking if the Council proposed to come in under the scheme.—lt was decided to reply that the Council would be a likely contributor. Messrs Hussey and Thompson, solicitors, wrote asking for a declarai tion to vest a closed road in Omnia l Block in T. W. and M. M. Graham, i —The declaration asked for was ■ made. I Mr A. McColl wrote regarding itni provements asked for to the Inland road at Oniatane.—The matter was left in the hands of the Engineer. Mr F. Garmonsway, of Rangiwa- ! hia, wrote complaining of the action I of the ranger in demanding driving I fees from Mrs Bell.—The Engineer I explained that the ranger had im- ! pounded cattle which did not belong I to Mrs Bell, and had wrongfully colI lected £1 in fees from that lady.— The matter was left in the hands of the Engineer to inquire into and report. The Bulls Town Board wrote asking if arrangements could be made with the Council to re-grade and maintain the main roads through the Bulls Town District.—Cr Brown and the road overseer were deputed to confer with the Bulls Town Board and ascertain their exact requirements. ENGINEER’S REPORT. The Engineer (Mr Sydney A. R. Mair) submitted the following report:—

Rangitira Riding.—Road roller has competed re forming and nolling Ngei Road and Putorino Road, Rata.

Grader is now trimming Silverhope- t Leedstown Roads. ■ Wangaehu Riding.—No. 2 grader ] havoing completed this riding, roads 1 are all in good order. t Otairi Riding.—Generally roads are In good order. I propose to open r a new gravel pit and strip ready to ’ get out maintenance gravel as soon as teams are available. Tekapua Riding.—Full complement of roadmen are now at work, and I hope shortly to have all roads ; in order. Firewood is being carted i out and papa burning will be started ' during the month, the foreman being • already on the ground. Tenders have been invited for gravelling McDonnell’s Road, Taihape. Ruanui Riding.—No. 3 grader is at work on Ruanui Road. Messrs Hurst and Anderson have taken Contract No. 498, gravelling Mataroa- ■ Ruanui Road, which was abandoned by Mr Cyle. Ledward’s Pit is being opened iip ready for machinery, which is to arrive early in February. Surveyors have laid off the two ■ acres being acquired for a pit, and I right of way thereto, also the subI divisional road agreed to by the I Council. As soon as the pit is ready the contractor will commence work. I propose to lay down a self-acting train line to bring gravel down from pit to crush where drays can load, I Kaimatawi shell rock pit. is being I opened up next week, and as I have > been unable to let Section 6 to con- i tractors, wages teams will be put on hauling. I have arranged for a ■ pit on Quin Bros.’ property. Waia- ; rube Road, and as soon as men can ; be obtained this will be opened up | ready for work. Messrs Anderson , Bros, have started with seven teams I on Section D. Opaea-Turangarere j Road. About 1000 cubic yards of I rock have been stripped ready for ; quarrying. I find there is not enough shell rock available to complete this ; work, so I am arranging a special ! ballast train to haul from Ohingatti . Pit. starting from March Ist. Ballast will be sent up at same time to re- ' paar Hlhitiahi Main Road. No 1 . grader is trimming up Opaea-Tu-1 rangarere Road. Erewhon Riding.—Roads are in fair order. Grader has trimmed up most of metalled roads, and will shortly complete the clay roads. During the month a meeting of ratepayers was held at Taihape to consider a comprehensive road improve- ’ ment scheme for the riding. Couni cillor Doole presided, and after a lengthy discussion it was unani--1 mously resolved to request the Council. as soon as the Hawke's Bay merger is complete, to raise a roan of £60,000 to erect bridges over the , Rangitikei River at Erewhon and ' Mangaohane crossings respectively, j to complete formation of Matawhero 1 Road to Rangitikei River, and to metal about 50 miles from Moa- ’ whango to Ngamatea gats, and back to metal on Otuarei Road, via Man--1 gaohane, Matawhero, Toe, and Kaingaroa—Otuarei Roads. Loan to be } raised over the whole geater Rid- _ ings.

Awarua Riding.—-Contract No. 501, Kotukuvaeroa' Road, has been let to Messrs Carmody and Byrne,

and the work has been commenced. No. 1 grader has trimmed up Moa- I whango Valley and Taoroa Roads. Good progress has been made with gravelling Tuhoe Road Extension. This work should, with fine weather be completed in a couple of weeks. Timber has been ordered for the Upper Kawhatau Bridges. Now that the Kiwitea County Council has agreed to the proposal I would suggest* that the work be put in hand at once. Machinery.—l have arranged for the early delivery of two tractors, two crushers, one air compressor, and one jack hammer drill. Further will be ordered as required. The agents for Albion dump wagons have notified me that the two wagons under offer to the Council will be landed about the last week in February, and can then be inspected at work.

Roadmen's Cottages.—Cottages for married roadmen are required in following order of urgency:—l Mataroa, 2 Turangarere, 3 Collier’s Junction, 4 Poukiore, 5 Rangiwae, 6 Papanui, 7 Tiriraukawa. Additions are required to present single men huts:—-1 Taoroa, 2 Koeka. It was decided that Mr Coyle’s interest in Contract No. 49 8, gravelling Mataroa-Ruanui Road, be cancelled, he having failed to make a start with the work. On the motion of Cr Doole, it was resolved that as soon as the Hawke’s Bay portion of the Erewhon riding became part of the enlarged riding steps be taken to raise a loan of £60,000 over the whole riding to carry out road improvements. ROADMEN’S COTTAGES. The Engineer estimated that, including land, each roadman’s cottage would cost about £750. Cr F. Brice said that it seemed to him as if a good deal of profiteering was going on in the building trade. The fact that the Government was in the field with a good deal of money to spend for workers’ dwellings had caused builders to jump up the prices. The amount of labour available was limited, and where it was possible to do without building at the present time it would be wise to do so.

The chairman asked the Engineer | if he could keep his men without building. The Engineer: It is simply a question of policy. Cr Pederson said he knew of employees of the Council who had had to ride seven and ten miles to work because they could not get a house nearer their work. The Council should go ahead and build the cottages required. On the motion of Cr F. Brice, seconded by Cr Callaghan it was decided to’apply for a loan of £2500 with which to build roadmen's cot? tages. ROAD INSPECTOR’S REPORT. Mr A. Thoms, Road Inspector, submitted the following report: Rangitoto Riding.—The roads in this district are generally in good order. The roadmen have been keepthe potholes filled and the surface of the roads blinded to prevent breaking. The grader ha§ also been over

the main roads the second time this season. Mr Hill is making good progress with his contract for metalling the roads in the Pukehou Estate.

Otakapu Riding.—The recent wet weather has been very bad for the work in progress of widening the Wangaehu Hill. It not only delayed the work but made the road nearly impassable for traffic. However, with fine weather the formation will soon be completed, and in a few days the work of metalling will be commenced. The Council will require to provide a roadman’s cottage at Turakina for the use of the roadman in this district. Porewa Riding.—The recent rains caused the motor traffic to do considerable damage to some of the main roads, especially Calico and Cliff Road. I had this repaired at once, and they are now again in lair order. The grader has been working on most of the roads in this district and left them rough. So far I have been unable to get men with teams to take on the work of widening the cuttings on York Farm Road for Bryce Road. 1 may be able to get teams and men when the harvest is finished.

I pi’opose to start working the I stone crusher in the riding next week, and crush as much metal as possible before the winter. I intend putting out as small a quantity of metal this autumn as we can possibly do with, and to put out a larger quantity next summer, when we will have a Leyland truck to haul the metal from the crusher. Now that the Council is going to start working the crushing plant, in a number of the main pits and will be taking a larger quantity of metal front them, it will be necessary to procure more land adjoining some of the pits. This is necessary at the pit on Calico Road, as it is a dry pit and the metal will be hauled fairly long distances on to about six different roads. Mr Bredin was in Marton recently, and I interviewed i him with reference to this matter. He agreed to sell either half an acre ! or an acre at the back of the present ■ pit. I would recommend that ona i acre he purchased from him. j Lower End Rangitira Riding.- | Most of these roads are in fairly | good order. Lower End Wangaehu River.— The grader has been working on all the roads in the lower end of the riding. It has left them rough, but they will soon wear down. It was decided to purchase another acre of ground adjourning the present gravel reserve on Calico Line in order to enlarge the gravel rei serve.

The action of Cr F. H. R. Brice and the County Clerk in purchasing on behalf of the Council, from Mr G. H. Law and the trustees of the late Mr William Morrison, two pieces of vacant land fronting High Street. Marton, and adjoining the Council Chambers, was confirmed. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. The County Clerk submitted the following financial statement: Receipts during month:—Rates censes £64. deposits £175, rents £10.288/17/9, subsidy £1875. li£2/10/-. sales grass seed £29/10/-, fines £2B/14/6, account Onepuhi bride from Marton ? Borough £lOO 5/10, miscellaneous ' £l3/4/2, total receipts! £12,37.2/2/3. Dr balance after last meeting’s payments £6321 17/5. Cr. balance before yesterday’s payments £6255/4/10. Yesterday’s payments totalled £6270 5/8 on general and £196/12/- on loan account leaving a debit balance of £l5/0/10. NEXT MEETING. The date of next meeting was fixed for Saturday 28 th February.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 17779, 30 January 1920, Page 2

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RANGITIKEI COUNTY COUNCIL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 17779, 30 January 1920, Page 2

RANGITIKEI COUNTY COUNCIL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 17779, 30 January 1920, Page 2