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The Wamganua East school concert will be 'given- on the 18th inst.

'The Wianganui School Committee wash to latoknmviedige a donation of « four guineas from, the Cosmopolitan Clufb towards the prize fund.

The increasing, duties of in the smaller towns has resulted in th© positions of inspectors of factories being taken ia<way from constables an<d fiivon to court bailiffs (and other officials. The 'Labour Department have alreiady made some changes, and iaro making more.

Our attention has been drawn to the fact that there is -ia very unsavoury odour emanating from the Maori camp on the foreshore, consequent u;pon large quantities of fish being put out an t.he sun po dry. Perhaps the Health Authorities could .prevail upon the natives to carry out their fish curing operations elsewhere.

In the course of his repp-rib to the Board oif Education, feet night, Mr O. D. Braiik, Chief Inspector, -wrote ias follows: "From the report® that have come to hand month by month, it may bo leathered that the coirresptondenco classes for uiieertiifica.ted teachers kmhi•ducted by the Board, and also the special classes cond<ucted so enitlhuediasticail]y «t Maniaiaweka .by 'Messrs Adlaima and Oaimp'beill, hiav c Miswered .thedr purpose wall. It will be dnterest/ing to note how many of the students iwdilil 'be eirccessfuLiat t/h'e teachers' exiaimji'nation in

I I A Gteizeitt© extraordinary issued yester- i 1 day afternoon further pToro;gues iE^arliament from to-roiorrorw until January- , 16th. . i The annuial distribution of poizes in ! coraasotion -with the Girls' ColJi^ge take plaice t^is evening at 7.30. Profes- ! sor Heiwitson will be the chief speak- • «r; ''■-■■'' '" ' At the instigation of an offended husband, the police yesterdlay arr<ested a man hailinw from Halcomibe, on a serious charge. He appeared Ibefor© the Court yesterday afternoon, and was reminded. i "Director of Prima.ry and iSeoomdtajry ! Eduoaition in the Wanganui Disltcrict" is i tlie title with which the Board of Edu--1 cation honoured Chief Inspector Biraik last eveninig, and under whidh 'he iwill in future ibe officially known. The Education BoiaVd having teen advised that the 'Government hias agreed! to the diisestabJishanent^ of the Wangaj nni D.H.S., the question, of renaininig i that stohool was discussed by the. Board1 j last eveninig. Various suggestions were •' made, and' eventually " Viixatbaiia Ayei nue 'School" was adopted. The Christmas number of the "New Zealand Freelance" .is a 'particularly j bright, and dntere&ting jpmfolicatioA, full jof topical illustrations and appropriate letterpress. The journal's clever ! caricfaturist is prominently in eradence, i and in the jovial spirit of the eeiason ! makea srrjlort of the Dominion's celebrities. On the suggestion of Mr. Skinner, Truant Inspector, the Wanganui Education Board is about to instal iat Te j A'nakuna' ia reinforced iconcreie ■tenk ! for the school latrines, albout Mb x 2tfti j x 3ift in size, for use with the dry «a.rth system. Mr. Hingston, of Feilding, 1 hias modelled the tanik, and' it is ante- : cip^ted that its use wiM. remedy the insanitary state of afliaiTs existing a* . some schools in the disfci'iot. I A motion to take steps to lincrease the usefulness of milita'i'y chaplains was 'oronig|h,t before the Cforisfcahurch-" Pre&- ---| byrtery yesterday morning (by ithe Rev. jJ.I. H. Blair. Mr Blair /poinrtedi out i that the Anglican Church .was well j arganiised in (this matter, .aoid the Presbyiterk'n Chu/rch'was at a disadvantage. I Chaplains apipiointed by ,the Pr-esfbyrbepy ; were constituted a committee fto go into the matter. . | Mir L. E. Basset, who was a Wan-ganu-i delegate to the recent In/fcer- ' national 'Congress of Chambers tof CbmI merce, gave a birief account of his trip t in the United States at the last meet- , nig of ±he AVJaniganui Ohamfeear of Com- ' merce. Ma«iy requests (have since Ibeen mad© Ifor >a fuller descriptiion of ffchis ! most dniteresting trip. Mr Bassett has therefore agreed to cover, in a numiber of articles that will ia,pmear in our colutms. /the nwa' detailed laocounS; of this portion of his world's tour. iJ?? r eair endetJ Deceanber Slst, iyii, the rtotal amoxm/fc paid in tefaich- ! ? rs r>nofr^ aa^, alfewanices mammbed to £,bd1,251. The average (rates of . saiaries for adult teachers an iprMic pramry sdiooQs for last year -were, for tall schools and including house ialowanoes and amoonnlts saved dm. rteints where^houses are provided', £159 ,14s 9d In scbools having. ian avieiiago artitenidanceof over 15, the- average sajlary amounted to £170 3s Bd'. GBbr men the avemge worked ou,t -a* £225 Is 7d. (and for womeai £131 '4s Id per lannuim' i The committee (ladies) fior the Health of Women and Ohdldren Society, were invited foy the president,-' Mrs Krsu/11, t-o an larfternoon at her resideinoe at St. John's Hill, where Dr Diuoin igave an exhibitioin of- pirepapring htwnanisQd Mnilk for infants. The doctor took great trouble in explaimdng the pwoicess, whiich iwas oarefuilly listened too' ■ iby ; the ladies present. Mrs. Kruffll I dispensed afternoon, tea, and lialfcer the council heiM; a, 'meeting, Mrs Krull ipTe- ; siding. Miss Cook, of Ma,rto.n (iwho is also seoretary for tbat dlistiraict) yma '■ present, and satisfactory annamgieimeai/bs were made> for th© OWunfeeb iNiurse to visit Maa-ton evea-y Tuesday. Sulljscanptions are coming in .well. The smiee/tang closed after a. quantity of routine business 3iad beem. transacted.. 1 .T^ e Principal of the Wamganui Tech-' i meal CoaiegeXMr W) A. Axmoxar) deJ feires to thank ,the Mlrmtvng for ifeheir oonations ffcoiwards the prize fund* Dr Crawford £1 Messrs lUohjardfion/ Me- - Oalbe and Maxr 10s 6d, -Geonge Wilton and Co. £1 0s 6d, J. Thjainiand 00. £2 , 2s, Purser and Son 10s 6d, (B. and E. I Tmgey £l p. M> Spiirdle £1 x R ??»" 5A> D- M^arJiane 10s 6d, Clark a«d Proctor £1 0 3 6d, "Wangaaiui i an-oniolc" £1 Is,' Wm. KnudteriOs ' iVlllls 1Os ' Mlaster son^lOs 6d George Spnggens 10s 6d, m M*7 hf g& Rev J' D- Mclenzie w S'£- A- Tllomson and 00. £1 Is, ' cL^hS™? gnr lOs d^ the Waniganui

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Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 12856, 12 December 1912, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 12856, 12 December 1912, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 12856, 12 December 1912, Page 4