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«, Ladios desirous of securing competent musical instruction for their daughters will be interested to learn that Mrs Caft'ry is a pianiste, by appointment, to the Wanganui Girls' College. Wo have been requested by tho Eev. James 'i rtadwell to say that Diviuo Sorvice will be conducted at the Westmere Presbyterian Church to-morrow af toruoon at 2 30. The now weekly mail contract for the interior — Pipiriki to Tokaano nut Kei-ioi — commences in the beginning of March. Mr Peters' coaches will connect wi f ,h the Wairero at Eipiriki. The First Elevou of the Press CO. will meet 18 all-comors on tho iLacecourso this afternoon, at 2.30 sharp. Anyone intending to take part in tho gamo should be on the ground eavly so as to onsure a place in tho latter team. Messrs Veitch and Allan's inset this morning is ono of those productions emanating from this popular firm which may be characterised as short, sharp, and to tho point, and if tho public aro in accord with us, wo should concludo that there will be as great activity to-day in Victoria House as ever, judging by the hok of the place from a. buyer's point ot viow. The Castlecliff Railway Company huve arranged a special time-table for Anniversary Day, Monday next, 22nd January. It is expected that a largo number of excursionists will avail thomselves of a day's outing at the favourite seaside resort, The traiusleavo town at 10 a.m , 12 noon, 230 p.m., und 6 pm. Fares, return, Is ; children, return, Gd. The following will represent tho Eailway CO. in a match against the Wanganui C.C. to day at 2.30 p.m. on Victoria Park, St. John's Hill :— Blundoll, Me Beath, Seagor, Schmoll. Grammer, AVhito Oullum, Vincent, McLaren, Nicholson, und Kite. Emergencies— Holdon, Crouin, and Eadie. Umpire— Mr Bartlett The following play for Wanganui : — Cave (5), Marshall (2), Meldrum, Sim, D'Arcy, and Parkes. W6 aro informed that Mr W. Turley, the well-known cheap cash draper of ■Ridgway-streot, has accepted a tender from Mr J. J. Littleioin, of Dunedin, for his entire stock of drapery, &c, at an enormous discount in the £, and that a great clearing sale will begin next Saturday, January 27th. As Mr Turley has gained for himself a reputation for vory low prices and reliable goods, further reductions in prices should effect a spoedy clearance. We understand that thoreprosontativo3 of the other colonies at tli3 Postal Conference lo be held in Wellington in March next are to be invited by tho Hon. Mr Waul, at the close of ihe conference, to an excursion up Uio Wnnganui River by gteainei to Pipiriki, and thonco by coach and rail to Tokaano and Auckland respectively. The visitors will numbor about 30. Mr Hat-ick roceivod a wiro from Wellington yostorday to engage tho Wairero for tho trip. The Garrison Band will play the following programme at the Caledonian Sports on Monday next:— Quick March, "Holyrova; lancers, "Jolliby" (J. H. Wright) j grand fantasia, '' Pride of England (Rowo) ; waltz, " Pleasant Dreams" (G. Webb) ; schotfcische, "Dewdrops" (sf . Bound) ; quadrilles, " Bobby Burns " ( V. H. Wright ; overture, " Midland " (Southwell); waltz, "Passing Thoughts" (H. Found) ; quadrilles, " King of the Mashers" ; schottische, " Bonnie Lassie " (Wright) j fantasin, " Memories of Scotland " ; waltz, " Youth and Beauty " j galop, " The Scout." Mossrs Hatrick and Nixon leave here on Tuesday next for a delightful three weeks' holiday trip, going through the interior to Auckland. They will go as far as Pipiriki by the Wairore, taking with them a buggy and pair of horsos, and driving to Tokaano vi'i Kerioi. After spending a week at tho Hot jjakos, they will go on to Auckland by rail, and put in another week at the Northern Capital.Returning, thov will vary thoir route, after Kerioi, by taking iu Moiwhanga and Huntorvillo. At the Polico Court yesterday, before Mr C. C. Kettle, K.M,, Jeremiah Cornoy, on a charge of drunkonnes, but who had been bailed out and failod to apnear, was ordered to forfeit tho amount of his bail, 20s. Julius and Otto Bolt were ordorsd to contribute to the support of thoir mother 3s and 2e a week respectively, payablo monthly. Allan Marshall, for assaulting a native named Henare Ngakiri, nt Ranaua, was flnod 40s, with costs 7s, and solicitor's fo^s Mb. A charge by Allan Marshall against Honaro Ngakiri of cruelly whipping a horso, was dismissed, Ins Worship considering tho charge not proved. An oxcollont programmo has boen propared tor tho Caledonian Society's concert, which takes placo on Monday nii'hl at the Oddfellows' Hall. Tho Orchestral Club aro to perform Uo ihoice selections, and sovoral lady and gontlem?n vocalists well and favourably known in musical cicolns, will contribute popular it9ins. A number of Highland dances will be given by the "lads in tartai," and tho distribution of tho Calodonian cups and medals will be made during the evoniug by Sirs James Alexander, the wife of tho President. A s usual, tho Iwll may be oxpscted to bo filled to its utmo&t capacity. Thoro will be quite a large turn-out of Sunday schools on Monday noxt, should tho weather prove .suitable. The Wosloyans have gono to vory considerable expanse in ongoing (.'io Ktnaimr Wairero untl punt Collwju to tako thoir young people up tlio river Provision will also (jo niiulo fur as mauy of thoir relatives and friends na may bo inclined t:> mike tho trip, at u very small muigiu ovor attual coat The oflicers and teachers of Christ Church Sunday School aro also going in for something out of the common. Mr Baddeley having kindly offered the uso of his grounds on the No. 2 Line for tiie purpose, the children will be convoyed there in brakes by Mr Smiley, on Monday morning, starting as early as 8 o'clock. A liberal sum has been spent in the purchase of prizes, so that sports may be expected t) be vigorous"ycarried onthioughout the doy. Tho Baptist Sunday School will content themselves with tho Ji'acocourse, than which a prattior nlaco or ono bettor adnptoi for the purposo is not easy to bo found. Wo hopo all tho young pooplo of tho various schools will bo favoured with a suiiEihiny day, aud have a really good lime,

Wo are requested to state that lha polo match will take place in Mr W. Howie's paddock, Matarawa, (fITiJ o'clock this afternoon, The Wairere willjgava for Pipiriki as usual next Tuesday. To-moirow she repents last Sunday's excursion, leaving at 10 n m. and 2 30 p.m. As a comment on the decrease in value of hotol properties of late years, it may be noted (says the CliriHtchuroh Tress) Ibat the Star and Garter Hotel has been sold for ,£2700, though some' little timo back £7000 was nfused by tho then ! owner. "The other day I was looking over a paper read to the Association of Belgian Chemistß at Brussels I wns quite astonished to find that on the Continent bakers are beginning to make a practice of utilising soap for the samo purpose as we do yeast. They dissolve a little of it in oil diluted with ivater, whip tho mixture until it becomes a saponaceous froth, and then stir it in the dough. Of course, the lightor tho pastry is required to be the greater tho amount of soap used. We shall soon have tho bakers making a speciality of sponge cakes that will do oithor for tea or for washing the hands with." The enormous heat which prevailed last summor in the south of Franco induced an inventive genius inßordeaux to provide his horses with straw hats, und tho schemo proved so successful that very soon all tho cab, 'bus, and cart horses in tho neighbourhood wore rigg6d out with similar head- gear. The latter covors the eyes and forohfad of the horso, whilst a couple of opnuings aro loft for tho ears. A spongo is placed inside tho struw hat, and is moistened with vinegar from timotot'ine to keep tho animal's head cool. At first the horses look very strange in their new rig-out, but one soon grows accustomed to the sight. The Wellington correspondent of tho Auckland Herald,referriug to the defences of the colony, writes : — '• This subject begins to awaken public inteiest hero. The perplexing questions raisod by Colonel Fox's report aio revived. 16 is said that the fortifications at Point Jormingham and other situations round tho harbour of Wolliu»t>n aro out of date. They wore constructed in 1885, the date of the last Russian ecaro. A Fianco-Kus-sian scare is uppermost in people's thoughts juft now. Tho immense development of electricity to destructive material such as torpedoes it is affirmed has mado land defences almost obsolete. It is considered that this subject will engage the. earliest attention of Parliament at its next meeting. It is said that military and naval mou have at various times past warned the New Zealand Government thit in the event of a European war this colony would be one of the immediate objects of attack by a hostile force. At last tho final stngo has boon reached in a long and tedions litigation botweon the Presbyterian Churches in Paris and tho City authorities. In France, as is well known,' all Christian sects recoivo a grant from the State, in proportion to thoir numbers ; and in addition the law, in viow of the high cost of living in the capital, allows a yearly sum to ministers of religion residing in Paris, for what is called lodging expenses. The Prefect of tho Seino refused an application from tho Consistory and Councils of the Presbyteriau Church in Paris for their lodging allowance, on the ground that they had not produced balance-sheets showing that their funds were insufficient for tho support of thoir preachers. First, the Council of State, sitting on appeal, decided in favour of the Presbyterians, and then the city authorities, on the alleged ground that their case had not been properly stated by their caso had not been properly stated hy their counsel, carried the case to thoCouitof Appeal, which has finally decided tbat the i i y lmul ppy the awnoy together with arrears, Football appears to bo maVing rapid progro3s in the Unitocl Ktitos, and to bo generally regarded with favour by thu colleges nud public schools. As a ro&ult oF a recent disevssion roga-iding tho expediency of allowing match between the students of Annapolis and West Point, Mr Conant Church has in his possession reports from sixty- seven institutions of learning, scattered over thirty-seven States of the Onion. As a ] goneral conclusion from these repot ts, it | appears that footbill is considered to hold chief pUce among atheltic games ?or it3 inlluenee in devoloping the qualities •especially required in an officer of tho army or navy, and as furnishing an outlet for the superabundant animal spirits which might otherwise find expression in the usual College pranks. It is f miner observod that it compols its devotoes to keep good hours, to observo strict rules of temperance in diot and drink, to rofrain from the ut>o of tobacco, to select the most nourishing food, and tj he systematic with cold baths, rubbing, and hoalthy exercise. If a young woman in closp(*ir,or fhauie, O* in the agony of suffering kills her infant, the law Ins no mercy on hor. She is sontencod to death, and is lucky if she escapes with penal sorvitndo for lifo. But the law can bo vory merciful indeed when tho offander is a man, and when his crime is not committed undor circumstances that should enlist hnmin pity. John McKenna has just been tried in Scotland for kicking to death his stopdaughter, two years old. The nun had deliberately expressed his intention of lulling the child. So to commenced by breaking its leg with a pokor. Then he boat it because, its leg being brol.nn, it was unable to stand, Next ho dashod its head against the brick floor, and followod up this pastime by kicking it round the the room and striking it with a buckled belt. The child then became unconscious and died A doctor who jjave evidence said there woro so many bruises on the body that ho did not attempt to count them. There wus practically no defence, and Lord Aduin sontencod the brutal murderer to— tnven years' penal servitudel From which it is quite evident that it is far better to bo a man and slowly torture a child to death than to be a betrayed servant girl who in frenzy stops tho breathing of a, now-born babo. For tho former tho punishment is devon yoars' penal sorvitu Je ; for the luttor sontouce of death, mercifully commuted into lifelong imprisonment, — Birmingham Morcury. Monday next boing the duy of tho Caledonian Sports, visitors to U'augunui will have tho opportunity of being photographed at Me Maktin'b Studio undor his prosent coupon system. This is a chance that nono should lose, as those favourable terms will not be continued indefinitely. — Advt. The Drosion Piano Company do3iro to draw tho attention of tho public nf Wanganui and district to the fact that they havo pianos by all tho loading English German, and French makers, and those requiting an instrument would find it to thoir advantage to inspect the vanod stock itnd to comparo for thomsolves tho Drusdon Pianos. Organs ranging from JII7 103 to £10. Pianos from £35 to £120, which cen bo purchased from 20s monthly. A fir&t-class guarantee) is given with ovory instrument. Sheet and Book Music and Musical sundries at Wellington prices. Tuning and repairing in town or country at greatly reduced prices. Inspection invited.— Tho Vollow Shop. Victoria Avouuo. K. 11. Martin, Manager for Wanpunui. Monlt's One Shilling Tablo for Cbristnns presents is well fillod with useful articles. Call nod inspocl, — Advt. Wai bis Flows where Gravitation TRACT;-. — You rocogniso tho fact ; tho second is us true whon the wate rilows upwards. People will not trouble when and what tlioy buy, but until then thoy will always soo thoy got Chkaoe'»Al Cowee for it is tho bust

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11919, 20 January 1894, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11919, 20 January 1894, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11919, 20 January 1894, Page 2