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The weekly clieas- column appears on. the first page this morning.' ' Captain Edwin wired at . 4.15 ■ p.mi yesterday : — lndications strong, easterly winds and cold night ; gtass fall.. . • ' In another column a. corresnondent ; in the trade declares that the ; butchers have' not recently raised thejr.'prices; '■•■' ' ' . Mr T. F. Bo'tnp'ramjMid Mr A. Beattie, of the- -Locomotive Department .of the ■ New Zealand (Railways, are at present in tqwn. • ••.-.-' We are sorry to hear that' Mr Mayer, watchmaker, .died suddenly last nighfr from heart disease.." Mr Mayer was an old settlor, and his death will come as a his many friends. : It is rumoured, that « co-operative butchery-establishment is tobe started in Wani»ariui, and there is some reference to a new- general grocery store. on similar lines. ;- '.'..' . "... . .- .. .. . "We have pleasure in acknowledging a donation of handsome camellias to .the Hospital by Mr Baker, of Pordell. Also gifts of a number of papers and periodicals by Mrs Atkins and Mr P. D. Hogg ■ for the Jubilee ;Hbine. "The lease of parts of the Wangariui Town 3elt (Blocks 6 and 7) will be submitted for tender ''on September 12th. The. blocks contain about three acres each.. ■ The conditions of leasing can be seen at the Council Chamber on and after the 24th inst. ' ■> . - . ■ In another column will be found a notice, to the effect that a special-meeting" of the' Waitotara County' Council will be held on September sth for the purpose of making a rate of. id in the pound for the period commencing ' April Ist, . 1892, and ending on March 31st, 1893 On the suggestion of a prominent. Wanganui "Volunteer officer, Mr ''George Hutchison will aßk in -the House of Bepresentatives that murtini ammunition shall be sold to. Volunteers at the former, price charged, Bs4d.per 100 rounds,.pr ata sum less than l]s £1 as now changed ■ A new lodge of Druids,.- is .to be opened lafc JVlarton oh 1 Monday next. ■i- sp'eoia! coach will leave Wanganui for Marton at 4.45 in the afternoon of that day, for the purpos.e, of conveying the Wanganui members of the Order who purpose, being present at the opening, • jhe coach' will return the same night. ' '• ■ ; Wearesfcafcecl^to state that Johnson's Circus Company show at Fordell on.Monday, the 15th.. a.fcvPurakina on Tttesd'ay; ■the 'l6th; 'and atKai Iwi OB.Thmlsd^jftfiS! 1 18th. The Company. -haTa .output aju-the' .useless '. acts, ili their 'performance, Tand added to' their' numb 6(? ;fcw4> "=c,o3oured clowns and a ver? amusing nionkSy,; ;• -, v ' '. At the late' examination of the Mosstown School, the following pupils secured passes :- Stanford 6 — Alfred Atkinson, E. 'Atkinson, Patrick -Bowler, Albert Parkes and'Eniily Taylor ; Standard &'— James Greenlees ;. Standard 2 — Henry Comrie, William Greenlees, Eugene ;Provosfcand Thomas Moult j Standard. I— J. Gibson, Florence Moult, Hannah O'ConV nor and Lucy Atkinson. =• The Union Boat Club's annual ball taUcs place to-night in the Fire Brigade. Hall. We believe that strong efforts have been made to restrict the number of dancers, so that a Ball free from the. discomforts of overcrowdin g may be expected^ All members of the Committee are de--sired to attend at the Hall this afternoon to.lend their assistance in preparing* the floor and decorating the walls. We .are desired to. specially remind all ticketholders, without exception, that admission .can qnly be obtained on .presentation.' of tickets. A special .meeting of the yVanganui County "Council will' be hald on 6th of September for the purpose of copfirnring the resolution passed at a special meeting of the Council on 13th July'; making a special order under the ■ provisions of the Counties Act; adjusting and settling the boundaries of the Eaukatia and M'ataon-' gaonga Biding... The proposed special order will take effect on ' and after Ist October, 1892. Copies of the proposed, special order .are now open for inspection' at me CdUnty Council Chambers, Taylorville/ ' We. notice with pleasure ' that the Saturday early closing movement is gaining ground in Wanganui. The Sash and Door Factory closes at 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and their example is folio .yed by all the leading carpenters and painters. Now we see the plumbers are going.on the same lines. Mr .Graham, the oldest-established plumbei in the town, made^.start last week, and we;be.lieve the whole of the others think of following the example set. The idea is a very commendable one, and if .properly carried out it will give the plumbera.the same privileges as are onjdyed by most of the other artizans in the town. The fourth annual Show given- by the Wanganui Poultry and Cage Bird Association was brought to a close last night. The Show has been' -well attended throughout, and the weather the whole time has been all that conld be desired. The Art Union was drawn last night, and the following ladies and gentlemen proved the lucky ticket holders : — Mr John Wakeley, Mr H." P. Bridge, [no namo on biock, ticket No. 165], Mr W; Staite, Mr King, Mr H. Bote, Mr T.-B. Williams, Mr Kurth, Mr A. Bavns (jun.), Mjss Farley, ilr J. E. Wilson (Hawera), Mr John Anderson, Miss Hogg, Mr BijiChie, Mr Clansey, Mr E. Mansfield, Dr' Tripa, Mr. W. Gordon, and Mr W. Jennett. Those who did not" get theirprizes last night can have them by calling at the Drill Hall to-day. • • Mrs Walker, of the Ladies' Emporium, aunounces that she has received instructions from headquarters to hold a monster, sale at almost unprecedented prices. .. A genuine discount of four shillings in tho pound is promised off all articles bought for cash during the nsoct 21 days. Prom the handbill issued tho other day ladie3 will bo able to see for themselves the nature of the articles offered. In the mantle department aro£72n worth of fur? linod cloak sealette jackets, as -well as twoed dust cloaks, doris capes arid evening wraps. In the dress goods department is a good selection of cashmeres, beiges, foules, &a., in addition to English and colonial tweeds. Many chaste little compositions are set out in the millinery department which cannot fail to attract attention. The large assortment of laces includes a quantity "of real Brussels and Torchan, and many bargains should be procurable also in this department, , (

A Press wire from Christcburch says that the body of a newly born female., child wrapped in clothing was 'fotind'.| floating in the river 1 ■near'-'Avonßiae; If had evidently breathed. -■ H. T. Gifford, alias Lawson,. has' been j arrested at Cambridge on a charge of issuing a valueless cheque at Wellington, and has been remanded to Auckland for three days. The Auckland police received a telegram that G'Cford admitted that he was the L^waonwho -had formed an art ciass at Hamilton as a Medalist of the South Kensington School of Design, j and obtained a number of pupils. An Auckland resident ha 3 received the following note from an old Anckland business man now resident in Victoria :— '• I forget who told me that i you were coming here, but in any case I would strongly advise you not to do so at present. The colony is in a fearful state, and there are thousands of people actually starving. You will remember the society (to relieve distress) tiiat.-I assisted you with in Auckland. Why, that vas noth-' mg compared to what we are having- in Melbourne, and everyone that has a shilling to • spare, now subscribes to the ' Legion Belief Fund.'. It is a fearful and sad state of affairs, brought on' by the ' boom;' and God only knows how it will end. However, I must say for the Victorians that those who' have the means : give liberally in every way."' | A defeat in the Police offences Act in the matter, of effectually dealing with houses, used for> immoral.. purposes- has frequently been pointed 6i#.. To remedy this, Mr W. Hutchison proposes. to move a new clause to the Boarding and Lodging houses Bill in Committee, .as follows : " Any owner or agent of an owner of a dwelling-house who shall knowingly lot the same to any person who shall by himself or by deputy make sucH hou'sj a resort of thieves or prostitutes, or drunken and disorderly, persons, or -shall permit such house to be used for- improper or immoral purposes, shall upon conviction be'fined .£3. or fourteen days'' imprisonment, and be liable to a further penalty of £2 for. every day during which-' the offence continues. j The Dairy ludustry Actimttoduced'by the Hon. J. M. M'Konzie .provides that every person exporting a keg',-box,--pack-age or any greater quantity of -^cheese 'or butte*. including blended butter,- separator butter, or butter in pats or- prints, shall distinctly and 'durably..'stamp or marie on.. both enda of "every cheese, and upon cash pat or print of butter.-and also upon two sides ■of.evety'' keg; box or package containing such cheese or. butter, 'the registered trade mark of such person, and the' words, " New Zealand dairy;-"- ""New Zealand ; factory," or " New- Zealand creamery," as the case may be, and also an exact description of the cheese or butter- contained in each k^g. Every person who' exports or. offers to exjjort butter not so . stamped or marked, or on which any of the particulars are to his knowledge false, is liable for every offence to a penalty not exceeding £100, and not less than £5. ' ■ . . ■ : Taw.hiao has broken the record, for on Saturday last, at the native Parliament House, at Maungakawa, he delivered the shortest " Speech from the Throne " n c have eyer met with. - It was as follows :— "Listen to my words, my friends, '.the chiefs, and all assembled ; pay great attention to- my words, for I will not hold back anything I have to say. Tho lands are the Government's now. In former days they were ours. Let my words now be published throughout the island "so that Fakehas and Maoris can all see and hear j that is what I wish, ido not wish for ns only to hear. I. wish all visitor.B to return to their separate kaingas." He ihenasked the Maungakawa and Maungatautari natives -to remain and meet a representative, of the Government. Porani 'fe Ori Oii said :— " Suffice it ! Let me and My people return to Maunatautm ' il 'the arrival of the tiovsrnnient official. ' When he arrives he will meet you again." This was a short seasion with a vengeance, and itcertainly denotes that Tawhiao has " cared in," and intends owning up to the pension. . • A good instance of the valuable services rendered by the Auckland Jubilee Institute for the blind is supplied in Wanganui: „ Through- an accident when a child Mr Arthur, Wilcox, of this town, who is now 28 years of age, lost the use of one eye, and in the course of years the remaining eye became seriously .affected I.'1 .' For the last 10 years Mr Wileox has been almost blind, and he has grown- worse and worse every yearpntil latterly ifc ha? been quite impossible'for him to eitß^r read or write.. With a little difficulty 'He iB still able to.get about the town, but lit' isonly by carefully feeling- his way tlmt he can manage ibis 1 much;,.-. Mrßobiuson f.the;traveHin|r¥6a'gKei;"foi!(.tbe'Jt<BiWeTn-stitute-,"hearing\!qf Mr Wilcox?!! m'isfprrtune, kindly 'looked him up, and ' Undertook to-teach him the .Braille: -System of reading arid \Vriting.for the blind.- ' Mr Wileox has duly had a few lessons, but he is delighted to find --himself able already to read; and also to express own thoughts on paper by means of the system. In writing by this method raised holes are pricked, in a specially prepared paper, with a- small awl, guidad .by a metal guage. . By passing . the fingers over tho punctures thus made the reader easily deciphers the words written. This is the system employed in teaching the pupils at the Institute, where it has met with wonderful success. Mr Robinson will be pleased to meet with pupils, and to receive donations on behalf . of the Institute he represents. . ... •

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11610, 12 August 1892, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11610, 12 August 1892, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11610, 12 August 1892, Page 2