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\ ■ ■ * — , -.v.j,,,.,. The .annual monthly meeting of the Harbour < Board was- held yesterday. Present— Messrs J. iallance (in the ! chair), ' J.-'L. Stevenson, Thatcher, and | Hatrick. , . • : „.',* ;.., ;,,,.,;; ; Minutes: The minutes of the previous ; meeting were read and confirmed: --« ' Accounts .- Accounts to the amount of : £086 -18s 8d were passed for payment. Tins included ' £325 for six .'months' , interest on the .£IO,OOO loan, and .£6OO 1 for a year's interest on .£60.000 (sinkin" fund) loan. ; , „,,, . . -< Endowment Block: The" secretary stated that he had heard from Mi* 3ray that Sections ,2 and 15 ,of Block' 5 of the Endowment Block' had beeit applied" for 1 on Thursday lasfunder the 'defer? ed'pavment system Both, these sections were j next>e cash sections;, and made a total i of 10 sections which had beon applied , for.— Resolved that Mr Bray be written ! and instructed to estimate for and call ! tenders for the clearing of the Pohangina ; Solid.' ' f 7 r • K Cottage a* Heads"': Mr ThateneVjsj ported on thoVstate of theLcottefre^^i&e Heads, and thought i? wduHTnotbe , worth while torouioye it ,to a more protected place. Ho considered moro profitable to accept the . offernia'de for it of Cpminittbe thought an eqUally.ncw' house could, be built' for MO.— Resolved that totiders bo called'fdr the purchaso of same. ' j r i: '~.\' Hkads Transit Shed.: Tho Committee : appointed to invite tenders for a ; s'tied' J at the Heads : wharf rbp'orted v that ! they i had a consultation with Mr A'tkias, arohiteot, and had subsequently invited tenders for the erection of a .shod '.with •'sufficient : storago capacity. for 200 bales of. fsrool;; to be erected about the centro of the Heads ■ wharf. Five tenders had been sent in [\ ranging from jSI6 to 10, s, the , lowest tender boing informal^the next -lowest, that of W. H. Batchelor,!-fpr '£&§ lQa hod been accepted, and' the contract' si<niea forthwith.— The..yeport was adopted? '". i'oBESHOKE Lease;— TKe ! ! en|lneoi' of the Railway Departnieift wrote; I 'stating ■ the Commissioners approved of the<pro> . posed additions. to,the;Loa,n ; and Mercantile Agency Compa'ny/s buildinga a? ! described in the; secretary's letter of /the ,■ Oth inst.— Letter recoived. , , „ „ , BEHTHiNo'AccosiMODWio'N'': The 'Rail* ■ way Comuiis.4ioners wrote stating ther had docidtid tj^estond the planking on , tho' wharf 'at' the lower 'cro'Bßingi'Svnich will. ,m;ikoi .'the .: intornieyiate^'portioil accessible to drays.— Lotte'r received.: ■' '■ , Harbourmaster's Rispc'rt : The Hai l--i boiu-mastur reported that the South: Spit attheiharj-owpstpart was broader and the , sand was banked mp higher,- than it had been for sp.veral years.. past,' and there wasjvegitation growing, where 'there had biaen none for a ,long ' tinie: '■• 'A ! mooring pile had been sunk at the bottdm' of tto cliff nearthe lower, dad' of the wharf in order that vessels, could be moored tofit when lying nt,. the , wharf and the strain thereby, taken pffi/tntOb'\yer"erid. o f ft, , The lamps and posts' of the beacons' intKe river had been pairitecU anil some of the stays to the lttmp'beacons had been repaired. SoHio-,snags had Jjeeri uiovod outof the channelj,one of |h'om bqing a large rootin the.i'aii ; TTay.--Reporil>adopted. • • Condition' op the BAfe 1 ( 'T,he ; Harbourmaster also' pi ; eseii^ed' r i tß'6 l; f<Jilowing / reof the 1 aeth'-ultimb' I'iiCv'e'theho'aouijid lay bof proiyou; th&f oU^win^tablejj BAho^in^thqB A ho^in^thq number ,ot-tjuie^ t vessqlpord,ipari|y trading, to the, poi-t .could n£h r c'rbss the bar outwards' for $if,peijod I ,bf'*fevo years, ending November '3oth -of the present year': ISS3, TO; mij/'lTf 1897/35 ; ': I888J «3'j 1880, 24-. You \yilt obs'ei'vo that last year (18.83), thu bar bpiiig 1 oxbe^tiohally bad, arid having- sucpessibn's of'wcstdfljr gules,- thototal'iinmber, of , 'times thfit'.the bar was unworkable, was double, .that of any of tho other years giren.'. ,But in giving the .num^ej-. of /times, that, the, ordinary trading steamers could not cross outwards,. -this does' not Vindicate 'that one of thu larifo sten'mw-'a could not lie in the offing although the bar was unworkable outwards; for,.exaniple, sayth'atthe bar was uu workable, for 24' titneg during tho prqa.eut year, tliero/'t 12 times during the, year that jv l,nrge steamer would have 'tb'clc'AV '<>(&' With rofovence to the soimdin<js outside, I am unable ta give^iuf aanectly, as no. soundings have boen taken outside the G fathoms since 1885, which outside the bar. - The- Admiralty charts give the 10 fathom line fully two miles outside. It is my own opinion, aud.-othors qualified to judge, [ -,aee|o i st J and most sheltered auch'omge Y#abi>ut:four miles to the wcstwjlrji;ofjgth.afb"a);.v In this locality^ there,, is more shelter, from, the prevailing west and W.NiW/ winds/ iAs there has been no soundings taken for several years in the., dftap. -water, ,1 think it would bo iulyis«blo to get the use of Ca steamer fop In tendering* it. lar<jo steamur outside a' light draft stwiiner of from G. to. 7 feet cwildwovk the bar about six hours each tide in ordinary weatber.^.- r ,R. e |*, J rt adopted. Heads Wall: The question of tho damage, donate, the south .side ,qf rf, o Hcads>\ f a« brought '- up j » n A tlfe ' C'jiairman said he thought, with other mombAm of; the, Board. tb ft t,, th 8 ,daiaag & should be atoncaropaJA'cd.— The Harboiumaster said ho thought the bays could bo repaired inexpensively if thov couliS Vet th,e u,do of the, Government "cwnel Of eomse the railway line waviUl'have Ai bs> ' cleaved, and he thought it ivould thea pnly be necessovy to, p]a,co tbo sdoiiß* strewn ftbjout on thft beacb: into, the. dftwaged bays. He thought the. total cost would be .about Mr.Thatcfißr wished to know whether the' latest damage could not be done without the use of the crane.— The Harbourmaster - said. a derrick, would do for repairinir tha

: 4*sil®&.?!£ft,if .the.Board thought the work v J ■ substantial enough. The cost for this -:'. would then ; b^abbut!"-ieß : br so. This .■'", ■ would not mean rebuilding the other . ';; bays.— Mr Thatcher thought thiscwpuld . : .<b'e?-. sufficient. " He did not see why.- so ■'■ . large an amount should be. spent unless 1 it •^fea' 'decided to do' additional work to . /the vail.— Mr-,; .Hatrick • thought they ; shoi^l make the job as good as they ;-.' could., the bays properly repaired.—The Chairman considered they • . . Viught to protect what' they had got, and '• therefore the 1 bays ought to be.- repaired: . ■'.<'AM6r'-" further 1 ' discussion Mr : Hatrick - ' moVed- that the proposed repairs be done . '-iat v once^Mr 'Ste've'nsbn seconded the . motion and hoped a good job -would be • ; made of it.— The motion was put and .■Carried.— The' Harbourmaster was in-, -structedtohavetlie damaged portion reSpaired*and°tb have the two end bays -filled<up? i3;i ' • >; '" '■ - ; Boat Shedb.-^Mi 1 ; Quin waited on'thej •Boariiliandst'atedholliad.recoiveda notice; "■from tHe^Harb'tfiirmaster ordering him to: 'ifeind^e 1 , his;.: 'boats from ;bheir present! smoori&gs;'* He slated he would be put to'; •great ierpehs6 T and. inconvenience. ,;He: ■ did : nd£' think "the boats interfered .with] <the dfeent.^Mr Ayes, representing the' W.R.C., stated that .the general opinion ' - JfiniSng the' boating, f j.-aternity was > that • . Sthe* HarbourmasteiJ .was , wiong in his: , t »urm*iaery'ah'd I tHat i 'th'e boats did not. in-: „ with the current. ,He, suggested ' >*hat-"another'Spinion "should be- obtained from some o'rie competent to judge .and •who' did'hbt belong Tip .either, the Harbour j ..JBoard'^r^thH'ClSbs." He pointed,: out '■:■' that if the dragging up. of all bpatsfroni ..•the' water' was i insisted.. upoa it, would be ;. the means of stoppingbbating altogether, ■ as -tiie^meinb'ers' iould^not be expected, to ■ tug^fcheir'lieavy 1 boats up'after every time •6f - using ttem.' ' 'Of course, it was a serious quostioh'.'and'h'e hoped the Board would make further' inquiries before ordering "the removal of the boats. — The Qhajrnian laid^ej-was snre'.the inatter^onld receive , the faiji'cgnsidei'ation of the>Board, And it wa-s"reßoly.ed,,that -M^essi-s Ballance, • Thatcher, arid L Hatrick, jan conjunction ■with the Harbourmaster, shonld ,visit the;3pot'6h Wediiesilay 'affjernoon. at, low, •njateriandisee wh'ethe,r;.the sand bank ■ ■wa'? being effected ' elthei* ' one way or another by the boats being moored there, attd itt.theimeantime ; tMy, cqiild. remain as-theyiwere? '"■"',-,.'" „ , -. .< ;•■ i-iiHKAiJS'WoRKS ; ; Mr" Thatcher reported qn;behalftof'>ttie contractors ,that,no l'e,-, port had.'.been : rfeceivfed.from lifr Blair. He.anentiiJnedJthat "d^ta'ils tia§. .been .sent, t,o;anierigine'drn(jw in' f the'colony i who wag , an expertfih;th^ ! matter"qf harbioursi .and protective -workW and Tiis' bpihiofl sought. , , This gentleman" wd'a^Mr. Hardy johnstpn, ; .- who--wasfa<w'etl i knWn man" : He" was 1 ;in ; ' ; qhristchnrch;* -'knd' 'ho. (Mr;;Thatoher), would apprise the Board of his reply. — :Chairman thpught.if • / he, ( came, it T^woulibebenetecial'to ask his ;opinion,on, ithe'wHole of? the : 'harbour works and the. ■^andbanks/AcS'"!:'- •'"'",' '. ■■ . „i „-,:•, •The ßoard^nen 1 adjourned. .. \ . j; ;; 1 „.;..?••:/ .■-^ ; '-'-' r ' ■■ ''' : ' ,; ir -uv;

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXII, Issue 11551, 3 December 1889, Page 2

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WANGANUI HARBOUR BOARD Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXII, Issue 11551, 3 December 1889, Page 2

WANGANUI HARBOUR BOARD Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXII, Issue 11551, 3 December 1889, Page 2