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Greytown Borough Council

This Council met at the Borough Chamber* on Monday night. Present—H Ddy, Esq., the Mayor, in the chair, (Jr* Trotter, Cotter, St George, Cameron, Smith, Fabian and Yarnham. The minatee of the ordinary, meeting laat month were read and confirmed. OOBBMPOHDBNO* OUTWAUS. Correspondence outward* was read bom the copying book, comprising a letter in reply to New Plymouth Borough Council coinciding with their opinion* regarding the Charitable Aid Act, also a letter to Captain Page asking him to superintend the casting of a fit* bell for the Council and also to Cable and do. giving the order for same. To Mr P H Wood announcing that his application for a refund of rate* the Greytown Hospital had been granted. To Mr A Grigg giving him notice to erect a suitable fence to a certain lection in 28' day*. IHWiBDS. From Clerk to Charitable Aid Board asking for cheque due from Council as first quarterly contribution to Charitable Aid Board, amounting to L7l9* 4£d. Also from same relating to contribution to Biggieson’s family being now destitote on account of his being in durance vile. From Under Secretary enclosing order in Council delegating powers to the Borough to appoint cemetery trustees. From B Stansfield offering to provide the Borough Council with a fire proof safe for £lO Its. On the motion of Cr Ddy, junr., seconded by Or Yarnham the letter was allowed to lie on the table. OBUBTBBT XBUSTUS. The Mayor in reply to Cr Cotter said that the Borough Council now had power to appoint trustees.

Or Fabian said the Council hod applied for powers and it only now remained for them to make the appointments. Or Cotter thought they could not get better men to aot then the old trustees ; he should suggest that their names be submitted to the Governor.

The Mayor said if asked, very likely the late trustees would refuse to aot j be did not know what actuated them to resign. Cr Ddy, jour., said be would like the mem•hers of the Borough Council to sot Or Cotter proposed that Ore Cameron, H Udy, junr., and St George be appointed trustees.

These gentlemen declined unless the whole of the Council were appointed.

Or Cotter's motion was not seeondsd. Cr St George moved and Cr Cameron seconded that the whole Council act.

Cr Fabian said that the Crs must bo appointed in their private capacity, not as Councillors as that would be irregular. Cr Varnham quite agreed with Cr Fabian ; os the names of the trustees have to be gazetted periodically ha did not think they should be identified with their position as Councillors.

Or Ddy said that be «u not aware that the names bad to be gazetted every time. After some considerable attempts at ap* pointing Trustees among the members of the Council, and some bad declined to aet, it was eventually agreed to submit the names of Crs Cameron, Yarnham, Udy, tbe Mayor, Smith and Messrs Porritt, Johnston and' Wyett, and ask these gentlemen severally if they would consent to take office.

Mr 8 Haigh's name was also mentioned, but that free and independent resident being present among the andienee be informed the Council that it waited Upon be would respect, fully decline. So his name was eliminated from the list and tbe motion was tarried. The mover and seconder being understood to be Crs Cameron and Y»?ohem respeo. tively. aiooiasoH’s family. la reference to Mr Joseph Higgiason’s family now suffering from tbe effects of tbe forced absence of the “ bread winner ” it was resolved on tbs proposition of Cr Udy, seconded by Or Cameron, that the stipend el five shillings per week be continued until be was again at liberty, BhiXU roa CHABITABLI AID.

Cr Fabian said be understood that other bodies bad deferred paying their quota until oompelled and be now suggested that the (i'eytown Town Connell should do tbe same. His tforsbip said that perhaps it would be os well to get rid of the Higgieson’s bardtn tiefure remitting the money. Or Vuruham suggested that the matter f Would be allowed to slat'd over for tbe present.

Cr Udy proposed and Cr Colter seconded that tbe matterfbe farther considered at tbe VWt toasting of the Borough Ceuacil. Carried.

muxs comma's tear. Terry and Co., and 0 Morris sash |d I three weeks’ extension for their snail iris C Morris, and Hawke and Morris also WHO granted respect!rely an extension of time. So also was 8 Oarrity on tbs reecmirtniatia of the Work’s Commit tec.

A fOOCTATI Vliaoo. The Connell next oommeiMsd to aunaider an application from Mr Dockery sad Mr Maguire for a footpath to their houses on a street off Great Frederick Street.

Cr St George said that although this *aa a prirste street the people who had contributed their fair share of the rates should hens some consideration «bown them. The Mayor thought it racy hard upon those people not to hare e footpath whan they paid rates. Cr Cotter proposed that the matter be left open for one month, he would be willing to give every assistance, but unless dona in a legal manner ha would not bo in favor of taking streets over; be thought the matter required a little consideration. lo inbae* quently reeding the letter of application Or Cotter said that they specially asked tor n path *' into their bosses "he did not know if they wanted the gravel “ through Unit homes.” Cr Fabian said be thought that the parties should be given permission to get gravel oat of the Borough Council pit and do the labor tbsmaelvee if the Council could not take over the street, and ha ondortood that unless a chain wide the Council oould not taka oiur any (treat; this street was only half a obain wide.

Cr Tarnbam quite agrsad with Or Fabian and would be willing to give tha residents (here every assistance. Or Cameron proposed u a imadmenl that tha matter be left to the Works Oenev mittee, seconded by Or Udy. Cr Cameron said he thought Mr Maguire should have e gravelled path ae wall as Mr Cuff who got half cost of a path te hia house. Cr Vara ham thought that the Work's Committee should go than and am what was required. Cr Fabian moved ae a further emendmwrt that the Clerk write to Messrs Dockery and Maguire regretting that (ha Council cannot do work on a private road, bat with a view to assist than tha Council would allow them to get gravel bora the Borough pit. Seconded by Or Cameron, and aante& Cr Udy moved as another amendment that the pathway on Gnat Frederick Street as far as the private road end also to the end of Great Frederick Street be gravelled; this was ascended by Cr St George. Cr Cotter proposed ae still another amend* ment that no further works be does on than street at present; ha laid it only led through a bog to a dense bush, and tha Oeunati should not make any paths by a aide wind; he looked upon footpaths as luxuries; they would have Cr Cameron next taking tor a footpath to Mrs Humphries’ house. The Council was not so flush of money, but he would like to see the footpath eon tinned from Mrs Hartwell's to the end of Mein street. They bad not baan asked lor a footpath on Great Frederick Street but the cart truffle might be improved. The qoeetlon of a toot* path should not have been opened at all Cr Cotter’s amendment was not eeconded. Cr Fabian, to add to the lagion of amend* manta, than rose to propose that the Work's Committee be requested to report at next meeting. Or Cameron eeeonded. Cr Cotter mid he would have to sand lag hie blankets. Some other remarks were made about toote paths on Kuratiwhiti Street end Jackson 1 Street to Woodside Station, and then this little piece ef light comedy ended by the Mayor patting the long lists ol amendments and the original resolution to the Council and they in their toms warn all throne out by a majority, and so all this eon vernation resulted in matters remaining in statue quo. It was resolved to recommend the Pnhtta Work’e Committee to clear the boulder*, An* off Powbata Road, for 36 chains, 16 chains wide. The Worke Committee’s report was adopted. waiomxx ramaa. The nutter of the bridge between Oreytow* and Malarawa was oast considered and lh> Mayor presented some information and deep* monte from the County Clerk, when it web resolved to adjourn the meeting of Connell till Wednesday (tonight) at 7 o’clock and the clerk was instructed to give notie* of the special badness to be then transacted

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 3000, 3 August 1887, Page 2

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Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 3000, 3 August 1887, Page 2

Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 3000, 3 August 1887, Page 2