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Mr Bidwill and the 'Observer.'

To the Editor of the Standard.

Bin,—lt is with great eurpriee W* that I Me the • Observer • ha* thought fttto write a leading article on what *** l™** between Mr Bnnny and mywU at tberston meeting. I think rt wouid b.v. been better lor Mr Bunny’s cause tl hi. friends bad allowed the matter to drop, and i am very sorry indeed that I have again to write to the papers in vindication ol my own character. When Mr Bunny made tbepereonal attack be did against me, I iyP«J|}w „ the audience (a large one too) and asked them n they knew of on. single instance in which mysell or any member ol our lanuly bed done an unfair or unjust action to any one in or out of our employ, and let to* t#U yon. Mr Editor, that that audience consisted almost wholly of persons who had known mo from my childhood np to sow, »o that it wa. no empty appeal. I need hardly say what tbs result ol that appeal has bean, Mr Bonny • attack being so nnjost and uncalled lor In the.caw ol Mallory, it was positively s on*' thing tor Mr Bnnny to make the poorleuow a target tor electioneering porpoaa. I* placed Maliery in a moot unpleasant pooittoo, be being utterly at) a! loaa to know the reason Mr Bnnny came to mention his mom in the way ha did al a pnblie meeting. Tho vasy nest day alter the meeting he made a point ol teeing Mr Bnnny and denying every* thing Mr Bonny bad laid, and ha baa aIM demanded a pnblie apology. Mr Bonny’g anewet wai, that it waa told him as a Met. Now, Mr Editor, I ask yon whether H wa* not Mr Bonny’s plaot to try and find oat if tbs report was tra* or not, before be nods It pnblie instead ol relying on a men report t Waa it showing doe respect to any man to have bis duds brought np at a pnblie meeting without bis knowledge or consent, perhaps to the injury ol that man f but in Mailery’c esse it will do no barm, he being known to bn snob a oonaeientions, trust worthy, and steady man, that no one will donbt his word lor ong moment. Bat no man like* his name ban* died about at an elaetion time, especially afl bis (Mallery'si ha* been, the ease fit Brodison was a different matter, as I am fully eon* vineed now that the man spread the report himself in a fit of temper, and I do not blame Mr Bonny or his supporters in making use ol itj; but the least Mr Bunny might bava done, knowing to* so well at be doer, was to have asked me in a more gentlemanly manner at his meeting at Featberstoa, lor an explanation ol my letter in the Standard. It would have been only common eonrteey and done nobody any harm. Before I wrote the letter referred to, denying we bad dismissed Brodison on account ol bis vote, 1 made it I business to see Brodison, and asksd bun whether he knew anything about tba report { he denied point blank ever saying a word eg knowing anything about it. I believed him then, and concluded of course that the report was simply got np for electioneering purposes, as I knew Mr Bunny’s supporters bad taken it np. So yon will see, Mr Editor, that I wag careful to make full enquiries before I wrotg to the Btardabd, which Mr Bunny did no# trouble himself to do in the ease of Maliery.

I may tell the * Observer * tbit, that at long aa I live, 1 will explain to tba beat ol m f ability and give my viewa on the chief qoeetiona ol tbe day to any man, whether nndec my employ or not. and alao try to expoae all 1 ean tbe attar rain that moat betall a nf eoontry wben even the Miniatan travel abool pitting elaaa ogainat elaaa, and doing thaie beet to keep capital ont ol tbe country. Aa to the charge ol intimidation indirectly mad* againat me by the * Observer, 1 1 should think be (the editor) ought to knew by tbia time that an Bogliabman mop be led, bn| never driven, any man can vote lot who ha likea through tbe ballot ayatem and neither hia employer nor anyone elae ia any tha wiser.

The ' Observer ’ in ite art isle baa In* geniously mixed Uallery'a and Brediaon’l coses together, whether intentionally or note I do not know. These am Mr Bonny'S words re Mallery’s“ lee, and there la also against yon, Mallory's case, whom you tried to influence, but he plnckily and indepen. dently told yon he would not vole log Baobanan." In ite article the ' Observer* carelully avoid* mentioning there wan two cases, and so mislead* Urn reader. 1 no* leave the public to judge whether then wan any kind of intimidation made on ol by ma in either case, and whether tha ' Observer * was justified in writing tha article it did, or Mr Bonny in making tb* attack he did on me. I should not have takes any notice of tbs article in the * Observer' II 1 had not thought my character as a gentleman won challenged. This ia tha last Urn* 1 shall write to the paper in reference to thia matter, end 1 think Mr Bonny’s iiienda would be win to Stop it. I am, As., Wm. B. Bin won. Fihautaa, July 19th, 1887.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2095, 22 July 1887, Page 2

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Mr Bidwill and the 'Observer.' Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2095, 22 July 1887, Page 2

Mr Bidwill and the 'Observer.' Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2095, 22 July 1887, Page 2