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Mr Beetham at Masterton

Mr Q.‘.Bsetham’s address to the electors of Masterton on Tuesday was a great success, although he descended to the nee of no claptrap and did not profess to he ready to die for everyone’s cause but his own. He exhibited none of the arts of the r,!ib and too patriotic special pleader; nor did he condescend to indulge in the shrill shrieks of the illiterate demagogues who insult the intelligence of Che people by assuming that an insensibility to all decorum must naturally commend them to the peoples’ favor. Ur Beetham’s discourse was that of an honest man who had employed bis undoubted abilities for the advantage of his constituents and, though still willing to serve them, was incapable of pandering to their worst passions, but rather treated his

auditors with truest respect by appealing only to their commonteuse and reason. Beady once mote to work (or the electors of the Wairamps, Mr Beetham was not prepared to sacrifice bis manhood by a base indulgence in slander and calnmniati and the other despicable methods of the mere place hunter. If,” said he, “ yon ca.. anyone to serve you better than myself , then elect him and , dismiss me.” He wished no vote on the , mere ground cf his being a good fellow. , There is the trpe tgaqly ring jn these words which manly men will appreciate. Mr Beetham's reasons for opporiug the StoutBallanca combination were straightforward, but with that almost too scrupulous considertioo be ever manifests to a political opponent hia indictment against these bogus democrats was far and away more lenient than their acts deserved- He did well, however, to strip the fiiiqsy mask from Sir Bobert Stoat’s Land Nationalisation declarations by showing that he (Sir Bobert Stput) pwued one thousand acres at Waiiafu wbjoh he had tiled without success to sell before he concealed other persons’ lands. Mr Beetham’s remarks concerning economy were pertinent and pungent and he referred (• the Wai mate railway aud other scandals as demonstrating the calibre of our professional patriots’ patriotism. Jt is right and just to recall these matters and not to he, ay sotqe are. beguiled by pompous patriotic phraseology into overlooking unpatriotic adieus, Deeds' cot words should be the elector's touchstone. 0n the subject of laud settlement Mr Beetham proved himself as liberal-minded as practical. No members of the Opposition and moat certainty neither Messrs Beetham nor Bnchanan, said one word agaiust land settlement; what they said and were justified in saying was that Mr Ballauce, who had been authorised by his masters, the House, to incur an expenditure for homestead settlements of from £6,0000 to £7,000 had no isitiily business to commit the people of country to an expenditure of £70,000 for a really untricu experimental scheme. Of course so long as Mr Baiiafac? f eed 3 Auckland with out money these northern settlem?I’lß 1 ’ 18 will appear prosperous, on paper, Settle (he land, by all manner of means, said the Opposition, but you have no right to ‘rob Peter to pay Paul,’ to rob the south of this island to increase the Government prestige in tbe North, no right to pauperise these homestead settlers ; and above all yonr conduct in allocating monies not sanctioned by tbe representatives of tbe people is grossly unconstitutional if not absolutely criminal. The Opposition were not only strictly within their constitutional rights in this declaration, but they would have been traitors to their country bad they not entered their solemn protest against the functions usurped by an individual, whether usurped, fts Alt Ballauce declared from patriotic motives or, as others assert, for his own poli. liciil ends. That members of the Governmuit should have misrepiesented this . gitimatu C'en'u.t of the dunes of ■>- np-- 0B iti ODt stating that it proceeded only from the selfishness of landowneis, shows how week the case of 'he Government really is, aud throws a grave slut upon the purity of Ministers' I motives. I

Mr Beet ham, i uting tire next few weeks, will hive n endure all the calumny that the unscrupulous sgeu(| of an unscrupulous

Govi-i'.imujt, ihhJ for power, can heap upon him, but we have uo fear for tbe result; we are certain the electors will prefer tried worth and sterling honesty to tbe mere loud mouthed vaporingg of spurious liberals and needy professional politicians and carpet baggers.

By an advertisement in another column it will be seen that the Greytown Amateur Dramatic Club will give a novel and varied Entertainment on Monday night next, when a really excellent programme will be submitted to the Greytown public. The first part will consist of a laughable farce entitled “ The Two Thompsons,” which will be handled by two of the leading members. A Christy Minstrel performance, consisting of good sentimental and comic songs, in which some of the leading amateur vocalists will take part, combined with the usual laughable jokes, will comprise tbe second part. The third part will consist of a side-splitting farce entitled “Ajax and Hercules,” which will be performed by six members of the Company. We thinkthat apart from the excellent programme to be submitted, the fact of the Dramatic Club having with good tact fixed such low prices of admission, ought to secure good patronage, and we hope to see the Club greeted with a bumper house uu Monday night next.

At Masterton, yesterday, the ohargeagainst Thomas Hurley, charged with stabbing John W lliamson on 22nd June, was dismissed.

Messrs Maztou and Webster announce in oc ■ advertising columns a big sale for tbe If hj instant at tbe People’s Auction Mart, G ytown, when an endless variety of goods wui he offered without reserve.

The secretary of tbe Greytown Hospital desires to pnblicly acknowledge receipt of the following subscriptions and to thank those who so kindly contributed Club Hotel Hospital Box 7s, Key Mr Ward 6s, being surplus receipts of recent Christian Workers' Convention held at Carterton, also by subscription lists, Messrs C Pharazyn LI, H Claney ss, G Mawer ss, Eev Mr Ward LI, Chas Qasely ss, Wm Schrowder ss, J Corps L 3, Greytown Trust Lands (refund) LI, and Jas Farrell (fees) L2. There was a good attendance of buyers at Mr Wood’s Taratahi Sale yesterday, and considering the weather a fair amount of stock was yarded. All tbe sheep were sold, the prices being ; Ewes in lamb Bs lOd to 7s, two tooth wethers 9s, ewes and wethers mixed 7a, lambs 3s lid. The next sale in tbe same yards will be held on Thursday, 21st July.

Mr Biobatd Fairbrother wag elected first Mayor of tbe Borough of Carterton on Wednesday without opposition. Oat correspondents mast excuse as if they are disappointed in not seeing their letters in this issue. We are blocked with matter. Mr W. Toogood has undertaken the sale of pianos on deferred payments. Parents must read his advertisement which will appear in our next.

A most influential meeting of flock-owners was recently held in Deniliquio, N S Wales, when a large number of station-owners was present, including flock-owners from Jerilberi down ta the Monlamieu, who have combined with the intention of nut engaging a union man ; nor one, in fact wbe his subjected to the shearers' union rules, the flock-owners ate determined that they shall have control over their own stations and wool sheds, and men whom they think proper to work the same ; and that shearing be carried on under station rules, although they might have to put up with any sort of shearers. At the same meeting it was agreed that tbe following rates should be fixed, namely 20s per 100. Last year the price was 17s 9d per 100. Tbe same arrangements have been entered into at Utuna, for that district. The above arrangements will, no doubt, extend from tbe Hiver Murray to the Murtumbidgee. The flock-owners are of opinion that 20a per 100 will encourage the men to throw up the union.

The following officers of Court Wairarapa A.0.F., were installed on Wednesday evening last: Bro Trotmsn C.8., Bro J F Baillie 5.C.8., Bro Hall S.W., Bro D Baillie J.W., Bro Beynolds HB , Bro Bright J.B. The quarterly balance sheet was also read shewing a very satisfactory addition to the funds. Four new members were initiated daring the quarter.

Poverty and Suffering.—” I was dragged down with debt, poverty, and suffering for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did them no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in ooe month we were all well, and none of us bavs seen a sick day since ; aud I want to say to all poor meo, yon can keep yonr families well u year with American Co’s Hop Bitters for 'ess than one doctor's visit will cost. 1 know t.”—A Working Man. Bead

•iow to Get Sick.—Expose yourself day an, night, sit too much without exercise, work too bard without rest, doctor all the time, take all tbe vile nostrums and imitations advertised, and then you will want to know

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2090, 8 July 1887, Page 2

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Mr Beetham at Masterton Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2090, 8 July 1887, Page 2

Mr Beetham at Masterton Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2090, 8 July 1887, Page 2