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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1887.

On Tuesday evening the Oreytown Schocl children will oe regaled with tea and cake hj the Town Hill ..a notified in our last issue A large attendance is expected. Mr Ballancc denies that he has any intention of desert.'og Wanganui. j’ho Auatra l Lncgs r collection of fine ail exhibit, v.-oitd '.lO, 1 for the Adelaide Exhibition.

The Premier has as yet received no in telligence of any Jubilee hononrs being about to be conferred on Hew Zealand colonists.

So short au interval will elapse between the Paris and the Melbourne Exhibitions, that it is feared that French exhibitors w ;i l not be numerous at the latter.

The Oreytown Volunteers, if they proceed to Wellington on Tuesday will probably be joined by tbe Papawai Native Company, who have signified their intention of going wherever the Oreytown Company decides to take part. A requisition is being circulated through the city of Wellington, and has already obtained a large number of signatures, asking Mr William M’Lean to come forward as a candidate for Tfaorndon.

A movement is on foot to present a testimonial to Mr Benjamin Crisp, of Nelson, who bi.- been in these colonies for sixty-eight years, and fifty years in Mew Zealand. The veteran has for forty three years past undertaken the task of procuring a treat for the children of Nelson on the Queen’s Birthday. The testimonial will take the form of a medal and a purse of sovereigns and will be presented on Monday next. At a meeting of the New Zealand branch of the Australis;! Nhews' Union hold at Oamnru ,t.-e ; s-eo t-, r was fixed at £; ' . j; i !■• i >• N >tu I 1:• -i f-nd lAs 6: i' ■■■ * c-i - ... o ■ e I'.-y, t;:e Uian- •!( , ■ iutt»er, of iu.'M wn, i. -1, lilt uWer of ih • W'h n; ureytowu, a njis f n. iU'i s.isr I ,uu tare is oonipOoi- i of four very appro :».<• (Ja’ed pillars bearing a most elaborate! y finished fount for bolding the weird effective fire used by the craft, aud bearing the name of the Lodge in handsome letters on tlia front. The base jf the altar is also appropriately embellished and ornamented, making altogether an excellent effect. This new Lodge, which jousista of a number of young men in robust -Itta, is now progressing in a satisfactory manner, and will shortly take its place among the moat important Friendly hosieries’ Lodges in the Wairarapa. Mr liars (house, MHR, for Motaeka, is honored with some tines by a wider in the Colonist. Two of the versus read thus— Who in its many turns aud bounds The vulgar m<od adroitly sonnds, Who runs with hare yet hunts with ' hounds ? i Why 1 Hursthoose. I Wbo’d vote for Hall through (hick and I thin, Who'd turn bis coat that hs might win, { Nor double dealing deem a sin 1 j Why I Huratbouse. i

Archbishop f’arr, one 01 the newly created Uowan Catholic dignitaries, has arrived in Melbourne, and h,.s teen formally installed. The Ancklai u bell lays that it Sir George Qrey persists in • opposition to the ullage Settlement who ;o : .a 'he duty of the people cf Auc’. ••' ;.o - o‘t i; u from City East, A.■••jomidk 1.. i:. - uui, there is ,iac. ; . di-cord in tne camp of the Chicago ivangeiists just now. Mr Moody has disagreed ivitb Mr Sankey, and the Women’s Tempernoe Union arc opposed to the employment IMr Francis Murphy, who in one oi Mr Moody's lieutenants. The Rhode Island Senate has passed a . tronp probibitoi v law. Drunkenness is made a' ■ itory offence, with flue and imprison* ret..

Mr Lot an, editor oi the Journal Je Merlecine de Paris, says that Pasteur’s treatment ol hydrophobia is not only useless, bat dangerous.

Herr Krupp. ol Essen, is at present manna factoring a gun weighing close upon 189 tons. Us length is to he 53Jlt, and its calibie lo'7 in.

At tho request oi the Ameer ol Afghanis* tan an English engineer bar gone to consult with him regarding Mm voOntructiou oi a tailway 1 out Cabul to Herat.

f We bad received from the Secretary of tie I Wairarapa Poultry, Pigeon, sod (Jaunty A.saoj elation, the programme for the third annual | Show (o be held at the Brill-Shed Masterton, on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 26, and 27. | The prize list contains 71 classes for poultry. { We learn that Jnbilee Balls are to be held { at Eketabuna on Monday night, Mauriceville i Tuesday, andAllredton Wednesday. Mr G. B. Bibbs has given notice of a ' motion in the Legislative Assembly, condemning the arbitrary action of the Premier • in prohibiting the nse of theatres on Sundays j in Sydney. | If the Greytown Volunteers go to Wellington next week the Papawai Native Company | will accompany them. ! In the Masterton B.M. Court yesterday j morning, a lad named Hockley was sen- ! fenced to 21 hours’ hard labor for sweating | in tho public street.

| Latest cable messages state that in the English wool market prices are firmly maintained.

Mr Wright, hairdresser, of Greytown, has made some very nice and comfortable improvements to his hairdressing and shaving saloon. Mr A. Grieg, baker, of Greytown, has the catering for the Carterton demonstration on Monday. Mr B. 0. Black, postmaster,Greytown, has for sale a number of electoral rolls for Wairarapa Sontb. The price of them is is Od each. The Greytown Volunteers master for inspection tonight. The extra inspection this week is necessitated through a failure of some to atteud the regular parade on Tuesday. The members of the Gun Club will meet at Hacmerich’a Hotel on Saturday night, to arrange a match to take place probably in Jubilee week The Wairarapa Jockey Club tu;. iu the afternoon, when some important Ini ne.:- .. <vP. be transacted, Iru't: . ■>! Mr James Harris, of Gi->-i r;;,.-,!..-; lew a that ire w - ••■.v •t; < ; a: a-> u a..-' is

AU..«e:.< ■ au a : Woisiti iii !■( a jui.iiiti Mile t.onoi.O'. tilth G'eytown room. The limmieea w: -e il umiuated tonight, a-m will be ct eof <llllßOllOO. Tiie goods are of every b iiription.

A un venn ... is r i foot in Wellington Mr Wm Hearn, the champion sculler of New Zealand, to Sydney to represent New Zealand in the forthcoming World’s Championship Sculling Eace to be held on the Parramatta Eiver, New South Wales, in Jannary next. Mr Hearn came out as a sculler in 1870 and defeated several opponents on the West Coast. He was once beaten by Messenger, bat in 1881 he defeated Messenger. We hope the project will be carried out. New Zealand has made her mark with in horse racing and football in Australia, and why not in sculling?

A new industry, that of canning oysters, has been started in Stewart’s Island.

The custodian of the Greytown Hospital will receive, with thanks, any donations of old linen the ladies of the district may feel dis posal to forward, as at present bandages are urgently required. The weather during the last few days has been exceedingly wet and cm hardly he culled “ Jubilee ” weather. Perhaps our farmers will be inclined to call it “a Jubilee Bain ” —for everything must needs be " Jubilee ” for the next two or three days. Then very early on Thursday morning we had a “Jubilee earthquake”—very slight, it is true. It is hoped for the sake of the various amusements on Monday that we shall have " Queen’s weather.”

It is said that the local Cheese Factory is not sending an exhibit to the Wanganui Exhibition. Can it be that they are afraid to compete with the others, or is there someone to blame ? asks the Herald. Could not the Greytown or the Taratahi Factory seek the honor of first prize ? The Wellington Meat Company are about to erect premises on Lambton Quay,' Wellington, to cost £4OOO. Mr F. Y. Wolsley, the inventor of the sheep shearing machine, has been banqnetted. In a speech on the occasion, he stated that be had spent £IO,OOO before hitting on the proper idea. It was not a labour saving machine. Its only effect on the shearers would be to lessen their work and improve its character. Mr J. Fuller, Greytown, advertises for tenders for buildiog new stables. There is now a large native gathering at Panhaka, with enormous quantities of food. The “Jubilee Park,” in Dunedin is being surveyed. £2OO has been collected for the work to be done. Four natives in a boat off the mouth of the Otnki, in three hours caught one bun-d-ed and twenty-five sohnapper and a large hapuka. Members have cheaply earned their honoraimm of two hundred guineas— something at tae rate n twenty pounds a week. A Good Awounl.—•• To sum it up, six long yeirs of hod-ridden sioksesa and suffering, ofwfing £lO >r year. lorn! £240, ail of w;ioh wu- i< .] ]) ■ three bottles of America . C. •« L -p bt> vr> taken by my wife, who has Ome her . ; housework for a year since without, ttn -of a day, ami I want everybody t.. k, .... ,t f, iheir bu.-.-fit,"—John U eetfc. Bmb- fc'i.d

fues'rtutir, J emigration from Liverpool to the U dte u i;ates ms assumed extraordinary magnitr ■'■), am managers < f the lea 1. iog ,1 tic summers have found it necessary to nut several additional steamers ou the service.

One thousand B’reemasons met at the Abbert Hull, London, on Monday uigut and a congratulatory Jubilee addresa to the Queen was adopted.

iruit Growing.-If land is costly, plant trees twice as thick as needful, and after they have fruited s few years, one half of them be removed. Never plant cheap or poor trees—they are very unprofitable. Avoid having too many varieties, if growing lor market. Mulch placed too near the trunk of a tree will do more harm than good. Never plant trees in worn out land, unless you cun enrich it, The soil of the orchard should he ploughed enoe and harrowed frequently during the year.

Moral Turpitude,—Blame attache* * jury oi intelligent men when they condemn a man for crime whose moral name has been perverted by indigestion, diseased liver and ainneys. A thoughtful judge may well conjidrr whether society would not be better ierved by ordering a bottle of American Co’s 3op Bitters for the unfortunate in the dock nstcad of years of penal servitude. Read Plans h.iva been prepared io<- ;;, e recon. truction and enlai ;< ment of the Windsor erminusotthe Great Western Railway. The mprovements, if carried out, will cost, it is istimated, about £40,000.

vVhen Moriarty’s Jubilee price list was read, Itcreated the greatest sensation ; All the small dealers unitedly said ‘ He’ll certainly startle the nation.” Chey were right indubitably—wait and you’ll see, Us the best celebration of ou? Queen's Jubilee, Yon have no donbt read the price list; see mat you now examine the goods. Bough on Piles.” Why suffer Pilee f Immediate relief and complete cure gnarans -sed. Aek for " Bough on Piles.” Sure cure for Robing, protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles. Prince Bismarck's birthday was remembered by the Moravian colony at Labrador ! and they sent His Highness the skin of a Polar bear eight feet long “ as a patriotic offering.” ■ Hough on Catarrh” corrects offensive odors ;.t one?. Complete cure of worst chr.mic cases ; also unequalled as gargle for •liptheria, sme threat, foul breath,

The Fire Brigade will hold its usual danomg assembly on Tuesday night (a long night) instead of Thursday night. Probably the dance may be extended until 2 or 3in the morning, if satialaotory arrangements oan be made.

Owing to a heavy landslip on the railway line near the Pakurutahi, about 31 miles this side of Wellington both morning trains yes-, terday were detained about three hours. The evening trains to and fro were also delayed. Greytown Volunteers wishing to proceed to Carterton on Monday to take part in the procession should communicate with Captain Cameron at once or the secretary Mr C Higgins.

A soiree takes place on Tuesday night at Featherston which promises to be a most enjoyable affair, and perhaps may draw some of the Greytown people. Messrs Kaisenberg aod Lundqyist will supply the music and every effort is being made to have a night’s thorough enjoyment. This morning’s Times says the Jubilee illuminations in Wellington on Monday may be counted upon ten fingers. The friendly societies' carnival is the main attraction. The tower of Government Honse is to be illuminated with the electric light.

We understand that Mr F. H. Wood will have an exceptionally large assortment of goods at bis sale in the Greytown Booms on Saturday, 2nd July. With this issue he publishes an inset which details some of the lines to be offered.

The banks in the Wairarapa will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, the 20th and 21st inst., for the Jubilee holidays.

We understand that the Bev J Ward will preach a special Jnbilee sermon in the Wesleyan Charah, Greytown, on Sunday morning next.

The stock sale at the Featherston yards on Tuesday, sth July, is now advertised, and further entries ah mid be sent to Mr F H (V .od ns early ae possible.

y aturlny rohir-i “ckeis no to end in' l 'udi'’e ' r •. ;.■>», 27th -I', e. w-i| 1 is-iiPil per train i i'n any ataiion m - .n>' -t iti-ir, in -h- Wr•ri a On Mo <3 ■ • mor i»u a train wi 1 t h,-o Greytown >u o 4o a .d Fori h-raion at 915 arriving ' 'arleri oi at 10 oMock.

The following team will represent the Red Stars in the Junior Cup match with the Greytown second fifteen on Saturday next (tomorrow) at Greytown ; —Back, D’Arcy ; halves, Hawke, E Felling ; quarters, Albert Hoar, Emmett, Watson ; forwards, Martin, Thomas, J Felling, W Welch, C and H Ewington, IggnUen, AH Hoar. T Bannister. Emergencies—H Campbell, Bannister, T D Thompson, E Welch, Collier, and Freeth 1 The names of the Greytown team were in our last issue. It is to be hoped that the weather will prove favourable and the two cup matches well fonght oat on their merits.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2082, 17 June 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2082, 17 June 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2082, 17 June 1887, Page 2