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The Greytown Licensing Committee met on Wednesday and granted 10 o’clock re» newal of licenses to the three hotels in the Borough.

The Government have informed tho Taranaki Ironsand Association that at present they cannot offer any bonus tor the production of

A •’ Jubilee sale " cakes place to-non-ow nt Messrs Maston and Wobstei’a r.’r'hm mart, Greytown, where groceries, drapery, farm produce, furniture, fancy and miscellaneous goods will he offered. Just now the public are getting some rare bargains at these sales, and wo suppose this firm will h.-ve a busy cay cf •: tomorrow. A correspondent (Mr 3, Hour! Thompson) informs us that the foreigners at South Carterton, called Scandinavians by os in »n article ” Bewitched, or What ? ” which appeared iu our issue of Monday last, aro almost exclusively Polos. Mr Thompson says ’hat the Scandinavian (that is, Danish,

Swedish, aud Norwegian) community in Cars tertou look upon such practices as thoca referred to as a degrading superstition. It is said that in the event of the Waitotara scat being cut oat by the Representation Commissioners, the Hon Mr Bryce will retire into private life. It is an open secret (says the Wanganui Herald) that for some time past Mr Bryce’s health has not been of the best, and that bat for his duty to bis party, be would have preferred to have given np polities some time ago. Any person who has resided twelve months in the. colony, and six months in his present district, is entitled to have his -nme j- the electoral roll. Any one who, Inving been enro.'.—; hM changed bis district within the last six mouths, ball have his name transferred to the roll of the districtwhich be now resides. We shall be pleased to supply forms, and all information, on application.

Mr F. H. Wood held his usual fortnightly stock sale at the Taratahi yards yesterday. There was a large attendance of buyers, and a fair amount of stock changed hands at current prices. The usual sale at these yards js ou Thursday. 23rd June, and the auo‘mneer’s advertisement of it appears today. Tenders for the Martinborough-Pahana Road, fmmation and metalling, called for >y the County Council, close today at 4 p.m.

White's Line, Carterton, as regards loaded wagons is closed until 15th November, 1887. Empty wagons can pass over. Jobb and Go’s coaches now convey passengers by coach hom Woodville to Palmerston North, 16 miles, for one shilling. This beats the railway. W. W. MoCardle is announced to address the electors of North Wairarapa at the Theatre Royal, Masterton, on Monday next.

Sir G. W. Des Vceux has been appointed Governor ol Hong Kong. A London cable message says that the Ascot Stakes Handicap was won by Eurasian, Exmoor 3, Beaver 3. The Ascot Jubilee Handicap was won by Miming, St Mirin 2, Bendigo and Aintiee ran dead heat lor third place.

The Greytown Mutual Improvement Society intend to have a good meeting on Tuesday next after the anniversary tea. There will also be a display of fireworks.

There are 4000 unemployed engaged upon the various relief works of Now South Wales.

20,000 Sunday-school children will take part in the Jubilee Demonstration next month in Melbourne. The Jubilee fetes have commenced in Melbourne already.

Statistics show that in tho whole of Europe the women have a majority of 4,579,00®.

A conference of shearers is to be held at Oamaru on the 14th June for the purpose of framing rules for the New Zealand branch. We remind our readers of the entertainment in the Town Hall, Greytown, this evening by the Hooper Specialty Company. This company of nine lady and gentleman artists are highly spoken of by the Wellington press, their performances being of a very superior character. Tho Auckland press, speak, ing of Miss Emily Elliott, says that her singing alone was worth the price charged for admission. Mr Eggleston, writing to the Melbourne Wesleyan Spectator, states that the Rev Dr Talmage has decided to visit Australia in 1888. In Brisbane a child named Elias Tubie scrambled upon a log drawn by a trolly, and fell off, his head being crushed beueath tho trolly wheel. Death was instantaneous.

At a meeting of the residents of Duntroon, Otago, hold recently, it was decided to protest again;-., the introduction of stoats and weasels imo ih»j ohtrict.

A nine-roomod house belonging to John Hudson of Patea was burned down this week aad everything destroyed. His Excellency Sir Henry Loch, Governor of Victoria, speaking of the defences of that colony, stated that in a short v.iino they will absolutely defy insult or attack.

The Masterton folks are going to celcbrate the Jubilee. A strong committee has been appointed, who have decided to erect four triumphal arches, aud have a public procession, inviting the public bodies, Freemasons, Friendly Societies, Fire Brigades, Volunteers, and school children to take part. In the evening a grand Jubilee fancy dross and plain ball will be held.

Mr Yollbracht is petitioning Parliament for a bonus for his services in connection with the tobacco industry as he is invalid and destitute. Wo know of some growers (says the Wanganui Herald) who would like to give Mr V. a little of their mind, and no doubt some of the shareholders in his companies think they have a better right to a bonus, for it has been their money that the experiments have been made with.

The Treutham Farmers’ Union, in Victoria, are urging the Government to impose a heavy import duty ou horses, so as to stop them from being brought from New Zealand.

A considerably larger area will be put under crop in the Oamaru district this year than last. Farmers have more faith in wheat than sheep, at least the experience of the past few years iu the latter has not been encouraging.

It is said tho Government will not press for two years for the rents of deferred payment settlers in the Cromwell district, Otago, so that an opportunity may be afforded them of wireuetting their holdings against rabbits. The effect of the deductions proposed in the financial statement in the salaries of Civil servants is that while a civil servant with £3OO a year will lose £6 per annam (3 per cent), one with £550 will lose L4l 6s, or very nearly seven times as much.

The Official Assignee in Dunedin recently quoted the following figures to show the remarkable difference between stated and realised assets in his official districtlßß4 Stated, L 263.000, realised £80,872 ; 1885 - Stated L 97.329, realised L 87.248; 1886— Stated L 107.199, realised L 57.917.

There was a waltzing match under " hydrostatic " conditions at Wellington last week. The test was that the competitors should each carry a tumbler of water on his head while dancing, and the one that was fortunate enough not to spill the water would be declared the winner. Two couples waltzed four times round the room, an Auckland man having for a partner Mrs Oakes, and the Wellington crack Mrs Furness. After going throe times round tho room tho glass on Crockett’s • head fell off, and although his Jaaciagwns r.tered (ho moat, tho Auckland man won :h: wager. About ICO jonploj wo to present. Says the Napier Herald How exhilarating—how ecstatic I Fancy gazing in rapturous abandon at two waltzing ohani. pions each hugging a woman, and each with a glass of .valor ou Ills head, soioir.iiiy sailing round a hall room.

M. Casdborg and Go publish then cor. reeled price list in today’s issue. They also a.iiionuce that they have for sale the host brands rt Masterton aud Oamaru Hour; oats, wheat, barley, bran, pollard, potatoes, oaten ohaff aud common chaff.

Mr Garratt, of Wellington, announces by the aid of a neat cut in our fourth pare that his white worm powders are the best,

When Moriarty’a Jubilee price list was road Defeated the greatest sensation ; ’ All the small dealers unitedly said “ He’ll certainly startle the nation ’* They were tight indnbitably-wait and Ton’ll see,

’Tis the best celebration of our Queen’s Jubilee, You have no doubt read the price list • see that yon now examine the goods. Wells’ Hair Balsam. If grey, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil nor grease. A Tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming ont j strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp. 8 Working Men.—Before yon begin your !'**vy spring work after a winter of relaxation your system "oedg Cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of bflionj ct spring fever or sickness that will unfit yon for a season’s work. You will save time, sickness nnd expense if you will use one bottle of American Go’s Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don’t wait. Read

Skinny Men. “ Wells’ Health Ucnewer” restores health and vigor, cures, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. At chemists ami druggists. Kempthorne, Prosser <S Go, Asti. Dunedin.

An Alabaster Box.—Young girls finding their complexion growing sallow, and their skin becoming rough or freckly, resort to perfumed ointments for a restoration of their bloom. All such should nse American Oo’e Hop Bitters, which will restore bloom to cheeks, whiteness and bsantr to their complexion, making rich blood, good health, and happy smiles. Bead

It is quite clear that the diminished total!, sator receipts will shortly cause the leading clubs to seriously entertain the question of reducing the extravagant stakes they have been offering. At the Dunedin meeting, held on tho Queen’s birthday, the amount passed through the machine was £7676, which (ell short by no less than £3536 of the sum put through at the corresponding meeting last year.

At a meeting of the members of the Land Board yesterday Mr MoCardle ventured to suggest that the Board should meet alter nately at Masterton and Wellington. Mi Buuny considered the proposal to meet ai Masterton an electioneering bait, and spoke against it. The meetings will be held in Wellington as usual. A reduction of the tolls on the Gorge road is notified in the Gazette of June 2nd, In which a proclamation appears to the effect that the Government have taken the Gorge road between the two bridges over. The Tararua toll gate is therefore abolished. The following team has been selected to represent the Masterton Club in the match against the Carterton Club for the senior cup of the Wairarapa Onion, to be played at Masterton tomorrow ‘.—Back, Boydboase ; half backs, C. Ferry, B. Thompson ; quarters, W. Perry, C. Helmwood, and Stewart; wings, F. Felling, Hounslow ; forwards Whatman, Cox, W. B. Welch, W. Day, Kibblewhite, C. Bannitser, F. Perry ; emergencies—backs, O’Connor, J. and H. Perry ; forwards, F. Welch and McKenzie. The kick off takes place at 2,30 ahaip. It is reported in Auckland that Mr Ballance at the desire of several friends, will contest a city constituency, probably Newton, at the forthcoming elections. The Wellington and Manawatu railway

Company have accepted a tender lor 500

cords of firewood, required as fuel for tbeii locomotives. It would give employment to several hands and do good in other ways if the Government could use this kind of fuel in the Wairarapa locomotives. Opposition is being ’manifested to Lord Salisbury resuming diplomatic relations with the Vatican. The English Bishops disapprove of it.

Sporting men who intend taking part in the Carterton Jubilee sports will notice that nominations close with the secretary, at B p.m. on Monday, 13th.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, have received the following telegram from tbeir London office, dated 7tb instant Wool—The sales opened today scarcely at the level of last sales. Cioasbred has declined 4d to Id per lb. The attendance of both Homo and foreign buyers is good, and competition is fairly active. The opening cataloguo contained 10,000 bales, and the sales comprise 303,000 bates. 37,000 bales nave been sent to tne manufacturing districts direct. Tallow The market bas o hardening tendency, wood mutton is worth 23s and beef 21s dJ per owt. On tbo motion of Mr Bunny, seconded by Mr Beetbam, ihe Land Board decided at Thursday morning's meeting to recommend Government to authorise tbo postmasters throughout the colony to receive payments due to Laud Boards by country settlers hi

the same manner as premiums due to the Government Life Insurance Departments are received.

The Greytown Dancing Aseembly last night was an great success. The Town Hall was well filled with a most social company and everyone was delighted with tbeir night’s entertainment.

The Greytown Football Club will play a match (tomorrow) Saturday, first fifteen against all comers so as to get good practice for the forthcoming Cup matches. The final selections for the Cup teams will be made after tomorrow’s practice. At a meeting of the Wellington Friendly Societies’ Jubilee Celebration Committee bold on Wednesday night, tbe Secretary informed the meeting that Mr F U Fraser, M H.U , bad, on behalf of MrsF A Erull, presented to the committee a valuable piano, the original cost of which was £l2O, as tbe first prize in tbe art union. The Carterton Football Club second fifteen will play a oup match tomorrow against tbe Te Ore Ore men. Flay to commence in the Pastoral Society's grounds at 2 30 p.m. Tbe committee of the Citizens’ Plain and Fancy Dress Ball held a meeting last evening, when arrangements were made to hold tbeir annual ball on Thursday, July 7th. All arrangements were made in order to make it as successful as other years. Mr W Ldy’a name was added to the committee.

Y meeting of the Dalefield Dairy Company 'Cireotorß was held on Tuesday niglu to receive tenders for the erection of tbe new factory. A number of tenders were received, and that of Ur E. Hawkins, of Oreytown, for the sum of £175 was accepted. Toe main building is 42 feet by 30lt with a 14ft stud.

including a room 10 x 12 for a receiving and weighing room ; the main body of tbe building will have a concrete floor. A shed will be erected for protection of engine and boiler. The factory will have a capacity for receiving and working about a thousand gallons of milk daily.

The Waiohine Druids Lodge, of Qreytown, will probably hold a special summoned meeting shortly to consider the matter of taking part in the Carterton demonstration on 20th June, Jubilee Day. If tbe formal invitation arrives promptly tbe members of the Lodge will probably resolve to proceed to Carterton upon that occasion and assist the Totara Lodge.

We hear that the Uartinborough residents intend shortly to arrange a plain and \ancy dress ball at their town. Theeo assemblies gsnorally succeeded well at Martmbor. ugh anil tend greatly to make pleasant re-unions cl the young peeplo in tbe district

Tb.t recent rr/ehCom in the P-.1l Mr-11 Or.rr'tc .•oucen.iai; flic tr.ifl- f r immoral P’'. v no'-' c i rf f rf m-oVr yryyrc t-o v ':i” ( r r vet dm.] in Londivi tli) present ‘i;.aa. It 1-nr b-cn d:.- 4 :cvrod ;*r t largo naabcm cf children have bo. j decoyed into dona of iid:,r)y -".d all" tuieod.

tlr Vo„ ill armor, id.M,, hold a special sitting at Uiuytown yesterday to consider some active laud business.

lb;) UtcyLjv,o Licensing Committee on Vi eduooduy 4 , expressed their gratification ol Iho favorable report of the padco as to the ©■miiuct ol the Borough hotels and hoped that the publicans would always merit such a report.

The Feat hereton Band Committee have arranged a concert and dance, to take place on the 6th July, in aid of the band fund. An excellent programme will be provided. Some months ago (remarks a writer in 1 Troth ') I commented on the tact that some of Her Majesty’s ships on the China Station were to a large extent manned by Chinamen. In a regatta which came off at Hongkong just before Christmas, the Victor Emmannel entered an eight-oared galley, manned entirely by Chinamen, who beat all the boats of the squadron in capital style over a one mile course. The Chinamen are said to have rowed a stronger and slower stroke than any of their competitors, and their boat has never been beaten yet. There must be some good the Celestials after all.

Ilw Imperial Chinese Commissioners to Australia, General Wong Yung bo and Consul .U. Being, have received, it is understood, ample evidence, from personal observation and information supplied, to satisfy them that the condition of their countrymen there is highly satisfactory ; and it is not at all improbable, from the tenor of General Ho's remarks, that China will endeavour to find a home for more of her surplus population in the colonies. The development of an international trade between China and New South Wales will be promoted, and it is possible, as a result of the visit, that a qpw marl :t for Australian wool will be opened up in Southern China.

" Anglo-Australian" in tuc European Mail writes “ 1 n«te again, through a friend who ia s shining commercial light in the produce markets, that New Zealand butter is finding increasing favonr here, but I am sorry to add that with the consumer New Zealand rarely gets credit for its good quality and excellent condition.” In New Zealand there are 102 Homan Catholic priests, of whom one ia Italian, one a Colonist, d (t.-i mans, S English, 1 Scotch, 21 Freuco, ana 01 Irishmen ; 3 Bishoji, oi whom one is an Irishman and the utner two , SngUiiiaWßi

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2079, 10 June 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2079, 10 June 1887, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2079, 10 June 1887, Page 2