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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weeUy, Price ld. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887.

The members of the Greytown Volnnteer Fire Brigade are forming a football club. Toe Greytown Borough Council will meet tomorrow night. The Greytown School Committee will meet on Friday night. The usual weekly dancing assembly will tske place at the Town Hall, Greytown, on Thursday (tomorrow) night. The cantata, Under the Palms, performed on Monday night at Greytown, in aid of the funds of the hospital, was well attended, notwithstanding the very unfavorable state of the weather, which was much to be regretted as, bad the night been fine, the house would have been filled to overflowing, and too much commendation cannot be given the ladies and gentlemen and juvenile performers, some of whom came from a distance, for their efforts in such a good eanse and under such unfavorable circumstances In respect to the weas tber.

The net increase in tbe value ol exports from Wellington during the last three years has been respectively as followslßßl, £54,979 ; 1885, £204,687 ; 1886, £85,300. Messrs Fabian Brothers have a new advertisement in today’s issue. Mr Beetbam, M.H.8., has presented to Parliament a petition from Mr G. M. Park, telegraphist of Masterlon, who prays for a bonus of £SOO on the ground that in 1869 he underwent great hardship in giving valuable information to the Government upon native matters in the Taupo district, as the effect of which he cannot obtain an insurance on bis life.—Star. The Greytown Amateur Dramatic Club intend putting “ Lady Andley’s Secret ” upon the Greytown stage again on Friday, the 18tb inst, Bain has fallen almost continuously in this district since Saturday last. Thomas Parker has been murdered by a native on tbe Kimberley goldfields. The Commissioner of Crown Lands of South Australia sees no obstacle to tbe payment of bonus of £IOOO to Brady, the discoverer of tbe Teetu'pa goldfields, on which there are now 1500 men at work. McDonough Brothers, the discoverers of the Mo,nit Lye.'l goldfields, have si nick a cold bearing reef six mill s noith of Pitmen river, Pi loved to 1 o tie- 'o iirco of the largest nuggets oi l .mod in ’lVinu.w. Mr- C oilton, ht la'i'in nt (lie Athcn.TUiu, Napier. diet) on Monday morning, aged 80. A dreadful murder was committed on a much in Colusa County, near Chico, California, on 7ih April, where a Chinese conk, 18 years old, being angered that his employer’s wife, Mrs Billion, had requested him to assist iu taking up some carpets, deliberately set to work to slaughter the whole household. He shot Mrs Billion dead as she sat at dinn, r, mortally wounded a white hired man, a waiver, anil fired two shots at Ihe daughter, Annie, which grazed the side of her head. He then escaped, and at lust accounts the neighbors were hunting him with a view to lynching him. The boy bad been reared in the family since be was 12 years old. Constable Marshall, of lie Queensland police, when in charge of a prisoner named Yates, was swept off a submerged bridge into a ereik kicked by bis horse and rendered inse- -idle. Yates dismounted, plunged into the cut rent, and brought the constable ashore, where be speedily recovered. When delivering his charge to the New South Wales police, the constable gave him a letter to the effect that he bad saved his (the constable’s) life. Yates Lad eloped with another man’s wife, and was arrested for the alleged larceny of jewellery worn by the woman.

In old times a drunkard was forced to wear the “ Newcastle Cdoak," which was a cask, one end being out, and the other having a hole through it sufficient for the offender to pass his head through, by which means the vessel rested on his shoulders. Holes were made in the front for his hands. Thus equipped Hie drunkard was led through the streets as a spectacle of contempt.

Miserableness —The most wonderful and marvelous success in oases where persona are sick or pining away from a condition of miserable!’nss that no one knows what ails them /profitable patients for doctors), is ob. tained by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin to core from the first dose, and keep it up until perfect health and strength is restored, llefuse unless American Co’s make. Notice

■ The various Companies engaged in the li ver Plate meet trade are able to send over mutton to Paris which is not on!', yearly, bat even monthly, approximating more sod more to the best New Zealand sheep ; a..u it can be placed upon die French market »t prices lower than those asked for the New Zealand article. For some time past, a French Company has been established in the Argentine Republic, which has been seeding over large quantities of frozen mutton. They expect shortly to be able to pat about 15,000 carcases a month upon the Parts market. At present they ate sending over that quantity every three months. The normal consumption of mutton in Paris is estimated at a little under 4U,000 carcases per week. This French Company can profitably sell its mutton in Paiin at a franc pet kilo, whereas at present, the New Zealand mutton cannot bn uispoecd ol at less dmn nue franc t Arty-five Co forty centimes per kilo. fiarii.v Pivvcii. 1 is easily proven that 1 . i; ■ - = -ii, Vipi.lily i f li e mMO !'• ! l-dll V nf.| .-I I ! ~ Ikd a-'l -1.-U •' ■ 111 1 ' I H.i- Cf" ii ms- ■■ ' ■■■- 1 ip" Mr, .ini' i II ■> .. I ■ . -m mu. , ,0 i ! - - - • - ■ , ; !■ i.. . !, j ■■■■lb. ! \.g- I , 1 !;,n Hip . (.nil li .illil ..11 1 . , v ,l C j o .mji.u ,V tv ■■- ■ i' ■! ,, i i "laTiiaci 1 . Tin-t its , .11111, >,t . ... . : I I’Alli'llS, colds, j i, i! u - : 11 itr ri ii! i- i' in tune-->u - In strii'U cm ns and in i-id. I'l.a of all hii-ds, bn they W'-uuds, burns, Mfildingn, bruises, s| ruins, it is H-- • - aft-* mm -iy - no swelling -tm ii H mi-, a! in I .ike surprising effects product -i io I'M’-.p, diphtheria, bronohilis, n’ ;im lungs, bNullillgS, etc ; .li-.t-Jme, ■(; ,-i nt ■;y ; dl-iaeos’of the kidneys ' -,.1 ‘P.'ity n-v.'.a 1,1 use at all hospitals patronised by ilia v tin- King of Italy ; crowed with iuMtliim! diploma at lntermiM;"ni Exhibition, Ainslertikiu. i'.ust io this approved aiMp'O :n a iej, ad nibei,-. •\ t I f U cl Hick -T ' lllgll n ’-IF' , Si -ilv, ; i d adMai’ wi- pii-p iittnn, : - . vuv • n iSm;.M d tin ; -lii ■ ..'li e-n-.lth n iiiO i M V. . ,- i- Mpni and iiIOIO j imp - ! I '!i' \ ;1, ; "■ ;i-' ‘’ id-apli i mi CnriiM." Quick relief, ooiupif”. a, not | i care. Corn warts, buniuos. At chemists , ’ and druggists, :

Toe colonial beer dutv collections for the moMi of A| ;il hist amount*d lo 1M i> IN B', f.= •! .just A’tiyy 9s 10J in 1 y;r 'J no piinciial contnbutions win—„i:i-;.; oipcniis y.i, Christchurch th-A) I.V ;.i, ilunouiu £205 7s 31, Wellington £SIS If.- ■■ i, ; ).i. L .istcws returns show that diving tins month of ApiU last £119,41)2 las 7d was coilected at the various ports in the colony as against £IOB 031 3s 2d in the same month of lust year. The collections at the four principal pints were —Auckland £30.144 4a 7d, Wellington £l7 072 11s 6d, Lyttelton and Christchurch £25,768 14s id, and Dunedin, £25,822 10s 3d. The management of the Featherston cemetery has been, by proclamation, handed over to the Featherston Town Board. [ The pretty little English Church at Feai therston was again the scene of a gay and huppy gathering on Thursday last, when Mr W. Donald was united in holy wedlock to Miss B. Cundy, both of Featherston. The church was well filled with the fair sex of the district, and the Bev W. T. Western performed the interesting ceremony. The bride's father officiated in his place and Mr K. McKenzie was best man. Miss Toogood and Mias Cundy were the principal bridesmaids. The Eev Joseph Hewson, who takes the place of the Eev Mr Western, arrived in Greytown on Monday evening with Mrs Mewson and two children. He will preach at Featherston on Sunday morning, Martinborough in the afternoon, and at Greytown in the evening. The Eev Mr Western hopes to leave for England in the Aoraugi on the 2nd Jane.

A wedding took place at Burnside Church, Koanui, on Wednesday, 27th April. The church was very prettily decorated with evergreens and flowers. The bride and bridegroom were Miss Agnes Hume, the daughter of P. Hume, Esq., of Tuanni, Lower Valley, and Frank A. Sheath, Esq , of Maaterton. The bridesmaids were Miss Phoebe Hume and Miss Cameron of Moroa, and all the ladies were very handsomely attired. There was also a large and fashionable gathering to witness the ceremony, which was performed by the Eev W. T. Western. The wedding breakfast took place at Tuanni homestead, and the happy couple afterwards left for their future home at Masterton amid showers of “ rice and slippers” and the hearty congratulations of all the friends and guests present. A general meeting of the members of the Morrison’s Bush Cricket Club was held at the schoolroom, Kaitara, on Saturday last, Mi H. Morrison in thechaii. Owing to the wet weachei there was a small attendance. Mr Mclntyre (secretary) and Mr T. Wakelin (treasurer) gave information regarding various matters which required settlement. The accounts were audited, and it was found that the receipts just balanced the expenditure in ordinary matters ; but the accounts for match expenses and contributions showed a deficiency of a few shillings, which was advanced, however, by a few of the members. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr W. H. Beeves, practice captain, handed in a hat whioh had been subscribed for by some of the members for A. Wakelin, for doing the “ hat trick” in bowling. Mr T. Wakelin received the hat in the absence of his son, and thanked them for ibis kind recognition of some good bowling, which woull hold out an inducement to Ollicis to ucijuue skill in this lU j anH”. nb of tin- ;■ cue. His eon, lie fell sure, would plize it 11\ 1,,,.

TII ;.,vi ruii I’rt wi'i not allow capitation t > (',■ '.j; ■ viuwii ;.ua o' tier cadet corps

r li. Wi.itr l-.g ju-t bad pul up u handy

‘ 1 1 -I- i-iiihiii.r <1 -o lr. (ho load !■* Mrs A rite, us postmistress for the Morrison's Bu»h distiict. from this it is evident timt Mr Waite intends to take some trouble to carry on the oluo-i m an efficient and convenient uiiinner. He also carries passengers and parcels belwten Greytown ccd the “ Bush,” now, however, being cb-ared off by fire and axe so much that only stumps will be left to save a misnomer. When they are gone would it not bo well to call tbe district Monsville, or iMonstou, or some suob name to commemorate tbe long connection of tbe Morrisons with the district, the family having in st settled iu the district about forty years ago.

A general meeting of the Masterton Opaki Jockey Club was held at the Club Ho'd, Masterton, on Saturday afternoon. The resignation of Mr 11. J. Fittou as secretary to ihe club was read and accepted. It was resolved that applications he invited through the local papers for the position of secretary, the salary to he L3O per annum, with a com* mission of 5 per cent on all present members' subscriptions collected, with an addition of 5 per cent on all new members introduced by the secretary. It was resolved that the Cham-* pagne Knee be continued with a fisted stake of LSO, and that the same be duly advertised. The President expressed regret at the resignation of Mr Fittou and remarked that the dab would have some difficulty in finding an equally useful and indefatigable officer. Star.

} Another new route to Australia will soon s be available. The completion of the new 3 Iransandine Bailway, now in progress, will, 3 it is expected, enable the time occupied in j travelling from England to Australia to be shortened by at least fourteen days ; the route being to Buenos Ayres by steamer, ) thence by rail to Valparaiso and thence by 3 steamer again to Australia. | The Sydney News special correspondent wired on the 18th April The sensation ' caused by the publication of Mr Parnell’s J letter is growing, and is now tremendous. The Times, in a powerfully incisive article, published the views of Mr Sexton and Mr Healy on the Phoenix Park crime, and their unblushing denials of the accusation that the ) Parnellites were associated with the mur* , deters. The Times believes that Mr Parnell feared that his life would be endangered if he publicly denoiiGced the perpetrators of the t mui.lors. The article goes on to challenge , Mr Parnell to explain the letter, and calls attention to a speech which he delivered two days after the perpetration of the murders, in which he suggested that the deeds were committed by the enemies of the laud league. The Times further points out that in that speech Mr Purnell professed abhorrence at the heinousness of the crime comiritted by the enemies of Ireland. The Times sums the whole matter up by charging Mr Parnell with having beeu the associate of murderers. A New York paper states that a peculiarity in connection with Madame Patti's toilet has been revealed. It appears that when the diva goes to her hath, wuich she lutes ufoiit ■j o’clock on i;ie evenings she is to si. g, she j never allow* the water to touch liei neck 1 in.ii l.n"', u'tb mgli the rest of her tu dis j i vi|no ,;v 11.i;i.i - ■ hhc inis a singulur | i ill, .1,. .ss II I' o- Co o Wirier pie uccs j i \ i 1 I i e i' 0’ |y s in,. ; I.<, j. /-..V'-e .ol OMI , 'e i 1.,-, tqu .ily Clean by mto sol ‘ • i will'd! Wif uses ill Copious q.uin I ; e. s, ge. 0! :il' \ ipii’itdiug it on her lace »"u no; :,, ana leaving | it them while lie* iiowd go.- LliieU. b t-iv I /.ai.'diYnsiog process, often a period of an i lu ur or ni. Thou tue cold eis am is tslccu on very cun fully with a towel nod M..dame Paf.i considers herself washed. When Moriarty’s Jubilee ptice lid was read, j it created the greatest sensation ; ( All Ibe small dealers uniledly faid | ; •• IfoTj certainly startle the nation ” : wwo ii >lit indubitably—v.ait and you’!! J , , n , { 'Tis the best t"h oration of our Queen s j Jubilee, . , ... I ymihawnoJou-f, teoilhe once list; see , that you now c-xu-m- - : c ; , , , l “ ! . in. town of (v '• !>' i " ■•. ■ tialicia.,i 0 , py fire on •\tnil fith'” About pi:soas have been rendered fcemrlM. « was of incendiary oriuiii. o r.„«hu paiha.” QnW; CoiuoUJe cure, Ml annoying k.d-rcy, Gmbbr end «rmarj diseases. At chemists and druggists. Kempliuirne, Prosser <k Go., Agents, Punedm,

“ Per Interim's” letter in nur next. The cJutiuui.l wet wer-tasr in New Booth Wales has caused footrot ana worms in sheep and pleuro in cattle. It haa rained nearly every day. A meeting of the shareholders in the new Didi v Factory Company at Featbeiston war heM on Saturday night and further progress w i-. in:. do in the matter of the preliminary bu-ii.esa of the formation of thn company. It was resolved that water be the motive power to he used for the machinery. Mr T. Hodge, of Kabautara, offered a suitable site for a factory with the advantages of a water supply. Mr Phillips stated that the settlers in the Woodville and Pihautaa districts were going in extensively for the introduction of dairy cattle, and that would be conducive to the success of a factory at Fealbctston in an indirect manner. Those present appeared confident that the prospect of success in this new venture was remarkably good. The man charged with rape at Gladstone was yesterday committed for trial at the Carte ton Magistrates’ Court by Mr B. Boys, J.P. At the ItM Court, Grey town, this morning, John Mitchell, an employe at Henderson’s mill was fined L 3 for assaulting Martine Te Ore. To other informations against the same defendant were dismissed on payment of cost# L2 Is, total L 5 Is. John Trainer was fined L 3 for assaulting Daniel Cameron, sen, othei two charges were dismissed on defendant paying L2 Is costs, total L 5 Is ; Mr Sandilands (or accused, Constable Kooleton prose cuted. Severn! small debt cases were die. posed of. The Mayor, J. Tally, and F. H. Wood, Esqs., J P.’s presided.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2063, 4 May 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weeUy, Price ld. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2063, 4 May 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weeUy, Price ld. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2063, 4 May 1887, Page 2