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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1887.

A resolution was passed i'( tire Borough Council meeting ou Monday Light, asking Coum iilor Trotter to reconsid': Iris decision as to his rosigoatiou. The Gipyto-.'n Juvenile of Oldfrho.vs wih iqi t on Tuesday nooning nest uvlcul ci ou Aicrday. Iho Mm uni I in- : roveim m Socii'ty-.vil) ilit-roio-t at be able imu ilc u»o ot vhe iiull i>nti. v.'cduesday evening. | Mr John Kay, oi Starterlm, i ' ifiea tlu.t ho js making lions covjis lor lim coming waiter, lick cloths, tmpai.liiio and a” sorts ui such like articles at Wellington price- 'There is uo need to send to We liuglon tor these articles when they can he got at the same prices in the district. Henry Will charged iT the Well'm-ton Supreme Com l with setting file to the ' toe of Wales hotel and stables, Master' ■ at acquitted. The admission for children to Wm« . ofe’s glass blowing entertainment this afternoon will be sixpence, and we are requested to state that every child will receive a present. We are sorry to find that Mr Benjamin Kimberley, of Greytown, has been obliged to file his schedule.

Empty houses are not be had in Greytown just now. Mr F. H. Wood has had twos applications from Wellington for dwellings, but cannot find one.

The soiree at the Greytown Town Hall on Monday evening in aid of the Greytown Hospital promises to be a most successful affair. A considerable number of tickets have been disposed of, and Mr Haines, the secretary to the committee, is sparing no pains to have everything tip top.

Ibaka Tai Hakuene, a Maori member of the House of Representatives died at Auckland on Wednesday.

Mr James Mills has been elected unopposed for the Port Chalmers seat in the House of Representatives. At the Dunedin Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court a lad was sentenced to five years with two floggings of 25 lashes each for rape upon a young girl. The Opotiki people have just imported a 4 h.p. engine for working maize shelters, corncutters, Ac., and also a threshiug machine tor travelling through such farms as may require its services for wheal, oats, Ac. The Lord Mayor of Dublin announces the receipt of £2 from a New Yorker, which sum, the sender said, was to be applied “in any way that will annoy Great Britain.” Sir Roger Doughty Tiehborne, Bart., is lecturing in America every filteen minutes in a one-dime show.

The Baroness Rothschild in Paris has announced a coming series of Sunday afternoon dances for young girls.

The Ministerial bill for the suppression of drunkenness in Belgium piovides that every person found drunk in a puolic place shall be punished by tine and impiisonment, that the eame punishment is to be inflicted on every publican convicted of having served drink to an intoxicated person or to children, and that debts incurred for drink taken in a publichouse shall not be recoverable.

The general annual meeting of the subscribers to the Carterton Library was held on Tuesday evening, lor the purpose of electing a coinmiuee and office hearers for the ensuing year. In the absence of the chairman. Mr W. Booth, Mr I'. W. li. Seed was Voted to the cuair, when the nancial state of the Library was read as foil —Balance from lad audited account ft). 14s Id; i.'ice ; ptc horn subscriptions and other sources lurin'.; o -■ .'f-r £7d Ida 4.1, total £ll6 8s hi L'J.i : 'lie y. ir ih re ffii'v ffi ■ ~,t oi t , o, o bo k- . a' a c< o •' 1.4 a 31. : ’ i -.iei:t clro't ‘'.ian o a' tl Bank of Lev.- /,.■ la: .1 ...i IJ. i■, numb n of .ohm. J m ! I- ,11 tre b m ;;o,i , .11 iby li 1...-. .n -i. „ ho. 1- n.j.ri b0!.... .... J- 11 and iv •iniue;- .v. s tenvaij l U Carti r ic v linn to select iioai to trio am, uui of not. more than L7O worth. The lodo'.- iug Wire eke ted office hearers for tae ; ,ar: - Pii -idoiit, Ml* 4V C Bin hdoau, 7./ J'.li, ; t.'iiai.iuau o '.'omuiittee-, Mr W P;. hi ; S. crtti.ry an. I'toisurer, .'irF W li i ; Lil'iaimn. -Mr V Parker; Commute . is B. oih, heed, Samuel, Dowuard, Buy , i.poi an i Pi.rker. A vote of thanks was a. > or.,eu to Mr Buchanan for his liberal donation to wards the Library funds, and a vole of thanks to the Chairman brought the meeting to a close. Mr Boetham interviewed the Government on Monday re the tolls lately imposed in the North County, and Mr Richardson informed him that if the local bodies requested the Government to do so, they would place a small additional charge on their bridge toll, and maintain the road. Mr Beetham has pros mised to consult with the various local bodies interested with a view to coming to some aatiafact- ty arrangement with the Government to have the tolls of those bodies abolished.

“ Truth ’’ is the name of a new religious journal published in Wellington, and tire first number winch we have received is well got up. Wheili i tiic vemuifc will be successful is bard to say. Wo Lave seen so many attempts !>■ lieu journals in tbe cause of religious truth, nearly all of which have been failures owing to lukewarm support, that we doubt whether the editor of “'J’nith ” will succeed iu enlisting sympathy eivo , in the way of funds to keep it going. V.'e hoj o 1.0 m i.v, and (to quote the words of Sir W. Dawsou, which appears iu large type under the heading of this journal) that •• God may in ins mercy grant that lie wdio writes and they who read may stand in their lot at the end of then' days and enjoy the full fruition of glorious prospects," At Oamaru a young man named John Gihhings was killed by the wheel of a threshing engine going over his body. llie Guliloiniau thistle is more prevalent in Canteibuiy than ia genemlly supposed. A farmer at Harewood road has had a crop of wheat seiiouslv injured by the presence of tins weed. A laige bunch of heads was taken out oi u Umshuig machine working in the field.

Fifty rests ago it was a capital oflenoe for a fiancee to ho hj Clui.iliau. Missionaries ary notv permitted to piosUytize iu all parts of tl,t '•■•■‘•iiv'i I', bikius air being signed m Timaru, to lutli Jluiiris id the Legislature, praying that au Art may to pa.-std piohibiting women and gitH as .-civiog as barmaids. Tlio recent bull lights nt Paris proved a losing veiiluir, ,md inn Uoveruurunt reluaed pe< mission Hr .t ace aid sea,sun. Au (Pago Paul-rum ,;„m im nvuniuaiioii the rib,, 1-’, llrn ins lion, eilold exprrM,, .tele HI ,i Keek, and Jos drink account amount- El a wee*. sic ~Jned Hi, ( t r, j Was a poor business that would not tun LI I a wed- k*, j ei,, ..laincntH. IE adorn reu- j djieu any ~oc ,i. o, , us he h,.n oo many -'Ulias. itr ,i t .C" , CosiUesu ,o Marc',, I

' Ul.l. ' -O 1 ,g. 1 ,CDr : aiOiruM * . a ■ l.\ .... \ "ii i Rob, Doting uis ‘ ri ■ . - , ’ ■ , pl’V ; f ok , a 0, : :i , l-i i ■ ■ ■ tU ■ i 1 ; b / , s t r p !,.C 1 V . ; mil. r to ~ : U ’ I.:; 'i'e 1 ■ 'A",',, no. i;u„c ~ l a , r, ; s it vuy cvum.u'y , r ■ ■ ■, , ' : i JC.oUr sWlll-iiCt, j i - • 1 •' f 1 > ■ i I -1 Mf} Oil • j ■t; i■m - u it. I■.■*v ' O' _,C.7. ItH'U ■‘ i Al, A Pal vVUii lu - AC lO , = . ; Ti-n juiliioub ot uicu atti said to be | e dilv (truss iu Faurojje ai ruis liujf. *

On Wednesday afternoon next at 2 o’clock there will be another meeting in eon unction with the establishment of a dairy factory in Feathrston. It is reckoned that over 2000 Maoris have become converts to the Mormon faith. They number strongly in the Waikato and at Gisborne. The work of conversion is being corried on m the Waitarapa and in the Lower Valley theie are several au.hercnta.

Hearing of so many prosperous Maslc-r----toniaea being about to leave Wellington by the 3.5. Kaikouta on a Measure trip to Grc-at Britain, n boy of nine years I lie other b y quietly withdrew the oonter.'■; of hj nor .v----l-ox, hid his best clothes iu Bmii-yV i-im. then went and dressed himself, walked to Carterton and took train for t ne empire city dp route for Loudon. His anxious parents conmi ted the poli e, and the latter getting on his trail succeeds in spoiling his excursion, and Iu ere is a pro f.ect that the breach in the ho.; iy circle will scon be healed.— Star, iSir Julius Vogt! states that the hill te u.'iron's serfage has been prepared for two years, and that it proposes to give women lull suffrage on the footing enjoyed by men. It will be introduced by Sir J. Vogel and Mr Baiiatict', but not as a government measure. The hate of the trees in tho Grey town Reserve is often a subject of remark. Borne of those who gave trees consider their gifts have been thrown away, because they were not fenced off and attended to.

Good Friday passed off very quietly. There were the usual services in the Church of England ; the Wesleyans had a picnic at Dalefield ; the Salvation Army had one at Masterton ; there were a number of excursionists to and from Wellington by train, while others enjoyed themselves out for the day in buggies or on horseback.

A number of hands have been at work making an outlet to the sea for the waters of the Lakes. This will prevent the low lands being covered when the rainy season sets in.

A cab driver named John M'Cormick fell from bis cab at Nelson on Tuesday night, and though his injuries were not considered very serious he died shortly after. A man named Foster, aged 35, lately in the employ of Mr Adair, draper, Gisborne, was found dead in the bush at Te Arai on Monday with a gun by his side and a gunshot wound in his abdomen.

The following is an effectual cure for Borer in fruit trees Melt one ounce of beeswax in half pint of boiled oil; when cold stop up all boles and rings in bark. Impossible for enemy to get out. A man named John Eye, aged 65, one of Captain Read’s pensioners, dropped down dead at Te Arai on Tuesday. The verdict was Died from Heart Disease. Deceased was well known on the Thames.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Grey, town Temperance' Society will not be held on Monday next, the 11th Inst., that being a general holiday. The next meeting will be holden Monday fortnight, April 25th, when a good programme will be submitted.

" What a glorious thing it would he (says the Post) if we could celebrate this year’s jubilee strictly after the Mosaic fashion. All mortgages and debts would be wiped out, the State would resume possession of the land, and we should all make a fresh start. It would not, however, he much of a jubilee for the great loan companies, the banks, or the English money lenders.” A correspondent oi this paper, who suggested this method of commemorating the Jubilee some time ago must feel 11 Uternd to hud that in different purls of New Zealand his idea has been taken up and republished. Tin i b is a story e; n ;g round of a Paris mercii.itit who was answering by telegraph on Mi w Year’s Day, the -a. aoiiiiie congratulations of his son. who ;. .-. tiled as a merchant in Peru. The missaio mu thus :— •* Jules 23 (dalle Merca; ares. Lima, Peru.— Thanks for gor ' wish, s, Rb always Indus, i.ri ms, iotoliige.. t, skill if, prudent, l-ib.iraas, indefatigable honest, and lortun v,; ha yours. - (Signed) X.” “ Thor "■ one word hen mo.e lhau me five snd t tie clerk at the ooumer.” “ Ah,” itidied I.he render, “ strike out huuost.” Vr VTn'tor fore is lecturing in Sydney on ' I r.'t -1 red i*’ ..Us." In ono of h.s hctuivs ■ -. elii* l.rd • of the American bi.cds of o'. ’ i a.- hj i ik luimert th-- liae.'l, of the day. I hj i ie ..we I.K known i arieiics of tin Leg. limn, tbs 1 i.nvn and trie white, the lecturer preferred «he brown for what he culled to manic purposes, and the latte'- for beauty. The bt<;».ii m his opinhci, nevertheless, is only a linie more prolific than the white. He assureu his audience, by cartful selection, it worn., be possible to produce a strain of brown Leghoins to average from 200 to 250 eggs per annum.

There are several remedies to prevent the taste ol turnips in milk, but we believe (says the ‘ American Agriculturalist ’) not one of them can be strictly relied upon as effectual. We will, however, give them in order:—l. The objectionable taste comes from the crown of the turnip. If this is cut off and throwu away entire the remainder will not affect the milk. 2. Dissolve a teaspoonful of carbonate of soda in a teacupful of warm water, add this to six gallons of milk when first set in the pans. For a single gallon of course onesixth of the above would be sufficient, and for two or three gallons m due proportion. The turnips ought to be given to the cow immediately after milkiug. 3. Pulp or crush the turnips so tine as to make them quickly and easily digested after eating, and when fed mix with cut bay or straw. 4. Scald the milk as soon as drawn from tiro cows. The best way to do this is to insert the milk can into a largo pau or kettle about three quarters fall of boiling water, and stir the milk until it reaches 80 to 00 degrees of heat, and then set it away to gradually cool off. The cream then rises thick, comes off m a lump, and is churned quickly. All the above remedies are so simple us to bo easily tried, and if tiiey do no good cannot effect harm.

We believe that if everyone would use American Co's Hop Bitters freely there would be much less sickness and misery in the world, and people are fast finding this out, whole families keeping well at a trilling cost by its use. We advise all to try it. Head Sander & Son’s Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous. In’ serious cases and accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, walkings, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy—no swelling —no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, m flammatiou of the lungs, swellings, ecc ; diarrhoea, dysentery ; diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs, lu use at all ho.-qio aland medical dimes ; patronised bv His Majesty the King of Laly ; crowue.i wi’h medal and diploma at International Exnibitiou, Amsterdam, Trust in this approved article and reject all others.

To the Inhabitants of Matlinboiough end the Lower Valley : I’lsa.-o don’t forget t ,, call at the Town Hall, for IpK'ip and Good Drapery, on and alter SA fUUiWV, -JG :> usl ~ i , I t days. —A Iv , 21.1 (i

Skill).)’ V.-u, '■ ',Vi ■ • ;leu’,, r llcuti.ver” resforos With and vie , an-.-, Dyspepsia, j Impotence, Scan.. I>. 0n..,.. At chemists and ! druppistg, Ivcmptiiorue, Ihosstv A Go, Apis. I Dunedin. Wei IT Hair I) .sain. If grey, ivstoro i to original coor An <. -gt.,; un-wiii;' .. . end ie ,u title a. Jfo oil nir grease. .. too, ilt;.toint.\e Mops „r,i' ,p Ming oun , fc. iio;. .litus, A W. e lie icoin— ■■ Ducou Wiidc-r, I went Vi)vl ’•' t'.ji laC ■ C\l Vow:of ■ oUt/ i ‘•‘l... :vf J. i , Su„. -11, WUCM itli {«•; | ; c -- iV’.’ /) Siclv .’l» 1 'J|JIj, .UiG UHVf | Ul-. ‘ 'lUnh-.O uU.riiV U> Ud ufIUU." j y ..'.or, ~u r is vety ‘-asy. j[ j me ■ p Ait;, is m „iut, e.ou nipt n.y family , ’.wi., .i».i .l ive: largo use T.i lulls Tout sl ip • t v w hip id u i,.- i,; ! "'ell and ■dno to ill tiij lone, aid I wib scat rant it bi. e -t ton ami in.-.t oi (be leiglrbors - it' o' Ail'et to keep sick tilt) saint time. 1 lancy you’ll lake my medicine here.ifier.’’ See

o hum et iv'io :■ .;t .Vicklaud expressed >■’ ; l •Htrpiiec on ii truing of the military le’-itw and sham light tor Go.od Friday, as he considered it would b,. nn out' rage on the religious b dings ~f ;i 1 i : ;o m-clion ol the community. Tar.,ugh his .oic.-enl i tioua the sham fight has been postponed till Saturday. There was some heavy sevi.r iu the cricket match, Wellington v. It .wins Bay. I'iie Hawkcs Bay team sane I Hi” in their list innings. The Welm .don s score at ntest advices stood at 2b ,■ ,■ at wickets, rieenan having miulo 110 ute , er nml still halting.

A pickpocket was tn i i 1 - .clcd in the San District Coin , mre pronouncing sentence, Judce >■ a,-ked -

where do you nve wire i von ... ■ .n home ?” “In New York " —“ Why c 'oh you stay ibeu* then ?''—" 1 do stay there oaring the bi’S'ui ss season.” "When is mat ?” " When the weedier is warm.” : * Why don't .V' n -tav there in the wmi-r ? ” —•• Because im v-o.d there in winter, and everybody has R t Ins hands in hit pof:a m None of us u ike expenses when it i ; . .. ' io.d weather dm'i interfere with v..u> ■ . Judge, but U plays the niischic; w,. . It is a mournful c. on hnnirn vanity to see trie mournera back, on turning a corner, to see ,1 i:. ..occasion is worthy of the corpse. The cricket match, Greytown Second Eleven v. Morrison’s Bush (return) will be played today at Greytown. Wickets pitched at 1 o’clock.

The body of a school-girl named Davis has been found at the bottom of a shaft at Marong, near Sandhurst. The deceased had been outraged and then murdered. There are 10,000 police and 500,000 tenant farmers iu Ireland.

The tunnel recently completed at Schemuitz, Hungary, is 1027 miles long—the longest one in the world. It took 100 years to build

The largest steam hammer in the world has recently been made at I’ittsburg. It is used for forging steel plates of enormous thickness and size, is ten feet square, and strikes a blow of 200 tons. The anvil block upon which its fearful impact descends is a solid cube of twelve feet, and weighs 180 tons. It was oast upon the foundation it now rests on, and it took the molten contents of six cupolas to make the block. When it was cast the Pittsburg Fire Department sent six steam engines to the scene and kept them there for a week, or until all danger that the tearful mass of molten iron might burst its bonds or by its exploding gasses fire the neighborhood, had ended. It took nearly six months for the anvil to cool so that the sand mould might be dug away, and even then workmen could not touch it with their bands.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2053, 8 April 1887, Page 2

Word Count

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2053, 8 April 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2053, 8 April 1887, Page 2