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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1887.

JCverv m« teller (if tite- Guytown Itifln Voluuteeis is iX| ectid to a meeting to he held alter dml to niouow night to make arrangements for the forthcoming review.

There was a capital rehearsal of the Cantata "Under the Palms” in I lie Town Hall last Ft iday evening. Over CO voices were present. The lust ami final rehearsal is to he held on Friday evening and is to commence at 7.30 punctually. The Matarawa settlers meet foamorrow evening to consider matters in connection with the proposed btidge. The Greytown Fire Brigade holds its monthly meeting tonight, at 7 o’clock.

In connection with (he Greytown Horticultural Show we me requested to ask it persons having a few pot plums will please acquaint the Secretary htfoie Thnisdiiy, and lie will be most happy to enter them, either as for competition or for exhibition only. A. meeting of the South Wairarapa River Board was held at Fenlherstcn on Saturday. Present—Messrs James Donald (chaitmnu). A Matthews, W 0 Williams, J 0 Bidvvi 1 and D McDougall. Mr II Bunny attended and gave a report of a meeting he had with the natives on the Lake question and then withdrew. The Cuairman said that no doubt the members were all well informed of the proceedings of that meeting, as a full and very accurate teport of the same had been published in the Standard. Mr Matthews said the Wairarapa Standard’s report gave the foil particulars ol that meeting and thereby explained the position thoroughly. It was resolved to allow the matter to stand over till next meeting when further progiess might he reported. Several small accounts were passed for payment and the Board adjourned. Several members of W’airarapa Jockey Club happened to meet on Saturday at Featherston and fell to discussing the financial position of tho Club. One gentleman suggested that some of the members should ask the President to summon a special general meeting of members with a view ol having the deficiency cf tho funds liquidated amt tho Club then wound up. Anocher considered that accord ing to tho present, membership ioil a sum of 1.1 i would ho required from csrh member, if liable, to dtftay tho debit balance; ho, fur cnc. would In wi'dii g to Mibsvtibe this c.ii.i uut providing ad the 01-l.eis agreed to the Hitno and Hie Club wound up satisfactorily to all concerned. Others present concurred in this proposal and c xpressed a wish that steps slmnid hei imuieuiaiety taken (o carry out this linn c l action. Oro t£ the stewards of the Club was puicut. These gentlemen weio unanimous in lie l wish that their opinions eie.ui.t Le viuti:„,ed iu the Biandaiid. It w: ■’ it*. -I during the ccnveisation that a pteposal hue! been mime to lend the Club 1.-Idii !,,r a pern.d of tlue.i years at 7t per cel.t inieie't, on the signatures cf 20 mema lets, l-tu-.Lis w.-.s not generally approved.

On A\i tj.t-■ : a?t at St Ji In-':; rreshrlrian t.;iinli, V. i .'.i m ' ■ l ll. a wiooira (m k place, Hi; I . :dt pirum la ing ilr Wm. J. Marlin, ol Jin :i.j.uioa mnl the In.i;i Mrs Catherine tin ), i.f tiie Idle Mr W Gray tiicn tiny to the- Geneiul ) ■ si‘.'fllco and tisur ol Mr A Giay, 1»!e cf (jievlmvn. A large uumtir of persons winneiSid the ceremony.

G. The mas and Co. repent little stir in the grain Dimka, 0. Is is ilil lot long, 2s Id hit ,-llolt si topte 8* I’TfSlI «a, „ull 7J ; Sydney reports show n decline of 2d lb, now heii g quoted (ltd to 7J. Eggs litut at Is 3J. Poultry market well slocked.

The Hon. Major Richmond, C.8,, died at Nelson on Satuiduy tuoinn.g in bis BGih yrar, after a leng hngeiing i Iness. He was the oldest number of the Legi-lnlive Council. Alter the Wmtau massacre ire resided in Ne.soa fur 4u yeum.

Here is the return in reference to New iioutu Wales;—4so men own 17,000,000 acres of land in New Fonlh Wales, 1(100 persona hold iu lease or fee-simple nearly two-thirds of the entire territory. In Winclieslcr (England) Cathedral re< cenlly a special temperance novice was held, hve hundred peop.u attended, acd among them they uninaged to subscribe "one shilling and eightpence ” to the noble cause of temperance.

The fonuli competition for the Hon Chaplain’s Cup by the Gieytown Volunteers will take place at 2.30 pm on Saturday next, it-ih iuttant. The highest aggregates i... the three matched already fued aie : Seigt Trotmau 199, Sergt Gooding 172, Captain Cameron 157, Cid aergt Willasou, 145, Vol T Fisher 122 points. Several of the marksmen nave as yet only fired in two matches out of the five.

The Napier Telegraph says that one of the qualifications of Sir W. Fitzhorbert to represent the colony is that he has the merit of being able to make a lore speech full of wise aphorisms, but cental : -ig nothing to lay hold of to commit this v.ui'tn to anything.

The Wfiareroa (Tauiauga) natives have a large carved whnre nearly completed, which is intended as a meeting house. It is very commodious, and quite artistic iu its way. The front is adorned with Maori carviugs of all sorts of devices ; it is lined and neatly painted inside. Tne British army is one-third the size of Germany’s, and coals £2,000,000 a year more.

A workman in Messiua, Sici.’y, killed his aged parents to avoid the trouble of support-ie-g them.

| Eng'.Wi milliner. are a-ii.l to is'i\ dUI cov. i e I a v ay ii if-iklng bonnet* m tissue j ji:.|Kr to tin.i U.'j bonnet will not cost over tiiieivo if Uiis o line, young men can j l,:e r 'iJ 1: iilti'V on ordinary salaries. Study 10/V'O .|.vt is bare been gr.ulu.Ucd fiooi the v.uioiu no Jical Co.leges during die lasi t- n ytata. f»*rmn>\ 11as 2 ',OOO miles of underground tci*-;.!Hpli sins Knit i'dancc 72U0. nil m sue j c t- .' ,1 of'etatioii, j il 'runny is meier.finii j,er iuflusi’c" ii( ' Cine,i ion ma-aren. A i.ewsn mer pui i'shed in Genual..', me ( of us sn t on L.-li. UiU'i' i as;, ini.! bee’i s i a * o'-a to bhio gh".„ Tui-diPs g r . . kh isa prohibitory Input r la", a .1 t... ni.du. ,i; n si.oaia begin null lire muii. —1f..-lou fiat tilt i. IS.Md tick lias i .j, j sit u id in the dmt Edehstipr, o,i- M:chnt-l li.ei.s C.:a,'i, Socratery lot lie. • has rrsig'wd onio.; !o bines.'. .iui if-.t •■irn at fast , coous" t,; 11,■ front ; t lim N Z. llille Assotw- ' !;.-n'■ i,. ■■' ll I ’ lie' I 'lnntcimictr tioren's ni ' irh. '.'O'i, a ;n arm dOO varus, 7 shots', the 1 fo’i u:v W-. in among tne pnzita tiers ;—Ser« fCirt bte'ou, rc-athersiou. 12, lo ; Vol Mo- j K • i.i i' *1 i.:. . ..u. j{ ihiilov;, e -1 o - . ..1..:, siii.m m ■ ■ill'll l V'i ' 1,-.:, ... /I ids, Vo- 1 '-inn.■! ..o.v, r \N i iiiijj'ton, won thi; '.Vest (ions; o with 7U points at the iiitlo ' i. seal'iiion Met-ling. 1

The * Jubilee in | tci'.e, nml a ** j nunouucc.i, s'ivhd^^^^^W* 1 l' avlll B been awarded decora lio^^^^Hi., The Australian gutted with U Ins been l~t ely th .t a iVMlmurne V’ c nt ' ;! ;' pi ition l lie purcha^^^^Bwfc' ll interest in While Island, Rod Work the uuiphur deposits * Tlie DiMsdin intend to take fic.icD at the prevent this in)ii gi'incnt of Lotteries Act by uli,it is totalisators '' —tint is, totalizator r Ormaru (says Herald) is prol>nl ly the most municipality in the whole Council has now let,re it increase the general rate and the water rate by 1 this is considered the anticipated deficiency, (■ Messrs yitzßernld's great London down South. The southern it is oue of lha largest circuses that has visited programme is described as Aove the average, and is not by too much clown tlie case in other circussea these parts. The ridiog performances are truly shooting of a woman fiom a cannon is a feature never The horses are tlrronglr their acts in a remarka^^^Bl^Hslyle. The nephew of notorious thief in Warsaw was time ago, and in honor of the was given to all the thieves in The police got wind of the affair, j^mlding,' aacK captured The pair Archer when ho JThio last racu at Ncwmaiket/toJHjtr saddle need on that occasion, lo (he Ptince of Wales by with a wish 3<Woyal Highness to have them a^B/poefeßsu. There aaflH *paclm*s of blind creatures known to induing crayfish, myiia pods, are mfttly white, whether from J the light, or from hleacbmgjß of the skil .dome species have small some hj& none. The cofflßiesion appßtting Sir F. U. Bell and Sit \)Biam Fitiwbeit to represent New Zealqß at the ■bionial Conference appears iaß Gazette. The folloßtg Native Assessors under the Resident Mtßitratcs A la are appointed Hepeta WBkamairn, for the Waitarapa District; anfcnoka te iVano, for the Wellington DistA. I John Whitfcy is gazetted Captain in the New Zealand Militia. Tho Victoria Government, has decided to accept Mcssri Chcffiy Brothers' i Her lo undertake cxtlieive inigatiou works in that colony, 1 loti lligence ft to hand from Mozambique th at the native! have taken advni.t igc of the absence of Ihe leu luge.-e forces despatched to occupy Turpi, j| Zanzibar,and have ti-tm in opi ii rendt against Fin tugs se rule in Mozambique. Tho using lias tecotne geueial, and spicad throuphopt the conn try, and a number of trading slaiiis and houses occupied by lititil'll resident! have been destroyed. Acceding lo reports a larpe body of i.alivi - is menalag the town of M> z-imliqae, and the BiilishfJopsul there has summoned H.M.S. Tutquoise to protect the Finish residents.

An Alabaster Box.—Young girls finding tin tr compU xi; n growing sallow, and their skin breemir g rough or freckly, resort to perturned oinimctiis for a restoration of their hiV.i m. All eu' hsluuld use American Co’s Hop Bitters, which will restore bloom to clucks, whiteness and beauty to their cornp cxion, making rich Hood, good health, and hap) y smiles. Read When a clr ese which has been much salted and kept dry (s»ys an exchange) is washed ■“•'e** l Giucb ii. soft water and then laid on a cloth moistened with wine or vinegar, it gradually lu.-es its sadness, and, if it be a rich chi ese, from being haul and dry it becomes soft and mellow. This simple method of improving cheese is generally practised iu huilzeilaud, where cheeses arekeptstored for many years, and if they were not very salt and dry would soon become the pity of worms and mites.

On farm properly in Scotland, an Aberdeenshire farmer wiites to one of the Scotch papers, that •' there was a number of largo iarms to he let iu the county, and there will soon be many mote, as the rents asked will not yield any profit, to a tenant.” He adds that the depreciation *' is fully 65 pet cent, while lents are not down more than 25 per cent,” Large fanners have lor yeais paid half theii rent out of capital. He concludes : —“ This is the state ol landing where cattle and oats are the maiostay ; a further fall of 30 per ceut is required before farms can pay.” Working Men.—Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation \our system needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of bilious or epiing fever or sickness that will unfit you for a season’s work. You will save lime, sickness and expense if you will use one bottle of American Co’s Hop Bitters in your family this montn, Don't wait. Bead

The ‘ Daily Telegraph ’ gives it as its opinion that Thomas Hall will not be hanged, and says that if he escapes the extreme penalty of the law, his sentence will be commuted to imprisonment for life, which means what it says, and not as an ordinary life sentence, which moans about 15 years according to behaviour, ihe same journal says that Thomas Hall has probably committed more crimes that any man yet unhanged. Tho tunnel under the estuary of the river Severn iu England, on tho line of the (mat Western Railway, which has occupied thirteen years in construction, has at last hocu successfully completed. It is oue of toe engineering achievements of modern limes. The length of the tuunel p oper is about four miles. For upwards of two miles it passt-s under the estuary of the Sever*,-, and at high tide the water is about 100 feet in ilen'h Tho : tunnel lino, with the cuts, is upwardimios in length. For more than f ui mlj in- tiiuiiel is driven through bar-1 n ■•■■■.■ i .-lone It is twenty-six feet wide i v twenty j high, am! m h-«d with vitrified brick. The j coot is T2,000,0(10. j Uu the morning of October oth, I wnr i Pump; ;! to see tiro new street of tom!,; nit~ | covered only a few w. eks ago. I was ami; 1 to read on the outside of one of these tomb,, | an election notice, which, on this, (he hi-h u:vi to Lucu.l, Called upon the ".f ?- v -q U vote fu- (lihhumuj in ‘hi - >T\L; ;-• 0 Muccrivip-;, • Mr Cai i■ - minis!’ Another :(-t R-rtfl in a sing!- i ol red p«int that Munentms is candidate for mvrtralo. Ou u tomb opposite a circus hm. ‘ rmnied tl-.- t'O'P ml .’for it states that ou ! such a m; n- *r of 'lays iu M ; y ivear nn; tiicutioac-.:,i ten pairs of gladiators will light in the amphitheatre.—Cones, * Ameiican j Register.’ j “ Rough ou Itch.” " Rou hj on Itch ’’ j euros skin humors, eiupiiom, ring worm, * toiler, suit rheum, fronted feet, chilblains, j itch, ivy poison, barber’s rich. ; Tuo latest fa i araoug English ladies is to ! act as ;ii lees at dog shows. I ■' Rough on Rai.-.” (''cars out rata, mice, j roaches, flics, ants, bed bugs, beetles, insects, i skunks, jack rabbits, sparrows, and gophers, ! At chemists and drucgßtr, i Nii-lets floating Iu .no linger bowls is the -dost dinner party a-ou;. Buchu Bail- >.'* ;* io k, complete cure, all . moving kidi.-. v. t-i.c, nr and o'inary i -iincases. At che.uiau au-f druggists. Kemp* ; ihotue, Proeset x 80,, Agents, Dunedin. I

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2039, 7 March 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2039, 7 March 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2039, 7 March 1887, Page 2