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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1887.

Mr Amesbury, dentist, will be in Greytown on Thursday, 24th inst, A special meeting of the Wairarapa South County Council will be held tomorrow at Carterton at noon. It is estimated that the trial of Hall for murder will cost the country from £SOOO to £6OOO. A man named Martin M’Namara has been found dead a few miles out of Wanganui. It is supposed that he broke bis neck by falling over a cliff when drunk. Mr F. H. Wood will hold a sale at Martinborough on the 15th instant. On the 24th be will hold a stock sale at the Taratahi.

The Greytown Drapery and Clothing Corns pany, under the management of Mr F. Muir, have a very attractive price list in the first column in this paper. County Council notifications re the Glad< stone-Wainuioru and Martinborough-Pahaua roads will be found in our advertising columns.

The South Wairarapa Working Men's Club Company bold their annual meeting tomorrow evening.

Tickets for the Jubilee Singers’ entertainment tonight at Greytown mar be obtained of Mr St George. We advise all persons to get their tickets beforehand and to be early if they wish to get a seat, for tne house will be filled to overflowing. The Morrison’s Bush cricketers are reques - ted to turn up for practice tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of arranging some more matches.

Mr W. Clark, of Carterton, advertises reductions in all sorts of goods.

The Feathcrston Rifle Volunteers will hold a concert and dance in the Odd Fellows’ Hall, on Tuesday night next, (20th inst.,) the committee are making some great preparations for the event, and it is expected that there will be a large attendance. The tickets are 2s, and attendance to the gallery Is. An ex> cellent programme has been prepared. Mr F. H. Wood sells the dairy stock, *c., of Mr M. Wilder, of Carterton, on the 3rd March.

Professor Morley, homeopathist, wishes us to state that he has no intention oi leaving the Wairarapa, and that he may still be con» suited as notified in his advertisement. Having found a large number of persons who prefer the homeopathic treatment to any other, be has decided to take up his residence permanently in the district. The Greytown Fire Brigade are now seriously contemplating the matter of obtaining a more suitable engine for their use. In this laudable effort it may be safely assumed that the residents in the town and district will assuredly support the Brigade, and before long the Borough may be in a position to boast of an engine that can do its work with good effect. The Custodian of the Greytown Hospital wishes to acknowledge receipt of some linen from Mrs J, Xully and Mrs A. Jones, Greytown. The last rail of the line between Woodville and Napier is to bu laid this week, and it is expected the railway will be open to Woodville about 10th March.

The Kev R. B. Comics, lectures on the Melanesian Mission in the supper room of the Town Hall, Greytown, on Monday evening.

There was a good fall of rain in some parts oi this district on Wednesday night which has refreshed vegetation. Mr J. D. Cox, storekeeper, Ac., of Featberston, has just introduced some great and attractive novelties into bis stock. Some of the lines are astonishingly cheap. Thera are some men’s felt hats which could not have been manufactured at anything like the prices offered at. There are other articles of apparel equally cheap. The brown bread made at the bakery branch of this establishment is such that Dr Gilbert or any other much married mau would greatly relish and confidently recommend as both wholesome and of good quality. A native demonstration and supper takes place tomorrow evening at Papawai. The Greytown people will be welcome. A British woman’s jubilee offering to the Queen is being planned. It is proposed that all classes of women and girls should join, so that contributions may vary from Id to £l. When the fund is complete, the Queen will be asked to decide as to what form the offering shall take. Sander & Son's Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminent powerful effects iu coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous. Iu serious cases and accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scaldings, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy—no swelling —no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, swellings, etc. ; diarrhoea, dysentery ; diseases of the kidneys aud urinary organs. In use at all hospitals and medical clinics ; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy ; crowned with medal aud diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust iu this approved article aud reject all others.

Half Asleep !—“ I never,” wrote a young lady to a friend, ” go to church or lecture but lam half asleep, and I never know afterwards what the sermon or lecture was about.” It was a plain case of nervous lethnr-v, produced by want of action of the iver and digestive organs. She was persuade I to try American Co's Hop Bitters, and now she writes: “How intelligent and bright are sermons and lectures now, and bow glorious the world we live in is ! Hr Soule's Hop Bitters are indeed a blessing to me.” Notice

Fields which are already red with sorrel yhquld be ploughed as soon as possible in order prevent seeding. In most cases excess of soiT? 1 indicates a deficiency in lime or potash required uL r ~ l d vv ing Rood clover. The application ol these materials will secure a clover catch whose growth Will smother the sorrel while young. It is the effect of these alkaline manures in causing clover growth rather than the direct eft'ect of the alkali in correcting " sourness” ol the soil, which rids it of sorrel. A dressing of stable manure will sometimes have the same effect as lime or potash. So also will gyp* sum, which is a compound of sulphine acid and lime.

Wells' Hair Balsam. 11 grey, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and Peaiitili'.'S. No .-it nor gicasc. A Tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming cut ; strong then?, cleanses, heals scilji. Thu Brazen Serpent.—Like the brazen serpent that the great Jew Mi I. ador lifted high in the sight of the perishing f blower?, whereby ihey were ssved from death, the discoverers of American flop Bitters have placed before fullering, ailing minkiud, a remedy which inables them to livid, disease with conquering advantage.

' The largest farm in England has been thrown upon its owner’s hands. It is in Licc'inshire, and consists of i'/oo acres. Th“ tenant paid £i per acre. This year a i •dilution cf 30 percent, was made to him, ■ ; nding, although an experienced and 1 uugetic farmer, that even at this reduction l e i.o. id not make two ends meet, he has thrown up Ins farm. Skiuny Men. “Wells' Health Renewer” restates health 11 ml vig *r, cures, Dyspepsia, I.uohten.'c, Sexual Debility. At chemists and dai.;;o-!s. Kmnptiiomi', Prosser A Co, Agte, Dunedin.

A comb; wilt.-* thus pikes at the expense of I! i.vaity —Thy M ncliioue.-,; of Dundeny hj id the honor of contracting pneumonia while driving with the Queen on Wednesday.

The Registrar-general has published a table setting forth 11 the conjugal condition of the people ” of New Zealand. Prom this table it appears that at the last census taking (in March 1886), of a total of 307,694 males, 84,557 were husbands, 215,429 were unmarried, and only 6248 were widowers. Of 266,246 females, 84,463 were wives, 171,857 were unmarried, and 9764 were widows.

Laery and Campbell report a large influx of plums dating the week from Melbourne and Hobart, which tended towards a diminution in prices, which ranged from 3s 6d to 5s ; apples, 7s 6d ; pears, 10s 6d. We are glad to state that the Customs, have, to a certain extent, limited their restrictions re codlin moth, and instead of condemning a whole consignment through one faulty package, each case will be taken on its merits in future. Peaches scarce at 8s per case; tomatoes, 9s 6d. Large supplies of pines, bananas, peanuts, cocoanuts, and preserved pines in 21b tins are expected next week from Fiji. Onions, £7 to £8 per ton ; potatoes, £3 10s ; salt butter, 7d ; prime fresh, 9d j pastry butter, 4d ; hams and bacon, 7d ; honey, 4d ; cheese, Sd ; Stilton shape, 6d ; cereals of all kinds are unsteady, and prices uncertain. Fowls, 3a 6d ; ducks, 4s ; geese, 6s per pair, with limited supplies ; eggs, la 6d ; grass seeds are in fair demand, cocksfoot, 3|d to 4d; rye grass, 3s Od to 4s per bushel. The direct steamer Tainui arrived at Auok. land from London via Hobart on Tuesday. There was one case of scarlet fever on board, a child seven years of age, who has been isolated with her two sisters since the outbreak. Passengers and mails were quarantined and fumigated. The Poverty Bay Herald has the following notification“ There is one female in Gisborne who appears to be lost to all sense of shame and decency. She makes it a nightly practice to sit on the beach after five o’clock, much to the discomfort of bathers.” A four roomed cottage situated on the Waipoua river bed, Masterton, occupied by - Mr J Sillurs, native schoolmaster, and owned by Messrs M Caselberg & Co, was destroyed by fire at noon yesterday. Mr Sillars was away at the time and the origin of the fire is a mystery. When first discovered, it was burning up the side of the chimney which was a double one built inside the house. Mr Sillars was known to have a valuable collection of books, also a set of photographing apparatus, all of which have been destroyed. The house was insured for £7s.—Daily.

The new Cathedral Church at Nelson was opened on Wednesday morning with great ceremony. The Primate and the Bishops of Nelson and Waiapu and a large number of the clergy were present. The building is the old Christ Cburch enlarged and renovated, the interior being now very handsome. The church will be the only one in the colony lighted by the electric light. The Wairarapa Gun Club held a pigeon match at Carterton yesterday. The first was a three bird match, and Messrs Seed, N. Grace, A. Jones, T, Grace, Ewen, and E. B. Jones entered, Mr E. B. Jones was the winner, killing three out of four, Messrs T. and N. Grace Being for second place. In the second match Messrs E, B. Jones and N. Grace tied, killing two birds out of three. The stakes were divided.

A desire has been expressed by Te Eeulieu and other chiefs of tbe Ngatitawbaretoa tribes in tbe Native Land Court at Wanganui, to make a free gilt to the State of the mountains Tongariro, Buapehu, and Ngaruaboe, with all the surrounding land as far as the level country, tor the purpose ef establishing a national park. Steps ate being taken by tiie Government to enable the chiefs to carry out their idea.

The book debts in Robt Cooper’s estate, Poverty Bay, the nominal total being £9OOO, were sold a few days ago for £11; and tbe properties, alleged to be worth £93,000, were sold for £lls.

We had the pleasure of being present last night at the first performance of 11 The Sorcerers ”by the Masterton amateurs. Tbe Theatre Eoyal was crowded, and both musics ally and financially the undertaking was a great success. The Melbourne Argus urges that Admiral Tryon should despatch a warship to Tonga, and sarcastically remarks that “ no important event, such as a Melbourne Cup or a ball in Sydney, now requires the presence of the whole of the officers of the squadron in Australian waters.”

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 18 February 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 18 February 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 18 February 1887, Page 2