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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1887.

Mr Lawrie s coach leaves Greytown this afternoon at 4 o’clock for Martinborough. It now runs every Wednesday, instead of Thursday as before. At the nomination of candidates lor the Featberston Town Licensing District, on Friday, the following gentlemen were named : —H. Bunny, W. Candy, J. Donald, W. Niools, J. D. Oakly, A. E. Neale, C. Phatazyn, G. Reynolds, and W. Toogood. As only five members ate required a poll will be taken tomorrow, Thursday. The Greytown Hospital authorities thankfully acknowledge receipt of subscribers’ lists from Messrs Jas Stevens £7 ss, John Udy £2 10s, and G. T. F. Hutton £l, and from Messrs Bidwill Bros, two guineas, tbeir annual subscription. Last Sunday afternoon the residents at Papawai were kept hard at work trying to suppress a grass fire which started on this side of Bailey’s mill, through a spark falling from a tree which had been slowly burning since the last bush fire. It travelled as fast as a man conld run up the flat to the school paddock, which just escaped, and went on towards Mr Varnham’s bay stack, and it was only by the united labors of natives and Europeans that the stack was saved. About 20 acres of grass were consumed. Another fire the same afternoon destroyed between two and three hundred acres ol grass on Burch’s and Mitchell's runs.

Tbe Jubilee Singers appear in Greytown on Friday night, and it is beyond a doubt that they will be gieeted with a packed house. The people of Greytown are looking forward with pleasurable anticipations to this '-effing, and there will be visitors from all parts oi! 1 * 8 Singers 'appear Carterton, and on the 22ud in Masterton. mogrammes will be presented at each town in tbis u.^Hict,

News has been received from Upper Burmah that Iswabawa, one of the rebel chiefs, has refused to accept the proposal recently made calling ou tbe rebels to surrender, and offering a pardon to those who do so before the 16th instant. He is engaged in destroy log the villages of Burmese who are friendly to the British, aud is organising an attack ou the British garrison at Woontho.

The Hastings (Hawkes Bay) Star contains tbe following :— 44 Mr M’Donald, of J. M’Donald aud Co., has forwarded as a sample of Wairarapa butter, which he is disposing of at Is pet lb The butter is very superior to a lot of what is called here fresh butter, and fur which Is 63 per pound is demanded. The local dairymen will have to vastly improve their ware* if they wish to keep the field, as there is no deubt the article now being disposed ol Ly Mr M’BonalJ will make n toaiket for itself, It is a really good article’’

Mr Muir baa just executed, to the order of the Caiterton Fire Brigade, 15 caps with gold lettering.

The Manawatu ’Times says the coaches betwo u Palmerston and Woodville have latterly been crowded to the utmost of their canying capacity, a sure proof that the passenger traffic between Napier and Wellington is now almost entirely diverted from the dangerous and tedious Rimutaka line.

Atßalclutlia (Otago) the Publicans neglected to nominate caodiuan s, thiuktug the election would lapse ; but the Temperance men quietly banded in toe names of live candidates, and toey were accepted.

tuNbim A {jus's Exnucr. Test its eminent powerin' .A. iv. -i coughs, colds, influenza , tire re.b-i i- o -iaulantoua. In serious cases and acrid- ut: i all kinds, he they wounds, bun.c»|..ii>g«, bruises, sprains, it is the safes' remedy -no swelling -0-) ii.'tli'ruii'Uon 1,i15,. surprising effects produced in ei< up, diohiheiia, bronchitis, in flammatiou of im- lungs, swellings, etc : diarrhoea,'- n ; diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs i u»o at ail hospitals and medical clinics : patronised by His I‘,-jMty the King of Italy ; cpiWfled with lus-rai and diploma at International Exhibition. Amsterdam. Trust in this approve i at tide and reset ail other-.

" Kniiid. cm Hat- Ci, rs nut i.-rls. mwo, . .i,urhrs, dies, ants, hed bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, sparrows, and gophers. At chemists and druggists.

High Honors.—The last American mail brings the announcement of the candidacy of the Hon H. H. Warner, of Ilocheater, New York, proprietor of Warner’s Safe Remedies, for the office of United Stales Senator for the State of New York. This office is one of the highest in the gift of the American people, there being the two United States Senators from the great State of New York, with its population of twelve millions. The term of office is six years. The election is by joint ballot of the State Assembly and Senate. The office comes unsought by Mr Warner, and is convincing proof of the high regard in which he is held by the people of his native seat.

It has been suggested by some of the patrons of the Greytown Horticultural Society that medals (silver) bo given to boys and girls for proficiency in writing. The Secretary, Mr C. Higgins, will be pleased to receive contributions for the purpose. It is probable that the residents of Wei' lington will have, before long, a beautiful suburban drive if the money is forthcoming. The Kilbirnie Eoad Board have guaranteed £IOO towards the formation of a drive which will strike off along the coast, from Island Bay, skirt Hanghtcn Bay and the southern side of Lyell Bay, cross the isthmus between Lyell Bay and Evans Bay, and join the Bocks Boad, near the Eilbirnie Hotel. There are no difficulties in the way of levels, and the one private owner whose property is invaded, Mr Coutts Crawford, has already consented to give the required land. The only obstacle to be got over is the expense of forming and metalling a road about five miles long. A subscription list has been opened.

A series of accidents occurred in the sailing race at Napier on Saturday, in which five boats started. Before reaching the first buoy the halyards of the Comet were carried away. The Wave Queen lay to, to reef, and got out of the race. Half a mile further the mast of the Besolute went by the board. Nearing the second buoy the Nautilus and Fairy were close together, and the latter in jibing capsized, and the Nautilus ran into her hull aud stove her in. Plenty of boats were about, and everyone was rescued. We direct the attention of our readers to an advertisement in another column from Mr B. Ayres, the well known herbalist of 90, Guoa Street, Wellington, where it will be seen he has opened a private hospital at the above address, and is prepared to take a limited.numuer of patients for treatment, aud twin what \v._- know of Mr Ayres and his treatment, we can confidently recommend those of our readers who need rest and treatment, to place themselves under his care.

On the morning of the 14th (St Valentine’s Day) not more than 50 valentines passed through the Wellington Post Office.

The ninth annual report of the South Wairarapa Working Men’s Club Company is a very satisfactory one. The directors have been able daring the past year to complete the work of putting an iron roof upon the building. They have also been able to pay an interim dividend of 5 per cent., the unclaimed balance of which amounts to £8 Bs. The balance to credit of assets has increased by about £3O and now stands at £74 8s 3d, the only liabilities beyond the shares being the unclaimed dividends. A substantial balance of £49 Us 3d remains to credit at the Bank and the directors have decided to pay a further dividend of 5 per cent., making a dividend declared for the year of 10 per cent.

There are many settlers disappointed in not being able to get space in the refrigerating chambers of the vessels proceeding to England dining the next three or four months, and Ibis is a serious matter, because it provided an outlet for surplus stock. It was also feared that the Waingawa boiling down works of Messrs Williams and Beetham would remain shut up. We are glad to hear that this is not to bv the case, and settlers will no doubt find a market here. Now that there is such a demand for tinned meat abroad we hope these works will be kept going. It will be most beneficial to the settlers; and will give employment to a number of hands.

The Hinemoa takes the Auckland, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Marlborough, and Nelson competitoia at the New Zealand Rifle Association meeting, from Wellington to Lyttelton aud back free of charge. She leaves Wellington on 25th February. Government provide railway accommodation for competitors going and returning from the meeting, but no free passes will be granted duung the meeting. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining cardboard targets, canvas is to be used.

As an instance ol the profit on dairy farming, it is stated that a farmer who leased 150 acres oi land on the Edendale estate, with a purchasing clause giving him the use of 40 cows on paying 10 per cent of the price until he is able to buy them, has in the first six months paid a full year’s tent, and purchased 10 of the cows.

General John A. Dix was at one time the unhappy victim of dyspepsia. After seeking in vain for relief, he was at length led to consult the famous Dr Abernethy. After listening impatiently to his story, Abernethy interrupted him with these words ,4 Sir, yon are pretty far gone, and the wonder is that you arenot gone entirely. If you had con> suited common sense instead of the medical faculty, you would probably have teen well years ago. I can say nothing to you except this : You must take regular exercise, as much as you can bear without fatigue, as iittlc medicine as possible, of the simplest kind, and this only when absolutely neoes“v tod a modest quantity of plain food, vt tbe quality wbicli you find by experience best to “ffifit; Vffih you. No man, not even a physician, can prescribe diet for another. 4 A. stomach is a s.omacb,’ and it is impossible for aayone to le-ioco with safety from his own to that of any otiu r person There are a few general rules which any n ui of common sense may learn in a week, such as this—that rich food, high seasoning, Ac., are injurious. I can say no more to you sir ; you must go and cure yourself,” It is needless to say that General Dix was rewarded by restored health and a good old age.

A London newspaper tells us that “ the Commissioners of Prisons have published their ninth report, which shows that the remarkable decrease in tbe prison population, which began in 1877, has still continued up to date, March 81, 188 C. It appears that on March 31, 1878, the prison population at home was 20,833, whilst on March 31, 1880. this number was greatly diminished, the number in prison being only 15,375, notwithstanding the very large increase in the population of the country which had taken place during the interval of eight years between the two dates. It is further stated that “ three prisons, at Homungdou, (.'lurkcnweil, and Cold Lath Fields, have been entirely closed during the year. Pcutonville convict prison has been lurnc-d into a local prison, fad a portion of the iJodmin prison Las been transferred to the Admiralty for naval purposes,” It would he extremely interesting to know if a proportionate diminution in the number of too prison population in New Zealand Ims been taking place during the same period. If it has, such a sign of moral improvement would cause much rejoicing and thankfulness throughout the community. At home, this improvement may be largely tr u-; d, no doubt, to the establishment of child saving institutions, such as rt formatunes, industrial schools, orphanages, ; didfea’s hospitals, training ships, industrial hj nif t, cricket, Ac., Ac,

Freemasons will be glad to hear ol the dis

covery in Egypt, by Professor Maspero, of a imob quite uutouebed by tbe defiling and pilfering Arab, in which a square, a mason’s leveiler, a compass mid oilier tools hove been found besida a mummy, Tire dead man was in architect, builder, and a carver of iuscrip- ■ i- -ms. hawm,' ih - I'o itroi id "ij,-quarter of the ■ji.'iuefcry u: J’bch-.- . fin- lomb was very e -vj tardy ftli'dd;-;' v.iib linen chests, 'Minted jars, sUtiiett--.--, and oilier articles of true fur luxury, arid contained two sledges for lire transport of mummies and sarcophagi. 1

| Several gardens have been robbed about i Greytown lately. Fruit trees have been snipped and the owners left lamenting. The other night a man was seen with a bag sneaking through the grounds ol a settler. It did not strike the observer at the time what the little game was, but ho has heard since that the trees in the garden were robbed that night. From his description of the thief we believe ho has gained some notoriety through bis nightly rambles before now.

The fire which caused so much trouble last Sunday at Morrison’s Bush, broke out afresh yesterday near the Church and spread quickly along the road towards the post office and Mr Waite's house, and in the other direction towards the Bush Inn. It required all the efforts ol a band of workers to prevent the fire endangering the properties on the other side. Mr Henderson very kindly sent all his mill hands to the fire. On Ward’s Line constant watchfulness is required to keep the fire from catching the grass on the other side of the road.

The mau William Flowers, charged with breaking windows at the Greytown Postoffice, was brought before Mr F H Wood, JP, this morning, and remanded until Friday next. Coustableß leton knows nothing of the capture of Campbell, who left Martinborough lately. The paragraph in last night’s Post is incorrect.

“ Buchu Faiba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. At chemists and druggists. Kemps thorne, Prosser & Co., Agents, Dunedin.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2031, 16 February 1887, Page 2

Word Count

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2031, 16 February 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2031, 16 February 1887, Page 2