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Greytown Borough Council

Thu usual monthly monthly meeting of this Couucil was held on Monday night. Present—His Worship the Mayor (If. Hdy, seu.), and Crs Maxton, Varnham, Smith, Cameron, St George, Fabian, Trotter, and Cotter. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Cr Cotter proposed, and Cr Varnham 3f"o'>dei(, that the motion contained in the minutes referring to the fence near the Foresters’ Arms be altered so as to read " the Dwner of section 23.” Or Maxton proposed as an amendment, 1 That the minutes be adopted as read.” This was seconded by Cr Fabian, and the imendnent was carried, four Crs voting upon litber side and the Mayor supporting the imendment. Cr Cotter said it was the duty of the Mayor to give bis deliberate vote with the Councillors simultaneously, either aye or no, and not wait until the Councillors had all given their votes, and then decide the question. His Worship the Mayor said he had every right to exercise his vote whichever way he pleased, either with those upon whose side he chose to vote, or after both sides had voted, Several Councillors expressed their opinions —some concurring with the Mayor, others disagreeing with his remarks. correspondence. Correspondence outwards, comprising two letters, one to the Dog Registrar, re bis appointment ; the other to owner of Section 23, requesting him to erect a proper fence. Correspondence inwards.—From Mr C. Higgins, secretary to the Wairatapa Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, recommending the Council to nominate a member for that Board, for the Governor’s approval. From Mr Wood, secretary to the Greytown Hospital, applying to the Council for a subs sciiption to that institution. From Mr J. W. Merchant, re survey of Crown Bauds, North of Greytown (15 acres) to be vested in the Borough Couucil. From the Cemetery Trustees, re transfer of management of the Cemetery to the Borough Council. HOSPITAL BOARD MEMBER. ' Cr Fabian moved, and Cr Smith seconded, That His Worship the Mayor be nominated to his Excellency the Governor for his approval, as member to represent the Council on the Wairarapa Hospital Board. Carried unanimously, GREYTOWN HOSPITAL, Cr St George moved, That a donation of eight guineas be voted by the Connell to the funds of the Greytown Hospital. Seconded by Cr Varnham pro forma, who said he would prefer to leave the matter over lor a month, to allow the Council time to ascertain their position with regard to the voting funds for the purpose. The Mayor said he would like to the local hospital maintained as a separat. ; tntion, supported by voluntary conin'.-Mi.-us, consequently would feel pleased u the Council could give the assistance it od. Cr Cotter proposed as an amjaament, That the matter be allowed to stand ovar until next meeting, but there was no seconder. The original proposition, on being put to the meeting, was declared carried. THE CEMETERY, Cr Cotter proposed, aud Cr Maxton seconded, That His Worship the Mayor, Crs St George, Varnham, Smith, and the mover be a committee to confer with the Trustees, examine the balance sheet, and ascertain the financial position of the Cemetery Trust, and report fully at the next meeting of the Couucil. Cr Varnham agreed ‘with the motion, but would object to the Council taking over the management if it was not self-supporting. REPORTS. The Woiks Committees’ report, including an acceptance of Mr D. Cameron, senior’s tender for lighting street lamps at the rate of £4 10s per lamp per annum, was read and adopted on the motion of Or Trotter, seconded by Cr Cotter. The Finance Commi’tee’s report was read, nud ou the motion of Cr Varnham, seconded by Cr St George, adopted. The ranger's report aa to having impounded 12 head of cattle during the month and having found all nuisances abated, was, on the motion of Ct Cameron, seconded by Cr Trotter, adopted. ’’"’S POUNDAGE QUESTION. Or Vatntiam said he had seen an excellent suggestion in tiie Wairarapa Standard to the effect that they should not be too hard upon the settlers who had been such great sufferers itom the loug continued drought and the recent heavy fires prevailing in the district; he thought that owners of stock might for a short time be allowed permission for their cattle to graze upon the grass on the sides of the roads ; he would move that the ranger be instructed not to pound cattle outside the town in the day time during the month of February and part of March. Or Cotter said Cr Varnham would require to table a notice of motion before interfering with any of the Borough bye-laws. Cr St George said Cr Varnham’a motion, if carried, would be depriving the ranger of his fees. The matter then dropped. THOSE LAMPS. Cr Fabian moved that the resolution respecting the removal of the lamps from opposite Hastwell Street be rescinded ; he thought there was at present quite sufficient light opposite Dr Spratt’s house. Cr Cotter seconded ; he said they should endeavour to throw as much light on the corners of streets as possible ; he had changed his mind in reference to the lamp which was shifted from the Post Office corner. Cr St George said he now thought the lamp was just as well in its present position. Cr Varnham thought it rather strange that Councillors should have so completely changed their minds upon the matter since last meeting. Or said, as mover of the resolution tor shilling the J«B>p, he had changed his miud, and considered it was required whore it now stands. Cr Faeiau’s motion was carried imaniraoiisiy on the voices. Cr Goiter proposed that tender;-; ’ o'lod ho -lie erection of two lamps. Seconded by Cr Varnham. (i bis motion was subsequently w:'!; Cr is ; George propos- rl tint ; ho lo’e.orvr, Mr'Fridman, be asked to deduct the amount uoiu the estimate or tender, relative to the tcwoVid o) thu lamp, the mutter to ho left in the hands of the Mayor, and if he did not consider the reduction sufficient, to call for Ire,‘-li leu inns for the work. Seconded by Cr Fabian and carried. A proposition of Cr Cameron’s, seconded by Cr Cotter, that the matter bo hold over for oue month and that the Government bu written to concerning attaching Jumps to telegraph posts tell through. clerk’s returns. Cr Smith gave notice that he would move at the next sitting that a return he laid upon tho table oi all moneys received by tho clerk for the past live years, and wlmt guaraulee be has given the Council. ROADS. Cr Cotter said that thu Council had nogo* tinted with the B.N.Z. for an overdraft £ 200 so us to gut ail works done during the lino wiiutljL’t. At present tho roads wore in fair repair hut several little mutters requited the Council’s attention. A gravel pit was required and a small sum should he obtained f r its purchase. He proposed (hat the Wot ks Loimmttce meet at a date to be arranged to go over the roads and see wind works uiu to he undertaken dating the ensuing year ire wits under the imp.ixdon that the Ii.N.Z. were inclined to giant a £2OO overdraft elicit year to lire Couucil, Ci M Gioigi approved of 1 ho proposition, ! im ii’TOv coiilo in u r.i I by ib mg wort, during j the line w< .1 he.. 110 would second the pro- I pord.o hut tho Bank had only rt. J Hinged mi a drab Jot last year. ‘

Some reference was made to the work done I at Powhatu Bridge and some Councillors re- j marked that some of the woodwork was not fastened and no provision had been made tor this in the specifications. Cr Cameron said it appeared to him _ that one engineer was paid to prepare specifica* tions, another to see the work properly carried out. . Cr Varnham agreed with Cr Cotter regarding the roads, but the overdraft now stood at £2OO and no works could be entered upon before May. Cr Cotter in reply said he was under the impression that £2OO was to be advanced annually, and work could be done cheaper just now. According to a resolution passed last year the work should be done at once. They were behind time now. The Clerk, in answer to Cr Varnham, said he understood the £2OO was not an annual arrangement. Cr Cameron said the money was obtained for certain works, fle did not think any more works were needed at present. He did not see why they should wait until next meeting to see what works were necessary ; they should know at once. Cr Cotter’s proposition was carried. A STIFF BREEZE. The Mayor made reference to some obser« various which fell from Cr Maxton at a former meeting, with regard to the position he should assume when addressing the meeting. He would draw attention to clause No 6 standing orders of the Council. Cr Maxton said No 6 had no reference to the matter. He maintained that the Mayor should rise upon all occasions when addressing the Council. Councillors rise when they speak and so should his Worship. He made some remarks as to the questionable taste of the Mayor in alluding to the matter. The Mayor asked Cr Maxton to sit down. Cr Maxton claimed a right to be heard. He held that if the Council was to have respect for his Worship, he should set a good example by paying fall respect to the Council. He hoped his Worship was not so dense as to adduce that clause No 6 referred to the matter. The Mayor said he usually rose when he put propositions to the meeting, but it was not necessary upon every occasion. He had been present at a meeting when Mr Hntobmson was Mayor of Wellington and he spoke without rising. Cr Cotter considered that the Mayor’s readof clause 6 was quite misleading to himself. A rather stormy scene ensued, during which two Councillors left the chamber. Cr Cameron took exception to Councillors leaving the room. Cr St George thought that the Mayor might be excused rising upon every occasion owing to his age, but it had always been the rule of the chamber for the Mayor to rise upon addressing the Council, He was sorry that Cr Maxton had alluded to the matter at a former meeting. Some discussion ensued with reference to the reporting of what had just taken place. Cr Maxton said he admired the Standard / , u fully reporting the proceedings. The meetings had been reported remarkably well, lie would like to move that the Councillors who had leftj be severely censured. Seconded by Cr Cameron. Dpon the suggestion of Cr St George the motion was withdrawn. OBEYTOWN NORTH RESERVE. Cr Varnham moved that tenders be ealled for leasing twelve acres, Greytown Reserve, for a term of seven years, with power to re» move timber—the tenders to be alternate, for leasing into one or two blocks. Payment to be ball yearly in advance. Carried. The Banger was instructed to impound all cattle off this reserve. The Council then adjourned.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2028, 9 February 1887, Page 2

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Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2028, 9 February 1887, Page 2

Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2028, 9 February 1887, Page 2