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“ A Besident's” letter, re labor, next issue. The cricket match, Greytown v Phoenix, to have been played in Wellington tomorrow, is postponed. . A painful accident happened to Mr Alfred Matthews, farmer, at Opaki, on rl " inreday forenoon, says the Star. He was >■: work with a reaper ami binder, when I • some means he was jolted off in front f the machine, which passed over him, the Miivea cutting his shoulders and lego seiy severely. The ship Ilurunui from London arrived at Wellington on Weaned.ty.

The old mill nt Papawai was burned down lasi evcniri;. It was filled with hay, aitd its de.-'.ructio.i we • pr,-h illy caused by one of the Mauris di. pph.,; a match. ’.Vo mid, v land that Sir William T Prcsidi it oi tbo New Zi .oand Alliance r the hoppr;■■■ ;■■■■.-, of the Liquor Traffic, 11 hold 1 lust wed; in Carterton, Gn 7. to-.-n, „r.! . .JiiCtfiou. Particulars cancel iiirp iho tame will lu autcitUed iu our Ul i.: te.

Vo desired to ar-i-ou.-cc that owing to tbo übeonce of Lev J Win from Greytown, no pi adieu 01 iho Uait.ia ’‘Uudur the Palms” will be held this evening. The Pride of the Vallny Juvenile Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U., held a meeting ou Wednesday night, to receive the District G.M. who complimented the boys on their progress and manner of conducting the business. Several of the members gave some instrumental solos, leadings, and recitations. The Grand Master handed in two handsomely bound volumes called “ The Heroes of Britain in times of Peace and War ” as a present from P.P.G.M. Todd, Invercargill District to the Greytown Juvenile Lodge. The present was thankfully acknowledged. The District G.M. intimated that the juveniles of Wellington and Petone Lodges would probably pay the Lodge a visit on the 17th March, when a cricket match might be arranged. Tbe members instructed tbeQ.M. to provide the requisite materials for their new cricket club.

The Fisk Jubilee Singers whs may shortly visit the Wairarapa, commenced singing about fifteen years ago for the purpose of raising funds to build a college for the education of emancipated slaves. In about eight years they raised about L 30,000, aud the college having no farther need of their services, the reputation they had gained was sufficient inducement for them to start on their own account. They have sung all over Europe aud America, paid three visits to the United Kingdom, and have been honored by special requests from Queen Victoria, the Emperor of Germany, the King and Queen of the Netherlands, King of Saxony, Prince and Princess of Germany, Grown Print 1 -1 and Princess of Germany, &c. They iuj all colored people, seven of them were bora slaves, and the others are the direct descend* ants of slaves. The music consists principally of sacied plantation melodies. The programme also includes several modern solos and glees. From an artistic point their singing will bear comparison with that of any company, the bass and soprano singers being especially good. Messrs Veitoh and Allan, tailors, drapers, and outfitters, Main street, Qreytowu, have on hand some excellent samples of Welling" ton tweeds. Their stock in all lines is well worthy of inspection; it is a large and attract tive one. The representative teams’ rifle match, VVairmapa v Wellington, has fallen through on account of so many other maiden nod other oveute being arranged tor on the same day.

■J lie Oreytowu Lire Brigade Sport vill be well attended tomorrow, ami iu vitv. ..I the fillin' tin: tmvil 'ti ■'heady bur.,lol) (juito 1 jvi '.y with visiters. Gn-ylowii is prove rally noted for iicii.i; one ot tile UiWu» iu the Nin th Xslatiu lor sport of a 1 uesciiptions, and this event vail he well worthy of .at pol : v. ■) , i; Xiu 1' ;0’ i T ’. ’.er , of Grr • Jll'Ve " I'iJOl!'" X ■■■■',’ f• 11 !• .vviuj' us - O'iu.l.l to . , i.• :■■■■! i.nonts out for tin-loi oiiioinii ;i’ i . on >,t X'at'ick's Ihiv 17!h MV.iMi •!, in','"-- Bros Webst \ViM"i : i i".i a ■ ■■ 'H, anti D L■, -i ■. ■ • -'i ■■ : a), J. Ilav. : , .... :i : : ; ; M ailunga on ;i. . i). 1.1... ui'-i'ou.w, i.i a n i. ... n [u rnoi :■ win) n: ‘ in n jii (be .join hie. sv„t..ii! of lui-h-i.i lle'lii.'leill.wiU n K ;,.d iimu that A-fr T. F, MorJey liuh . ... iiji i,n rcMtlfciics in M.isterk'tt, pud ,u!|.|., ; to visit tircyinwn and Carterton e\eiy WfUieriluy. We imvo heard persons speak in most flutterin'; levins of Mr Morley’s ii’id lie is enthr-iiD;; areiiud (titn an li, ; jaenieui p..'Vik:o uudi r tile liotueopitllir o .pm

W.'i ~' Hair Brl-aui. U MW, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil nor grease. A Tonic Restorative. Stops bait coming out; strong thens, cleanses, heals scalp.

T>j smallpox patients in quarantine at NSW and Melbourne and Adelaide are progressing toward recover/, and no fresh oases are reported.

An empty house was burned down yesterday afternoon at Masterton, caused by a grass fire.

The Fh.e Brigade Committee have this morning been preparing the (course for their sports tomorrow ; the track has been well sawdusted.

The Grcytown Band are requested to meet for practice tonight. As advertised in another column Mr ClapcotVs Popular Headings from favorite authors will bo given tonight at the Foresters’ Hall, ami as admission is free and the ladies are particularly nr. Ted there, should be a good attendance. Daring the evening Mr Clapcott will have something to say about the objects of his visit, viz,, Government Life Insurance and the satisfactory bonus just declared. As a reader Mr Clapcott is now well known throughout New Zealand and the press have always spoken of him in most laudatory terms. Those who remember Mr Clapcott’s previous visits to Qreytown will doubtless be present in the hall tonight and bring tbeir friends. Beyond the importance of the real object of the meeting the promised readings should bring a large andience and guarantee an entertaining as well as an instructive evening.

The Oreytown Hospital collecting boxes that are lodged in various places of public resort are now being opened, and those in this township have realised the following earnsQreytown Working Men’s Club LI 7s Bd, Mr Jones’ Hotel LI 4s lid, Bank of New Zealand 8s Id, Mr Hammerioh’s hotel 7s lid, Greytown Hospital 2s fid. The under, mentioned yearly subscriptions for 1887 have also been received, and the Treasurer desires to thank the donors and those who have kindly allowed the boxes to be exhibited on their premwis Messrs G Q Enight LI Is, L St GdOTLI Is, F H Wood LI Is. Some one having written a letter to the Herald, Dunedin, in which he applied the term ‘ half-dressed savages’ to the Highland Rifle company there, a Veteran,” in the course of his reply said:—What would Britain be without Scotland and Ireland ? Answer —nothing. Who was it that stormed the proudest position and envy of all the world, viz., Gibraltar? Highlanders. Who was it that stormed the heights of Alma and Balaclava? Highlanders. Who were the heroes of the march to Candahar? Highlan* ders. Who were the men that kept the Boers at Bay at Majuba Hill until through the bungling of an Englishman their ammu« nition ran short, and they had to resort to stones? Highlanders. Who were the first in the trenches at Tel-el-Kebir, followed closely by their Irish comrades? Highlanders. Who were the men who kept the face of the square at Tamai, when the two English regiments turned their backs on the Arabs? Highlanders. Who saved the life of Colonel Burnaby at El Teb, when his horse was shot from under him, and he was borne down by hordes of Arabs ? Highlanders, I could fill up your valuable paper with such instances, but I will close by saying, What country stands second to none for education, but the birthplace of the half-dressed savages ? It seems tome that they cannot be done without, as you find them at the head of everything both in the colony and England. Well might the Royal Horse Artillery exclaim, as the highl nders swept past them at Tel el Kebir, ‘ Scotland for ever.’

A San Francisco paper by the last mail says:—Maxwell, the condemned murderer of Preller, has lost the indifference that characterised him during his trial, and is reported to bo completely unmanned. He is no longer able to sleep, except for every brief periods, at long intervals, and is haunted lrj- visions of the man for whose murder, he has been condemned to die.”

Edward Hanlan, the oarsman, sailed from London for Canada on the 10th December. Being asked when his match with Beach on the Nepean River, New South Wales, was to be rowed, he said he preferred it should take place in June The stakes Would be 1000 a side, Leach allowing Hanlan his expenses. Hanlan haa ..eposited 100 forfeit for the race. He stipulated that the race shall be according to the same articles and over the same course as his race with Laycock. Hanlan will sail for Australia from America on receipt of a message from Beach confirming his acceptance of his challenge.

Wicked for Clergymen.—“ I believe it to be all wrong and even wicked lor clergymen or other public men to be led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs called medicines but when a really meritorious article is made op of common valuable remedies known to all, and that all physicians use and trust in daily, we should freely commend it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for tbe good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for family use. 1 will not be without them.’’—Bey. , Washing. ton, D.C.U.B.A. Skinny Men. " Wells’ Health Benewet” restores health and vigor, cures, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. At chemists and druggists. Eemptborne, Prosser & Co, Agts, Dunedin.

Sandeb <fc Son’s EuoalvptiExtbact. Test its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenza; the relief is instantaneous. In serious oases and accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, soaldiugs, braises, sprains, it is the safest remedy—no swelling —no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, swellings, etc. ; diarrhoea, dysentery; diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at all hospitals and medical clinics ; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy; crowned with m-. Jal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust iu this approved article and reject all others. The Greatest Blessing.—A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and tbe American Co., tbe genuine manufacturers, are being blessed by thousands who have been cured by it. Try it. See

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2020, 21 January 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2020, 21 January 1887, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2020, 21 January 1887, Page 2