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Mr K. blacksmith and farrier, who has been in business in Greytown for the last thirteen years, announces that he has added a wheelwright department to his business. and promises to give them, who entrust him with orders, good value lor their money. A whare at BidwilVs cutting w, turned down on Tuesday, and tools to .;e amount of £3(l were destroyed. The Tat Men's Association of rinv Turk are mourning the loss of their President, who has died at the respectable weight of 30 stones (libs. When elected to take thechair 10 years ago, however, the President turned the scale at 37 stones 71hs.

An exchange, referring to the advantages of Dairy Factories, says that a man down South milking 20 cows receives a weekly chegue of £7 for the iniiK. The New /-abui'l Loan and >l* rroaniho Agency Company, Wdlmgro.;, in;., ueeived [he lollmvno: own: ;.om Vie, i ]. ;),,nu i, 'i■ li ■. , . : ..... ;■ , ' ‘ 1.. ~, t ill. soil i i'h.ovnss Ndwt Hi, a pamti ~ ..liitviiru whtib '■ i:ilh.g in tin' s. i ..i .hem Leach, Otago. Ills 1o [ tells, live ■;! .1 1,1. He ivas a Spi- i did si.nnmcr

At (hoistcilllli-b .01 Wi'iinc-'inv : ) i ~... Arthur T. Pillow, 'll years old. was drowned at New Brighton. He went to bathe with his ti'.n brothers, brothcr-iu-hiw, and n MrToneyeluio. The tide took them out seaward, T.mejdifie got .inhnr in, and left him slaudiio. in three feet i-t r>t>r while ),« want t.. )n*!p ilia othets. A wave lifted deceased vli his feet and swept him out, and he was dl’.Wljr.d. Ao.ut filiooe v .s put through the totalisal -.i at the Aie ... .>■<! .-pHnc! Meeting. Mr F T. Jt'ainc'tj, of M isterton, (says the Stul has iipplii-d ior a patent for the manttfac’ure n.-id use- prepared pacer in the [i.trdinclioii vt pine cnnum- We understand i .hi i;...iinati l.i.s satisfied himself by p.ueikal txp'.dituenis that organs eau be iiohl, 1;. the substitution of the prepared paper T.d wood, in a way that will improve tin it nudity and (one, render them less suw;i i tit )■■ to injury or impairment through change of tempc-iutuce than the instruments n .■ cod m.Tf'»!>.Hy reduce their co.-t ' ' : ' " ’• • ■ very 1:; f :: ’ ■ •• ■ t '■■ ■ ;h : t tf {:i ,j it M. Ooyrt At MisteiUm. i't i<> hr t>dUft[erre(i tu Welling. ton. As au uiiiut-ibSe aud most obliging office)' man? will tept his removal,—Star,

Mr Fiiiiiiu wishes it to ho understood tint iio i-: ii.'l in favor of the lamp oppm.ile i 1 as:v\i■ i 1 slui-t being shifted to opposite In Bpratt'-i, uml at the late meeting of the Borough Council lie spoke against that part of the committee's report. When the amendment and otiginal motion was put to the Council, he desisted from voting either way.

The annual statutory meeting of contributors to the Greytown Hospital, will be held at Mr P. H. Wood’s Greytown auction rooms on Thursday, the 13th inst., at 7.30 p.m. Business being (ho election ol two Trustees and general, it is hoped that as many con - tributors as cau make it convenient, will attend the mooting. Mr John Barr, of Feutherstou, has a new advertisement in this day’s issue. The members of the Greytown Cricket Club who practice tomorrow afternoon wonld do well to look after the pitch for the 22nd (Anniversary Day), on which they expect to play the Phoenix club, of Wellington. The following paragraph appeared in a recent issue of the London Standard (—There is said to be a strong feeling in New Zealand in favor of milking ewes for the purpose of making cheese, in imitation of the French Roquefort. This might possibly answer where a man keeps a few sheep on a small farm, he and his family doing all the work, bat the scheme would be utterly impracticable ou a large scale iu a country where labor is as high in price as it is in New Zealand. The time spent iu milking a large number ot ewes would be enormous, and the manipnlation and ripening of Roquefort are tedious as well as delicate operations, quite unsnited to the rough and ready habits of colonial farmers.” Truly we bare to go away from home to hear the news.

The population of New Zealand, including Europeans and Maoris, in March last, is stated by the Registrar General to be 017,054. The population of Tasmania is estimated at over 130,000.

The promotion of Sir G. S. Whitmore to be a General is generally condemned by the Press throughout the colony. A ycung married woman named Albertina Jeffrey, said to have been a member of the Salvation Army, walked deliberately into the river at Wagga Wagga, and was drowned. A ballot was taken at the Feilding Borough Council the other night to decide what defaulters should be sued for unpaid rates. Among 50 drawn were the names of the Duke of Manchester and Lady Feilding. Messrs Laery aud Campbell report produce prices as follows (—Wheat, 4s 3d ; oats, 2s fid ; maize, 3s fid ; bailey, scarce at 2s fid; pollard, L 5 ; bran, L 4 10s; sharps, Lsss ; chaff, L 3 10s ; onions, L 9 ; potatoes, L 5 10s for Derwents, L 6 for kidneys ; bacon, g|d ; bam, 7d ; cheese, fid ; butter, prime salt, 7d ; fresh, pickled in pats, 8d ; ducks, 4s; fowls, 3s fid ; geese, 7s per pair ; a coop of tine turkeys fetched as high at 13s fid per pair; pears, 4s to 10s ; apples, 8s fid ; plums, fis fid.

The body of a young man named Alexander Reid was found near the Railway whirl' in Wellington Harbour. He was a son of Mis Louisa Read, living in I‘ory Street. Fur years lie bad been subject to It is. and was quite a cripple. How he got into the water is uot known. The Governments of New South Wales and Victoria have agreed to the holding of a conference at Adelaide for the consideration of the question of utilising the river Murray for irrigating purposes. The half-yearly returns of the Victorian railways shows a large increase in spite of the reductions which have recently been made in the fates. It would be the same on the New Zealand lines if the Government would try the experiment. There would be a large increase on the Wairatapa line if the fares were reduced.

The skeleton of a whale, between 50 and 70 feet long, and all uncovered yet, was found in the sandstone rock in sluicing a claim at the Red Jacket, Greymouth, on a terrace about 25 feet above the level of a creek in tlie locality, and about 100 feet above the level of the sea. The bones are not fossilised. The sandstone bottom is soft enough to be worked with picks. The Napier Municipal Council intend bor. rowing LSOOO of the sinking fund of the loan at 5 per cent for drainage and extension of the water supply. A parcel of quartz sent by a Fiji syndicate to Auckland, proving auriferous on being tested, Mr Thomas Hollis, a Thames pros* peotor, leaves for Fiji on Sunday, and will be joined by a party at Levuka to commence operations.

The Public Works Department have accepted a tender for the Government Printing Office Contract (brick building)—E. Carmichael and Sons, Christchurch, £12,852.

The Salvation Army held a tea meeting at their barracks, Masterton, on Tuesday evening. There was a large and enthusiastic gathering, and an alarming consumption of victuals. After the officers and soldiers had tilled themselves with ammunition of the right kind and tired off an unlimited number of rounds of blank cartridge, a procession was formed of a moat imposing character. It was headed by a cavalry regiment of nine horsemen mounted on working hacks in every color and condition, aud bearing flags, banners, aud torches. The cavalcade took the town by storm, and sent dismay into the ranks of Satan. After the march past the saints and sinners retired within their fortress where the music and oratory afterwards nearly lifted the roof.—Star.

Gold and silver ought no longer to be called the precious metals. There are many far more valuable. We have a list before us of no less than eighteen, the lowest of which is more than four times ns valuable as gold. Uold may be taken as worth £ til the avoirdupois pound, while vanadium is woith £2OOO, rubibium £IBOO, and so down the list of the IS, which ends with palladium, valued at £2BO per lb.

A Lovely Chaplet.—A Into fashion report says : “ Nothing can be prettier than a chaplet of hup vines iu blossom.’' A recent medical leview says : '• Nothing can be a belt er renovator of the health than American Hup Billers, They aid in all the operations of nature ; toning up the stomach, assisting the food to become properly assimilated, and promote healthy action iu all the organs. The dim re.-, oi fashion, as well as li -'.vs „i .■"•■ a.,, ai.i.e favor a right app. -..ion A b . Ji-ad. uAM'j U,V Son i;,i L..i, Vl'n L\i 1, ;o I . i , ; iu I'Umieiit powerful efifvts iu coughs, colds iolluenza ; the relief is instantaneous. In seiious cases and accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, sealdings, Sprains, it is the safest remedy- no swelling —no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheua, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, swellings, etc. ; diarrhoea, dysentery , diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at all hospitals aud medical clinics ; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy ; crowned with medal and diploma nt International Lxhibition, Amsterdam, Trust in this approved article and reject all others.

In lus installation sptccn, the Mayor of Oamam said they had -- extremely trying times to deal with as a « immunity. “Bough on Itch.' 1 ■'Bough on Itch" cures skin humors, eruptions, ring woim, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber's itch. “ Bough on Corns.'' Ask for Wells'" Rough on Corns.” Quick relief, complete, permanent care. Corn warts, bunions. At chemists and druggists. Mothers Don t K ,ow. - if.u many chiidien are punianed for being uncouin, wiifnl and indifferent to iustnunions or inward simply because they are out of bruit!) ! Au intelligent b-.Jy said of a child et this kind .... “ Mother den - ! know Ural i-diu should give the little one moderate doses cf Aiuui-kmu Co.'s Hop Bitters for two or three weeks, and the child would be all a parent could desire,”

I he rvand vocal and inr-tiiiinontal eoncerts i»; 1,, at Cirtert- i; i t o e-day, Greyt vii mi Wednesday, aad Featherston on .i’imuday, are likely to be very successful. The tickets are selling well ; in some places the chairs are in special demand, as many would rather pay an extra sixpence for thm more comfortable seat. In one of the townships a speculative gentleman offered a cons siderable sum lor “ the house.” For a long time past no entertainment, has so thoroughly caught the public mind. We learn that, many parents intend to send their young people as a means of musical education. Mr A Armstrong, draper, of Carterton, has taken over the Carterton branch of Mr P. Dixon’s drapery establishment. A new advertisement will appear in our next. The Government have determined upon making very considerable reductions in each department of the Public Service. The individual salaries of officers will not be reduced, but various offices will be amalgamated, so that the business of the country will ho performed by about half the number of clerks at present employed. At present some fourteen officers in the Native Depart* ment have received notice that their services will not be required after the 31st March next, the end of the financial year. Con* siderable saving will also be effected in the administration of the Native Lands Court Act of last year, by making Resident Magistrates, where practicable, perform the duties of Recorders, who have vested in them, under the Act, all the powers and authorities of a Judge. It is gratifying to us to see the Government makiug an honest attempt towards economy, about which so much is said and so little done. They must expect to be met with considerable opposition io certain quarters, but we have no doubt they will receive the support both of Parliament and the country.—Press.

A great acquisition to the grand vocal and instrumental concerts of next week has been secured in Mr Alfred Hill, a younger member of the musical Hill family. This ysung gentleman is spoken of as quite a musical geuius. His manipulation of t violin is something wonderful. We undo., (and that he is going shortly to Germany to study under the best masters there. The opportunity of hearing him will no doubt be largely taken advantage of. Many will gladly pay to bear him alone. With him and such a number of Wellington’s leading musicians, the halls at Carterton, Greytown and Fea therston ought to be crowded, and we believe they will.

Well, it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good 1 The war rumors have hardened the corn market already 1 Ah, that’s where the shoe pinches ! A hard corn market means a good time for those who have plenty to sell and who are not in the scrimmage, but an awful Scrooge for everybody else ! I shouldn’t be surprised to see a tegular boom in grain this eomiug season ! Some of the knowing ones are laying odds that within twelve months Canterbury will be the most prosperous part of New Zealand from that very cause 1 Well, 1 wish Canterbury prosperity with ali my heart, but I can’t see how it's going to get ahead of Wellington as thing? are going just now ! Perhaps not! Wellington’s just so snugly fixed that it’s bound to share the good luck of every other part (of the colony that happens to take a spurt!— Press Cigarette.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2014, 7 January 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2014, 7 January 1887, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2014, 7 January 1887, Page 2