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The permanent investment AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WAIBABAPA. Main-steebt, Qeeytown. Incorporated under the Building Societies Act, 1876. Dibkotobs : Messrs W. 0. Guff (chairman), M Caselberg, J, Fuller, W. Booth, W. Skeet, and F. W. E. Seed. The Annual Inoomb exceeds £7,000 Capital on Loan £18,000; Photos albeabt allotted £4,843 ; Reserve Fund £BO4 The purposes for which the Association is established are twofold. In the first place it offers an excellent method of investment to those who wish to accumulate their capital or savings at the highestrate consistent with perfect security, and by allowing small or large sums to be invested by periodical payments, it conforms to the circumstances of all classes.

OWES VALLEY JOCKEY CLUB 1886 I RACE MEETING. To be held ou the MABTINBOROUGH RACECOURSE, MONDAY. DECEMBER 27th. President; W. G. Buchanan, Esq. Vice President; John Martin, Jun., Esq. Treasurer: Mr G. Pain. Starter ; Mr John MoMaster. Handioapper : Whom the Stewards appoint. Judge—Mr Wallace Smith. Timekeeper : Mr Walter Armstrong. Clerk of the Scales : Mr John'McLeod. Clerk of Course: Mr John Cameron. Stewards : Messrs D, McDongall J. Orr John Hodge T. F. Evans PBOGBAMME. X. Handicap Hdbdle Back, of 60 sots ; second horse 10 sovs from stakes—Nominations, 1 sov ; acceptances 1 sot, and 1 sev at post; about 2 miles oyer darkened hurdles, 3ft 9in high. 2. Hack Hubble Race, ef 16 sots ; one mile and a half; minimum weight 10 stone ; post entry 16s. 3. Flying Handicap ; 30 sots ; six furlongs; nominations 1 sot ; acceptances 10s. ON W. Armstrong W. Boyd J. Green Q. Harris Wi Hutana C. Harris J. Ross F. Bilton

In the second place to those who require loans upon properties they already possess, or who mar meet with opportunities of acquiring properties advantageously, it presents the means of obtaining advances upon favorable terms. The Association receives Fixed Deposits at rates to be agreed upon. Subscriptions on Investment shares, 6a per month; ultimate value of shares, £6O. Applications for shares to be addressed to the Manager. A liberal commission allowed to agents on Investment shares issued through them. Office Honrs—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 to 4 pm. Pay Day- The first Saturday m each month, between the hours of 2 and 4, and 7 and 9 p.m. Agents— Masterton—Mr F. U. Wood. Carterton— Mr F. H. Wood. Feathers ton —Mr J. G. Cox.. Q WYETT, Manager. DR. SPEER’S PRIVATE Dispensary, Octagon Chambers, Rom’s A Buildings, (opposite the Town Hall, Dunedin. New Zealand. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous and Special Diseases. Dr Speer is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.B. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most expert Physician in his specialty in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Paralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, St Vitus* Dance, Gravel, riles, Ac., and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do well to come and try the Doctor’s method of cure, as it will, if properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral preparations; his treatment consists wholly in the use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have implanted in their system, by improper use of calomel, seeds which produce an annual crop of disease. To such he would say, come and be healed. It matters hot what your troubles may be, come and let the Doctor examine your case. If it is curable , he will tell you so ; if it is not, he will tell you that ,* for he will not undertake a case unless he is confident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothing for consultation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that the Doctor understands your case. Dr S. cures Humours and Diseases of the Blood. To Ladies who are afflicted by any of the following complaints,—Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, coistipation and indigestion, pain in the side and back, leuchorrea, etc., etc.—l wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to perform impossibilities, or te have a miraculous power. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit £2OO, Consultation in Office or by Letter, Fbbb. Charges Moderate. Examination and Advice, £l. Call or address : Dr H. J. Speer, Octagon Chambers, Ross’s Buildings, opposite Toffn Hall, Dunedin, N.Z. Honrs : oto 12,1 to 4, 6to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B.—All Medicines necessary fora complete euro can be sent free from observation on receipt of symptoms.

A Hack Race, of 10 govs; one mile; catch weights ; post entry 10s. 6. I.V.J.C. Handicap,SObotb; second horse, ssovs from stakes; two miles; nominations, 1 sot ; acceptances 2 sots and 1 sot at post. 6. Hack Race, 16 sots ; one mile ; minimum weight 10 stone; post entry 16s. 7. Maminboeouoh Handicap of 30 sots ; one mile; nominations 1 sot ; acceptances 10s. RULES AND REGULATIONS. To be ran under the Rules of Racing adopted August, 1886. No qualification fee. Nominations for the Handicap Hurdles, Flying, L.V.J.C. and Martinberough Handicaps close with the Secretary at Martinborough on WEDNESDAY, 17th of NoTember, at 9 p.m. Weights declared for Handicap Hurdles, Flying, and L.V.J.C. onFRIDAY, December 3rd, at 7 p.m. Acceptances for same on WEDNESDAY, December 16th, at 9 p.m. Weights for the Martinborough Handicap to be declared oa the course after the L.V.J.C. Handicap is ran. Acceptances for the same to be made 30 minutes before the race takes place. The saddling bell will ring at 11.30 am., the first race to start at 12 noon sharp. Each race will start

punctually at the time appearing in the correct cards ef the races. No scratching of horses allowed except through the secretary, and not later than thirty minutes before the time of starting. 'All Entries and Nominations to be made in writing, sealed and addressed to the Secretary. Entrance money to be enclosed, with color, sex, name, age. and pedigree of the horae, name of the owner and colors of the rider ; in case of protest the same must be lodged with the secretary in writing within fifteen minutes after the race is run, with a deposit of two guineas. Such deposit to be forfeited if the protest is not sustained. The final payments for the Hurdles, Flying, and L. V.J.C. Handicaps to be made on the course an hour before the appointed time of starting for these events. In all nominations for handicaps the previous performances are to be given. This only applies where horses have not raced in Wairarapa, and where their performances are not included in the N.Z. Turf Record. A horse to run in the Hach and Hack Hurdles must comply with the following conditions, viz It must be in actual use as a bona fide hack ; it must not have been trained, galloped or sweated in clothing, at least for six months before this race meeting; it must never have been entered for any race the advertised stake of which has been more than fifty pounds ; it must never have won any race except a Hack or Hack Hurdle Race. Mail days from Featherston—Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 11. C. BOWMAN, 254 Hon. Secretary, £1 to £4s per day to be made by persons of either sex, im their own localities, : at work for us. New - business. All meet with wonderful success. Any one can do the work. Capital not required. We will start you. Outfit worth £1 mailed free. The Smployment is particularly adapted to the region in which this publication circulates. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Full particulars and instructions mailed free. Now is the time—don't delay, but write to us at once Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, United States. 97

GRATEFUL.—COMFORTING. EPPS’S COCOA JJB-EAKFABT. “By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutri* tion ; and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save ns many heavy doctor’s bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around hi ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping otirselvea well fortified with pore blood and a properly nourished frame/'— See article in the Civil Service Gaiette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in Jib packets, by Grocers, labelled thus : JAMES EPPS & 00., Homoeopathic Chemists London England

A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. “PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE;’ OR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OP NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS, DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THERE IS HOPE FOR THE WEAK, the DEBILITATED, and the DISEASED. SIGNOR RENAUD. The celebrated Eclectopathiat, Botanic Practitioner, Specialist, Professor of Natural Science, &c., author of the following works “ The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany," “ The nationalistic and Electric Treatment of Disease,” “ Shadows,” Ac., Ac., Haa the honor of announcing to the residents of Auckland and New Zealand generally that he has ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42. BHOBTLANDSTBEET, AUCKLAND, for the effectual and Permanent Cure of ‘‘ Functional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases.” CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OR BT LETTER) FREE. SIGNOB EENAUD has made the following class of complaints the study Of his life, and his Elect”® treatment has proved pre-eminently successful in thousands of cases. A sure cure will be guaranteed ln every case undertakenviz.. Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Energy, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decay, Spermatorhoea, Errors of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Specks before the Wes, Trembling of the Hands, Pimples on the Face, Lassitude and Depression; Nervous, Head, and Mind Complaints ; Fits, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder Affections ; Diseases Peculiar to Females, Consumption (stages only) ; Cold Extremities ; Bheumatism (both acute and chronic) ; Impoverished Blood ; Scrofulous Humors ; Piles / Neuralgia ; Sciatica ; Dropsy (ol the chest, of the abdomen, and general) ; Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Belohings ; Heartburn ; Dizziness, Hot and Cold Chills ; Pain and Oppression in the Stomach; Loss of Appetite and all morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no matter from what cause arising. All those who may be suffering with any of the above forms of Disease or Complaints not here mentioned should at once consult the only NATUBAL HEALER of all DISEASES in New Zealand, who practices upon Hygenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature's own System of Healing forms and phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P.O. Box 239. Officii Hopes, 10 to 2, add 4 to BDaily. Note.— SIGNOB RENAUD will give advice and medicine FREE to the POOR every TUESDAY, from 10 to 12, on bringing a note signed by any local clergyman showing their inability to pay. Send for book • ‘ Shadows ” post free on application. 440

AN INEXPRESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHERS. DH. AUGUSTE KUKSTEINEE’S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET Endorsed by the Medical Faculty of Europe, end Pronounced by all Lending Physicians THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE ! In placing the Electric Necklet before the Mow Zealand public, the discoverer and proprietor begs to draw Special Attention to the fact that the material surrounding the inner chain of metallic substances is impregnated with a chemical solution, harmless in itself, and yet containing titanic powers, which generate a continuous light current of galvanism, and the Necklet in consequence contains all the virtues of a nnnia. ture battery, and is, therefore, not a useless article like many of the so-called electrical appliances, which cannot possibly produce any good results, S3 they are incomplete in the most essential requirements, and cannot generate galvanism nor produce galvanic etlcets. This Necklet is the outcome of a long-continued series of investigating experiments by that well-known and eminent scientist and specialist, Dr Auguste Kursteiner, who is the highest European authority on all diseases of women and children, . “ The Lancet,” the leading medical journal of the world, sayai— “The fact that the disoovtry and invention of these Necklets is announced by Dr. Kursteiner is a sufficient guarantee that a means has at last been discovered which will save the lives of millions of children, and relieve the anxiety of many mothers." Although new to New Zealand, these Necklets have been used for the last five years with the most WoWdebeul success in England, on (he Continent, and in the United States, and are now constantly prescribed by the mostemineut physicians in their daily practice It U needless to comment on the anxious and sleepless nights passed by thousands of mothers daring the painful period of the teething of infants. Every day brings to an untimely grave hundreds of infants whose lives might have been saved by the use of the simple Nboklet. Id addition to the relief from pain afforded by the Necklet during the period of dentition, by its nerve giving force, H wards off and prevents Measles, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Oronp, and Chicken Pox, thus relieving childhood of its martyrdom, and gladdening the heart of every mother who Invokes its aid. Dr. Kursteiner has appointed Messrs d. Cokhad ft Co., Auckland, his sole agents in New Zealand for the sale oi these N ecu lets, ol whom only they can be obtained. The price has been placed at the very lowest possible point, barely covering Ibc cost of importation, and is within the reach of all, as one Necklet will last a life time. Aeide from its many virtues as a remedial and preventive agent, the Necklet is a handsome ornament, and will be sent post free ou receipt «CCB9 found, by postal note, money order, or registered letter. No cheque* received, Addm »-J. CON SAD & CO.. f.O, Bos iHi, AuehUad. NX

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1891, 20 October 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1891, 20 October 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1891, 20 October 1886, Page 4