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The Carterton Rifles parade this evening, A meeting of the members of the Carterton Special Settlement Association will be held this evening at 7.30 at Mr P. 11. Wood’s auction room, Carterton, when progress will be reported and farther steps taken. A son of Mr John Reynolds, of East Taratahi, bad one of bis lingers so crushed by a chaff cutting machine that Dr Johnston had to amputate it. A meeting of ratepayers in No 2 Ward of the Featherston Road Board will ho held at the Board office this evening at 7 o'clock p.m,, to take into consideration the proposal now before the Board re lending the funds of the Board to West County for the construction of the Pahaua-Martinhorough Road. The meeting has been called by Mr Jas Donald, the warden of No 2 Ward.

The nomination of candidates for seats on the Featherston Road Board for the subdistricts of Greytown, Turaugatmi, Hautotara and Pahana takes place to-day ; for Featherston and Wbarekaka tomorrow ; for Western Lake and Kabautara on Saturday. A bouse is advertised to let in Kuratiwhiti street by Mr Maxton.

Mr F, H. Wood holds a sale of stock at the Taratahi sale yards at I o’clock to-morrow. The entries are numerous, particulars oi which are advertised in another part of this paper.

The use of oil upon the waves would proit rn - ave ttvi rtcii all danger in the case of the Taiaroa, but strange to say it has only just been thought of.

i’orsona trespassing upon the Huangarna or Martinhorough runs with dogs or guns will be prosecuted.

Messrs Lowes and lorns announce in onr advertising columns that they are arranging for the extension of their business iu the southern part of the Wairarapa under the representation of Mrß.Stansfield.

The railway department advertise special cheap fares for the Easter Holidays-from Thursday to Monday next. The fares will be found iu our advertising columns. The ordinary 7.30 a.m. train from Masterton on Tuesday next will leave at SMO, enabling visitors to get back to Wellington by 10.10 a.m. On Good Friday and Easter Monday excursion return tickets at low rates will be issued.

The annual distribution of prizes and treat m connection with the Knitara school takes place to-morrow, commencing at 10,30 a.m. Tho Purnbia cheese factory, between Hamilton and Obnupo, was destroyed by lire the other morning. Thu manager's bouse and contents wore destroyed- There were i2 tens, of cheese in the factory at the time. The I'Utldiug, machinery, it' d collage were insur diu the National Office for £9OO. It is not, known yet whether the cheese, valued at £6OO, was insured.

It is state i that, the Hoard ot tho Now Zealand Government Insurance Association have decided, on the motion of Mr N. Ueid, to recommend that the Insurance D<n«iidmeut should revert to Government control. So far as the policy-holders are concerned (says the Times) this simply means that the pretence of giving Item a voice in tho management wilt no longer be persisted in, assuming that the recommendation is adopted by Parliament. Practically they will be in much tho same position as before, for their pretended control hue always been a farce of the most hollow description, A mill hand named Whittington Lane, residing at Kaituna, was accidentally shot the other morning when getting into a boat at Havelock to go duck shooting. His companion, named Harry Dorreen, was handling a gun, when one of the charges went off and lodged in Lane’s groin. Ho was put in a trap which started for HieMieim Hospital, but he died when seven miles on the road. Deceased was DO yeais of age, and leaves a wife and two young children.

A deputi.lin i con/sting of Messrs W. C. Buchanan, M.H.B, W. Booth, N. Grace, H. it Bunny, B. Boys and F. H. Wood left f iv Wv.lVgton by this morning's train, to jn“-c it the petition for the release of Mr Job,'. Froebody to the Minister of Justice.

The liev J N Buttle, of Mastcrton, has gone to Christchurch. Hu is expected back in a fortnight—a Benedict.

A prohibition order has been issued against Phillip Goodin, sen., at the Carterton It.M. Court, the order to apply to the Taratahi - Cartcrton and Carterton town districts.

The committee of ladies and gentlemen who are working up the Greytown Hospital Soiree, which is to take place next Monday evening at the Town Hall, met yesterday afternoon at Mr Wood’s rooms, that getleman occupying the chair. Progress was reported, and it was found that in addition to a host of good things promised for the table of the supper room, the sum of over £ll iu cash had been subscribed by the residents of Greytown. Several matters connected with the arrangements were discussed and settled. The music will be supplied by Messrs Kais enljurg, Luudqvist and Varubam. Messrs Bright and Maguire have consented to act as M.C.’s. Altogether the Soiree bids fair to be highly successful, a large number of tickets having been disposed of, and the donations of the public being on such a scale as to leave no doubt as to Us financial success.

Frequent communication between the Wairarapa townships and the Lower Valley will be hailed with hearty wishes of success by all who have business down that way, and we are glad to find that Mr G. Lawrio has determined to rnn a coach every day of the week except Sunday between Orr’s hotel, Martinhorough and Featherston, leaving Martinborougb at a quarter to se»ea in the morning and arriving in Featherston in time to catch the first train to Wellington. At 12 noon the coach will leave the railway station, (after the train from Wellington is in) and make a call at the hotels and stores for passengers and parcels ; then start for Martinborough, arriving there at 2.30 pm. The charge will be 2s fid each way. When the weatberis fine MrLawrie will run on Sundays, leaving Martiuborougb at 9 a.m., and returning from Featherston at 5 p.m. The running of these coaches will be a great convenience, and the residents of Greytown will be wishing that Mr Lawrie could throw in a day or two’s running from this township. Mr Lawrie is well known and needs no recommendation on the score cf civility or carefulness, and we hope he will be well patronised and establish a thorough good service between Featherston and Martinhorough. “ Beta ” writes :— *• One of the most useful trees to plant in belts and plantations is the sweet or Spanish chestnut. It is invaluable for its timber, but it is prized also for the excellence of its nuts ; the foilage is also very handsome, and when the trees are laden with fruit are very attractive. They do well in the Wairarapa. One can be seen just now at Mr C. Beard’s in Kuritiwhiti Street, covered with nuts. I would recommend them to settlers instead of planting so many conifers, acacias, poplars, &a., as they can be purchased very cheap now, I should like to see the Greytown Reserve possess a few of them.” The ship Halcionr. owned by Messrs Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, is to proceed to the Kaipara, and there load kauri timber for London direct. This new venture of her owners will bo watched with a great amount of interest, although it is hut reviving to a gieat measure an old timber trade that years back was most profitably carried on between the northern ports of New Zealand and London. The barque Waimca is also to take from Auckland 200,000 feet of baulk and Hitches. The Halcione’s cargo from the Kaipara will consist of some 700,000 feet. The former cargo is to be shipped by the Auckland Timber Company, and the latter by the New Zealand Timber Company.—Auckland Herald.

The strike in the boot trade at Auckland continues.

The Champion Whaleboat race, Waitemala against Hahraki (Thames), for £2OO a-side, took place on Saturday afternoon, and was witnessed by 10,000 people. His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by MrE Mitchelson, M.H.R, Vice-Commodore of the Waitemata Rowing Club, followed the boats in a steam launch. The »nnd was strong from the northward, and a rather chopping sea was running. The race ended in favour of Hauraki.

Owing to a severe cold, Sir Julius- Vogel will not address the citizens of Wellington until Saturday evening.

The Standard will not be published on Good Friday.

At Auckland a man named Willian Robert Doyle was poisoned through taking carbolic acid as a sleeping draught. He had been drinking.

A Fact Worth Knowing—Are you suffering xvith Consumption, Coughs, Severe Colds, settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs? If so, go to your Druggist and get a bottle of Bos chee’s German Syrup, The people are going wild over its success, and Druggists all over the country are writing us of its wondertul cures among their customers. It has by far the largest sale of any remedy, simply because it is of so much value in all affections of this kind. Chronic cases quickly yield to it. Druggists recommend it and physicians prescribe it. It you wish to try its superior virtue, get a Sample Bottle for gd. Large size bottle 3s. 6d. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it.

To add to our horticultural troubles, says the Adelaide correspondent of the Argus, another grub has been discovered among our orchards, and is said to be far more destructive than the Codlin moth, inasmuch it kills both trees and fruit, while the latter only attacks the fruit. An orchard at the Hermitage, in the Gumercha district, having from 500 to 600 apple trees, has been completely destroyed. Last year the owner averaged jo bushels per tree ; this year he has not got a bushel. The habitat of th e grub is supposed to be the silver wattle, but having discovered the apple tree, it makes that its home. As bisulphide of carbon is known to be destructive (o animal but not to vegetable life, an experiment is to be made of boring some of the trees in the orchards in the neighbourhood, and tilling the holes with the bisulphide. The result of inis experiment will be awaited with much interest.

Flies and Bugs. Bee ties, insects, roaches, ants, bed bggs, rats, mice, gophers, chip tULinks, cleared out by “ Rough on Rats.” Keiupthorue, i’rosscr & Co., Agents, Christchurch.

Robert Ftlzroy Bolton, a well-known commission agent, appeared before the Auckland Police Court on a charge of inducing Hudson Williamson, Crown Prosecutor to endorse a promissory note for £2OO, with intent to defraud. Bail of was accepted.

“ Rough ou Corns.” Ask tor Wc'ls’ “Rough on Corns.” Quick relief, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions.' Kc.-i----lit or 110, Prosser & Co., Agents, Christchurch.

Last Sunday afternoon Hayward's drag, ingoing to Sumner from Christchurch upset near Shag ruck while endeavouring to pass another drag driven by Burns, who. it is stated, attempted to prevent Hayward from passing, Hayward's thigh and arm were broken. He also received other injuries, and is in a critical condition. Three passengers were injured, but not seriously. Catarrh of The Bladder. Stinging irritation, inflammation, all kidney and similar complaints, cured by “ Buohu-paiba.” Druggists. Kempthorne, Prosser * Co., Agents. The Feilding Star says that in five years the Kiwitea district will be running 50,000 sheep. The Woodvilte Examiner hears that the* Rev. Mr Rubertshaw has dropped into a very considerable fortune. Pfe stiff, however, intends to carry on his ministrations in connection with the Church of England in Woodvjlle. ' ’ * 1

The Salvation Army anticipate being able to establish a Fema'e Rescue Home iu Wellington. The racehorse Billy has been shot. He broke bis fetlock joint at the Hutt races on Saturday last.

The Ashburton Woollen Factory is now lighted with the electric light.

The body of a man named Joseph Young was found dead on the beach at Oriental Bay, Wellington, on Monday. He was formerly a baker in Taranaki Street, but ol late bad been cook at the Clyde Quay Hotel. Deceased bad been drinking heavily for some time past. He left bis house at 2 o'clock on Monday morning in a delirious stale, and was afterwards found dead on the beach He was a married man, but his wife had separated from him because his drinking habits. A pinas insignus planted in the St Luke’s Church acre 12 years ago is now 75 feet high. A Wellingtonia giganlea planted at the same time at Mr Fuller’s is now nearly 30 feet high, and will in years come be one of the finest trees in Greytown. The silver wattle is going to flower very early this year. We do not know why ; perhaps some of our readers may be able to inform us. A man named John Caloy was drowned in the Rangitira Kiver, Gisborne, on Sunday. He was riding one horse and leading another, when it is supposed he was dragged off his horse by the one he was leading. He was rescued, but died at 6 o’clock on Monday morning. MrJ. P. Firth, first assistant master of the Wellington College, is about to remove to Christchurch, having received an appointment iu Christ's College there. We this morning received a splendid sample of raspberries grown by Mr W. Brooks, of Euratiwhiti street. This is the second growth the sea son. Mr F. Monckton, of Featherston and Tauherenikau, has announced himself a candidate for warden for the Greytown, or No. 1 Ward, in the Featherston Road Board District. Mr Monckton has had considerable experience iu England as a member ol local governing bodies, and if chosen to represent the ward will no doubt be a useful member.

The members of the Martinhorough Band held a meeting on the 20lh instant, whei M. Gaskin, J. Jackson, and C. Wall were elected a committee, and Mr F. H. Wall secretary and treasurer. The members of the Band wish to return thanks to those ladies who so kindly assisted in providing refreshments for the late soiree.

The Papawai Native Volunteers were put through the usual exercises yesterday by Sergeant Major Bezar, and that gentleman was much pleased with the progress made by the corps.

We draw attention to an advertisement in another column which notifies that the annual meeting of householders, (or the purpose of electing a new school committee will bo held on Tuesday nigh', 27tb instant, at eight o’clock.

It is notified in another column that the offertories of the services in St Luke's Church, Greytown, on Sunday next will be, as usual, for the benefit of the Incumbent.

A football match will he played on Eastei Monday between the Wellington and the Greytown Football Clubs. A gymnasium will be opened in Greytown on Saturday night nett at a commodious building now being fitted up for the purpose. Tlie enterprise of tbe promoters should be well patronised, as an institution of this kind is undoubtedly much required in Greytown for the development of the limbs of the rising generation. By advertisement it will be seen that the Wesleyan Sunday School at Dalefield is to have its annual picnic on Good Friday in Mr John Waterson’s paddock, Watersoa’s Line. An invitation to the public is given, and a small charge is to be made for each meal.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1823, 21 April 1886, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1823, 21 April 1886, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1823, 21 April 1886, Page 2