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The Greytown Borough Assessment Court will bo held on the 30th inst. A meeting of the creditors of Mr Joseph Inglcy will be held at the old Courtroom, Masterton to-morrow. At the Magistrate’s Court, Greytown, yesterday, before F. H. Wood, Esq., Mayor, and Dr bpratt, J. I’., Hans Peter Petersen was charged by his wife with assaulting her on 21st inst. Mrs Petersen expressed an opinion that the dfendant was weak minded. Plaintiff informed the Bench that she desired a separation order and the Bench recommended her to consult a solicitor. In a case which was dismissed iu the Featherston R.M. Court, Police v. McLennan, Victoria Hotel, some ol our readers must have noticed that in one place the word “ Royal ” appears in error for “ Victoria." Mr Cranmer is the landlord of the Royal, and it ia due to him for ns to make this correction as he was not concerned ia the case. A grand Plain and Fancy Dress Ball will be given iu the Oddfellow’s Hall, Featherston, on Wednesday April 14th, by Mr J. Hyde j Parker. The company have now three weeks to make their preparations, and this ball ia ! expected to eclipse those of former years, borne of the fancy dresses are already in course ol preparation, and for brilliancy and varied display this assembly will undoubtedly be something worth recording,

For Sir William Clarke, of Victoria, there has just been begun a new house which is to cost £ b> 000. Farmers iu Temuka district are celling imutoii at 2d per lb all round. The ‘ Timaru Herald ’ says that apples and peaches sell for little or nothing in the Orari, Temuka, and Geraldine districts this season. In Geraldine, pigs are being ted on apples. They will not fetch a halfpenny a pound. The ‘ Kaikoura Star ’ strongly recommends a new tailor, who has just started business, on the ground that he is “ a strictly temperate man, and a member of the Reohabite Order.” The annual soiree in connection with the Greytown Hospital takes place on Easter Monday, and his Worship the Mayor, anxious that a committee of ladies and gentlemen should be formed at once, has called a meeting at his offices for Tuesday next. Last year the soiree was an immense success, and it was then resolved that it should be held annually. We therefore hope) that every person interested in the welfare of the Hospital will help towards the success of the coming soiree. In reference to the state of religion among the North Island Maoris, the correspondent of the Lyttelton Times states that Mr Balance is of opinion that if the Church of England or any of the dissenting churches exerted themselves they could secure the bulk of the natives, as they are in a frame of mind to join any of the churches. He thinks the Church of England, which has so long neglected the Maoris, would have a good chance of successfully re-establishing itself among them at the present time. Speaking of the Communion Cup, the 1 Lancet,’ ever on the look-out tor something sensational, has found in the use of that vessel for congregational purposes a source of danger. The passing of the cup from lip to lip in large assemblies may be active, it thinks, in spreading contagious diseases. A novel event occurred the other day at Oamaru. The Borough Council while in session was surprised by the entrance into their chamber of a party of ladies. It was at first thought that they had mistaken their way, but it was speedily ascertained that they formed a deputation. The; wanted a certain street put to rights, and it is needless to say that a resolution was immediately carried that their wants should be attended to. All interested|in the progress of Southland, says a contemporary, will be glad to learn that the Woodlands Dairy Factory Company have succeeded in disposing of the whole of the cheese they will produce this season at a most satisfactory price. The purchasers are the National Mortgage and Agency Company of Melbourne, who have agreed to take fifty tons (more or less) at 6fd net cash, f.o.b. at Bluff. Apart from the satisfactoriness of the price, there is room for congratulation over the fact that the cheese is going to a foreign market, thus bringing outside money into the district, and, at the same time, by reducing competition locally, tending to keep the price of cheese here at a remunerative figure. The value of the estates of intestates, absent heirs, Ac., and lunatics in the hands of the Public Trustees, is, we learn from a return just received, L 178.925 Is 8d gross, net L 102.593 18s lid. This department of the Public Service not only deals with estates of considerable magnitude, but conscientiously attends to affairs of the smallest description. Some of the estates run into four figures, and a good number into three, but there are a large number iu which only very small sums are at stake. The smallest of all was that of B. F. Broughton, who left only a shilling behind him, which, after expenses were deducted, is duly entered in the account as of the net value of lid. The total population of Europeans in New Zealand at the last census was given as 489,983 souls, while the Maori population was set down at 48,972. The Argus declares that “ the popularity of the Church of England in Victoria is due in great measure to the enlightened teaching which Bishop Moorhouse has inaugurated.” Mr Heckler calls for tenders in another column for 2J miles fencing, splitting, delivery, Ac. Tenders close on 30th instant (Maungahone Block). The Greytown Quadrille Assembly will commence the dancing season to-morrow evening at the Town Hall. A large number of invitations have been sent out, and judging by the feeling outside thefe is every prospect ot this assembly being as well patronised this season as last. The Fire Brigade and Band have resolved upon a sensational opening, and will march to the hall amid the sounds of music and Hare of torches to-marrow evening. The procession will start from the Brigade Station at 7 p.m. A letter, introducing an actor to a manager, concluded—“ He plays Virginia, Richelieu, Hamlet, Shylock, and Billiards. He plays billiards the best.” The Taranaki News states that the health of Titokowaru, the great Maori chief, is fast breaking up. He was ill at Waitaya, and when he passed through New Plymouth he was completely knocked up. It is probable that the recent march to Waitara. at the head of his people, will be the last for him. A Fact Worth Knowing—Are you suffering with Consumption, Coughs, Severe Colds, settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs? If so, go to your Druggist and get a bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup. The people are going wild over its success, and Druggists all over the country are writing us of its wonderful cures among their customers. It has by far the largest sale of any remedy, simply because it is of so much value in all affections of this kind. Chronic cases quickly yield to it. Druggists recommend it and physicians prescribe it. It you wish to try its superior virtue, get a Sample Bottle for gd. Large size bottle 3s. 6d. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. The Wellington Manawatu Railway Company ran their first passenger train as far as Faikakarika on Saturday afternoon and dropped the passengers opposite the hotel there. An average speed of 30 miles an hour was maintained up and down hill with safety and steadiness. From the way in which the works are being pushed on it is expected that the whole line will be opened in the Spring. The Petone Oddfellows are about to erect a handsome hall iu which to hold their meetings, Mr Jackson kindly presented them with the site. The Wanganui Chronicle says;— The exceptionally dry weather that has so long prevailed has been greatly beneficial to both sheep and cattle in this district, in the destruction of lung’worm, which is very prevalent during rainy seasons, owing to the grass being so soft. The complaint is usually very difficult to get rid of, as after the appli cation of the necessary remedies, very few settlers have fresh clean pasture into which to turn their stock. Flies and Bugs. Beetles, insects, roaches, nuts, bed bggs, rats, mice, gophers, chip munks, cleared out by "Rough on Rats. Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Agents, Christchurch. A negro named Reed recently assnlted and murdered a girl at Gaiustown, Alabama, and then fled. The entire population searched for him, and eventually caught him on the Mobile River. Guarded by two hundred men Reed was marched in chains to the scene of the crime. Gainstown was reached on Sunday. Here he confessed, and was chained to a tree on Sunday afternoon and there roasted alive, five hundred persons, including whites and negroes watching the scene. He was tortured by a pile of faggots being alter nately fired and scattered, until he fell dead la agony, and the flames consumed him. The body was completely reduced to ashes, and the crowd then dispersed. Decline of Alan. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, impotence, sexual debilitv, cured by “Wells’ Health Renewer.” Druggists. Kempthorne, Prosser A Go., Agents, Christoburob.

Says the Napier Herald The following beautiful specimen of a “ bull ” is from Saturday’s Waipawa Mail :—" Bather than curtail our report ol Mr Glover’s address on temperance (which we should be compelled to do if we published it complete in this issue), we hold over the remainder of the report for another day.” Not bad ! But this one from a Napier evening paper is even better ;—Detective Walker, who left Auckland in April last in charge of Sheehan, and who has since been hanged tor the CaatletowcKoche murder in Ireland,"returned to New Zealand in the Aorangi last week.” We understand that an invitation to play a match here on Easter Monday has been received by the seoreiary of the Greytown Football Club from the Wellington Football Club, and a committee meeting will be held to-night to oonsider it. We are also requested to state that the general meeting, which was adjourned till Saturday night next has been further postponed till Saturday night, 27th instant. The first practice will be held on Saturday next on the new Becreation Ground, when all members and any others are invited to turn out for a dance. Mr F. H. Wood bolds a sale of stock at the Taratahi to-morrow. The Featherston Volunteer Soiree, for which much preparation is being made, will take place to-morrow night. Captain Loveday, of Wellington, discovered a charge of dynamite in some of his firewood the other morning. It is supposed to have been placed there by the bnshfallers and had not exploded. It was lucky for the captain that he discovered it before the log got on the fire. On Saturday next the Greytown Beserve will no donbt be a great attraction to numbers of sporting men. In addition to the match (or £5 aside between Hodge and Bayne, another rnnning match for £lO aside (220 yards), between Clem Udy and P. Hawkins, for which the money has been staked, has been arranged. Daring the festivities of 11 settling ”at the Butland Hotel, in Wanganui, (eays a contemporary) Mr A. J. Parsons took the opportunity of presenting Mr P. F. Tanored, the owner of the winner of the Wanganui Derby in 1886, with, a valuable gold watch and chain. The gift was enclosed in a very handsome new case, and the presentation was made the occasion of a highly eulogistic speech, in which the recipient’s sportsmanlike conduct was praieed to the skies, and the butter laid on so thick tuat MjgTancred fairly blushed under the nnexpecteawononrs heaped upon bis head. The donors drank his health in sparkling wine, and gave him all the musical honours, during which time the (ace of the recipient was a study, as he half unconsciously examined the magnificent gift, for which be was vainly trying to guess a reason for its presentation, and suitable words to return thanks in anyway I At last the truth dawned on him ; he had been sold I It was bit own ticker and chain, which he had left at a local watch doctor’s to be blistered or fired, or something, which the boys had rung in on him 1 For a moment a dark flash crossed the victim's brow ; bat one glance at the mirth-convulsed faces of the company, who were just learning the nature of the presentation, sent him off in fits of laughter, and no one enjoyed the joke better than the victim after the first shook of the discovery of it had passed off. The Greytown volunteers mustered for drill last night. All the officers and Drill Instructor Bezar were present, and there was a better attendance than usual. Next Saturday night the Carterton Footballers will hold a meeting at the Institute. Practices of the Greytown Cricket Club will be held to-night and to-morrow night. A scratch match will be played on Saturday, when all members are expected to be present. The Harvest Thanksgiving will take place in St Mark’s Church, Carterton, on Sunday week. The proceeds will be given to the Greytown Hospital. Flowers, fruit, &c., will be thankfully received.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1811, 24 March 1886, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1811, 24 March 1886, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1811, 24 March 1886, Page 2