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The Land Bill.

- A lengthy debate followed on the Land Bill the second reading of which was moved by Mr Hallauce. The debate resolved itself into an aigumcnt on the advisability or otherwise of c ntimiing the perpetual leasing system, and the merits aud demerits of that system. At hall past 11 the second reading was agreed to on the voices. The Stamp Act Amendment Hill was rend a secotm time The debate on tiic second reading of the Counties Acts Amendment Bill was resumed. The second reading wus carried and the House rose at ‘2 o’clock in the morning.

Mr Wood has added fifty owes in lamb to his next Thursday's sale. All the public schools resumed their dutus to-day.

Mr M. Maxtor), who Ims boon connected with the Evening Press since it was first established, has been appointed to the management of the Wellington brand) of the Intercolonial Mercantile Association. Mr Mnxton is a sou of MrsMaston, of Greytown, and his friends in [ho Wairarapa will bo pleased to hear of his advancement. Messrs J. H. Wallace & Co., held their first fortnightly sale of stock hist Thursday, at Mu ir yard.-i, Johnsonviilo. Tlie sale was a success, the attendance of bnyc’s being large. Kvc.iy line of fat stock offered was eagcily competed for, and the result m ilio sale may be do, mod eminently satisfactory to all parties concerned. Wo append a report of the sale ; —Fat cattle—Thirty head of medium weights from the Wairarapa were yarded and Hold at from L 7 to L 7 2s (id for bullocks : a pen of heifers Drought Ed 7a (5d per head ; we quote b'-ad, prime quality, 20s per IflOlbs ; ordinary, 7s lid per TOOlbs. Fat sheep- We yarded 11)1 mixed ewes and ivetliers (medium weights), which sold at 10s lid to 12s ; we quote mutton at 2d per 11). Store Cattle—We sold 30 head dry cows at from 1,3 10s to LI 12s (id ; milkers, LT 10s to L 5 17s lid. On account of the inclemency of the weather, the young cattle were not yarded, but will be off red at our next fortnightly sale. Horses -Hacks, LT 10s to Ltd Pigs—Wo sold a 1 line of a sow and nine suckers ac LT 12a lid. We have several buyers fnv good store cattle and good-mouthed store sheep.

TTc-doloreux, toothache, or any other neuralgia pain speedily yields to Baxter’s Anti-nonralgic Pills,

A manager is warded for the Greytown butter and Cheese Factory. i’.n Oculars can lie haind in tlie advertisement in another column.

The annual meeting of subscribers to the Literary Institute, lias been postponed from I'll-; uveuuijj to acx; Thurrd ly u'ght.

i'n ■< I liiuru correspondent of ihe LytUlton Times, joins in swelling the dr-rus of discontent which is heard from Galilei bury and Otago farmers. He says .—" Truly the lot of the South Canterbury fart ers is a Irani one. Me is mortaged "up to the hilt,’’ la spends his life in paying interest on advances, while his crop, that has cost him so much, and on which he so much depended, tics in store " eating its head oil,” because no price is obtainable. Yet all this time the capitalists and the mortgage companies are enjoying their " pound of flesh !”

The Test of Actual Trial,—This is what proves the merit of a preparation. The proprietor of Green's August Flower, knowing its valuable properties, meets this test boldly by preparing sample bottles of this remedy, which are sold at 6d. This enables doubters to try its virtues at a trifling expense. August Flower is a panacea for Dyspepsia and all disorders of the Liver, Billiousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Sec. Three doses will relieve any of the above, and a faithful use will certainly cure. No medicine in the world lias ever given such proof of its merits. Druggists recommend it with perfect confidence, amt physicians prescribe it regularly. Price for full sized bottle 2s 6d. Sold by all druggists. Native journalism in India has its humorous side now and then. For example a short time ago the Calicut Observer (printed in English) came out with a blank-column on the back page, headed with the following editorial note " This is only the beginning of ouv paper. We were not sure how much matter would bo wanted, and thinking we had enough, did not exert ourselves to get more. Apologising to our readers, therefore, we beg to remark that wo will do better in future.”

A Lyons Telegram to the Figaro announces a duel with pistols between two local " mashers,” who fell out for the sake of a fair one quite a la mode some time a quarter of a century ago. The two exchanged four shots. The seconds escaped soot free happily for them, and the only victim was an unfortunate cow-, which had been grazing in a hold near, unconscious that an affair of honor was being settled. The bovine was killed, and now the owner seeks to recover its value. The duellists refuse to acknowledge their liability, and a second quarrel has arisen between them ar. to the person who ought to pay for the cow. Mr F. IT. Wood’s important sale of Mr Hooker’s property takes place to-morrow.

From Dunedin wo learu that the Mission ary Committee of ‘he Presbyterian Church have received a ) eply to their memorial to ilio Secretary of State for the Colonics, in reference to the French occupation of the Now Hebrides. The reply states that no proposal for the annexation of the Group would bo entertained without consulting the colonics and securing conditions satisfactory to them, and England would never think of giving over the Group to France without taking care they should never become a penal settlement.

A curious and exceptional offer of assistance has (the Allahabad correspondent of the Daily Chronicle says) been made to the Viceroy of ih) Dowager Maharani of Daroda, in the event of a war with Husain. The Maharani, having taken note of the offers of military assistance made to the Indian Government by the native princes, writes to infoi m hia Excellency that ho is prepared to raise and maintain at her own expense a corps of Amazons, who would bo Mabratta ladies. In explanation of this offer it may be stated that the Mabratta are a warlike people inhabiting the mountainous districts of Central India. They at one time formed a a powerful kingdom, and the early history of the East Indian Company contains many records of feuds aud strifes between the company and the Mabratta, in which the warlike qualities of the latter were frequently conspicuous.

Hemody for Hard Times.—Stop spending so much on tine clothes, rich food, and style. Buy good food, cheaper and better clothing, and stop the habit of using expensive or quack doctors, or humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust in the greatest of all simple, pure remedies, American Go’s Hop Bitters, that euro always (u a trilling cost, and you will see bettor times and good health. Head

“ Huolm Paiba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. At Druggists. Komptborno, Prosser & Do., Agents, Christchurch.

Au important new departure has been taken in Lancashire. Three workmen, well known as leaders among their class, have been elevated to the unpaid magistracy in order tu give the bene/it of their special knowledge iu the settlement of small disputes between employers and employed. This, remarks a Home paper, taken in conjunction with the appointment of working men to the ollice of factory inspectors, ought tu go a long way at the comiug general election, Despairing Hankers.—The number of suicides among the brightest and most capable of business men, bankers and others, will be reduced to a minimum as soon as the specific virtues of Am. Hop Hitters are known. As all men who work with their brains and neglect to take the needed exercise, the food taken does not nourish ; and dangerous debility physical and mortal, ensue. Head On Thursday, at Napier, an inquest was held on the body of ill's Jacobsen, found dead iu the bush on 'Wednesday morning. A verdict of death from exposure was found. The same night the Waipafa correspondent of the Herald wired that tiro Legistnir of Deaths at Norsewood reports that the friends of the woman refuse to allow her to bo buried, having noticed signs of life since the inquest. The coroner instructed Dr Ivin boh to proceed to Norsewood at once, but upon examination the body was found to be without life.

“ Hough on Hats.” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, Hies ants, bed bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, gophers. Druggists. Hcmpthorne, Prosser Co., Agents, Christchurch.

A correspondent writes to us asking whether the (iroytown Horticultural Society will hold another show this year seeing that the Pastoral Society will hold one at Carterton. He also wants to know whether all the prize winners at the last show received their prizes. In reply to our correspondent we would say that wo see no reason why the Greytown Society should not have a Spring Exhibition. We should be sorry to see it fall through, and we have certain reasons for hoping that the next Exhibition may bo a great success. Concerning the second query we may state that we have not heard of any exhibitor complaining that ho had not re wived his prize money. All those claims were satisliod wo believe.

Decline of Mar,. Nervous weakiuss, dyspepsia, impotence, sexual debility, cured ny “ Wells’ Health Renewor." Druggists Keuipthomc, Prosser A Co., Agents, Cliristeluuch.

The first steeplechase meeting of the Wtl ling ton Pacing Club took place at the Hutt on Saturday. The Trial Steeplechase I lamp, cap was concluded in favor id' Paugh-a-Ballagli. The Hurdle Handicap of U'O sovs was taken by Erebus, Uaveuswood 2, Quilp o. The Local Hindu! Handicap fell to Ngaiitna. Fiuigli-a-Ralltigh won the Wellington Steeplechase Handicap, and Quilp the Consolation.

The Grand National Hurdle Knee run at Melbourne, on Saturday, was won by the Agent, Guard fish 2, lire Grand National. Wymlct 1, Sailor 2, Time umiu IP| sees.

The Featherston .Rifles hold another shooting practice at their range on Saturday The shooting was remarkably good ; the men shot from the same dirtanoe as at the competition the Saturday previous. Vol Renton topped the score with 53. This is one point nunc Hum the highest seme (Captain Webster’s) in the match the week before, Lieut Smith came next with 43 points, several obbers wore close up, Vol Lucerne was aiming come of the best shots.

Riily-go-by-era, through an accident on Saturday, had to bo destroyed,

A man who cut down a dry innirc, at the hack of Mr Parsons’ residence. Masterton, on Thursday, (says the Daily), was rather surprised to see fully twenty rats tumble out of the top as the tree was coining down. Five of them were quickly dispatched by n tcriier the man had with him, the others gelling awny in the long grass. On examination, it was found that all those that had been killed were somewhat smaller than the Norwegian rat, the tail being a great deal longer, while the fur was a dark brown, shading into black, i'he whole lot were, in all probability, native rats, though they are supposed to have become extinct in the Wairarapa upwards of twenty years ago.

The Loyal Unity Lodge of Oddfellows’ M..U, Feathorston, held their half-yearly financial meeting on Saturday night, N.G.C. Marsh, presiding. The half-yearly balance sheet was presented and passed, showing a credit balance of £l7. The managing committee's half-yearly balance, amounted to £IG odd. P.(jr. Bio Arney, was appointed huge deputy for the forthcoming district meeting at Pctonc. The funeral of Mrs McPhee, whose death at a very old age was announced in our obituary column of Wednesday last, was well attended by relatives and fiic-nds. 'iho deceased was buried beside her daughter, Mrs Duncan Morn-on, in the picturesque family burial place, Glenmorven, the service being read by the Kuv Mr Thomson, the Presbyterian Minister. Mrs McPluo was much esteemed by those who knew her, and memories of her kindness and piety will bo always freshly remembered by them. The directors of the Greylown Cheese and Butter Factory Company, cal! fur tenders for the purchase of the company’s whey, for the ensuing season, the purchaser to have free use of the piggeries, &c. All particulars can be seen in the advertisement. Mr Wakelin’s letter on the roads, in our having come to hand too late for this issue.

The return match of football between Greytown and Carterton first fifteens, will take place at Carterton next Saturday.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1709, 20 July 1885, Page 2

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The Land Bill. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1709, 20 July 1885, Page 2

The Land Bill. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1709, 20 July 1885, Page 2