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Mr William Fife, of Featherston, has been appointed a public vaccinator. It is with great regret, that wo have to record the death of Mrs Brunskill, of Featherston, which happened quite suddenly on Friday. Mrs Bran skill who had recently been nursing her sick child informed one of staff on Tuesday last that she felt quite weary from night watching, and anxiety. Her child had a badly poisoned arm and through the pain thereby caused passed many restless nights, and no doubt watching and loss of rest has conduced to the malady viz,—internal inflammation, which, has had such a sad termination. Great sympathy is felt by all the residents in the district who know Mr Brunskill, for his bereavement, the intensity 01 which must be the more severe as being so totally unexpected. It is said that Mrs Brunskill was taken ill and died the same day. Three doctors were in attendance, Drs Hoskings, Kemp, and Bey, but all their skill was of no avail. The deceased lady was taken ill on Wednesday night, after coming home for a drive, and died at 6.30 on Friday|night ; she was 21 years of age, and her sudden decease has cast quite a gloom over the town of Featherston. The funeral takes place at 2 p.m. to-day.

We would call the attention of our readers to the sale of drapery and clothing to be held in Mr F. H. Wood’s auction room by Messrs Veitoh & Allan, of Wellington. The stock to be sold is (we are informed) new and directly imported by tbe firm. The goods shown being carefully bought and well selected by an experienced buyer in the home market, therefore they are in a position to give extraordinary value for cash. We would advise the inhabitants of Greytown, and district to visit the sale and see for themselves the value that is being shown. An opportunity presents itself to persons in this district to secure singing canaries. Mr Burgess, from Wellington, is now in Greytown, and has a good number of these birds with him. An advertisement in another column gives particulars.

The search for Mr P. 11. Liardet at the Wairarapa Lakes has been proceeded with by the police dunug the last few dajs without intermission. Constables Smith and Eccleton, with Detective Ghrystal, have most vigorously prosecuted the same both on the bamrs of the lakes and on the water. It was rather interesting to see Constable Bccleton yesterday wading into the water, neatly breast high, but notwithstanding these exertions all traces of the missing man have, as yet, proved unavailing. “ The Whiffler,” like our aucient friend, Eobinsou Crusoe, has been found, all aloue, on an island, aud apparently, quite reconciled to the situation. A further search on the lake will take place to-day, but it is our opinion that the Government would be using some discretion by appointing a person having a knowledge of the lakes to accompany the police in their expeditions, and if they value tho lives of their officers, they might also provide something different to the cockle shell of a dingy that the men have so gallantly ventured out in the last few days A gale of wind with such an ugly and scant craft might tell an awkward tale. The inspection parade of the Grcytown Rifle Volunteers will take place on Tuesday night at the Town Hall. All members are expected to be present, and regulation fines will be imposed aud recovered for nonattendance. During the evening the Hon Chaplain’s aud tho Hon Sergeant’s Cup will be presented to tbe winners. Mrs 'Western will .present tbe Chaplain’s Cup.

The nominations for one councillor to supply the extraordinary vacancy caused by tbe resignation of Cr Heard will take place on Tuesday (to-morrow) at noon, and a poll if required will be taken on the 23rd hist. The football match at Carterton, on Saturday, between Carterton and Masterton, was won by the latter by two goals and two tries, to nothing.

One of the submarine cables through Cook’s Straits has broken asunder. It is the old cable which has been iu use thirteen years.

Mr Aitken, the acting Postmaster, at Gvtytown, has been transferred to another station, and Mr Fell has been appointed in his stead.

The Grey town Citizens’ Plain aud Fancy Ball Committee meet at half past seven tonight, at the usual place.

George Thomas & ;Co report Wellington produce prices as follows There is a slight decline to note in quotations for Derwent potatoes, consequent upon the Australian market ceasing to draw supplies from New Zealand. A good steady demand exists at tins. Chaff has reduced by os to 10s per ton. Tho following leading lines are unaltered : Colonial flour, L 8 10s to L 8 los ; Adelaide, LI 2 ; feed oats, 2s to 2s Id ; milling 2s 2d to 2s 3d ; fowls’ wheat from 2s -Id to 2s 8d ; barley (tailings), 2s 3d ; seed beaus, 3s 9d ; peas, 3s 6d ; fluke potatoes, ties; maize, Is Gd ; Cocksfoot grass seed, 3s lOd to 4s ; pollard, L 5 5s ; bran, LI 10s ; oatmeal, Ll2 10s ; hams, to lOd ; bacon, B,ld ; rolls, B§d ; fresh butter scarce, 1s Id ; salt do, slight local demand at 9d ; cheese, market full, IJd to onions, L 7 10s ; eggs reduced to islOd to 2s, Poultry—Turkeys, 9s to 10s per pair ; geosc, 7s ; ducks, Is; fowls, 3a 6d ; dressed

fowls, Is, Fruit—Apples are commanding better prices, present ruling rates from 8s 6d to 9- OJ per ease.

Tic-doloreux, toothache, or any other neuralgia pain speedily yields to Baxter's Anti-neuralgic Pills,

The St. Mark's Masonic Lodge at Carterton will m future be held at the Library, next tho County Council Chambers, pending the building of their own lodge loom, jwhich may bo erected at no very distant date. With a very little expenditure |the members of tire Lodge may find that the Library room may answer their purpose in the meantime. In the Governor’s speech there was no reference to the despatch of colonial troops to the Soudan. Sir George Grey has been prompt to take advantage of the opportunity this omission gives, and he has accordingly given notice of his intention to move—" An Address to the Crown, for the purpose of congratulating her Majesty on the steps recently taken by New South Wales and other colonics to aid, or to tender efficient aid, to the Empire, at a time of temporary difficulty ; and of assuring her Majesty that it is the desire of her subjects in New Zealand to render aid to the Empire, to the best of their ability, at all times when their services may be neemed of value, and may be accepted by her Majesty.” An address of tills kied should ;havo emanated from Ministers, aud the motion Sir George puts them in a rather humiliating position. There is much enterprise among the drapers and storekeepers of Greytown at the present time. Mr P. Muir has just opened a nice commanding looking double fronted draper’s shop with a large stock ; and Messrs Fabian Bros, have opened a branch establishment at the south end of the town in addition to their other commodious store. Mandel, a Wellington hairdresser, has been fined £2O for having a gambling machine upon his premises. Copies of the Standard may bo had at Mr Catt’s shop, Carterton. The Novoe Vremia says Germans’ and Austria have declared to Turkey that it but one English or Eussian man of war passes the Dardanelles they will consider the Berlin Treaty as null and void, and will hold themselves released from all engagements entered J into under its provisions. A Fact Worth Knowing.—Are you suffering with Consumption, Coughs, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs? If so, go to your Druggist and get a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. The people are going wild over its success, and Druggists all over our country are writing us of its wonderful cures among their customers. It has by far the largest sale of any remedy, simply because it is of so much value in all affections of this kind. Chronic cases quickly yield to it. Druggists recommend it and physicians prescribe it. If you wish to try its superior virtue, get a Sample Bottle for 6d. Large size bottle 3s 6d. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it The committee of the Canterbury Cattle Show have decided upon an innovation in prize-giving at the next exhibition. They have accepted a proposal made by Mr Frunce de Laune, of Sharsted Court, Kent, a landowner and extensive breeder of sheep, whose name is well known to agriculturists as a writer on the subject of permanent pastures, to give prizes for the best carcases of sheep and lambs, the animals to be slaughtered after exhibition and the carcases to be judged at the show. The object in view is to encourage early maturity for butchers’ purposes, and the prizes are to be awarded to the animals that have the soonest arrived at a certain weight, and having the largest amount of meat witli the least amount of unnecessary fat, and produced for the smallest expenditure of money. The competition will be open to several countries.

An amusing instance of the ruling passion manifesting itself in unconsciousness has just occurred in Dunedin, relates the Times. One of our leading counsel was suffering within the last few days from the pangs of a racking toothache. He resolved to bring an action of ejectment against his tormentor and repaired to the dentist. The molar being of a dangerous character, the patient was put under chloroform and the enemy duly got out. On asking the reason, he was told that just as he was getting free from tiie effects of the chloroform he said, “ On this point, your Honour, we are all agreed.”

Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, dc., are quickly cured by using Baxter's “ Lung Preserver.'’ This old established medicine is pleasant to the palate, and highly extolled by members of the medical, legal, and clerical professions. Can be recommended. For testimonials see dage 4. Solds by all patent medicine venpors.

Everything which helps to increase the capacity of the country for grazing purposes (says the Saturday Advertiser) is of extreme importance and deserves notice. Our Auckland contemporary the Herald alludes to the introduction of a tall-growing fodder

grass by Sir George Grey, from Japan, many years ago. It appears that he sowed it, and several plants resulted. Since then, the number has been considerably increased, and the experience since obtained has been favorable to the grass. It is tall growing, and shoots up with groat vigour, thus producing a considerable quantity of fodder, during the season. A couple of years or so ago some of the seed was obtained by the Auckland Domain Board from Sir George Grey and a year since a few small packages of the seed were distributed free of ctiarge to those who applied lor it Since the Domain has been placed under the management of the Auckland City Council, the experiments with this grass and several other plants have been continued, and at the present time there are a number of small packages of seed available for distribution. The grass effectually resists drought, and gives a largo 'quantity of feed of which cattle are wry fond. How it would do for grazing purposes has not yet been ascertained, but it is well adapted for cutting aud the crop can be eaten green or made into hay. Decline of .Man. Nervous weakness, dys' pepsin, impotence, sexual debility, cured by “Wells’ Health llenewer.'’ Druggists. Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Agents, Christchurch.

Two French transports, with 2000 men on board, stayed for a week in the Suez Canal They iverc followed and closely watched by tho British ironclad Invincible.

Indigestion and Liver Complaints.—For these complaints Baxter’s Compound (,juiniuc Pills have proved a specific, acting powerfully on the liver and mildly on the stomach.—Sold everywhere, or post free from]. Baxter, Chemist, Christchurch, for 19 or -H stamps.

A Lovely Chaplet—A late fashion report says “ Nothing can be prettier than a obaplet of hop vines iu blossom.” A recent medical review says ;—“ Nothing can be a better renovator of the health than Ameri can Hop Bitters. They aid iu all the operations of nature ; toning up the stomach, assisting the food to become properly assimilated, and promote healthy action in all tho organs. The dictates of fashion, as well as tho laws of health, alike favour a light application of hops.” Head,

<■ Lachu Paiba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. At Druggists. Kempthorno, Prosser & Co., Ageuts, Christchurch, It is stated in England that Russia and Franco are acting on it common understanding, tho object of which is to put the utmost pressure ou tUe English Government, and to obtain for Russia and France all that they claim in the differences which exist between them and England.—English News Letter. n Hough on Rats.” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, Hies ants, bed bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, gophers. Druggists. Rempthorne, Prosser ,fc Co., Ageuts, Christchurch,

Mothers Don’t Know.—How many children ate punished for being uncouth, willful and indiffoient to instructions or reward simply because they are out of health I An intelligent bidy said of a child of this kind _“ Mothers don’t know that she should give the little one moderate doses of American Go’s Hop Bitters for two or three weeks, and the child would be all a parent could desire.”

A scratch match between sides p cki d by Webster and Udy from mcmbcis "f the Greytown Football Club, took place on Saturday afternoon, and utter a hard (tunio resulted in a win for Udy's team by two goal* to one scored by the team captained by Webster. This is the lest practice the club has (had this season, and we hope that the spirit displayed by some, especially Webster, H, Udy, E. Udy, Gambiin, Welch, Weuham and olliers, will be kept up for the cup matches, which wi 1 probably he played on the 20th and 27ih insts. In view of Greytown having to play either Masterton or Carterton, the following are requested to practice on Tuesday and Thursday Webster, H. Udy, C. Tidy, A. Udy, E. Udy, W. Udy, Cameron, Tocker, F. W. .lack son, J. Jackson, H. Jfuinpnrh .s, ,1. Humidit ies, W. Humphries. J. Gambiin, C. Heard, A. Beard, J. Beatd, Wenham, J. Terry, Welch, and Lewis, and others are invited to he on the ground, in order to make the practices as good as possible.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1694, 15 June 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1694, 15 June 1885, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1694, 15 June 1885, Page 2