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vin response to 'numerauis requests,-a meeting of a'W cricket enthusiasts is convened flor Ito-mprrow evening, when it lis hoped there will .be sufficient intending members present to warrant establisiMng a clu'b in Te Awamutu. A club has already tbeen formed at Kofrakonui, wi/thothters probable. ;■.-::{•;;

In connection with the forthcoming poll of Te Awamntu Borough ratepayers on itlie question of rating on unimproved vialues, a public meeting- has been arranged 'for Mbnday evening next, when Mr J.'W. Sh'ackleford.'of Auckland!, wi'l'l state <&As case ifor retentlion of the present siysteni of rating on capital va'lues.

The re-modlelled racecourse at Cambridge and the appointme'nfe. recently oartrie'd out 'by lt!he Cambridgiet Trotting Club, in cionjlunction with the, Wiaikato Hunt. wtHire tfcie subject of .'much.fav r ourable comment by patrons. of the race meeting yesterday. lit seemns evi'dfenlt .float the Hunt has, treVurneid to itis old home, "for keeps'! in connection with its annual race nieetingis. . . .~. :,

"Tihis pernicious system of credit is over the odds,'" remarked a "Wanganui business man. He wemlt' K>n to -state (tihat it was surprisi'ng the accumulation of small amounts he had on Ms bodies, and ;iu'd|ging by' the length of' time isoiri'Si : of Ithem .had. tteeri'' lfhiere' it was almclslt certain that the staltutory 'limitation would be reaicheid: before niatoy olf Ithem wouM be wiped off.v' The administdr-ing-of an oath is" by no meatus a. simple imajtter estates tdie ChrlistChurch Press). This is madfe clear in a leaflet en-tit'leid, "Instrbctionls 'aU|j]t Adminlistering . an Oait,h," whie'h has bd:-m listened by. rtlhe. Caat'eflbuny Justices' Association. Tpe "llnstructdons" have been drawn up by the Association's honorary. Cor. Mr S. EL M'dCaWthy, kind, no doubti will pro-vla of much value 'tp^embeir|i.

Yesterday was the first occasion for thirteen- years that the Waikato Hunt races Were held at Cambridge. 'Scores 10-f motor cars, all fully occupied, journejUid from Te Awamutu and neighhourhodd to Cambridge yesterday for the waikato Hunlti CHub -Races. Tennis, croquet and howls devotees made full use of the lawns lahd courts at Albert Palrk yesterday and some very enjoyable games were played. Thia Hon J. A. Young, Minister Of IHteaDJiii, has accelpte'd the invitation of ithe Waiikatd Hospital Board, to perform Ithe official opening of the Te Kuiti Hospital on th|e 25th November. Several popular artists from Hamilton have been secured .'for the grand concert to-morrow evening at Pirongu'a in connedtion with the calrmival and Paddyls Markieit that takes place during the day. (Ijt is nc|[|ifled hy the Te Awamutu •Electric Power Board that power will be cut off iin the KihiMhi district to-, morrow (Wednesday) from 9 a.m. until mid-afUsirnoon tto permit of certain important adjustments 'being carried oult. The annual bazaar organised in connedtion with St. Patrick's. Church eventuates on Thursday, Friday and) Saturday of this week. The Town Hall has again been secured for the purpose, and many alttractlions for -'this public have been arranged. Members of the Waipa Racing Club's Improvements Committee made an inspection of Ithe buildings at the racedO'iirqie on Saturday Ito decide upon several •suggested improvements, that ar e to he carried oult. 'before the annual race meeting -in mid-DecemUsr. The local Chamber ,of Commerce's Booklet Commiltltele is seeking to enlist the aid of t)h-e general public in the preparation of the descriptive 'booklet shortly Ito he issued. Photographs suitahie 'for illustrating the booklet are asked for, so that Ithe committee may make : a judicious selection.

Thirty-two bowlers took part in a progressive pairs |t:ournament at the local green yesterday. The winners of a very enjoyable dayls play- proved to: ■ be Messrs HI iA. Burelhell (skip) an'di<F. H. Vile O l ead). The-trophies ware decided on a nomination system, arid Mesldlames W. IButterworth and J. iB. Wilson were (the fortunate ones. The Borough regular fortnightly meeting, to have been held last evening, takes place Ithls evening at 7 o'clock. It is not anticipated that the meeting will be a long one, so that couincillors can attend th|e puhlic meeting in -connedaion with the Fire Board .afc 8 o'clock. There was one lucky gardening enthusiast lin Wanganjufi who wjent aibtont smliling in spite of the recenlt frost. "I w-illV you'a aedrdi;," he said. "I knew it 'was going to freeze, and so w(hen the wife went to Ithe Competitions 'I itook hler washing and spread it all over my potato patch, and didn't she roar in 'the morning. But, never mind, I saved my spuds."

'ln •donneGtion with! the effort to raise "the Anglican Church, a monsterrfconcelrt and wilrefess diemonstraltion is to be ©ivien to-morrow evenlinig in the ParJstoi Hall, when it is hoped there will he a 'big muster of rtjhe public. Some of the wineilklss concerns previously arranged, havie not been siuacesslful, but we are informed 'this was no faullt of the wireless plant, but rather tb thle! '.pbes-en-ce of unsuitable stajtic conditions, making rtecepfrion of the sdiilnid! waves from a distance almost impossible. This evening the "first shot" publicly in connedtion with the campaign to fully inform ithe hurgesses of Te Awamutu upcin the subject o,f establishing a Fire Board in Te Awamutu i's'to be fired, when 'the gkmer'al public are invited to attend at the Town Hall to heair Messrs John M-cKinnon and/ F. W. ILuxford, of Hamilton, explain various aspects of the position. Botlb. speakers have had a good dear Ito dio- with tihe adjministration of thle Hamilton Fire Board, and therefore are competent to answer any knotty problems.

The idea that ireinforced coincrdtie transmission poles entail much higher first dost than jdheir hardwood forerunners was upset at the meeting of the VValiltomo Power Board on Tules'day ldst. Mr Vickkirman, consulting engineer, advised the .Board that the average cost of the 1970 poles it had man'Uifacldured was only 15 : per cent. Uiighelr than, thalt .of 4ronbark. When it is considered that the liite of a wooden ptale is a'blont ten years, while concrete may be regarded as everlasting, it wi'E be seen that tbfe: Board, in adopting what 'was something of an •innoyaltion, Ibas effleidtedl a considerable saving. There wals a very small number of breakages durling the erection of Wife 1 poles despite the rough nature of the country tlraver^eldi. "What, are! decla\r'ed to be quite the best I'.ine of "fa'b ibu'lloioks that 'has come tunder the nolticle l of several experienced stodkmen in tfae Waikato this season is a line of twlelve prime conditioned Shorthorn five-year-old bullocks from Mr W. J. Thompson's property, at Te 'Rahu, an'di jfuist purchased by firm of Franklands 'Ltd.' tihrough;'vth}s local agenlt (Mr J. Layne) foir the Farmers' Audtioneering Co! Thei price, <w|2t understand, was £l9 per head, and so pleased were the .purchasers that they arts! having .photographs of Ithe cattle, taken alive and as dressedi carcases, for advertising purposes. Tfoie bullocks are to be despatched ! by- : train tta TaumiarunuTi this evening!. 1 M&r'ifci ''.■'■■

"On tthe luck of the toss depends to a great extend the result of a grteat uuflber of our games," stated Mr M..R. Gjrant at a" meelbirig of ■ the 1 Hawße's Bay -'Cricket ■ Assodiatilon «'in ■Naipier. "And to the'players'being-on time 1 in

eltartJing th\s) game," J: R. Stevenson. r,l 'W l hich r in moslt'cases are not." countdriedMr JH. Steph&nsbh. TiheVlast .spe'a'ker -jvelnlt.on to-junge that the controllling steps: to ensure Ithat ganies are sltiarteld 1 on time, and ha thought an example should be made of a team .arriving late. It was pointed out that (the umpire 'ha'd power to olrder that |the time lo'slt be made up at tlh\ end df the day, or that Ithe management committee could award Itlh© match against a team aclfc beglinni'ng a game 'punctually.

Stratford is at last conning' into iits own, according to a communication received from Germany hy the aecrvet- . ary of a local dairy company (says the Posit). It was addressed: "Dairy \

Company, Welllington, via Stratford. New Zealand." The communication seeks lnforma|tlion on the smbjedt of casein for which there i s appai-ently a 'demand in Germany. With the exception of one or two slight errors the wording of Itlhe message is Sn good English, and as an examjple of German thoroughness it might be mentioned thalt the letterhead is printed both ia German and English.

Judging by the JrSal sets of the. new British silver coinage, the designs are to be extremely attractive and beautiful (says ,an exchan&#.-. Some are ahsolutely oxiginal, wtrfle others have not hefen seen since the Seventeenth Century. This King's head will remain as before; it is the reverses that have been altered, antf these '.are absolutely different from anything in existence at present, wilth the exception of the shilling, which is only a modification of toe existing designs. -' "It seems very hard that the Government ./takes the eyes out of our towns and yet does not contribute one penny directly to the upkeep of those towns," said Captain Watts, secretary of the Oniteld Fire Brigade Association, when advocating .the gating of Government properties at a firemen's reunion at Napier. He sugr gdsted thalt the matter should be taken up by the local bodies' associations and (fought out "to tihe bitter end."

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Waipa Post, Volume 32, Issue 1926, 26 October 1926, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Waipa Post, Volume 32, Issue 1926, 26 October 1926, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Waipa Post, Volume 32, Issue 1926, 26 October 1926, Page 4