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The following ii the conclusion of our report of the annual meeting of the nnove Association, which took plice at Cambridge on Saturday : REPORT AND BALANCE-SHEET. The Chairman moved the adoption of the report and bahnce-sheet, aod in doing so H-iid the Association had every reason to be satisfied with their efforts to establish a show in the district. The committee had received the greatest possible enuouragemimt, hence the successful show just held. But those who had put their shoulders to the wheel iu the past must not imagine their labours finished, for if they wished their show to be second to none in the district, or in the colony for that matter, it would be necessary to follow up their efforts wiih as much enthusiasm as they nad shown on this occasion. He wished they were all imbued with the spirit of an exhibitor he met about a week alter the show. He admitted his animals had been outclassed, but he said he should set to work from that moment to prepare for the next show, by which time he hoped to have so improved as to anaex the award. That wub the emulative spirit which helped a show along and put it on a firm basis. (Applause.) Mr E. A. Death eeoonded the motion, which was then carried uem con, THANKS. Mr E. Rhodes proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the outgoing committee, fie said it was evident to all they had woiked well and succeeded well, aud were determined to make Cambridge shows par excellence. There were many others not on the committee who had worked zealously, aud they were also entitled to thanks. (Applause ) Mi C. Boyoe seconded ihe motion, and said the committee had done phenomenal work by instituting the show and bringing it to so successful an issue. On behalf of the committee the Chairman returned thanks. He said this was the third show he had helped to initiate in the VVaikato, and in no other instance had appeals for assistance been responded to so heartily and spontaneously. (Applause.; ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Mr Richaid Reynolds moved that Mr John frisher be ru-eleuiod President of the Association f. r the. enduing year. (Applause). It was a ploanure to be connected Willi auiustuuuou with Mr Fisher at the head of it. They kuew bow hard he vvoraed, and that was realty naif the batt.e, while be was thoroughly consistent in all his actions with icgard to the Association's affoiis, The motion was seconded by Mr C. C. Buckland, who said he thought the great success of the Show was largely due to the efforts Mr Fibber had put forth, and so long as they had him as President the success of future bhows was assured. (Applause). Ihe Secretary put the motion to the meeting, aud it was carried amidst applause. Uu rising to reply Mr Fisher said he was overcome by the flattering references to what he had done, and the enthusiast c way they had re-elected him to the position. There had been much to do, and as their President he had felt it his bounden duty to do all he could, but had bo not been supported by hard-working colleagues with even more energy and larger hearts than his, they would have come tar short of what had been accomplished. There was still work to be done, and in re-electing him they intimated they should like the work continued under his eouirol; anu therefore he hod pleasure iu accepting their unanimous cab (applaust); but he believed iu such offices being handed ruunu, and he wished i. cieany understood that next year tney must select a successor. Uu the motion of Mr Allen, secouded ny Mr Audeison, Mr James Taylor was uuauimously ib elected ViueFieoideut.— ihe Chairman said Mr Taylor did not do so muc'i talking as he (me speaker) di», but he was a grand worker.—Mr Taylur's election was greeteu with inuoh applause. General Committee : Tbe following were elected—Messrs E. Alien, J. Anderson, J. Allwill, C. (J. Buckland, M. Buwer, E. A. Death, W . F. Dixon, R. Fisber, J. fonesC, T. Fieeman, A. VV. Gane, F. Gibson, H. Gillett, G. Hooker, C. Lake, W. G. Mauky, VV <J. Morgan, W. G. Fark, It. Reynolds, H. Rhones, J. M. Sootc, A. L. oouter, (J. Tarrant, and W. Vosper. The only change is that Mr Forrest replaces Mr Luxtun (resigned). Audit rs: Messrs P. Forbes aud A. F. Stone were eleoted. KOTORE SHOWS The chairman spoke of ihe success of the autumn show, and said there was much to be said in favour of both spring and autumn shows; but after mature consideration of tbe subject be had come to tbe conclusion tha- they should rise bupeiior to their trials and soriows with the VVaikato A. aud F. Association aud loreec and lorgive. Let bygones be bygones, aud, instead of fighting against each otuer, unite in fighting for the welfare ot the V\ aikato district. (Loud applause). He Chen moved that the future shows of the Association be held in March in each year .No possible good could accrue if tboy held a spring sho*, and he hoped their good spiiit would be emulated by all. (Applause). At this puint a toiegram was read from Mr H. .Rhodes, if Paicrangi, iu which he advised that for their future autumu Bhows would be the right thing. Mr C. C. Buckland and that he was perfectly in accord With the, but he took exception to their legislating for all time. The chairman accepted Mr Buckland's suggestion and altered his motion to read ' that the next show be held iu March.' In the amended form the motion was carried. THE SECRETARY. The Chairman moveu a speoial vote of thanks to the secretary, saying those who had been moat intimately oonnected with Mr Vealo knew he was the right the right place. He had giveu every matter his close attention, and instructions to him met with cheerful response. (Applause). Iu replying, Mr Veale said it was a real pleasure to work with such gentlemen as they had on the Association. He was much struck with the unanimity aud cordiaiiiy of them all, and he was convinced they had the brains, the energy, and material to make one of the largest and most useful associations in the North Island. Mr R. Fisher moved that a bonus of £lO 10s be given Mr Veale, of whom he stjok" in the highest terms. Mr Butler further eulogised that gentleman, aud seconded the motion, which was carried by accUmation. LABOUR. Mr S, Fletcher asked that in future half-guinea members of tbe Association should re given preference it labour was required. Too Jhairmau said the Committee womd bear the matter in mind. The meeting then terminated.

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Waikato Argus, Volume XVI, Issue 2629, 3 May 1904, Page 2

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WAIKATO CENTRAL A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Waikato Argus, Volume XVI, Issue 2629, 3 May 1904, Page 2

WAIKATO CENTRAL A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Waikato Argus, Volume XVI, Issue 2629, 3 May 1904, Page 2