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A baker was fined £2 and costs at Martinborough on Tuesday for selling light-weight bread. Following the lead of Masterton, the bakers of Eketahuna'have' increased the price of bread. The half-yearly meeting of shareholders in the Bank of New Zealand is to be held .at ; Wivington t!ib morning. The steamer lluahine arrived at Auckland from London yesterday afternoon, with a number of returned, soldiers from France. 'The Masterton Senior Cadets, held a field day yesterday, and were put through a number of useful exorcises on the old showgrounds. Masterton residents were last night favoured with a weird yet picturesque view of the moon, whic h appeared to be encircled in successive rings of ra-inbow hue! < Two partners were fined £25 each afc Dunediiij for exporting a small quantity of platinum to Melbourne, the export of metal having been prohibited in September last. The arrivals in New Zealand from overseas in the month of November numbered 1953, and the departures 1193, as against 2581 and 1558 respectively iu the previous November. One of the most modern residences in the Dominion' has been built at Taradale (H. 8.) for Mr G. P. Donnelly. It is a vast concrete structure and has a splendid view from the hills.

Tho Telegraph Department advises that anyone intending to send Xmas greeting cable messages to soldiers for delivery in England' or France, should lodge tile messages not later than the 12th inst. -

Mr W. Kerr, S.lldismissed a charge against a Martinborough lad, eighteen years of age, who had made a false declaration concerning his ago in order to enlist. Tho Magistrato sa.d the action of the lad in wishing to serve his country was a laudable one., and the fact that his parents approved showed a good spirit. , YOU- OAX DEPEND ON TT that if - you proeurp tliH GEXUINE SANDER' EI'CAMTTI EXTRACT you will not only br> benefited, but you will be safe from tho harmful effect sof tiic com tin.i, eucalyptus oils and' the so-called "'extracts." The importance of til's is brought lioino forcibly by the report in the Melbourne "Age," August otli, 1916, of poisoning of about 30 girls by cucalptus lollies, which were evidently made from the common euralvptus. SANDER'S EXTRACT can always be relied on. It prevents meningitis ar\! all other infect,ous diseases; sniffed np the nose and three drops on .sugar, Applied to ulcers, poisoned wounds, burns, sprains, eczema, it gives prompt reVef and cures permrnently. Ciolds, bronchitis hin<>' tr'n:blo. rheu matisvn. neuraiyiV. uro banished by it, SANDER'S EXTRACT is beneficial, in *,o many affections that no household enn afford t/i '-e without it. Specially refined - 1 prepared by Sander's process .it has no harmful by-effects; von run r.n risk with SANDER'S EXTRACT.

Railway electric alarm signals have been placed at the various crossings in Featherston. There are at present twelve inmates at the Buchanan Home —seven females and five maics. A school championship sports meeting was held on the Carterton showgrounds yesterday. Three persons were fined £2 each at Wanganui on Wednesday, for allowing gorse to grow on their properties. On November 30th the Wairarapa Hospital mid Charitable Aid Board had a credit balance in the Bank of £2OIO 4s 3d. An interesting sly-grog case is to bo heard before Mr W. Kerr, S.M., at the Masterton Magistrate's Court this morning. Accounts totalling £1373 10s were passed for payment at the monthly meeting of the Central Committee of the Masterton Hospital. The sum of £95 was paid out for . charitable aid by the "Wairarapa hospital and Charitable Aid Board lor th© month of November. The latest roturn of the Success dredge is 26ozs for 88 hours—wdn from the south side. The dredge was held up i'or two days on account of the coal trouble. - ' ""A special meeting of the Soldiers' Entertainment Committee will bo, held in Mastert;>n to night to make arrangements for the military tournament to be held in February next. The war bonus of 6d a day granted to all InvercargUl Corporation employees in receipt of less than I*3 a\ week will (says the "News") in i lie aggregate approximate £I3OO per annum. v At the Supreme Court, at Christchurch, George Berry Ritchie, solicitor, was charged with defalcations of trust funds in a number of sums since ] 90S. He was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. The annual report of the Union Steam Ship Company states that after making provision for depreciation on plant and other contingencies, the net profit for the year, including interest and investments and transfer fees, amounts to £155,973 7s Bd. The recent floods in Nelsoli resulted in heavy losses of sheep and cattle. Huge logs are strewn in all .directions, miles of fencing have been swept away and there have been washouts on the roads, which are a danger to travellers unless caro is exercised. The Gear Meat Company's report and balance sheet for,.the year ended oOth November last shows that inylivdiag the amount brpugbt and after making for .depreciation and paymen£ ; of interim, dividend, ih©j;e» a •Iralaii'oe ibf* £72,452 17s sa. : Judging by tin? form shown in the/ evening events yesterday the members of the Wairarapa A.A.C. should give a great exhibition. at the big sports on Boxing Day. The visiting cracks from Auckland will bo fully extended, and the. struggles should be very interesting from a spectator's point'of , view. Entries close next Tuesday. I The return of patients at the rariou;., hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Wairarapa. Hospital and Charitable Ai v d Board for tile month <f November was a s follows:—Masterton, admissions 39, discharges 43 deaths •. o, remaining 0 n 30th November 2-1. j ln-i eytown, admissions 14, discharges 10, remaining 11. Pahiatua, admissions 10, discharges 8, deaths 1, iemaming 10. The parents of one of th© infantile paraylsis patients admitted >soine time I back to the Masterton Hospital have taken the invalid to Wellington. for special treatment. Being unable to secure admission of the case to the Wellington hospital, the mdther has arranged to secure a course of instruction from the special nurse associated, with the institution and apply the treatment herself. ' At a meeting last night of the -Masterton branch of the Returned Sol-' diers' Association, it was decided to hold a social re-union on Thursday evening next. All returned soldiers and honorary members in the district are to be invited to be present, together with prominent workers in the patriotic cause. The reunion'is to be held in the Association's club rooms in Perry's Buildings. Plaiig for extensile additions and alterations to Solway College, Masterton, have been accepted by the Board of Governors, and the work has already commenced. As soon as the ' College closes for the summer vacation, tile contractor hopes to get an army of workmen on to the ground, so that by the time the College reassembles iji February the work of providing accommodation for some fifty pupilg will be well forward. Ihe following tenders have been accepted by the Wairarapa Hospital and Cnantable Aid Board for supplies etc., to tiie Masterton Hospital ror tlie . ensuing year:—Milk T. Smith; bread, E. Anstice; drugs H. V 5 0od ; 'Fly, Young'and Seattle; funerals, G. Hyde. No tohdfiers were accepted for meat and groceries. The same tenderers received the contracts for the SoJwav Home foTmilk"" tWU '" r " as Vc^civod

A first-class programme 0 f music was given last evening at the -Vlastcrlon Hospital by the Mafiterton Orassisted by some of the leading Mastcrton vocalists The , programme wa s submitted, ; md thoroughly enjoyed, all items >eing re-called : —Overture. bv Q r . <iZ'V, *"" ? V Mas Fi "W*°n r quarr r J, l' : 50,, »- W'SS V. Judd; song. All .Jones: recitation Mrs Cairnsinstrumental solos n„d vocal duets bv Messrs TVood. Russell. Mr and Mrs Jones, Miss Judd and Mr H :t l p h. "ROADABILITY" Th: A HUPMOBILE FEATURE. 'Readability'' is a now word, meaning "ability on the roads," and it applies to the new Hupmobile. The Hupp has several feature* which make it smooth-running on any road. Rear springs are under.slung and flexible—tho.v "soak up" road shock like a sponge. Motor is designed for heavy road work. It. is known as the "lugging" type, and is particular- ; ly powerful for hill, mud or sand pulling. The body is perfectly balanced, long and low-hung. There is no topheaviness, side-skidding, or vibration. These are some reasons for Hupmobile roadabilitv— and there are other big features you should see. Inspect the handsome design and the luxury of the new Hnpmobile. For free Catalogue and particulars :npp!y The Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Assooition, Ltd.. agents. A. Hat-rick and Co., Ltd.. Wanganui, distributers fop North Island. 33

A sum of £lOl has been raised during the past week as a result of the efforts ot the lady members of thq Masterton branch of the Navy League,, who have been conducting the tea looms lately occupied by Miss Pickering. A sum of £5 lis was raised by tlio sale of waste paper baskets and workbags at the Kia Ora tea rooms in Masterton on "Wednesday, in aid of the fund to provide a bed for twelve month s for a New Zealand soldier, who is paralysed in England. We have been requested to make it; clear to men called up by ballot that) they are not exempted from responding by the fact that they have already been rejected by a military doctor. They must in every case present themselves for re-examination. A Chinese grocer was fined £1 ami costs at Martinborough on Tuesday, for selling butter which was under weight. The Magistrate said he was satisfied the Chinaman had attempted no fraud, but was the victim of a shortage i;i weight from the factory. A combined meeting of the two v Wellington Railway Unions passed a motion that the time has come when all railway workers should be united for tlie.r own protection. It was also resolved to recommend the executives of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, and Engine Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners' Association to take a, vote of members on the question of the federation of tho two. bodies. The Masterton Homing Pigeon Club* flew a No. 2 old bird race from Lytfelton, which resulted as follows: —> W T . C. Q our lay's Confidence 1, W. La. Roche' s Too Soon 2, Pembcr andi Price's Blue Jacket 3. The same» Club flew a No. 1 old bird race from. Russell. The birds put up a good performance, covering the distance ofi 401 miles in 9hrs. The result was as followsPember and Price's The. Boss 1, Taucher Bros.' Brown Speck 2, W. C. Gourlay's Adoration 3. A meeting of tho Lansdowne water!" supply managers was held yesterday,, for the purpose of further considering, the construction of duplicate reservoir and filter beds, as per plan* subnutted by the County Engineer It? was decided to call a public meeting! of the Lansdowne ratepayers for Tuesday next, -t 7.30 p.m., to be held i» the Lansdowne school room, when th% ratepayers will be asked to sanction a. poll being taken for the purpose ofr doing the necessary work, and to arrange for a loan. All ratepayers inteu>sted m securing, a most efficient supply oi .p in , e water should attend the ,The, engineer has pro- • give details* .oi the proposed gwocJfi " >. : ;. Unless a stand; is takeji, bv .the ***** pfficMl s ;tee will be I dan! gei ous shortage in th 0 ' staff of the locomotive running .men (states the Loco Journal"). The shortage is and wh l ! ° W in Sorno places the bus y *««* come* eShl ; e Ille ". l ' emfUU!n «- v. iio are ineKo„ ? r a T e , Service v:il1 hj& c^ upon tp work long hours, and this practice is not a sa fe one by Z! means. It is very necessary that thei transport seiYice of a country 11 .taTil °x?' Ma i S - ,°° d •one m New Zealand if our manager allow rem „ ts tn drmm l- ■ tliei tram our ranks. It i s , of " quite understood that the Bail™ las a large " ho ? ro . fd ~m mt b

adi'ertised a, folate. ™ drop ' B ;lll, '«tise<J Advertiser requires woman for Kitchen work. A girl to assist :in kitchen is required at the Kua Ora tea rooms. 1 "'' • Tennent advertises a new Clievrolc-t motor ear. for sale. Messrs Kraiiagen and diapman,. ladies, and geirt's tailors, insert a change advt. on page 2. irl'v !U t- County Council, adveitise for man to take charge of motor road roller and stone crusheiv

(Messrs Sen ton, Sladden and Pa-vitt ( invito for putting*, in water = supply im- travelling stock paddocks on tho Tauoru a*oad, I 31essirs Wright, Stephenson ami* Co-, Ltd., announce that theii: opening salt at the Pongaroa yards will be held on Thursday, December 14th.. 'Present entries comprise 650 sheep > and oo head of cattle. ■Air lulloch, land agent, Pahiatua, lias received instructions from Mr R. Bruce Lethhridge to sell.' by private treaty, in block to suit purchasers, his well-known "Waikuku" estate, comprising about 40(H)' acres. The property is situated;' about oiglit miles from Pahiatua,. and conru'iis some of the finest granting land in th w Dominion. Plans* terms, and arrangements fur inspection. may bo obtained from Mr TulIpcii. An advertisement appears on p>»ge 8. Mr A. T. Diekason advertises on' page 8 an unreserved clearing sale of high-class oak. furniture and English nearly new piano. ;T!ie sale is» being held .on behalf of-Mr ll* E FrJinveather, of the W.F.M. C 0.," Ltd., wlio is leaving 'Mnsterton for London. This is an exceptional opportunity for anyone wanting good genuine oak furniture which has onlybeen in use a few weeks, as Mr Fairweather lias only just rervutiy refurnished ills tiire . best horns in. oak. The sale is being hold on Tuesday next, at I.MO p.m., a t the residence, Queen street (two doors past Thompson-Payne's). An invitatiom is offered to view on • Friday ancl ; Monday aftonmons, between 2 and 4.5) p.m., and on Tuesday morning np to time of sale. Full particulars will be announced in to-morrow's, fssuo.

For the best in Dairy Factory Sunniies, etc.. send to-'. Albert .T Prmon. Pnrtertnrt * NO CJRWATER. FAVOUR. If you know anyone vim su ] 3 .. ject to attacks of colic and diarrhoea; or dysentery you can d<J him no greater favour than to tell him of - Chamberlain\s Colic and Diarrhoea 1 Remedy. Tfc is the most successful : preparation yet produced for the treatment of bowel complaints in any A form. The quick relief afforded by ' Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea. Remedy in the milder forms of bowel complaint have brought it into - almost universal in,, for pains in the stomach, colic and diarrhoea.- Sol# * by all chemists and stai-okficoen * *

sPhe JBellevue Gardens Hotel at lower Hntt, of jriwh Mr formerly of Masterton, was until recently the licensee, was totally SSt«£d b, fire, yesterday «™ngThe insurances amount to x£no. A general meeting of the shareof the Workers' Mutualßenefit Building Society, of Masterton, was held in the secretary s office. Queen street, last purpose of allocating £6OO (£3OO by ballot, and £BOO by sale) Mr A, ivJohnston occupied the chair, and We number .of shareholders were t>r£ent. Mrs White was asked to draw the marbles. After several numbers had been drawn, the holders of same having already received appropriations, number 335 was drawn, ■held by Mr L. W. Jones, who, holding two Bhares, was declared the successful shareholder at the ballot. The 1 chairman then called for tenders for the £3OO offered by sale, and a' tendec of £4O la was accepted, GIGANTIC CONSPIRACY. "Cis a gigantio conspiracy or Coughs and Golds against yoir. Foil it with Dr.--Sheldon's New D:srovery for Coughs and Colds. Prcce, is 6a apd 3s. Obtainable everywhere.-

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11752, 8 December 1916, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11752, 8 December 1916, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11752, 8 December 1916, Page 4