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A meeting of fa mutts is to be held in Masterton to-morrow afternoon, to discuss thy question of planting cereals.

The poll of ratepayers taken at Pahiatua yesterday on a proposal to borrow £IO,OOO for tho establishment of 1 electric light and power woi'Ss in the borough, was carried by a majority of 142 votes. The old-es-tablished gas works in Pahiatua arc owned by a private company.

In our report <>f the concert held at Bangitumau on Friday evening last, we omitted to state that Miss G. Donovan, Miss Wilton, A.'iss Kjestrup, and F. Hopkins contributed an amusing sketch, entitled, "Mrs Brown's New Servant." Miss Donovan was particularly good as the new servant, and created a great dettl of fun. She also contributed a pianoforte solo. A sub-unit has been formed \tt Carterton as part of the Wairarapa. section of the Legion of Frontiersmen. The territorial officer has kindly offered to place" rifles for drill at tho disposal of members. Tho dril work will bo under the supervision of Frontiersman Sanson. The movement is also being taken up in Greytown, Feathers Ton, and Martinborough.

The usual meeting of the Masterton Oddfellows' Lodge was held in Murray's Hall last night, Bro. A. P. Smith, N.G. presiding over a good attendance of members. Bro. W. Peart, one of the Lodge's pioneer members, was present at the meeting and was accorded a Lodge welcome. It was decided to ask the F.S. Conn-, cil to refer the date of the seven-a-side football tourney back to the Rugby Union, and ask if the date could be fixed for Thursday, the 17th of September, or the 24th of September. Bro J. O. Pinhey was appointed s. ; ck visitor for the southern district.

Advice lias been received in Wellington of the arrival at London of two Shaw, Savill steamers, the. Waiwera, and the lonic. Thfse left Wellington on 'July 1-lth and 16th respectively, threo and five? days after the ill-fated Kaipara left. the Bluff for Avonmoath, and they could not have been far away when the Kaipara was sunk by the Kaiser Wilhelm del' Grosse. The Waiwera and lonic reached the Thames on Friday last, and news of their safe arrival will give relief to many people in New Zealand, for the lonic carried a large number of passengers, and both had valuable cargoes.

Tho first parade of "lie newlyformed Masterton Riflo Defence Club was held in the Drill Hall last evening. The fact that over 200 men wei-e on parade shows the enthusiasm with which the movement is being taken up and augurs well for the future of tho club- Captain Braddet an "Ago" reporter that the showing made by the men for the first parade was excellent, and ho expects gre'at strides will be made in a very few parades. Some twenty new memßers were sworn iu last night, in addition to a number during the past week. The next parade will be held next Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock.

The annual general meeting of tho Worksop Gold Dredging Co.. Ltd., was held in Masterton last night.

fair number of shareholders were present, and the chair was ckoupiocl by Air I). J. Cameron. Tlio chairman, in moving the adoption of tho annual report and balanoe-she'et, congratulated shareholders on .a very prosperous year, the- dividends declared being 34s per share-. Mr E. Richards was re-elected director; and the directors' fees .were fis,ed at £4B per annum. Mr A. Hathaway was reelected auditor at a remuneration of £5 5s per annum. A vote of thanks to the directors and dredge staff terminated the meeting.

Major Norton, D.5.0.. .managing director of the Bristol ;rji<\ Dominions Producers' Association .addressed a meeting of farmers at Fcatkcrston on Monday afternoon. After referring briefly to tlio German and French military manoeuvres;, wlncu he had witnessed last year, and to the difficulty that would "!» experienced by Germany in procuring food supplies, he made detailed reference to the marketing of produce in England, and showed conc"ku:vely that the western ports and Hull "offered exceptional' facilities for the distributing and marketing of frozen meat, butter, cheese, etc. The. speaker was accorded a hearty vote of thanks, on the motion of Air W*. Barton.

The annual report of the Worksop Uold Dredging Company, in which a considerable number* of Mastertonians are interested, says:—The amount of gold won was 41850z5., valued at £16,549 3s 3d, and during the 12 months under review, the amount paid to shareholders in dividends was £10,200, or 34s per share, making a total of £6 14s per share to date. . The returns for the last j three months have been low, but •—.e directors anticipate that from now on they should improve. During me year the directors applied for a block of 320 acres adjoining our present claim on which another dredge is to be placed, and the capital of the company has been increased to £12, meet the expenditure of building a dredge to work this claim. Owing to the unsettled state of the country, the. directors deem it advisable to only call up the new capital as it is absolutely required

FAMOUS .ENGLISH PIANOS AT "THE DRESDEN"" "No pianofortes'' observed Liszt, the eminent virtuoso, "last anything like so well as those of Broadwood." Even after eighty-six years" service a Broadwood has been known to play sweetly and clearly. This' speaks volumes for the British thoroughness with which th-'s British piano is built. " The instruments of John Broadwood and Sous.. Ltd., represent man's highest .achievement in piano construction. They are the product of a firnf who date from 1728, nnd who have been maker to Royalty since George IT. The Dresden Piano Co., Ltd.. hold extensive stocks of the Broadwood and other English pianos of world-wide prestige including the noted Sames—n» ideal piano, and always a wise choice—and the Collard. Tn organs, New Zealand's premier music warehouse specializes in the two leading Canadian makes— The Bell and The Imperial. AH who desire an instrument that will ensure life-long satisfaction can confidently purchase at "The Dresden." Easy terms of payment may be arranged. The. Dresden Piano Co., Ltd., Wellington. North Island Manager, M.. •T. Brooks. Local fieyii'*susnt:r?Ve, H. Inns.

Ten more men are being sent from Napier to road works in the Paliiatua district.

Mr J. C. Boddington reports that, that there were 24 po/nts of rain registered at Solway yesterday.

The vital statistics in Masterton for the month of August are avS follows; —Births, 25; deaths, five, marriages, four.

A number of members of the Masterton Ambulance Corps are with lh<: advance expeditionary force thathas taken Samoa for the British.

It is freely reported in the lobbies that tho Government Avill yield to pressuro from members of the House and will postpone the elections until March next.

A Sydney cable states that flour lias advanced 10s. per ton, and is nowbeing sold at £lO 10s per ton. Tim increase is due to the dearness oil wheat and the receipt of heavy orders from New Zealand, Fiji, China, and Japan.

Owing to tho number of young men joining the expeditionary force' sunt to farmers going in more extensively for grain-growing this season, there is a dearth of farm labourers in the Ash burton County at present. The' local labour bureau has had many applications for men for team work.

Mr D. McGregor, of Masterton, was present at a meeting of farmers in Featherston yesterday, as a. representative of the Wairarapa executive of the Farmers' Union, aiuf urged those present to make provision for holding their fat stocjk for a longer period tlian usual, and also to produce as much cereal as possible.

Arrangements are being made W the Officers Club for a pubic rea r 'i :vsf of Robert Blatchford's great pamphlet, "Germany and England," to tnk« place in the Drill Hall, Mastertoi, next Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, Details of the arrangements as -regards admission and seating accommodation for ladies will be .publish r>cf in to-morrow's issue.

The following will represent the Miniature Rifle Club in a match with the Carterton Miniature Rifle Club, at Carterton, to-night:—J. Cullotv. V. Swanson, If. B. Liddle, M. Carr, R. J. Smith, J. A. Young, J. McHattie, J. Young, J. Johnson, R. E. Jones, C. U. Wellington, H. Johnson, J. McClymont, C Hoffeins, and G. Mcllattie. Messrs Fly and Young's motor lorry will leave the Club Hot .>] corner at {3.45 p.m. sharp. A petition, signed by a considerable number of representative citizens; has been, presented to Mi E. G Eton, asking that ho allow himself to bo nominated for the vacant soa-iv-on the Masterton Trust-Lands Trust caused by the retirement of Mr 0. X. C. Pragnell, Mr Eton has consented to lie nominated, and will doubtless be elected, as ho lias already rendered excellent service as a trustee, of which body he was chairman for a term.

A Hag bearing a largo red crosshas been flying from a conspicuous part of the Auckland Hospital this week. This is'merely a precaution in keeping with those adopted by tho authorities in guarding the port against the possible entrance of hostile vessels. From tho harbour the hospital buildings stand out boldly a.gainst the sky line, but under the* international rules of warfare they would be protected bv the Rod Cross flag. ~-. .„,...,*-,.,.,

• A reassuring statement as to the. mercantile outlook in JSew Zealand ha s been made in Dnnedin, states tlio correspondent of. the/ "Lyttelton Times." A man who has exceptional opportunities of knowing what is going on at the heart of financial circles says that there is a growing feeling of security with respect to overseas traffic, and a s for the banks, while they have no money to put out in speculative risks, their a-egular. business is quite steady and tiiey are not railing aVp thedr clients. The Dominion is undoubtedly sound and the big men are a s secure as thovioTv no war was going on.

A meeting of the committee of theMasterton Amateur Theatrical Society was held last evening. After going into the expenses of starring " \< Country Girl" ,m Masterton" Greytown, and Martinborough, it is estimated that the sum of £IOO will bo handed over to the War Fund. This amount will be divided between Masterton and Martinborough, the Greytown season having hardly covered expenses. Many requests to'stage "A 1 Country Girl" for another'night have been made to the Society, and it has been deckled to recommend to members, at a meeting to be held tonight, that the opera be staged in the Town Hall on Monday night next at popular prices. Members of the Society are requested to attend at the practice room to-night, at 8 o'elock and to hand in all returns from sale of tickets.

The W.F.C.A. require- a smart office boy.

First-class fencer, able to milk fewcows, i s advertised for.

The W.C.T.TJ. will hold an "Afc Home" at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Mr F. p. Welch requires house par lour maid, woman cook, shepherds, ploughmen, etc. Reward is offered for the recovery of a gold band ring lost between Lansdowne and the Town Hall. m Mr J. Donaldson, Kaituna, advertises fencing timber, posts, battens, or strainers for sale in any'quantity! A reminder is given of the final night of the Forester's euchre tournament to be held at eight o'clock tins evening. A red heifer, straying on the property of Mr W. Falloon, Kaituna, awaits ownership. Jf not claimed by September 15th, it will bo sold in defray expenses. Mr A. T. Diekason reports that prices at the Queen Street Mart on Saturday last were as. follows: Roosters, Is 9d to 3s 9d; cockerels, 2s 7s,' ducks, 2s 7d per head* O.S. chaff, 3s 6d per sack; Hawkc's Bay apples, 2s 9d to 4 S 6d per half-bushel case, etc. THAT'S A GOOD IDEA! Perhaps you are of an inventive turn of mind —got a good idea now maybe! It is perhaps worth a lot! Plenty of simple schemes have netted many thousands of pounds for the persons who have thought of Ihem. Yours may bring a handsome return—don't neglect it. write for Free Booklet, "Advice to Inventors." Henry Hughes, Ltd.. 157 Featherson Street, Wellington. ENTERTAINING AN ENEMY. Don't entertain a chronic running sore or wounds. Cure it with Dr. Sheldon's Magnetic Liniment. Price, Is Bd and ss, Obtainable everyrisicev

The price of both butter and milk liave been reduced in Masterton during the last day or two. Forty-one horses, cattle, and pip were impounded from roads in the Wairarapa South County during last mouth. The vTiurarapa South County Council, at TTs meeting on Saturday las., decided to contribute £IOO to tho Government's war fund. The local bodies in the Wairarapa hr,v,:« hz*.x ™tM thnt "^• d . (M " .„ i ,„ i, ~,„ ~n7,.tt0(l a noxious wort li«s l> -' !1 «a»-nui " week under the Noxious Weeds Act. A fund for the relief of the poor in Great Britain, Ireland, and Belgium was started at Timaru at a public meeting yesterday. A sum of £620 was subscribed in the room. An election of a joint representative of the Featherston and Martinborough Town P«tricts on the W rarapa Hospital and -Charitable.Aid Board takes place on September 10-. Mr G Bennett, of Maryborough, is at 'present tbo representative ot these districts.

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 1 September 1914, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 1 September 1914, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 1 September 1914, Page 4