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At an enthusiastic meeting of the .Legion of Frontiersmen at -Auckland the other night the Premier (Hon. V. F. Masscy) was elected honorary commandant oi Auckland district.

Mr Sundstrura s next professional visit is on Thursday, when he may bv consulted from 12 noon to 3 p.m. fn the triangular test match Australia beat South Africa by ten wickets. Scores—South Africa : First : nnings 263, second innings 173. AustraliaFirst -innings i'Mi, second innings 48 without loss of a wicket.

Mr A. E. J. Blakeley, dentist, visits Lawrence fortnightly, when ho may be consulted in private rooms opposite Herbert and Co.'s Next visit: Thursday, 25th July. The usual monthly meeting of the Lawrence Presbyterian Church Commit tee. was held on Wednesday evening last when there was a good attendance. Being the end of the financial year the annual balance-sheet was pressnted and showed a substantial credit balance, which was very gratifying. It was resolved that 250 copies of the balance-sheet and'reports be printed for circulation OfljOng the congregation. Tho annual meeting of the congregation was fixed for Friday evening, the 16th August, to take the form of a basket social ; baskets to be provided by the lady members of the congregation. Votes of thanks were passed to Bev. J. S. Ponder for the excellent lecture on the "Romance of Jacobite Song" (the peoceeds for same being £5 16s <6&), to the Choir for ithe splendid music rendered at the lecture, to Mrs Craig, oE "Marama " for the gft of a roll of cocoanut matting, and last but not least on bekalf of the local branch of the P.W.M'.Uf, and to an anonymous donor of a very handsome new White's sewing machine.

The triennial conference of the Orange Grand Council is being held at Glasgow. Delegates are present from all parts of the i world. Mr Weir, of New York, stated that ithero were 100,000 Orangemen in the United States, who would h«lp financially and stand side "by side with their fellow Orangwnen -in the United Kingdom in order to wipe out the Home Rule enemy* " Linseed Compound " for coughs and colds. Believes asthma and dimcult breathing.

Friday night last was the coldest experienced in this "district (or some years. Mr Sinclair, of the Bank of Now...Zealand, who keeps a record of the temperature, tells us that in a building at the rear of the Bank 12 degrees of frost were registered, this being he estimates equivalent to about 17 degrees outside. Master Edward M. Sandys, son of Mr E. Sandys, of Lawrence, who ■was one. of the Lawrence District -High School pupilß who passed the Junior Civil Service examination, has bpe\\ offered an appointment as oadet 'in the Magistrate's Court, Ashburton. Measles are prevalent in Dunodin at the present time - a nd the scliools are suffering-. In one school at tbc south end there were 160 absfflitees on Monday morning.

The sculling match 'between Amst (Now Zealnd) and Barrv (England) for the world's championship, tt t present held by Arust, takes place on the Thames on the 29th inst, has recently been suffering from an attack of dysentry, but is now recovered, and hopes to give a good account of himself on the eventful day.

A yonnig man named Charles Muschump was killed at Anderson's foundry, Lyttelton on Saturday morning through his overall coal ■ K .'.'tling caught in the shafting. TV body was frightfully mutilated through bc■ng dashed against an iron -brace. The accident was witnessed by a fellow employee who was assisting deceased in the work on which hi' wa- unpaged. The Government have purchased the Tunantii Kstale, Uawkr-'s Bay, for closer settlement. The property has an area of 2000 aces, and adjoins Shereden Estate, purchased last week. The same roading scheme wilt applv to both estates. William Traiubath. the well-known Gore livery stabli keeper, died suddenly on Saturday morning from rupture #f a bloodvessel on the brain. He was the father of \V. F. Trembath, the well-known athlete. A local icsident bought a down white Leghorn eggs from the Milton Poultry Farm in October last. From these he secured six pullets which commenced layin-c in- March last. The eggs for twenty days of this month total 80—aa average of four a day, and the number for a week 32, an average of a little over i.\ per day. When it is rrmemqered that the present month has 'been very cold and that tho fowls receive no special fooil nor attention the result must be •*»>"- sidered entirely satisfactory.

The Olugo l/armers' Co-operative Association hold their nicnthly sale of stock a t Waitahuna on Uio isth inst. when there was a good attendance o' buyers and bidding was brisk. They ottered 7DO sheep and lambs which void at the following prices '.—Twotooth wethers to 15a id, tailing hiouth ewes IDs Id, lambs ire in l'Js 8d to 10s, fat ewes to 15s. There was only a small yarding of cattle Cows coming to profit brought HA and forward cows lo 2s (id to HI 2s (id.

The following new books have been placed on the shelves ot the local Athenaeum during the past mouth : " JHmds Down," by Horace A. Vachell; ''lkd Money,'' by t'ei'gus Jlume ;"" i'ctcr Ituli'," by I'hillin Oppenheim ; "History ot New Zealand" (two volumes), by Alfred Saunders, '' Life , |Of Abraham Lincoln " by Henry i!ryan Bums. The following books have been renewed :—" Lorna IJoouo" (Blaekmoie), " Never too late to Mend " (Iteade), " Treasure Island" (.Stevenson), " Theima " (Corrcili), " 'Bobbery Under Arms" (Boidorwood). The Tuapeka Orphans Club entertained then- gentlemen friends in the; Borough Council vhamber on .Monday night. There was a largo attendance and the proceedings were of a tree and easy description. The programme consisted of over twenty items contributed by the members oi the Chib and con-istyd of musical selections, -ongi, choruses and readings and recitations, alternating from grave to gay and froiij the sublime to the ridiculous, but on the whole providing tin admirably varied and interesting bill-oi-l'are. That it was appreciated was eviderccd by the hearty manner with which the various items were re-

(eivwl. Before the concluding chorus was sung Ikr James Kellehei', on behalf of the guests, thanked the Orphans for the \ery enjoyable entertainment provided, and expressed the opinion that they were doing a good work in cultivating the varied talents of the members. Ifis remarks were emphasised by all the guests rising e n bloc and lustily singing '" For they are jolly good fellows." The piu-idenl (Mb Leary) having appropriately acknowledged the compliment the concluding item w a s sung, and the united singing of a verse of the National Ant/hern brought a most enjoyable evening to a close. A cold is quite a paradox Because it makes you hot:

It makes your nose red as a rose, And head boil like a pot. But ere it reaohes boiling point, If you use its subducr, It .soon will tly, assisted by Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Two hundred dozen eggs a week, with eggs retailing in Dunedin at from Is 7d to Is Ud, spells a tidy little income, and that is what the eleven hundred hens at Mr V. li. C. Ingram's poultry farm at Kakapuaka (near Balclutlia) are averaging' these days. .None but white Leghorns are kept at the farm, and they are homaxl on the small colony planum! is in separate small houses, with its liltlo wire-netted run. A no\ el feature of the plant lies in the character of the houses, which are open at the front, providing unlimited ventilation. The situation is on hilly ground, a iid Mr Ingram was told that his birds would suffer from colds and kindred complaints in winter, but quite the contrary has l>een the case, and it would be hard to find a healthier-looking lot of birds. Under the circumstances the proprietor considers that the " open air " treatment has been amply justified. In the summer the output rose as high as 450 dozep a week. Dunedin gives a splendid market, and all the egg-; which arc stamped daily) go to an agent there. Several large incubators are already in operation on the farm hatching out the chicks that are to take the place of the pullets now doing so well in the way of egg. production.—Free Press.

IF YOU HAVE A cough, cold, nose, throat, or lung trouble, stomach, bowel, or liver complaint, rheumatism, neuralgia, use SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTUACT : 5 drops in a tablespoonlu) of water. ] Remember vou cannot expect iha good effects from any sort o! eui'alvptus. SANDER'S EXTRACT CURES because it contains ethereal and antiseptic substances not. contained in other Eucalyptus products. These latter have caused grievous harm, and a death has resulted from their use. No not'apply an ointment to a sore! It keeps back the secretion. To wounds, bruises, sprains, burns, ulcers, eczema, and other skin troubles APPLY SANDER'S EXTRACT-15 drops in a tablespoon of olive oil. The effect will surprise vou. SANDES'S EXTRACT HEALS because His freed from the irritating constituents contained in other Eucalyptus preparations. *lt heals when others irritate.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 5963, 24 July 1912, Page 3

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 5963, 24 July 1912, Page 3

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 5963, 24 July 1912, Page 3