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The ordinary monthly meeting of the above-named body was held in the Council Chambers at Lawrence yesterday afternoon. The following members were in attendance : — Jas. Bennet, Esq. (Chairman), and Messrs Cameron, Clayton, Cotton, Fraser, M'Nab, M'Farlane, Ondaille, and Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. COBKESPONDENCE. The inward correspondence consisted of letters as follow :—: — From G. Murray, drawing attention to the state of the road leading to his property at Tuapeka Flat, as it was almost impassable owing to the greater part of it along John Ross's fence being covered with gorse. He had spoken to Ross about the matter on various occasions, but he did not take any notice of what was said to him. — Finlay Munro wrote making a similar complaint. — Resolved, on the motion of Mr Clayton : " That it be an instruction to the Engineer to notify all persons whose gorse hedges encroach on road-lines that the same must be removed for thwith. "—Carried. From Alex. Scott (manager of Waipori station), requesting that the scrub be cleared off the main, road leading to Berwick, near the Tuapeka County boundary, for a distance of twenty chains before shearing time. —Mr Cotton moved : " That the surfacemen be instructed to clear the scrub off the road-line to a width of one chain. "—Carried. From John Gamble, Beaumont, who again wrote complaining that he had not been paid at the rate of 16s per day for a two-horse team, since the expiry of hia contract in February last, for dray-work in Beaumont Riding. His team had been employed for eighteen days on County work since the month of February, and as the other draymen were setting lGs a day he thought he was fairly entitled to tho same amount. — The Chairman stated that Mr Gamble's claim was for dray-hiro between the time that his contract had expired and the calling for fresh tenders. — Mr Cotton moved and Mr Smith seconded : " That the amount claimed be paid." — Carried.

I From the assistant Engineer of the ■ Public Works Department (Dunedin), as I follows :— " On behalf of the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, I have the honor to hereby take over the work executed by your County at the Beaumont bridge — that is to say, the concrete piers and abutments erected at the crossing of j the Clutha river at Beaumont, with the iron holding-down bolts and plates in the shed standing on the east bank of the river." — A letter from James Lythgoe (inspector) to the County Clerk, bearing date 21st August, was read stating that Mr Buchanan had completed his contract in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. — I Received. I From Jas. Richardson (Secretary of the j Raes Junction School Committee) asking the Council to fix: a wire-rope as early as possible across tho river at Horseshoe Bend so as to allow the children there to attend school. — Mr Smith moved and Mr Cameron seconded : " That the Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and to furnish an estimate of the cost of fixing a j wire -rope and chair across the river as requ ested. " — Carried . From Chas. K>rse (Secretary of the Dunrobin Progress Committee) requesting that the road be made passable from the Dunrobin school to the junction of the Teviot road. Mr Cameron remarked that the piece of road referred to in Mr Kerse's letter was knee-deep in mud. He moved : " That the surfacemen attend to the road as soon as possible." — Carried. From Michael Neilor (Evans Flat), who had been employed as surfaceman in Browns Riding for about six years, comj plaining that he had recently been dismissed, without any reason being assigned, and hi 3 place filled by another man. He asked to be re-instated. — Mr Clayton (member for Browns Riding) Baid he had nothing to do with discharging the surfacemen. — Mr M'Nab remarked that if a general reduction had been made, he would hays said nothing about the matte*, but it seemed strange that Neilor should have been dismissed and his place filled by another man who was not as good a workman. ELe (Mr M'Nab) was informed that Neilor was dismissed because one of the members of the Works Committee wanted a friend put on. He sympathised with any poor surfaceman who was dismissed. — Mr Cameron asked by whose authority the man was dismissed. — The Chairman replied that the resolution came from the Works Committee. —Mr Fraser said he was aware of a number of Burfacemen being dismissed about two months ago. — Letter referred to the Engineer for report afc next meeting.

Prom W. R. Buchanan as follows : — " I have to apply to the Council for payment of £100 for a coffer-dam erected in the construction of the piers of the Beaumont bridge. I might also add that / the Minister of Public Works has con-/ sented to the payment of the amount if/ recommended by the Council." — The' Chairman moved, and Mr Claytor seconded : " That the Council recommem the Government to pay the amouit

claimed by Mr Buchanan for erecting the coffer-dam in question."— Carried. From J. O. Brown, M.H.R., stating that a sum of money would be placed on the Supplementary Estimates towards the re-construction of the Waitahuna traffic bridge. From J. M'Farlane, stating that a meeting of ratepayers of Tapanui Riding was held to consider the closing of roadline No. 25 (situated in block xi., Glenkenich district), when it was resolved that the road-line in question be closed. — It was decided to comply with the resolution arrived at by the ratepayers. Frpm John Blair and John Brown (Tuapeka Mouth) urging the Council to open the road to Watson's bush on the bank of the Clntha river, as previously promised.— Mr Fraser moved : " That the parties be informed that the Engineer will lay off the road within a fortnight." — Carried. From John Sellars (Millers Flat) requesting that a surfaceman be employed at once to repair the road leading from Ridd's to blocks xii. and xiii., as it was a sheer impossibility to pass over the road with a loaded dray at the present time. — Mr Smith said that the surfaceman could put the road in repair in a few days. He moved : " That the road be repaired at once by the surfaceman." — Carried. From Charles Mullin, informing the Council that the surfaceman who was empowered to inspect and pass his work on a contract at Tuapeka West passed it under the ex-Engineer and afterwards condemned it under the Chairman. If the surfaceman had stated at his first inspection that there was not sufficient metal on the road he would have made it right at once. He therefore asked the Council to refund the amount deducted from his > contract. — The Chairman mentioned that the surfaceman who reported on the road sent in a rather evasive report, and subsequently, when asked to report more definitely, recommended that £4 odd be deducted from the amount of the contract. — Mr Mullin, who was present, said that he had to pay for the contract in full as he had sub-let it.— Mr M'Nab moved and Mr Cameron seconded : " That the amount deducted from the amount of the contract be refunded to Mr Mullin."— Carried. From P. Ahem, stating that he finished contract No. 207 on the 9th of February last, to the satisfaction of the inspector placed over it by the Engineer, who did not inspect the work until the 27th March, when he deducted £8 from the contract price and declined to pay £14 for extra work done. He requested the Council to pay him the £22 which he was entitled to without further delay.— Mr M'Farlane moved: "That the £8 claimed by Mr Ahem be paid, and that the Engineer inspect the contract and report as to the balance alleged to be due."— Carried. From John Hogg (Evans Flat) drawing attention to the fact that the footbridge which the Council decided to erect across the Tuapeka stream opposite his place had not yet been erected. — The Chairman said it was intended to utilise the old footbridge at Hopkins' crossing : hence the delay which had arisen. — It was resolved, on the motion of Mr Clayton, that £5 be expended on the erection of a footbridge as previously promised. From Hugh Ross and five others bringing under the notice of the Council the fact that £10 was voted months aso to be expended on the road leading from the main road Tuapeka Flat to George Murray's, but up to date not more than two days' labor had been put on the road. They agreed to give fourteen days' dray . labor on the road, if the County would expend the £10 voted.— Mr Clayton said that the piece of road referred to was the worst he had seen in the whole County. It was resolved some time ago that £10 be expended in dray-work on the improvement of the road. Nothing had been done to the road siuce the Tuapeka Road district was merged into the County. He moved: "That the Council expend £lo on the road with the assistance of the aettlers."— Carried. From J. Robertson and J. Webster agreeing to the road-deviation proposed by the County Engineer through their properties at Waitahuna West.—Approved. engineer's report. The County Engineer (Mr Edie) reported that he had gone over the roads in the greater part of the County during the last month. Taken as a whole, he found the roads in a bad state of repair, but nothing could be done to them with advantage until the weather takes up. He brought under notice that two pillars of the Flodden bridge had been destroyed, caused by a party named Johnson drawing a house on a sleigh over the bridge. Mr Edie referred in detail to the progress made with the various contracts now in hand throughout the County. During the month he had taken the section of a road into Watson'B bUBb, tenders ior which had been called for that day's meeting. After the report had been received, Mr M'Farlane moved: "That the person who damaged Flodden bridge be informed that he will require to pay £2 towards the repair of the bridge.' — Carried. THE MISSING LEAVES FROM THE EX-ENGINEER'S ACCOUNT-BOOK. Mr Smaill (ex-County Engineer) wrote Btatingthat he had considered the jottings cut out of his account-book his private property. He removed the leaves with the object of furnishing the Council with information about any claims that might crop up in future ; but as the Council apDeared to hold a different opinion he had returned the leaves to the office. He kept the rough jottings referred to for his own satisfaction only, as the County Clerk kept all the books. The survey instruments had been returned to the Survey Office. The Chairman said that some of the missing leaves from the Engineer's accountbook had been returned. The leaves were not private jottings; they contained the particulars in connection with all the contracts that had been let since the time of Mr Smaill's appointment. Mr Cameron enquired if all the leaves had been returned. The Chairman replied that some sixteen leaves were still missing. Mr Oudaille moved and Mr Fraser seconded : " That Mr SmauTs letter be received." Mr Cameron moved as an amendment, which Mr Cotton seconded : " That the Engineer receive the censure of the Council for the way in which he left the books belonging to his department." The amendment was declared carried. Mr M'Farlane moved and Mr Cotton seconded: "That the Councillors satisfy themselves that the statemeut of Mr Smaill is correct regarding the missing leaves from his account book, otherwise 1 that he be requested to furnish the same." — Carried. CONTRACT NO. 211. The County Engineer suggested the advisability of making a deviation on

contract No. 211 to avoid a large bank near the confluence of the Little Menzion Burn with the Clutha River. It would require 60yds more masonry work than specified to complete the culvert, and the face of the embankment would also require to be protected by rubble to make , it secure against the effects of the waters of the Clutha. The Chairman said that the river had made a gulch at the spot referred to by the Engineer about a chain wide. If a deviation were made a more substantial foundation could be got for the culvert. Mr Fraser asked that the contractors for road-formation be heard in the matter. Mr Smythe (one of the contractors) said that his party had taken a contract which was supposed to contain 3000 cubic yards of cutting and earthwork, but they had since found out that it contained fully 5000 cubic yards. They would be quite willing to undertake the deviation provided they received schedule rates for the work already done over and above the Engineers quantities. Mr Clayton did not think that either the Councillors or the ratepayers as a body wished to take advantage of any contractor. In this instance the contractors took the contract in good faith, believing that the amount of cutting and earthwork specified by the Engineer was correct. -It would not be unreasonable to comply with the contractors' request, seeing that the Engineer had made a miscalculation. Mr Oudaille considered that as the road was being constructed by Government grant the Government would have to be consulted before any fresh arrangements could be entered into with the con* tractors. Mr Smythe was favorable to making an offer to carry out the proposed deviation and complete the remainder of the contract for a lump sum. It was eventually decided to grant the contractors £130 to complete the contract, including the deviation. WAITAHUNA GULLY ROAD. The Engineer reported that the race belonging to Webster and party had blocked a culvert on the road to Waitahuna Gully near Cutler's, and that the water was almost flush with the crown of the road. Mr Oudaille moved and Mr M'Farlane seconded: "That the Engineer write to Webster and party re this m atter, and ask that it be attended to." — Carried. BUNGTOWff ROAD. Mr M'Nab said he noticed from the Engineer's report that Whelan and party had not started with their contract (No. 227) for the formation of part of the Bungtown road. One of the parties who tendered for the contract told him that it should have been out of hand ere thisHe desired to know why the successful tenderers had not proceeded with the work. Mr Cotton remarked that there was nothing in the way to prevent the contractors going on with their contract. Mr Oudaille said it was very unfair, to working men to allow contractors to dillydally with their contracts. Work had to be finished within a specified time, and the conditions of contract should be adhered to. Mr Cotton moved: "That the contractors be notified that unless contract No. 206 be gone on with within ten days that the contract will be determined." — Carried. BRIDGE AT LABES' CROSSING. Mr Clayton moved: "That the contractors for the bridge at Labes' crossing be informed that unless operations are commenced within ten days that the contract will be determined." — Carried. ACOOTJNTS. The accounts for the month of August, amounting to £1,468 15s 9d, were pissed for payment. Mr M'Nab objected to an accoutit from J. Young, who charged for two days when he was not at work. Young was an inspector, and received a higher rate of wages than an ordinary surfaceman, and therefore if he could neglect his duties for two days he (Mr M'Nab) did not think the work he was called upon to inspect was of any importance. He (Mr M'Nab) moved: "That unless a satisfactory explanation be furnished by Mr Young why he was in Lawrence for two days, that the two days' wages be deducted, and that he receive notice that if anything of the kind again occurs he will be dismissed." — Mr M'Farlane seconded the motion which was carried. PUNT RETURNS. The following are the punt returns for the month of August :— Beaumont. I^Jj 8 Koxburgh. Passengers ... 5192 3017* 6159 Vehicles ... 369 278 299 Horses ... 1942 1422 930 Cattle ... 88 50 Sheep and pigs 340 334 The fees received for the month of August wera as follow :— Beaumont, Is 6d ; Millers Flat, Is lOd— total, 3s 4d. EXPENDITFSE — TOPBB AND LOWBB RIDINGS. The Clerk submitted a return showing the expenditure on County works for the month of August to be ai follows : — Lower Ridings, £152 ; upper Ridings, £128 13s 8d ; Government votes (road Beaumont to Millers Flat), £84 14s— total, £365 1» Bd. GENERAL BUSINESS. Mr J. Hogg's tender was accepted for contract No 230, road-formation in Watson's bush. Mr M'Nab was elected a member of the Works Committee vice Mr "Michael (resigned.) Mr M'Farlane was appointed to value the land contained within road-line No. 25, Glenkenich district. < The Clerk was authorised to keep a strict account of all deferred-payments received and where expended. The Chairman (at the request of Mr M'Nab) promised to see what arrangements could be come to with Mr Arthur re allowing M'Mullin access to his paddock. The meeting then, adjourned till ?.3O p.m.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1179, 12 September 1885, Page 2

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TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1179, 12 September 1885, Page 2

TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1179, 12 September 1885, Page 2