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s !*j E Hi B g] ® H ® s; ® ® a a ® B SI B f GREY DISTRICT. Monthly Meeting of County Council. (Special to the " Star.”) GREYMOUTH, February 15. Councillor J. Mulcare presided at the monthly meeting of the Grey County Council, held last evening. Accounts amounting to £3172 7s lid were passed for payment. Mr Neill Mouatt, carrier, waited upon the council with a request that he be allowed to exceed the classification of four and a half tons on the GrevmouthWestport Coastal Road to carry timber from the sawmill at Barrytown to Greymouth. If he was compelled to keep to the four and a half tons classification the mill would have to close down, as the timber could not be carted under the conditions. The weight of the lorry was 2 tons 14 cvyvt, and he could not cart timber, if the load was confined to 35 cwt. He had been issued with a summons for overloading. lie was prepared to pay 3d per 100 ft royalty on timber carried if the council would agree to increase the limit to six and a half tons. He also asked that in the event of the request being acceded to the summons for overloading be withdrawn. It was decided that a permit be granted for a gross load not exceeding six and a half tons, Mr Mouatt to pay 3<l per 100 ft on timber carted, payment to be made monthly. it was further decided that no action be taken regarding the summons. The District Public Works Engineer wrote requesting the council to give an idea of the tar-sealing work it was prepared to carry out next summer, and suggesting Paroa-Teramakau, Coal Creek-Runanga and Gmoto-Brunner as possible works.—lt was decided to inform the engineer that if the Highways Board subsidy was increased to £5 to £1 the council would be prepared to go on with any work that the engineer thought fit. The Minister of Internal Affairs wrote stating that if there was anv further distribution from art unions the Grey County would receive consideration. Air E. Smith, Runanga, wrote protesting against the James miners working on the Nine-Mile deviation dismantling his water-race and (lumping stones on his beach claim.—lt was decided to advise Air Smith that the council did not accept responsibility. The engineer was authorised to negotiate for the purchase of a grader. The Labour Department advised that relief workers must not be used on ordinary maintenance work in the county. The tender of Mr J. Shannon of £37 U 10s 6d for the construction of the approaches to the Big River-Rough River bridge was recommended to the Public \\ orks Department for acceptance. The county clerk, in presenting a statement of receipts for the period from April 3, 3 934, to February 30, 1905, stated that it seemed that the receipts for the year would be well up to anticipations and the expenditure would be just about in keeping with the estimates, with the exception of the unexexpenditure of between £4OO and £ooo for the Nine-Mile deviation. Relief of Distress. Seventy-eight applications for relief were dealt with at. this week's meeting of the Alayor’s Relief of Distress Committee, each applicant receiving' the usual parcel of foodstuffs. Tenders for supplies for the month were accepted from Messrs E. M’Donnell. Duncan and M’ Lean, Ltd., and Griffen and Smith. The sum of £9B is to be paid out this week by the committee in the shape of extra work. The boot repairing depot for the week ended February 13 repair-

od fourteen pairs of men’s boots, seven pairs of women's footwear and three pairs of children’s footwear, the total value of the work being £6 2s. Otira Tunnel. Freight hauled through the Otira tunnel last week amounted to 10,922 tons, compared with 8993 tons in the corresponding period of 1934 and 10,576 tons in 1933. Pluniet Society. The monthly meeting of the Plunket Committee wad held yesterday, Airs F. Al. Dennehy presiding. Alesdames Coulton and Ramage were elected to the committee. Arrangements were made to make the annual collection during the next few The nurses' reports for December and January were as follows:—December— Headquarters. Visits to office, 485; homes, 97; total, 582. Outstations: Visits to office, 354; homes, 101; total, 455. January—Headquarters; Visits to office, 485; homes, 74: total, 559. , Outstations: Visits to office, 437; homes, 105: total, 542. Correspondence was received from the Central Council regarding the alteration to the rules of the society and the new scale of salaries for Plunket Nurses, which will come into operation on April 1. 1935. Qreymouth Magistrate’s Court. Appearing before Messrs J. Crookes and J. B. Kent, J.P.’s, at the Alagistrate's Court to-day, Albert Ellery 30, on a charge of drunkennness, was fined £l, in default twenty-four days’ imprisonment.. On a further charge of using obscene language, Ellery was fined £4, in default one month’s imprisonment. A request for time to pay was refused. Personal. Miss Booth, Runanga, after a most enjoyable caravan tour of the Murchison and Ataruia districts as the guest of Airs C. Coxal 1, Reefton, has returned home, Aliss Moira Al'Sherry, L.T.C.L., left this evening for Timaru to act as accompanist for the Grey mouth Municipal Band at the New eZaland bands' conMiss At. M’Dougall returned yesterday from a visit, to Christchurch. Mr and Airs .T. Higgins returned from Christchurch yesterday. Puneral. The funeral of the late Airs Francis Lily Beale took place yesterday afternoon at Karoro Cemetery. The services at the late residence of deceased and at the graveside were conducted by Archdeacon J. A. Jermyn. Shipping. ATernoo is dn« on February 25 to load timber for Melbourne. A Union Company vessel is due about February 25 to load timber for Alelbourne. Kiwi tea is due early from Auckland with general cargo. BULLER NOTES. Sports Meeting Held at Westport. (Special to the “ Star.”) WESTPORT, February 15. The sports meeting held under the auspices of the Westport Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club attracted a big crowd to Victoria Square last evening. The weather was very warm and the lengthy programme of events was weil contested, there being no dearth of competitors. Twamley won the mile flat in good style, conceding big handicaps, while Jost, a very promising sprinter, defeated Holder in the 100yds. Results:— 220yds Hurdles—D. Hardie (owe 6yds) 1, A. Strachan (owe 6yds) 2, E. Holder (owe 20yds) 3. Time—3o 1-5 Boys' 100yds—J. Brown (scr) 1, Todd (6yds) 2, J. Shrives (6vds) 3. One Mile Cycle—F. Powick (100yds) I, W. Watt (20yds) 2, S. Johnson (scr) 3. Time—2m in 21 sec. Women's 80yds Hurdles—J. Robertson (owe Byds) 3. .7. Hardie (scr) 2, J. Riley (owe Byds) 3. Time—l 4 4-ssee. One Alile Flat—H. Twamley (scr) 1, T. Phipps (40yds) 2. Won easily.

Senior 100yds—Final: A. Jost 1, E. Holder 2, A. Strachan 3. Time—lo Boys’ 75yds—J. Brown (scr) 1, Croawell 2, Shrives 3. Women’s 100yds—J. Riley (scr) 1, B. Parkinson (Iyd) 2, J. Hardie (4yds) 3. Time—l3sec. Junior (men’s) 75yds—G. Kearns 1, I). Parkinson 2. Time—B 4-ssee. Half-mile Cycle—F. Powlck (60yds) 1, W. Watt (15yds) 2, S. Johnson (scr) 3. Time—67sec. Junior (men’s) 220yds—G. Kearns (scr) 1. I). Parkinson (scr) 2. Time—--24 4-ssec. The shot put competition was won by R. Smith (28ft 9in). and the women's hop, step and jump by M. Hardie (32ft 4in). Cup Presented for Ex-Servicemen. Mr A. Morley, president of the Westport Bowling: Club, has presented a silver cup to the Buller Centre, to be known as ” The Returned Soldiers’ Cup,” and to be competed for annually between ex-servicemen in the Buller district. Mr Morley, in handing: over the trophy to Mr F. Morgan, president of the Buller Centre at Granity, stipulated that all matches for the trophy should be played on the Granity green, which was the only green in the Dominion that had been constructed by returned soldiers. Mr Morgan thanked Mr Morley for donating the cup and gladly accepted it on behalf of the centre. He then handed the trophy over to Air Joynes, president of the Granity Club, \Vho expressed thanks to Air Morley on behalf of the returned soldiers for his gift to the club. Nelson Bowlers’ Tour Ends. A team of bowlers from Kelson on a goodwill tour of the Buller district received an enthusiastic welcome at Granity during the week. Mr Crawley, on behalf of the visitors, thanked the Granity Club for the hospitality shown to them, arid said it had been a great pleasure to his team and himself to have made the trip. Games were played in the evening, with the following result. Nelson rinks being mentioned first:— Leversham, Leaper, Tovev, Crawley (s) 8; Tyler, Dowgray, Hopkinson, J. Brown (s) 15: Scoltoek, Crowe, Manson, Hume (s) 9; Power, Brownlie, Rongstaff, Pringle (s) 12: Whitehorn, Thomson, Carter, Simpson (s) 17; E. Willson, Davis, Al’Donald, J. Rodgers (s) 16. Prior to returning to Nelson the visiting howlers played games on the Westport green yesterday morning, these being the final matches of their tour of the Buller Centre, and the visitors left for Hokitika in the afternoon. Air A. E. ATosley, president of the Westport Club, and Mr F. H. Morgan, president of the centre, each made speeches dwelling on the sportsmanship of the Nelson bowlers, and regretted that the visit had come to an end. Air R. Crawley, organiser of the tour, and Colonel Hume thanked the various clubs and the Buller Bowling Centre for the wonderful hospitality that had been showered on them, and expressed the hone that it would not be very long before they were back in Westport again. Results of games played were as follows, Nelson rinks being mentioned first:—Whitehorn. Crowe. Thompson. Crawley (s) 8: Psrfitt, Stanley. Stevens, Wallace (s) 20: Scoltoek, Humo. Simpson. Capiello (s) 8: Stowell, Campbell, Wilson. Farr 19; Caldwell. Reaper. Ree, Morgan (s) 9; Revast-am, Taylor, Smith, Morley 1 4. Personal. Alessrs C. A. Montgomerie and J. Fountaine have returned from a shooting expedition holiday spent in the Murchfson district. Air and Mrs Alfred Beech and son have returned from holidays spent in Chris tch urch. ATr and Mrs F. Manson have returned from holidavs spent in the North Island. ATr J. Watt bos returned from a health visit spent hi Christchurch. Air and Airs R. Atkin have returned from Christchurch. Visitors to Westport include:—Messrs R. H. Temple. Marsack. Dickev, Smith (Christchurch). Raben (Wellington), Broadbent (Nelson). Reid (Greymonth). Air H. P. Rasmussen was appointed secretary of the Buller progress Reagtm at. an executive meeting, which was held on Thursday. ATr Rasmussen was also recently appointed secretary of the Buller Rime Company. Rtd. These positions were rendered vacant by the resignation of Mr A. W. Stevens, who is leading the district. The Westport Territorials, who have been in camn at Tapawera for the past Air Rlewelly n E. Williams, of Wellington. is due to arrive shortly in Westport as architect and supervisor of the new theatre to lie erected here. Visiting judges for the Agricultural

and Pastoral Show, which takes place to-day, include Alessrs F. E. Martyn, Rangiora: H. Fetch, Christchurch; and C. S. Neville, Hokitika. REEFTON ACTIVITIES. (Special to the “ Star.’’) REEFTON, February 14. Air W. B. Auld presided at the monthly meeting of the Reefton District High School Committee, Messrs Cleaver. Panckhurst, Dobson, Patterson. Duff. Hawthorne, Campbell and W. b. Pratt (headmaster) being present. The chairman reported that he had conferred with the headmaster regarding the closing of the school during the hot weather, and it had been decided to leave the matter in the bands of the headmaster to close when he considered it necessary. It was decided to forward donations to the Greymouth Surf Club and the Blackwater School Committee. The chairman referred to the work of the dental clinic and the low state of the clinic funds.—lt was decided to circularise the schools served by the clinic, advising them of their respective quotas clue to the fund. The headmaster reported that the number on the secondary roll was 57, admissions 14 and withdrawals 4; primary roll 155, admissions 17, withdrawals 27. The attendance to date had been satisfactory. The school was working until 2 p.m., except on exceptionally hot afternoons. The chairman moved that the local Swimming Club be notified that the committee did not desire races for the pupils of the school to be included In Sunday afternoon programmes.—After discussion the motion lapsed for want of a seconder. Warden’s Court. Five applications were dealt with at the fortnightly sitting of the Warden’s Court, all other applications being adjourned to February 28. Air 11. Alorgan, Warden, presided. The following applications were granted:— Alurray Creek Gold Alining Co., Rtd., for reduction of rent on four claim licenses for a term of six months. R. R. J. Neilson for a special alluvial claim over 6 acres in Block 11., Re.efton S.D. P. Salmon for an extended alluvial claim over SS acres in Block 11., Reefton S.D. A. Behan for two ordinary prospecting licenses each over 100 acres in Block ]fi. ATawheralti S.D. N. AT’Vicar for extension of time for hearing two applications for mining privileges. The suit A. Ruhbo and Party v. Peter Mitchell, for cancellation of a claim license, was partly heard and adjourned. Magistrate's Court. The following civil cases were dealt with at the fortnightly sitting of the Alagistrate’s Court, ATr H. Morean, S.Af., presiding: J. W. Chalk and Co. v. T. Sou thou, for f 5 17s 5d and costs £2 7s 6d: J. AT’Elwee and Sons v. R. Navlor, for £3 17s 6d and costs £1 3s fid. Judgment was entered for plaintiff in both S. T. AVilliams'y petition to the Crown for £92 12s 3d for wrongful disposal of timber the pronerty of petitioner by officers of the State Forest Service was dealt with, and the Court fixed the amount petitioner was entitled to at £2 4 3s 9d and costs £lfi 16s 9d. In the case Inangahua Hospital Board v. R. E. Gilroy for a judgment summons for £5 14s and costs, the defendant was ordered to pay £7 lls fid within fourteen days, in default seven days’ The following police cases were dealt with:— John W. Griggs was charged with the theft of a container and film valued at £SO. the property of British Empire Films, Rtd., and admitted to probation for twelve months. William Powie was charged with the theft of a battery from a motor-car and fined ( £5 and costs, in default fourteen William J. Provis', Thomas V. Southo n and Bionel T. Bremner were charged jointly with the theft of a steer valued at. £6 10s. the property of A. W. Bell, and fined £5 each, in default one month’s Imprisonment with hard labour. Personal. Afesdames W. J. Prentice, A. Cereseto and T. ICearns arc representing the Reefton Croquet Club at the championAliss Al. C. Wilson lias returned from a holiday spent in the Marlborough • Sounds.

HOKITIKA NEWS. (Special to the " Star.”) HOKITIKA, February 15. The fire which broke out in the Forestry plantation at Rimu on Tuesday afternoon, and which raged all that night, was still smouldering yesterday afternoon, although it was quite under control. A number of Forestry employees are on the scene watching the situation and extinguishing the embers. Members of the Hokitika Women’s Institute paid a visit to the Arahura. Valley branch this week, being warmly welcomed by the president (Mrs Bennitt). An exhibition of handcraft was displayed, the articles being greatly admired. The Hokitika president (Mrs Bassett) thanked their hostesses for the enjoyable entertainment, and invited the Arahura Valley members to attend their picnic at the Hokitika Gorge on March 4. The proposed match between the Greymouth and Hokitika Tennis Clubs, which was to been played on Saturday. was postponed, owing to Greymouth's inability to field full-strength teams. The warm spell of weather was continued to-day. when the temperature was again high. The prolonged warm weather is beginning to show its effects in some districts, where pastures are losing their freshness. Magistrate’s Court. The following cases were dealt with by Mr H. Alorgan, S.M., to-day:— Sidney Cropp was fined 5s and costs for removing bees without permission. Robert Grant was fined £1 and costs for failing to keep to the left when turning. R. W. Richmond was fined 10s and costs for failing to keep to the left. A. Stewart was fined 10s and costs for permitting stock to wander. Warden's Court. There was again a large list of applications before the Warden (Mr H. Alorgan) this morning, and they were dealt with as follows: Holntika Applications—James Stanley Langford, ordinary prospecting license. Blocks XI. and XII., Mahinapua S.D., and Block 1., Kanieri S.D.—Two granted, five adjourned. Kumara Applications—D. B. Jellie. surrender absolutely.—Accepted. Allan Reginald Perry, ordinary prospecting license, three applications. Block XI., Waimea S.D.—Granted. John Gilbert, ordinary prospecting license. Block XI.. Waimea S.D.—Granted. Albert Edward Bamgarten, ordinary prospecting license. Block XVI., Waimea S.D.—Granted. A. R. Perry, ordinary prospecting license, four applications. Block XI., Waimea S. —Granted. Peter M’Donald, extended alluvial claim, Block Vlls Waimea S.D.—Granted. Ross Applications Clifford Reid Dodd. ordinary prospecting license. Block VIII., Waitahu S.D.—Granted. Henry Jones, ordinary prospecting license, six applications. Block XI., Waitahu S.D.— Granted. Aliehael Prendergast, special sea beach claim. Block \ 11., Okuru S.D.—Recommended to Alinister. NOTES FROM NELSON. (Special to the •* Star.”) NELSON, February 14. The monthly meeting of the Nelson Hospital Board was attended by Alajor R. Daggar (chairman), Mesdaines Moffatt and Watson. Alessrs J. G. Page. T. Turinicliffe, N. M'Conchie, F. W. Gibbs, J. Fitz Gerald and Herbert Everett. Accounts totalling £2436 were passed tor payment. The report of the Master of the Alexandra Home (Mr A. Hunter) was received. There are 30 inmates in the home at present. The Hospital Board’s Association forwarded a copy of subjects to be discussed at the annual conference. The Auditor-Gene-ral forwarded a letter advising that the hoard's balance-sheet and statement of accounts had been certified as correct. The Matron reported that the six candidates presented at the State examinations for registered nurses were successful. one pasing with honours. A large number of other items were also dealt with. Harbour Board. At the monthly meeting of the Nelson Harbour Board there were present — Messrs A. Gould (chairman). F. W. Greenslade, H. Warren Kelly, C. T. FTice, W. Carrol Harley, A. E. Max. J. H. Brunt, and Captain W. A. Wildman. The bank pass-book account showed credit £5558 19s 9d at January 31, 1985, and credit £2232 1 2s Id at December 31, 1934. Payments totalling £1573 10s lOd were confirmed, and accounts amounting to £1614 lls 2d were passed for payment. It was resolved to grant £2 2s to the Nelson Toe H, for the maintenance of the Seamen’s institute. The Harbour Alastcr's (Air H. Collins) report was

read and adopted. Several other Items were also dealt with before the meeting came to a close. Bowling. The popularity of evening bowling tournaments was evidenced last evening on the Nelson Club’s green, where 56 players participated. A number of other players were unable to get 41 game. The winners were: Alarsh ,Rowe, Gough, Wright (s.): and the runners-up, F. Page, B. B. Jones, Brown and V. Vitetta («.). Obituary. The death has occurred of ATrs J. D. Norriss, of Britannia Heights, after a short illness. Prior to the burial service, a service was held in St John’s Methodist Church, where there was a large attendance, and the Rev W. A. Burley, who presided, referred in touching terms to the devoted service rendered by the late Mrs Norriss. A widower and a surviving family of four girls and six boys are left, three having predeceased her. The daughters are Airs Irvine Norriss (Otawhai), Mrs George Rands (Nottingham. England), Mrs R. Ward (Nelson), Mrs M’Millan (Halcombe). The sons are Messrs David Norriss (Maruia), Theodore (Upper Motakitaki), Lew (Whakatanc), Robert (Hokitika), Cedric (Golden Downs) and Geoff Norriss (Nelson). Personal. The Bishop of Nelson, the Ttt Rev W. G. Hilliard, and the Vicar of All Saints, the Rev D. Haultain, leave tonight for the French Pass area, including d’Urville Island and Stephen’s Island lighthouse, which area Is included in the diocese of Nelson, Bishop Hilliard is making his first visit; the Rev Mr Haultain visits the area quarterly.

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Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20541, 16 February 1935, Page 31 (Supplement)

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WEST COAST NEWS. Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20541, 16 February 1935, Page 31 (Supplement)

WEST COAST NEWS. Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20541, 16 February 1935, Page 31 (Supplement)