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Spectacular Knock by Cromb Helps Side to Pass St Albans’ Total. WEST’S POOR EFFORT. CRICKETERS were favoured with glorious weather again to-day. Under ideal conditions, the sides batting without exception up against formidable scores, went in with every chance to turn a bad position into victory. I. B. Cromb won the game against St Albans for Lancaster Park with one of the brightest innings ever seen on the Hagley ground. Cromb made 222 in 165 minutes. At 6 p.m. Lancaster Park had scored 440 for seven wickets. The St Albans bowling was completely mastered, and their first innings score of 265 was reached at the tea adjournment. West Christchurch met Sydenham at Sydenham Park, and put up a sorry' exhibition, only making 101 runs in their first innings. F. Bellamy bowled well, getting five wickets for 33 runs. G. R. Gregory (48) was the only batsman to make an attempt at the easy' bowling. In their second inings West had lost four wickets for 67 at 6 p.m.

Riccarton were going hard for an innings win against East Christchurch at Lancaster Park. In reply to the Ricc'arton total of 347 for three wickets (declared) East Christchurch by 4 p.m. were all out for 151 in the first innings. S. Andrews took four wickets runs. East Christchurch, with a deficit ot 196 runs, 'followed on, and at 6 p.m. had lost seven wickets for 127 After Old Collegians had declared their first innings closed for 301 for seven wickets. Old Boys had put on 214 for nine wickets by 6 p.m. G. Colville scored 62, M. L. Page a bright 34, and W. A. Hadlee also 34. St Albans v. Lancaster Park. Runs came briskly when Lancaster Park (31 for no wickets) resumed their endeavour to catch the St Albans first innings score of 265. Cromb (22) and Kennedy (7) continued against the bowling of Park and Dawson at the rate of two runs a minute, Cromb getting out to the pitch of the slow balls, and Kennedy scoring with placement shots and an attractive leg glide. The score reached 86 before Kennedy snicked a good one from Park and was well held in the slips by Lindley. Kennedy made a sound 25. Kerr, who made a good century in the previous game, did not look comfortable. Cummings relieved Walter, and his first ball, a short one, saw Kerr turn an easy catch to Walter at leg. Meanwhile. Cromb was looking for runs and batting attractively, punching the ball hard along the ground. It took him only 52 minutes to reach the ! half-century. Dryden. a left-handerj with an easy style, timed them well from the start, an off drive to the boundary bringing 100 up in an hour. He fell to Cummings soon, however, mis-hitting a catch to third man, -where Walter again made no mistake. 109-3—12. The quick fall of three wickets made the position interesting, but Cromb, ably backed by Cobden, put an end to all St Albans’ hopes. Cromb gave Crawford a chance, but then commenced to thrash the bowling unmercifully, giving a most exhilarating display. Hitting with great power, he ran to the century in 102 minutes. He then took three fours and two sixes from an over from Birch, gave a hard chance at mid-on, and took three sixes off Burtt. By 4 p.m. Cromb was 165, Cobden was run out for a sound 37, and the Lancaster Park total for four wickets was 265, equal to the St Albans’ first innings score. After tea, Cromb combined driving and pulling boundaries, all bowling coming alike, and Hawkings seconded him ably. Off Walter Cromb pulled a great four to I make him 200 in 162 minutes. When 222. Cromb mis-hit Walter and was well held by O’Brien at cover. It was the end of a magnificent strike, occupying two hours and threequarters. The total was 331 for five wickets. Lancaster Park taking an easy win on the first innings. Scores: — i ST ALBANS. Finst innings 265 LANCASTER PARK. I. B. Cromb, c O’Brien b Walter . . 222 T. Kennedy, e Lindlev b Park .... 35 F. Kerr, c Walter b Cummings .... 2 G. .Dryden. c Walter b Cummings .. 12 A. P. Cobden. run out 37 B. R. Hawkings, c AVall b Lindley 44 R. J. Read, b Cummings 35 fs. J. Yates, not out 25 D. Stout, not out 9 Extras 19 Total for seven wickets .. 410 Sydenham v. West. Svdenham and West Christchurch continued their match at Sydenham Park to-day. Last Saturday, Sydenham were at the wickets the whole afternoon, compiling 342 runs (Oliver 141 and Walburton 73). West Christchurch opened with G. R. Gregory and J. L. Kerr, the Sydenham bowlers being Spong and Patrick. The first half hour’s play wis uninteresting, only twenty runs being scored. Spong was bowling some good stuff. He got Kerr with a straight ball that did not rise, the batsman failing to connect with it. 26—1—10. D. Smith had scored a single, when a misunderstanding with Gregory cost him his wicket, and he was run out. J. W. Peake survived a couple of balls, and then got out l.b.w. to Spong for a “ duck.” Three wickets were down for 29 runs. Gregorv was batting safely, although some “ swipes ’ almost cost him his wicket. With the score 38 runs for fifty-five minutes’ play, Bellamy replaced Patrick, who had sent down ten overs at a cost of 15 runs. Bellamy was trying to entice the batsmen with some easy deliveries. He sent Allen down one. -which the latter sent back as an easy catch. 58 —I—7. Patrick went on at the north end, replacing Spong. Vincent carried on playing the bowlers carefully. He stepped forward to a slow ball from Bellamy and was stumped by King. The umpire put his hand up indicating the batsman was out before any of the fieldsmen had appealed. I. Patrick drove his brother for a good three, but he found Bellamy’s slows troublesome. He hit a full-tosser up to Gray, who held an easy catch. Bellamy's average was three wickets for 19 runs. Gregorv was the only batsman to stand up to Bellamy's slows. Spong took up the ball from Patrick. With the last ball j of the over Gregory gave Oliver a dif- j ficult one-handed catch, which he held. < He had to jump into the air to reach It Bellamv got Ward in hi* next over. Bellamy still held a “ hoodoo ”

ever the batsmen. Burton getting clean howled by a ball that looked very iimple and easy. Brown, last man in, joined Findlay. The latter drove Bellamy for a four, making the score 100, which had taken two hours and fifteen minutes to get. It was a sign of tame hitting. Hamilton came on to finish up the Westerners, which he did by clean bowling Findlay. The innings closed for 101 runs. West Christchurch were 241 runs behind Sydenham on the first innings and had to follow on. Findlay and Brown opened and when Brown had scored four runs he was caught by Hamilton off Bellamy. Scores SYDENHAM. First innings 342 WEST CHRISTCHURCH. First Innings. G. R. Gregory, c Oliver b Spong . . 48 J. L. Kerr, b Spong 10 D. Smith, run out 1 .1. W. Peake, lbw b Spong 0 P. F Allen, c and b Bellamy 7 E. A. Vincent, st King b Bellamy . . 6 I. Patrick, c Gray b Bellamy 4 J. Burton, b Bellamy 7 M. Ward, lbw b Bellamy 2 J. L. Findlay, b Hamilton 9 W. Brown, not out 3 Extras 4 Total 101 Bowling analysis.—M. Patrick, 18 overs, 2 maidens. 32 runs; W. Spong, IS overs. 7 maidens, 31 runs, 3 wickets; F. Bellamy, 17 overs, 7 maidens, 33 runs. 5 wickets: W. J. Hamilton, .4 over, 1 run 1 wicket. Second Innings. J L. Findlay, not out 12 W. Bown, c Hamilton b Bellamy . . 4 D. Smith, not out 3 Extras ° Total for one wicket 24 ( East v. Riccarton. With one down for 48 East Christchurch made a poor start in resuming against Riccarton at Lancaster Park. Riccarton declared on the first day at 347 for three wickets, and East at stumps had 48 for one wicket. In half an hour this afternoon East made 15 runs and lost four more wickets, the total being 63 for five wickets. S. Andrews was coming fast off the wicket and in six overs to-day took three wickets for 11 runs. He bowled G. Mortlock with a beautiful length ball which beat the batsman all the way when it whipped through, and in a little from the off. At 3 p.m. the total was 78 for five wickets. P. Allsopp and K. Wilson stopped the makings of a rot with a partnership of 33 for the sixth wicket. D. Quaid batted neatly for 24, but the side was out at 4 p.m. for 151, Riccarton leading by 196 runs. East Christchurch followed on at 4.20 with A. E. Ellis and Coupland. Coupland was out for 2, and shortly afterj wards Mortlock was well caught in the slips by Jacobs, off Roberts, for 3, and two wickets were down for 8. At 5 p.m. the total was 25 for two wickets. Scores:— RICCARTON. First innings 347 for 3 wickets (dec.) EAST CHRISTCHURCH. E. Brosnahan, c and b Bull 22 A. E. Ellis, c Dunnet b Andrews . . 20 G. Mortlock, b Andrews 2 R. W. Coupland, b Andrews 0 H. Davis, b Roberts 5 P. Allsopp, c and b Fairbairn .... 15 K. Wilson, run out 27 I>. Quaid. b Blackwell 24 C. H. M'Phail, lbw b Andrews 0 S. V. Ellis, b Fairbairn 1 A. Marriott, not out 9 Extras 26 Total 151 Bowling analysis.—S. Andrews. 17 overs, 4 maidens, 28 runs. 4 wiekets; A. W. Roberts, IS overs, 11 maidens. 17 runs, 1 wicket; L. J. Fairbairn, 9.4 overs. 4 maidens, 9 runs, 2 wickets; H. IT. Blackwell, 11 overs. 3 maidens, 31 runs, 1 wicket: G. A. Bull, 11 overs, 2 maidens, 40 runs, T wicket. Andrews bowled two no-balls. Second Innings. A. E. Ellis, c J/unnet b Andrews .. 11 R. W. Coupland, run out 2 G. Mortlock. c Jacobs b Roberts . . 3 11. Davis, not out ? Extras 2 Total for two wickets .... 25 IT. Davis, st Dunnet b Bull 28 P. Allsopp, c Blackwell b Bull . . 26 K. Wilson, b Blackwell 25 D. Quaid. st Dunnet b Bull 2 E. Brosnahan, not out 6 C. H. M’Phail, not out 17 Extras 7 Total for seven wickets . . 127 Old Collegians v. Old Boys. With 271 runs on for six wickets Old Collegians continued their match against Old Boys on the second wicket at Hagley Park this afternoon. Off the second ball of the day, H. F. Denham (21) made a good turn to leg and ran four. B. S. Smyth, 126 at close of play last week, was his partner. Hot weather had made the outfield very fast. After adding 11 to his score, Denham was well caught in the slips by Page off Graham. When Smyth had reached 142 and Cottrell two. Old Collegians declared their innings closed for a total of 301 for seven wickets. L. H Fisher and W. A. Hadlee opened the batting for Old Boys at 2.36. R. R. Gibson was the opening bowler. Fisher scored a single off the first ball ■ of the innings, but was soon caught at the wicket by A. Graham for one. After scoring four singles, M. L. Page, New Zealand captain last season, hit four fours off consecutive balls from Graham. When he had reached 34, including six fours in twenty-five minutes, Page was caught by Lester off Talbot Old Boys scored 60 in the first fortyfive minutes. Colville’s first 25 included five fours. With Iladlee as his partner he put up a stubborn stand. At 34 Hadlee was caught by Harper off Graham.

Colville passed the fifty mark after ninety-seven minutes at the wickets, lie scored nine fours, and was finally caught for 62 by R. Graham off Cottrell. Scores:— OLD COLLEGIANS. First innings. L. R. Dunster, c and b Cook 61 C. V. Walter, b Cook 6 B. S. Smyth, not out 14 2 T. A. Harpur, b Cook 4 4 S. G. Lester, b Graham 5 C. K. Jackman, c Fisher b Graham 0 G. L. Talbot, c Graham b Leonard 4 H. E. Denham, c Page b Graham . . 32 A. I. Cottrell, not out 2 Extras 5 Total for seven wickets .. 301 Bowling analysis.—M. Graham, 31 overs, 7 maidens, 63 rune, 3 wickets; W. Leonard, 22 overs. 5 maidens, 58 runs, 1 wicket; h. R. Eseott, 18 overs, 4 maidens. 33 runs; R. F. Cook, 25 overs, 2 maidens, 93 runs, 3 wickets; W. Moffat. 8 ovens, 38 runs; E. J. M'Ewen, 2 overs, 11 runs. R. F. Cook bowled three no-balls. OLD BOYS. First Innings. L. H. Fisher. c Jackman b A. Graham 1 W. A. Hadlee, c T. Harper b A. Graham 3 4 M. L. Pagv, c Lester b Talbot .... 34 G. Colville, c R. Gibson b A. Cottrell (« E. J. M’Ewen, e Jackman b S. Lester 35 R. C. Cook, lbw b H. E. Denham . . 0 W. Moffatt, ll.w b G. Talbot 5 R. C. Burns, b S. Lester 0 M. Graham, not out 7 W. Leonard, not out 0 Extras 9 Total for nine wickets .... 214 SUBURBAN CRICKET. MAEIST v. BECKENHAM. Marist, 3 4 runs behind on the first innings, resumed their second strike to-day with five wickets down for 32 runs. M’Donneil and Murray put on 43 runs for the ninth wicket partnership and the innings closed for 120 runs. At 4.30 p.m. Beckenham had lost two wickets for 59 runs. Scores:— MARIST. First Innings 8 * Second Innings. T. Coomber. b Stokes •> C. Kirk, c French b Sincock 0 J. Leach, lbw b Sincock 0 M. M’Kendry, c French b Sincock lo G. Blazey, b Stokes ’ T. Waine, c. Sincock b Stokes .... 9 I. Noonan, b M'Millan 1 J. Halev, st French b Sincock .... 7 W. M’Donneil, b Heath 20 A. Murray, not out 4 0 G. Waine, run out j? Total 120 Bowling analysis—Sincock, 12 overs, 1 maiden, 38 runs, 4 wickets: Stokes, 8 overs. 1 maiden. 34 runs, 3 wickets; M’Millan, 4 overs, 18 runs, 1 wicket: Heath, 2 overs, 15 runs, 1 wicket; (awtheray, 1 over, 2 runs. BECKENHAM. First Innings H 8 Second Innings. R. Cawtheray, b Noonan 0 E. Cox, lbw b M’Dor.nell 19 M. Heath, not out 14 J. Weatherhead, not out 19 Extras 1 Total for two wickets .... 59 SUNNYSIDE v. SHIRLEY. •With five wickets down for 120 runs (Gordon 64 not out), Sunnyside resumed their first innings against Shirley today. Gordon continued in confident style and was unlucky to miss bis century by only eight runs. Sunnyside were all out for 211 runs. At 4.45 p.m. Shirley in their second innings had made 40 runs for four wickets. Scores: — SHIRLEY. First Innings 127 Second Innings. G. Cullen, b Mahoney 9 L. Kington, c Mahoney b Oliver .. 1 N. Archer, not out 1» H. Elvy, c Watson b Mahoney .... 9 E. Taylor, b Gordon 8 Extras 4 Total for four wickets .... 40 SUNNYSIDE. First Innings. E. F.arnes. st Cullen b Rich 33 L. Gordon, played on, b Kirk 92 G. Grose, b Kirk 8 H. Thompson, b Kirk 4 W. Oliver, c Roberts b Rich 2 A. Cullen, c Kirk b Rich 5 L. Watson, b Rich 0 D. Cocks, b Kirk <j>7 L. Mahoney, not out 14 J. Hartley, c and b Archer » G. Bisphan, lbw' b Archer Extras 9 Total 211 Bowling analysis.—N. Archer, 26 runs, 2 wickets; L. Kirk, 52 runs, 4 wickets; S. Rich, 4 2 runs, 4 wickets. W.M.C. v. RAILWAY. Railway did better in their second strike against Working Men’s Club, and 152 were on the board when the last wicket fell. A. Davis bowled very well to take six for 37. Lawson was in a long time to score 29, and Hood was aggressive for a similar tally. Requiring 129 to win. Working Men’s (Tub started badly, Davis and Harris being dismissed with the score at. 10. At 4.45 four wickets were down for 32. Scores;— RAILWAY. First innings 70 Second Innings. D. Mitchell, run out 0 W. Lawson, c Shaml b Davis 2 9 E. Grenfell, b Davis 40 T. Gilroy, b Harris 9 L. Hood, c H. Mills b Davis 29 E. Brook, b M’ Lachlan 8 J. Kerr, b Davis 4 T. Warren, c end b Davis 1 J. Peattie. c Clegg b M’Lachlan .. 9 C. Williams, not out 2 G. Bradford, c J. Mills b Davis .... 4 Extras 17 Total 152 Bowling analysis—W. Cunningham, 4 overs, 31 runs; F. Kiddey, 3 overs, 21 runs; A. Davis, 10.3 overs. 1 maiden, 37 runs, 6 wickets; F. Harris, 4 overs. 1 maiden, 15 runs. 1 wicket: L. M’Lachlan. 5 overs, 20 runs, 2 wickets. Davis bowled two no-balls and M’Lachlan one. W.M.C. First innings 94 Second Innings. F. Harris, b Grenfell 2 A. Davis, b Gilroy 0 A. Khand, not out 13 S. Clegg, b Gilroy 7 J. Mills, c Brook b Grenfell .... 2 11. Hooper, not out 0 Extras 10 Total for four wickets .. 32 WOMEN’S CRICKET. Competitions Continued In Bright Weather. The outfields at Malvern Park were in much better condition to-day when, in bright weather, the women’s cricketcompetitions were continued. The pitches were in excellent order and some good scores were recorded. P. Blackler (Mai Moa) was aggressive for 54 not out. and M. Marks contributed 20 to the side's total of 107 against Harewood. V. Merrin took six wickets for 19 runs. The senior games at Malvern Park were Mai Moa v. Harewood, and Argyle House v. High School Old Girls. Technical met Beckenham at Ensor’s Road, while Spreydon and T’ukaki were engaged at Spreydon Domain. Progress scores:— Senior. Mai Moa 107 (P. Blaekler 54 not out). M. Marks 20; V. Merrin six for 19) v. Harewood Argyle House 52 for eight wickets <E. Hooper 19 not out), v. High School Old Girls. Beckenham B 21 (E. Jewell 16), v Technical. Tohe B 67 for wickets <N. Nuttall 28), v. Sumner.

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Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20477, 1 December 1934, Page 15

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LANCASTER PARK WIN. Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20477, 1 December 1934, Page 15

LANCASTER PARK WIN. Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20477, 1 December 1934, Page 15