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Prizes Won at Schools Presented. WEST CHRISTCHURCH BREAK UP Ths annual prize-giving ceremony of the West Christchurch District High School was held in the Training College hall last evening, Mr J. H. Jones, chairman of the School Committee, presiding. In his opening remarks, he wished any who were leaving the school the best of luck, and asked them to remember that the honour of the school was in their hands. Mr L. F. de Berry, head master, commented on the growth of the school. The roll to-day was three times as large as it was five years ago. There had been an increase in the staff, and this had given a wider opportunity to the pupils. He paid a tribute to the relieving teachers, who had worked as hard as if they had been permanent. The fact remained that, if there had been a permanent staff, the school could have given the pupils a better education. He referred to the appointments of two of the staff to head masterships in the district. Messrs J. G. Parry and L. F. Thompson. The following programme was presented:—Overture, “ National Airs,” school orchestra (Mr H. G. Glaysher, conductor) : “ The Sailor's Song,” by the choir (Mr J. G. Parry, conductor); harp solo, Mr Glaysher; vocal solo, “ Come, for it’s June,” Harry Burton; folk dance, (Miss Kennedy); “Pilgrims’ Chorus” (Wagner), orchestra: pianoforte solo, “ Rondo from Sonata ’ (Beethoven), Hubert Filer; “ Black Prince March,” orchestra. The prizes were presented by Miss E. Brydon (president of the Old Girls’ Association) and Mr C. D. W. L. Sheppard (president of the Old Boys* Association), the prize list being as follows: Model 11.—F.11.: Malcolm Burt (progress). F.I: Omra Newton (progress), Noel Kennedy (progress). Form I.—Girls: Alma Garth 1, Doris Clemence 2. Boys: Hector Simmons 1, Maxwell Turner 2. Form I.a—Boys: Jim Cherry 1, Laurie Withers 2. Form II.—Boys: Dux, Peter Chapman, Basil de Lambert 2; Service prize, Reg Wildey. Form I.a—Girls: Joan Simon 1, Nora Drewery 2. Form ll.—Girls: Dux, Ina Brettell, Betty Den 2, Alwynne Thomas 3. Form lll.c—Patricia Moore, first English, first arithmetic, first history, first geography, first science, first writing; Joan Park, excellence in dressmaking. Form Modern IH.b—Girls: Doris Welsh, first English, first arithmetic, second geography, third bookkeeping, third typewriting; Kathleen Dows, first bookkeeping, first shorthand, first typewriting; Joyce Fraser, first science, second history, second typing, second bookkeeping, third geography, third shorthand; Margaret Robinson, special prize for progress. Form JIT.a, Modern—Constance Jones, first arithmetic, first equal history, first bookkeeping, first shorthand; Gwynneth Croft, first English, first geography, first hygiene. Form IV.b, Modern —Audrey Waldron, first geography, second arithmetic, second English, third bookkeeping. Rita Hamilton, first history, first equal geography, third typewriting. Form 111. Modern—Boys: L. Ware, first history, first geography, first algebra, first geometry, first science, first equal bookkeeping, second arithmetic, third writing: B. Watkin, first English, first writing, third history, first for progress; H. Smith, second English, second geography, second algebra; L. Pratt, first arithmetic, second history, third science; G. Brown, fiist equal bookkeeping. third geography, third geometry. Form lII.c—R. Walters, first mathematics, first English, highest aggregate; H. Easton, first language, second aggregate, third science, third mathematics: A. Clarke, science prize (second), second language, fourth aggregate; 11. Rossiter, progress prize, first science. Form Ill.b—Winifred Oliver, first English, first mathematics, second equal French, second history; Margot Parlane, first home science, first history, second English, second equal French, second mathematics; Isabelle Blatchford, first French, first geography, first writing, second equal mathematics, second equal home science; May Leith, progress prize. Form lll.a—Edward Hitchcock, first English, first science, highest aggregate; James Brown, first mathematics, first Latin; lan Biggs, first history, second aggregate; Maurice Wells, first French, fourth aggregate. Form IV.a Modern—Phyllis Washer, first equal shorthand, first geography, first history, first science; Gladys Wetherall, first equal shorthand, second English, second bookkeeping, third writing. Form IV.b—Bernard Mahony, first in class, first mathematics, first science; Russell Wells, first French, first equal history, second English; Lloyd Allott, first English, first equal history; James Kibblewhite, progress prize. Form IV.c—Agnes M’Auley, first aggregate marks; Phyllis Wise, second aggregate marks: Daphne Harlahd, third aggregate marks; special prize for development this year, Isobel M’Cormick; special prize for conscientious work, Muriel Mitchell. Form V. Modern—Wilfred Courtier, first aggregate, first arithmetic, first mathematics, first history, first geography, second English. Form IV.—Herbert Hebden, first equal aggregate, first arithmetic, first science, second mathematics, second bookkeeping; William C. Smart, first equal aggregate, first mathematics, second arithmetic, second science, second history. Form V.a Modern—Leonie Taylor, first English, first bookkeeping, first shorthand, second arithmetic, second typing, third history; Phyllis Goodman, first science, first history, second English, second bookkeeping, second shorthand, third arithmetic. Form IV.a—H. Filer, first aggregate, first algebra, first geography; E. Masson, second aggregate, first science, first Latin, second history, third English: H. Fowler, third aggregate, first arithmetic, first equal French, first, equal English; L. White, fourth aggregate, first history, second Latin; A. Callaway, fifth aggregate, third algebra; progress prize to H. Younger. Form V.c—William George Neely, first agriculture, first mathematics: David Benson Pope, first English, first French; Roel Francis Sehenkel, second mathematics, progress prize. Form V.b—George Hart, progress prize; Betty Chapman, first English, first mathematics, first French; Muriel Gorman, first history, first science: Noel M’Gerty, first, equal science, second English: Helen Stent, special prize for good work; Maurice. Cuming, special prize for good work. Form V.a—Colin Ewart, first aggregate, first mathematics: Fredrick Murray, first English, first French; Bernard Robertson, second aggregate; Newton Bailey, progress prize. Form Vl.—Dux (prize presented by Mr Aulsebrook), J. Robertson; dux girl, Irene Hamilton; Ernest Balch, mathematics. Old Boys’ Cup—Bert O'Brien. Old Girls’ Cup—Mary Bull. Miss Ruston's special history prize— Ellaline Roberts. Special Art Prize—Patricia Miller. Special Attendance Prize (nine years without absence)—Ruth Mitchell. General Excellence—P. J. Carroll. House Championship—Chilton House. Wharenui. The presentation of prizes at the Wharenui School took place yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large gathering. Mr P. O. Stringer (chairman of the School Committee) presented the prizes as follows: Form IT.—Dux prize given by Mr F. J. Aliev; Brenda M. Blackburn 1, Pearl Jack 2, Dulcie Twose 3. Boys: John Mechen 1, Robert Jeal 2. Robert Easton 3. Form I.—Girls: J*an Britt 1, Marjorie Kingston 2, Rita Clarke 3. Boys: lan Sanders 1. Victor Smith 2, Kenneth Mitchell 3. Standard IV.—Girls: Kathleen Daly 1, Barbara Carpenter 2. Jane O’Brien 3. Boys: James Harbidge 1, Keith Duffield 2, Leslie Aitken 3. Standard lll.—Gris: Joan Crespin 1, Yvonne Symister 2, Merlyn Todd 3. Bovs: Fred. Blackmore 1, Frisken 2, Bernard Carrol 3. Miss Hutt’s prize for geography, Sidney Stringer. Standard IT.—Girls: Margaret Metcalf 1, Nancy Goslin 2, Pat Macefleld 3.

Boys: Graham Goss 1, Con. Ferrand 2, Ernest Grieve 3. Standard I.—Girls: Joan Lane 3, Maureen Parsons 2, Lteone Pauling 3. Boys: Edward Atkinson 1, Douglas Brady 2, Desmond White 3. Sewing prizes—Form 2: Marjorie Stone 1, Brenda Blackburn 2. Form 1: Vera Wood 1, Mary Anderson 2. Standard IV.: Audrey Green 1, Dorothy Counihan 2. Standard III.: Joyce Fine 1, Winnie Barson 2. Standard II.: Joy Anderson 1, Yvonnie Brown 2. Standard 1: Madge. Philpott I, Jean Fletcher 2. Scripture prizes—Form 11., Mr Allen’s prizes: Brenda Blackburn 1, Pearl Jack 2. Form 1.. Mr .Tack’s prize: Gwen Simpson. Prizes presented by W.C.T.U. —Standard IV.: Lucy Hampton: Standard III.: Robert Blackburn; Standard II.a: Mary Carroll: Standard Il.b: Joseph'Campion. Mr de Lambert’s prizes —Rex Frisken, Sylvia Green. Miss Palmer’s prize—Norma Mauger. Mr Falconer’s prizes—Sports, Jamfes Brown: diligence, Lily Hampton and Colleen The successful proficiency candidates number thirty-one and eight competency certificates were awarded. The light-weight Rugby football shield, won this season by the Wharenui School, was presented by the representatives of the Canterbury Rugby Union and the North Canterbury Public Schools Athletic Association. Redcliffs. The annual prize-giving of the Redcliffs School was held last evening. The prizes were presented by the Mayor (Mr. W. H. Nicholson) as follows: Dux —Maureen Lindsay. Proficiency.—Standard l. —Betty Keig 1 Nancy Barr 2. Standard ll.—Helen Jobhems 1, Joyce Eyre 2. Standard 111. —Douglas Harris 1, Keith Beattie 2. Standard IV. —Hope Greenwood 1, Margaret Senior 2. Standard V.—Roger Harris 1, Eric M'Kenzie 2. Standard Vl. Maureen Lindsay 1, Ailsa Cooper 2. Attendance.—Standard I.—Nancy Barr, Daphne Hodge, Pat Alexander, Bernard Beattie, Walter Brown, Ivan Newport. Standard ll.—Lester Alexander, Ken Avery, Jack Fordham, Teddy Sutton, Gwen Bartley, Edith Smedley, Joyce Craw, Shirley Greenwood, Rona Lawson, Margaret Rockwood. Standard 111. .Tack Hines, Len Oldridge. Ray Frebble, Rurdett Nettleton, Leon Dixey, Douglas Harris, Keith Beattie, Billy Nelson, Ruby Hines, Nonie Prangnell. Standard TV.—Laurie Darling, Roland Williams, James Rule, Max Cooper, Gwen Primmer, Jovce Papps, Melva Teague. Pat Ellison, Hope Greenwood. Dorothy Smedley. Standard V.—Daphne Primmer. Irene Rose, Vera Lawson, Delcie Neilson, Roger Harris, Herbert Crampton, Robert Dale. Standard Vl.—Joseph Blackburn, Jack Lawson, (Gifford Papps, Alan Primmer, Stanley Primmer. Jack Oldridge, Mona Grimley, Pearl Beaumopt, Sylvia Sutton. Marge Bassett. Swimming certificates—Alfred Prangnell, Clifford Papps. Elmwood. The annual prize-giving of the Elmwood School was held yesterday afternoon. In the unavoidable absence of the chairman (Mr G. P. Purnell), Mr T. M. Charters (treasurer of the School Committee) presided. In his report on the year's activities the head master (Mr T. C. Wilkins) stated that two boys had won Christ’s College scholarships and two St Andrew's scholarships, while seventy-three pupils had received proficiency certificates. The prize list was as follows:—• Form ll.—Dux of school, Jack Rumbold. Class prizes, Joyce Jennings 1, Neroli Wilkins 2, Brian McClelland 3. Special, W. Hobbs, Marie Keys, B. Curtis, Audrey Jones, Mary Hihberdine. Sewing, Paulo Jones, Joan Keys. Mrs Rttmbold's prize (for essay), Barbara Cowie. Form Il.b—Lawrence Kepples 1, Kenneth Light 2, Edna Whitelaw 3. Diligence prizes, Dennis Day, Jean Mac-lac-hlan, Jack Fairbairn. Form I.a—lsobel Wright 1. James Tocker 2. Ray Wilson 3. Diligence prizes, Alastair Cleary, John Buddie (composition), Gavin Suckling. Form I.b—Margaret Wright 1, Bruce Whiteman 2, Robert Pilgrim 3. Good work, Archie Russell. General knowledge. Eric Holland. Arithmetic. Dawson Parry. English. Allison Wilkinson. Diligence, David Guild. Sewing, Allison Wilkinson 1 and special, Joan Ashbey 2. Standard IV.a—Merit, Shirlie Wright 3, Lawrence Ford 2, Geoffrey Westwood 3, Roll in Bates 4. Neatness and diligence, Patty Rogers, Olive Gill. Progress and diligence, Lorna Hamilton. Diligence, Elaine "Richards, Winston Nieholls. Geography and history, Grant Mackay. Mrs Gill's special prize for progress, Nola Harrison. Sewing, Ethne Kingsland 3, Edna Rowe 2. Standard Hl.a—Margaret M’Lean 3, Oaenor Henson 2, Joan Thompson 3, Joan Lattimore 4, Robert Stonyer 5. Sewing, Rene Stott. Mr Collins’s medal, Sidnev Shirley. , Standard I V.b—Marion Ullrich and Jim Taylor (equal) 1, Betty M’Lean 3. Standard II I.b—Class prizes: Jacqueline Wlieelans 1, Elspeth Purdie 2, Isobel Penman 3, Robert Condliffe 4. Drawing and progress, lan Holford. Progress prizes, Mary Matson., Margaret Tayler. Sewing prize, Theo Boyle. Standard IT.—lan Wilkinson t, Duncan Johns 2, Kenneth Heney 3, Kenneth Tocker 4, Ngaire Hazeldine 5, Peter Vincent 6. General diligence, Virginia Gudgeon, Hamish Thomas. Sewing, Dorothy Martin 1, Jessie Laing 2. Standard I.—Nancy Annand l, Pauline Cameron 2, David Minnitt 3, Doreen Barton, Merle Russell and Roger Stanley (equal) 4. Progress, Malcolm Anderson, Lois Lyttle, Colin Pilbrow, Harold Williams. Mrs Webb’s special prizes, Esther Hollander (writing), Douglas Ives (nature study). Sewing, Cynthia Langston 1. Pauline Cameron 2. Primer IV. —Baughan Wisely 1, Kyra Smith. Prudence Pumphrey and Archie Campbell (equal) 2. Progress, Shona Parker, Kenneth White. Primer lll.—Eva M’Vey and Pat Jones (equal) 1, Vivien Furneaux, Teddy Delahunty, Murray Lamb. Swimming Prizes (Canterbury Public Schools’ Carnival) —Relay, girls (second), Lcnzie Woods, Mary Tlibberdine. Betty Wilson, Marion Howard. Relay, boys (second), Douglas Blewett, Harold Waucop, Norman Wood, Harold Kean. One lengths, boys under twelve, B. Curtis 3. Boys’ springboard dive, N. Wood 3. 25yds breaststroke, boys under thirteen, B. Curtis 2. One length breaststroke, boys, open, H. Waucliop 2. Two lengths, under fourteen, Mary Hibberdine 2. Riccarton. The annual closing ceremony of the Riccarton School took place yesterday afternoon. Mr V. Gamble (head master), in the absence of the Mayor (Mr H. S. S. Kyle, M.P.), introduced the Mayoress (Mrs Kyle), who presented the prizes and the dux medal donated by the Mayor. The prize-list was: Infants—Robbie Mackay Memorial, Ray Wilson: class prize, Estelle Long, Joan Harris, Audrey Jennings. Standard I. —Joyce Wright. Ila Elakeway. Norma Smith, James Eggers, Norman Henderson, Colin Bryce. Standard IT.— Marie Anderson, Alicia Douglas, Shauna Allott, Douglas Fisher, Cory Stephens, lan Park; Miss Kerr's special prize for writing, Reginald de Rungs. Standard lll.—Special. Richard Harris; David Ritchie, Ivan Barr, John Jesson, Gwen Wright, Grace Taylor, Elizabeth Irvine. Standard IV.—Jean Rountree, Patricia Devan, Patricia Bowman, Owen

Smith, Harold Grainger, Eric Gawler. Standard V.—June Long, Frank Lewis, Gordon Lewis, Winifred Sibley, Joyce Sorrell, John Wormald. Standard Vl. Kathleen Keene. June Whyte, Jean Busbridge, David Jane, Douglas Ackerley, Stanley Wootton. Dux medal presented by Mr H-. S. S. Kyle, M.P.—David Jane. Special prizes presented by Mrs Harwell—Donald "Williams, Renee Jesson. Gardening prizes—Donald Williams, John Stephens, George Macriab. Woodwork prizes—Clifford Timms, Lyndon Evans. Sewing prizes—Ila Blakeway, Ann M'Kinnon, Peggy Blakeway. Doris Timms, Gwen Grainger, Myra Jackson. Special—Myra Crawford. Attendance certificates were awarded to Thelma Dillamore. James Eggers, Henry Gaskell, Sydney Wormald, Joan Harris, Norman Henderson, Keith Henderson, Walter Thiele, Clifford Witty, Patience Ainsworth. Elizabeth Smith, Elsie Vogel, Noel Bovill, Kenneth Draper, Michael Harrow, Herbert de Rungs, Reginald de Rungs, Cory Stephens, Leslie Taylor. Joan Bovill, Faith Bateman, Lorna Bennett, Alicia Douglas, Lorna Hunt, Nancy Wood, Daphne Stewart. Jack Bovill, Peter Flaus, Bruce Grainger. Charles Gibson, lan Leith, Colin Maonab, David Ritchie, David Scott. Douglas Wootton, Jack Wright, Eric Fine, Eric Gawler, Harold Grainger, Walter Holmes, Maitland Roper, George Macnab, Owen Smith. Trevor Witty, Doreen Banks. Lulu Crawford, Patricia Devan, Valmai Eggers, George Banks, Hilda Harrison, Myra Jackson, Dorothy Yvonne Voice, Mary Wootton, Joan Wormald. Colin Coker, Stephen Denny, John Townsend, John Wormald (four years), Agnes Gawler. Jean Gawler, Gwen Grainger, Dorothy Muir, Winifred Siblev. Marita Tucker, Iris Vogel. Ronald Gourlay. David Jane. Edgar Poulsen, Alan Pul ford. Donald Williams, George Witty, Ronald Wootton, Stanley Wootton, '.Joyce Bowman, Jean Busbridge, Nira Chaney, Doris Timms, Dorothy Photographs of. the football team which won the competition were presented to Mr B. C. Penney (coach), Lyndon Evans (captain), Colin Coker, Walter Holmes, James Bryce, David Jane, Launcelot Giles, Leslie Wood, Allan Peachey, George Fine, George Witty, Terence Jennings, Ronald Gourlay, Alan Pulford, Ivan Barr, John Wormald, John Jesson. Opportunity was taken to farewell Miss M. Wills, who has been infant mistress at the school for five and a half years. Mr Gamble, on behalf of the scholars, teachers and committee, presented her with a silver teapot and Venetian vase. Burwood. The annual breaking-up function of the Burwood School took place yesterday afternoon in the schoolroom, when there was a good attendance of parents and friends. Mr H. Rowse (chairman of the committee) presided. The school was decorated and in the centre was a large Christmas tree loaded with gifts for the children. Standards I, II and 111, led by Miss Gant, gave several carols in which the higher standards joined. Mr Atmore, who is leaving the school, was the recipient of several gifts. The committee made suitable gifts to Miss Gant and Miss Simpson (teachers) and to Mr H. Harvey (caretaker). Father Christmas arrived by motor-car and gave each of the younger scholars a gift, whilst those in the higher standards received gifts at the hands of the chairman. Led by Miss Gant the scholars gave several folk dances. In the adjoining room were specimens of work done by the pupils. Afternoon tea was served. The following received certificates:—Proficiency: Gordon Badger, William Harris, Donald M’Nabb, Jean Currie, Sybil Davenport, Moria Smyth and Marie Wetherall: competency: Jean Ullrich and Kathleen Rogerson; good attendance: Kathleen Rogerson, Leslie Stevenson, Harry Rowse, Betty Reaby, John Garland, William Ullrich, Dorothy Whitmore, Ina Stevenson, Ronald Parks. Rose Murfit, June Francis, Gordon Badger, June Ullrich and Jean Currie. St Michael’s. The breaking-up ceremony of the St Michael's Church Day School was held in the Parish Hall last evening. The Rev Charles Perry, vicar, presided, and at the conclusion of a concert given by the pupils presented the prizes. The prize list was as follows: Standard Vl.—Jean Fowler 1, Arthur Ward 2. Other prizes: Phyllis Thompson, Pat Luxton 4 Stanley Bell, Robert Annand, June Steeds (monitor's prize for fact and resourcefulness), Veronica Smith. Peggy Dunn, Daphne Buchanan, Alison Sheen, Hilda M'Causland, Marjorie Sanders, Nola Fail. Standard V.—Peter Cannons and Shirley Stagg (equal) 1, Ngaire Whitta 3. Other prizes: Rita Goodger, May Dearling, Jov Harding, Ewan Anderson, Eileen Inder, Dorothy M’Klttrick, Noel Cuming. Standard IV.—Mol.lie Steel 1, Zoe Whiley 2. Other prizes: Erin Matthews, Jim Pearce, George Holmes, Norman Humphreys, Malcolm Jeffrey, Iree Glackin, Priscilla Taylor. Standard lll.—Margaret Fowler 1, Mark Steeds 2. Other prizes: Valda May, Effie Miller, Colin Bailey, Pandora Thomas. Jane Bryson, Joan Cuming. Standard IT.—Joan Milner 1, Annis Spencer 2. Other prizes: Ralph Morris, Beverley Counsell, Norma Jenkins. Standard I.—Patricia Graveston 1, Trevor Naylor 2. Other prizes: Douglas Quirk, Pauline Price. Primer 4—Alison Kyle 1, Rosenea Alexander 2. Primer 3—Betty Fowler 1, Juliet Bates and June M’Donald (equal) 2. William Jenkins 4. Primer 2—Bonnie Pritchett 3. Other prizes: Audrey Hell, Gordon Steel. Primer I—-Lois Forsyth 1. Other prizes: Shirley Hewson, Nola Jones, Shirley Tozer. Divinity Prizes. Standard Vl.—Jean Fowler 1, Phyllis Thompson 2. Standard V.—Shirley Stagg 1, Peter Cannons 2. Standard IV.—Priscilla Taylor 1, Audrey M’Nish 2. Standard lll.—Margaret Fowler and Mark Steeds (equal) 1, Jean M’Millan and Rodney Rothwell (equal) 3. Standard ll.—Joy Gundy 1, Helene Holmes 2. Standard I.—Basil Hooper 1, Grace Owens 2. Primer Classes—Joan M'Donald, Joy Cupples, Margaret Smith, Nancy Rothwell, Jean Fraser. Shirley Lane, Kenway Rothwell.

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Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 638, 16 December 1932, Page 4

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STUDIES SET ASIDE. Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 638, 16 December 1932, Page 4

STUDIES SET ASIDE. Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 638, 16 December 1932, Page 4