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THE MOMENTOUS PRESENT. What is really momentous and allimportant with us is the present, by which the future is shaped and coloured.—Whittier.

PRIZE-GIVINGS. WEST CHRISTCHURCH. The annual distribution of prizes of West Christchurch School took place a.t the school yesterday, when, in spite of' the inclement weather a larpe gathering; of parents and friends assembled for the breaking-up functions. In the forenoon Father Christmas assisted the infant mistress, Miss Wills, and her staff, in giving; to each pupil in the infant department a parcel from a Christmas Tree, an entertaining programme of concert items keeping all interested. During the afte.rnoon the long corridor of the main building held some five hundred children of the standard classes, to the most successful of whom prizes were distributed by Mrs L. F. Pegler. The chairman of the school committee, Mr T. Andrews, jun., presided, and handed out nearly seventy certificates won by pupils of Standard 6; and swimming prizes were distributed by Mr J. G. Parry, the first assistant. The former head master, Mr F. D. Waller, presented to Alan Bowes the Waller Cup and medal for champion athlete of the school. The head master, Mr L. F. Pegler, took the opportunity of making, on behalf of the staff, a Chrsitmas presentation to Mrs Beattie, the caretaker of the school. The following is the prize list:— Standard 1., B—Merit, Norris Roberts, Gordon Ramsay; progress, Cawood Busfield, Alison Luxton; good conduct. Jack Fielding; diligence, Selwyn Campbell, Fred Kinley, Madeline Barbarel, Doreen Riley, John Duke. Standard 1., A—Merit, Mavis Withers, Lucy Seelen, John O’Sullivan, William Anderson, Peter Flintoff; diligence and good conduct, Ethel Hague, Jean Heatley, Richard Luke, Ewan Stevens; handwork, Victor Garth. Standard 2 (girls)—Merit, Norma Wilson, Ngaire Hargen, Iris Jones; sewing, Grace Pluck; handwork, Florence Everett, Norali Simmons; progress, Joan Hancox, Winifred Oliver, Myra Goodrick, Rona Smith, Rosina Smith, Elsie O’Donnell, Jess's M’Millan, Gertie Millar. Standard 2 .(boys)—Merit, Leslie Hewitt, Thos Williams, Spry Gloistein; .progress, Ivan Diggs; diligence, Leslie Cleary, Allan M’Cleary; good, work, John Woodward, Alan Boyd. Standard 3 (girls)—Merit, Doris Haase, Phyllis Rickerby, Nelsa England; progress, Lilia Clark; industry, Nancy Forsythe; drill, Audrey Michel; neatness, Ph3 r llls Cocks, Rona Belmer; sewing, May Thomas. Standard 3 (boys) —-Merit, Colin Burrows, Ronald Cox, Nat Roth well; diligence, Wallace Cunningham; neatness, Norman NicolleStandard * (girls)—Merit, Beatrix Bowers, Edna Arnold, Thelma Stacey, Jean Cutler; prefects’ prize. Ruby Belworthy; monitors’ prize, Myrtle Eastwood; neatness, Lilian Gunns; needlework, Jean Harrington; handwork,. Mavis Higgs; all round sport, Norma and Phyllis Chamberlain. Standard 4 (boys)—Merit, Gilbert Laurenson, David Graham, Josie M’Clintock; general progress, Herbert Browning, Jas. Calder, Ray Anderson; neatness, Frank O’Brien. Standard 6 (girls)—Merit, Gladys Goodrick, Katharine White, Rowena Duxbury, Beatrice Jarman, Nancy Scarf!; sewing, Lilian Martin. Standard 5 (boys)—Merit, Norma Jackson, John Mathieson, Tom Welch, Harold Giles; diligence, Gilbert Cane, Raymond Ward; conduct, Douglas Johns Con; drawing, John Doleman; neatness, Cyril Jordan; sport, Noel Rennell. Standard 6 (girls)—Merit, Diana Walker (Dux medal), Bertha Brackenridge, Phyllis Anthony, Ruth Wilson, diligence and progress, Joy M'Lachlan, Alicia Bruce; sewing, Elsie Anstiss, Alma M'Cleary. Standard 6 (boys) Merit, William Donaldson (Dux medal), Noel Swanston, Vernon Ellis, Collin Rattray, Bertie O'Brien; diligence, Clifford Boyd; cricket, Stanley Andrews; composition, Robert Witty; diligence, Colin Cornish, James Lilley, Stanley Hewitt. Waller Cup for sports championship —Alan Bowes. Special prize for assistance to caretaker (bell-ringer)—Douglas Johnson.

ST MICHAEL’S. On Thursday night St Michael’s School held their annual entertainment and prize-giving. The entertainment, always r pleasing function, delighted a crowded audience. There were songs and dances and two plays. The Lady Principal reported that the year had been a happy and successful one. The staff, during the winter months, were most grateful to the parents for their contributions towards a new and larger boiler for heating purposes. The Rev Parr, representing the Diocesan Board of Education. addressed the parents, and stated that the board was very pleased with the proficiency results—24 proficiency and 2 competency, there being no failures. He read the report on religious knowledge, which was an excellent one. The Rev Perry also spoke about religious matters, and the Ven. Archdeacon Ta.ylor then distributed the prizes. The prize-list is: DIVINITY. Standard 6—Winnie Cross 1, Edith Bowbyea 2. Standard 6—Tom M’Clea and Ray Rossiter equal 1, Nancy Hawson and David Brooker equal 2. Standard 4—Alan Fraser 1, Freda Williamson 2. Standard 3—Trixie Dunlop 1, George Madden 2. Standard 2—Peggy Dunn 1. Standard I—Nola Fail 1. Primer 4 —-Dennys Patterson 1. Primer 3—Raymond Comfort 1, Joan Ward 2. Primer 2—Tui Naylor 1, Audrey M’Nisli 2. Primer I—Daisy Baker. Standard 6—Betty Findlay, dux, gold medallist, first in class marks, first equal in botany, first spelling, first composition, second cooking; Edith Bowbyes, second equal In class marks, first equal botany, first, drawing; Colin Dunlop, second equal class marks, first equal general knowledge; Dorothy Taylor, first equal general knowledge, first reading; Elsie Fraser, first cooking and good Conduct; Maurice Webley, first woodwork; Clifford Hill, second woodwork; Ellen Best, music and general progress; Peggy Anderson, good conduct; Reg. Blake, arithmetic; Wyatt Warren, poetry and progress; Rita Brooker, good conduct; Sybil Bennett, first sewing; Isobel Reese, second sewing; Gwen Boon, all-round sport.

Standard s—Valma Walker, first class second class marks; second woodwork; marks and reading; Jack Patterson, Gwyn Dawe, first equal cooking; Elizabeth Taylor, first equal, cooking, first equal spelling; Gwen Glasson, second equal cooking; Betty M’Kay, second equal cooking, second sewing; Tom M’Clea, first botany and. progress; Norva.l Ginn, first equal woodwork, second botany; Joan M’Millan composition; Darrel Campbell, first equal woodwork; Elizabeth Taylor, grammar; Sylvia Tyson, first equal spelling and good conduct; David Brooker, arithmetic; Henry Walton, kindness; Rona Wilson, first sewing; Ray ward Rossiter, perseverance.

Standard 4—Rae Buchanan, first marks, first spelling, second grammar, second composition homework; Alan Fraser, second-class marks, first arithmetic, second georgraphy; Melva Prichard, first composition, first grammar, good conduct, progress; Ewart Douglas, special progress, first geography and poetry; Edna Bell, first sewing, homework and good conduct; Una haycock, second spelling, homework, drawing; Marjorie Hancock, arithmetic; Leslie Fail, progress, good conduct and arithmetic; Dorothy Gracie, second sewing; Jim Matthews, captain of football team, drawing, and singing; Peggie Patterson, steady work. Standard 3—Trixie Dunlop, first class marks. first grammar, first spelling, first arithmetic, first geography, second composition; Kathleen Thompson, second class marks, first geography, good conduct; Jessie M’Clea. second arithmetic, good conduct; Letty Naylor, first composition, second spelling; Betty Priestnall, first sewing; John Stephenson. swimming; Olga Cox, writing, drawing, good conduct: John M’llory, progress, drawing; Hilda MCausland, second sewing.

Standard 2—Mavis Maddren, first class marks; Shirley Higgins, second, equal; Ralph Henry- second equal; Peggy Claxton, arithmetic; Lawrence Luxton, arithmetic; Elaine Handcock, arithmetic; Violet Simmons, sewing; June Steeds, sewing.

Standard I—Phyllis Thomson, first class marks; Joan Beasley, second class marks; Jean M’Kenzie, general improvement; Robert Annand. Improvement in writing; Nilla Brooker, progress; Patricia Bell, general progress; Arthur Ward, drawing and general progress; Dorothy Palmer, progress: Joan Beasley, first sewing; Audrey Bailey, second sewing. P. 4—Leslie Thompson, first; Wilfred Crouch, second; May Dearling, arithmetic, progress; Malcolm Jeffrey, modelling, good conduct. F. 3—Joy Harding, first; Ngaire Whitfa- second; Rita. Ooodger, drawing, spelling: Douglas Bailey, spelling. arithmetic: May Skey, arithmetic; Noel Cumming, good conduct; Harry Robson, reading, good conduct; Marie Dunn, good conduct; Noel Buchanan, progress. F. 2—Rav IClngsland, first; Zoey Wheler, second; Molly Steel, drawing and modelling; Willie Moris, progress; George Thackwell, progress; Mawreen Walker, drawing; Keith Smith, good conduct.

F. I—Doris Duggan, first; Maria Bird, second; Max Olsen, progress; Raymond Walker, printing; Neil Sinclair, modelling; Peggy Smith, good conduct.

SOMERFIELD SCHOOL The annual distribution of prizes at the Somerfleld School took place last evening. Father Christmas arrived at 7.30 p.m., and making his way to a heavily-laden Christmas tree, presented each child in the infant classes with a toy. The chairman of the School Committee (Mr C. K. Dobbs), and the head master (Mr S. A. Clarke) commented briefly on the work of the year, which had been a most successful one. The following prizes were distributed: Standard 3. (Lower).—Boys: Basil Warring 1, Maurice Dean 2, Douglas Spencer 3, Leslie Armstrong 4. Girls: Latona Johnston 1, Lorna Hewitt 2, Betty Lew 3. Standard I.—Boys: Chris. Duffield 1, Harold Jackson 2, Thomas Hayes 3, A lister Rickerby 4, Adam Thomson 6. Girls: Edythe Hand 1, Lorna. Jones 2, Rona Thomas 3, Marjorie Gillard 4, Hazel Dobbs 5. Standard 11. (Lower). —Boys: Noel Broadbent 1, Douglas Ensor 2. Girls: Margaret Cumming 1, Gertrude Wilmshurst 2. Standard II.—Boys: Frank Milne 1, Keith Fehsenfeld 2. Girls: Lorna Pulley 1, Margaret Leslie 2. Standard: 111. (Lower). —Boys: Lloyd Nicholls. Girls: Alma Shaw. Standard III.—Boys: Raymond Blake. Girls: Norma Hutchings. Standard IV. (Lower), —Boys: Arthur Britten. Girls: Molly Boon. Standard IV.—Boys: Maurice Hunter. Girls: Beverley Aiscott. Standard V. (Lower).—Boys: Eric Farmer and John Warring (equal). Girls: Noeline Bates. Standard V.—Boys: Raymond Fox. Girls: Marion Harrison. Standard VI. (Lower).—Boys: John Buchanan and Harold Hutchings (equal). Girls: Hoyra Broadbent. SPECIAL PRlZES.—Standard Vl. Progress: Charles Ensor, Carrie Duffield. Woodwork: Allan Yates. Cookery: Mavis Roud. Agriculture: Anthony Poulsen. Sewing: Norah Gill. Sports: Leonard Butterfield. Prefects: Raymond Britten, Dorothy Ring. Sewing: Lorna Brotherton. Swimming Cup: Royal Smart. Swimming prizes: Walter Dougall, Norah Gill. Dux: John Carrodus, Joyce Bell; runners-up, Arthur Adams, Norma Collett. Attendance.—One year: Eric Foster, Ngaio Braudigan, Norma Collett, Cassie Goward, Mavis Roud, Roy Smart, Phyllis Poulsen, Desmond Turner, Sidney Brealy, Alan Chambers, Maurice Hunter, William M’Cammon, Harry Moran, William Wilson, Irene Hetherington, Leslie Wilkinson, Patricia Cairns, Lena Davies, Ata Nelson, Ray Schou, John Southward, William Henson, John Warring, Colin Campbell, Trevor Howarth, Eric Jones, Thomas Macaulay, John Morrissey, Molly Boon, Margaret Graham, Roymond Blackmore, Raymond Blake, Hubert Filer, Lloyd Johnstone, Keith Fehsenfeld, Bruce Poulsen, Laurence Millar, Ronald Chambers, Trevor Harvey, Lorna Pulley, Kathleen M’Fadden. Myrtle Moreton, Altster Rickerby, Leslie Armstrong, John Milne, Lorna Hewitt, Marjorie Whittle, Len. Whitworth, Lorna Jones, Stanley Alderdice, Kenneth Johnstone, Beatrice Robinson, Hope Webb, Gladys Whittle, Ernest Croy, William Rossiter, Laurence M’Lelland, Douglas Campbell. Two years—Lachlan Burrell, Cedric Hallaway, Carrie Duffield, Isla White, Irene Round, Alan Blake, Keith Rickerby, Leslie Duffield. Nola Capes, Mae Nielson, Joyce Stanley, Verdun Pulley, Jean Foster, Neville Smith, George Gurdler, Laurence Smith, Margaret Leslie, Pearl Henderson. Three years—Lorna Duffield, Marion Harrißon, Eunice Johnston, Colin Parkinson, Charles Miles, Albert Round, Walter Field, Catherine Harrison, Gladys Braudigan, Alan Holdsworth, Frank Milne. Four years—Eric Farmer, Philip Roberts, Rachel M’Ca.mmon, Nance Braudigan, Joyce Bell, John Sherravd, John Carrodus, Joyce Chambers, Ernest Wright, Denis Tierney. Five years —Arthur Adams, Dorothy Ring. Cynthia Brightmore, Clarence Perry, Gertrude Dron, Noel Millar, Reginald Capes, Daisy Gill, Frank Tanner, Marda Clemens. Six years—Joyce Dobbs. Seven years—Norah Gill. Eight yeaxs —Edgar Clark, lan Jackson.

NORTH BRIGHTON SCHOOL. The iaj-ge assembly , hall at the North Brighton School was crowded bn the occasion of the school prize-giving. A short programme of musical items was given by the children. Mr D. G. Sullivan, M.P.. and Mrs Sullivan were present, and Mr Sullivan, assisted by Messrs E. A. M. Leaver and W. S. Bussell, presented the prizes and certificates. Prizes donated by the North Brighton branch of the W.C.T.U. for essay competition were presented by Miss B M. Harband. Following is the prize list:- . Primer 4—Girls: Sewing, Jean BelchStandard I—Boys: Tom Ryan; progress, Maurice Thompson. Girls: Marlon Parker; progress, Phyllis Norrie; sewing, Marlon Parker. Standard 2—Boys: Malcolm Corich 1, Gavin Price 2; progress. Jack Nelson. Girls: Marjorie Henry 1, Gay Evans 2; progress, June Blain; sewing, June Blain. Standard 2—Boys: Clifford Mahan 1, Tom Lilley 2; progress, Laurie RossSmith; W.C.T.U. essay, Ken Peaxee; drawing, Neill Manson. Girls: Marjorie Skinner 1, Dolly Hoskyn 2; progress, Pat Nelson; sewing. Rose Manson; drawing, Brita Heppelthwalte; W.C.T.U. essay. Ruth Stringer 2. Standard 4—Boys: Ken Hutton 1, Andrew Cook 2. Girls: Lillian White 1, Nona Eames 2; progress, Doreen Sincock and Evelyn Hamilton: sewing, Ethel Stewart: popular girl, Belle Lettlmore; map book; Edna Smith; W.C.T.U. essay, Lily White 1, Nona Eames 2. Standard s—Boys: Sid Evans 1. Jack Ttfylor 2; agriculture notebooks, D. Murray; popular boy. Jack Taylor; W.C.T.U. essay, Sid Evans 2. Girls: Eileen Hutton 1. Lesley Cossgrove 2: sewing, Jean Dixon; tennis, Ola Ritchie; W.C.T.U. essay, Eileen Hutton. Standard 6—Boys: Dux, Alan Freeborn 1, Rhys Evans 2: agriculture notebooks, Alan Stevens; tennis. Rhys Evans; Maud Cook memorial prize, lan Hulme. Girls: Dux, Marjorie Maffey 3, Betty Nelson 2; sewing, Marjorie Maffey; mapping. Betty Nelson; progress, Rona Brown: tennis, Doris Smith; W.C.T.U. essay, Marjorie Maffey 1, Dorothy Hamer 2.

Attendance certificates—Alma Boon, Pat Clark, Marion Parker, Cyril. M’Kay, Gavin Price, Noelline Marriott. Shirley Uren, Derrick Briggs. Betty Walls, Ray O’Neill, Ruru Briggs. Mavis Brown, Robert Boon, Ruth Uren, Jim Sheard, Wilfred Hamilton, Dorothy Heppelth waite, Colfn Chambers, Ken Pearce, Jessie Lattfmore. Allan Russell, Ruth Stringer, Marjorie Skinner, Logan Bultitude, Jean Flora.nce, Eileen Hutton, Eva Fepperell, Alan Freeborn, Austin Judkdns, Alan Stevens. Peggy Maffey, Ola Ritchie, Helen Thompson, Lesley Cossgrove, Jack Collins, George Morcom, and Dorothy Hamer.

WEST SPREYDON. The annual breaking-up ceremony and distribution of prizes took place on Thursday afternoon. Although the weather was cold and windy, there was a good attendance of parents. The chairman (Mr R. Glover) briefly addressed the gathering, and in the course of his remarks congratulated the head master (Mr S. Baird) and staff on their work during the year. The price list is as follows: Standard 6—Boys: James Jack 1, Roland Grey 2. Girls: Gwendoline lenfford 1, Gwen Mullins 2, Blwyn Clemens (essay), Joyce Howard (diligence), Dorothy Scott (writing), Lily Holmes, Myra Ragg, Ellen Glover, Emily Sloan. Standard s—Boys: Robert Blake way 1, Cliff Merrett 2. Girls: May Bell 1, Dorothy Broughton 2, Mavis Clemens (diligence). Standard 4—Reg. Foster 3, Olga Robinson 1, Irene Austey (diligence), Helen Gordon (writing), Olga Robinson (neatest homework), Keith Campbell (diligence), Harry Judkins (drawing). Standard 3—Leslie White 1, Iris Patterson 1, Mona Sloan (diligence), Betty Taylor (writing). Standard 2—Lelise Smith 1, Edna Mullins 1, Keith Craig (diligence). Ena Cross (writing), Garth Cheeseman (neatness). Standard I—Allan Fraser 1, Isabel Blatohford 3, Joan Greenslade (diligence), Mavis Judkins (writing), Alla.n Fraser (neatness). Sewing prizes: Gwendoline Langford, Jessie Goddard, Helen Gordon, Bonnie Roud, Doris Good, Joyce Johns. Attendance—. Tames Jack. Roland Grey, Lilly Holmes, Dorothy Scott, Gwedoline Langford, Leslie Chambers, May Bell, Dulcie Hewlett, Ngaire Jones. Miriam Grey, Reg. Foster, "Langley Poll, Keith Campbell, Olga Robinson, Edna Hopewell, Roy Clark. Esne Philpot.t, Olive Clark. Jeffrey Beckingsale, William Gaskell, Ronald Foster, Stanley Hopewell. Roy Howlett, Cyril Newsome. Allan Foster, Joan Scott. The prizes were donated by the committee. the staff. Mr Fox, Mrs Sparks and Mr C. Broughton. After the prizes were presented the girls gave exhibitions of folk dancing, after which the Infants received a toy each from a heavily laden Christmas tree. Afternoon tea. was provided by the elder girls of the school.

ST MARGARET’S COLLEGE. The annual distribution of prizes of St Margaret's College was held at the Caledonian Hall yesterday afternoon. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity with parents and their friends, and the girls of the school looked very trim in their.neat school uniforms. His Grace Archbishop Julius presented the prizes. A delightful programme of music and drill was contributed by pupils of the school. Drill, Forms VI., V.A, V.B; pianoforte solo, ” Raindrops ” (Chopin), Kitty Dixon; folk songs, •' Dabbling in the Dew," “ Come My Own One,” the boarders; drill, Form IV.A; duo, "Suite" (Arensky), Marjorie Shirtcliff and Betty Tipping. Thq following was the prize list:—

Special Form Prizes.—Form Vl. Marjorie Best, Betty Flint, Diana Huie, Irene Horne, Ais Jones. Form V.A— Isabel Bates, Muriel Brown, Florence Colquhoun, Joyce Godfrey, Marjorie Sherris, Aileen Thompson, Delcie Woodhead, Shirley Wooler. Form Prizes.—Form V.B —Winnie Andrew, Rita Berry, Ruth Mulcock, Joy Simmons. Form IV.A —Jean Ballantyne, Doreen Byrne, Dorothy Gerard. Edith Mason, Gwen Skellerup. Form IV.B—Nancy Brown, Natalie Danks, Madeline Pyne. Form 111. A—Lorna Best, Aldwyth Jones, Tui Thomas, Margaret Webley, Rona 'Woodward, Isabel Wright, Nancy Zohrab. Form 111.B— Helen Hervey, Bonnie Nicholls, Bertha Nurse, Nancy Rogers, Diana Rutherford, Audrey, Sedgley, Pauline Upham, Natalie Vale, Kata Uru. Form 11. Irene Barrow, Ruth Chapman, Sheila Curtis, Jocelyn Gale, Betty Uiddings, Ola Knight, Barbara M’Killop, Rachel Montgomery, Mary Norris, Sylvia Ragg, Daphne Sedgley, Margot Wallwork, Sybil "Whittaker. Form I. —Joan Anderson, Ailsa Crompton, Judith Dunn, Dorothy Hervey, Allison Parr, Hilary Sargent, Janet Steele, Mary Tolley, Doreen Welsford, Janet Wills. Little St Margaret's—Patricia Ballin, Lois Manning, Margaret Pullen, Noreen Russell, Jeanette Thomas. Divinity.—Form V.A—Kitty Dixon. Form 1 V.A—Doreen Byrne, Joy Nicholls. Form IV.B—Nancy Brown. Form 11 L.A —lsabel Wright. lll.B—Diana Rutherford, Audrey Sedgley, Natalie Vale. Form IJ.—Mary Norris, Margot "Wallwork. Form I.—Dorothy Hervey. Hilary Sargent, Mary Tolley. Little S{. Margaret’s—Biddy Macdougall, Peter Cowlishaw. Lower school, silver cross— Aldwyth Jones. Canon Wilford’s house prize—Diana Huie. Upper .School, gold cross —Marjorie Sherris. Kindergarten Christmas presents— Molly Little, Moyra Nolan, Fay Purdie, Norah Smith, Hilary Thornton. Joan Lee, Nancy Price, Sharle.v Christie, Rhonda Wan tv, Juliette Williams, Jill Woodward, Noeline Austen, Noeline Guthrie, Bobby Smith, Mary Stahle. Little . St Margaret’s—Nancy Barnett. Joan Cooper, Colleen Chester, Alison Clark, Fay Fleetwood, Elizabeth Fear, Diana Guthrie, Daphne Jay, Kathleen Newyon, Yvonne Stringer, Diana Taylor, Joy Wooller, Doreen Ward, Patricia Wright, Alan Pearson, Ola Ballin, Geraldine Guthrie, Noeline Nutt, Mercyne Ward, Barbara Wreaks, Leslie Ballin, Mary Keddell, Peter Keddell, John MacGibbon, Maurice Harper, Tony Webb, Oliver Brooks. Art Prizes.—Form Vl.—Diana Huie, drawing. Form V.A—Kitty Dixon, drawing and music; Lorna Richards, needlework and crafts. Form V.B— Nora Friedlander, needlework; Doris Gardiner, dressmaking, crafts, music; Marjorie Irwin, drawing, dressmaking Merle Parry, needlework; Marjorie Shirtcliff, music and crafts; Betty Tipping, music. Form I V.A—Daisy Armstrong, drawing; Molly Dart, dressmaking; Edith Mkson, dressmaking; Frances M’Cann, dressmaking and crafts; Mary Robinson, music; Gwen Skellerup, crafts; Christobel Smith, needlework. Form IV.B—Madge Mathews, drawing; Madeline Pyne, drawing; Barbara Salt, needlework. Form lll.A—Aldwyth Jones, drawing; Shirley Janies, drawing; Kathleen Lambie, crafts; Margaret Webley, needlework. Form lII.B—-Lois Bradshaw, needlework; Waveney Davis, drawing, needlework, music; Mary Forsyth, music; Daphne Moffat, music; Bertha Nurse, drawing and needlework; Nancy Rogers, drawing; Natalie Vale, needlework. Fotm ll.—Sylvia Ragg, handwork; Annie Hill, music; Nancy .Newburgh, handwork. Form I.—Beatrice Flower, handwork. Little St Mar-garet's-—Paula Jones, handwork. "Attendance Certificates (never a.bsent, never late). —Matlpo House—One year, Rhonda Wanty; three years, Aldwyth Jones; two years, Shirley James, Joy Simmons; one year, Muriel Brown, Delcie Woodhead. Rata House—One year, Nancy Green, Gwen Skellerup, Barbara Salt. Kowhal House—Three years, Billie Brown; one year, Dorothy Gerard, Doreen Welsford, Margaret Webley. Konini House —One year, Gwen Clarke, Dorothy Hervey, Mavis Nlxop, Betty Wanty, Rona Woodward; aevein years, Diana Huie. Games ' brooches— —Isabel. Bates, netball; Kathleen Hpare, netball and tennis; Diana H-uie, netball. New prefects for 1928—Isabel Bates and Aileen Thompson. Head house prefect’s badge—Kitty Dixon. ... Head school prefect’s badge—Alice Jones. Among the many present were:—Mrs Barnett, Mrs J. Newton, Mrs Oiddings, Mr a Percy Helm ore, Mrs W. H. Cowper, Mrs Douglas Anderson, Mrs E. J. Coroner, Mrs F. C. Wooller, Mrs R. H. Webb, Mrs Brooks, Mrs Hubert Jones. Mrs Herbert Hill, Mrs Gladstone Ward, Mrs M'DougaJl, Mrs J. 8. Guthrie, Mr and Mrs B. B. Newton, Mrs Btephen Parr, Mrs Danka, Mrs W. Wreaks. Mrs Frank Cowllshaw, Mrs H- J. Ballin, Mrs Leah Cohen, Mrs P. Kedell, Miss Ruth Taylor, Madame Ot.le«, Mrs C. 35. Jones, Mrs Anne Harper. Mrs Douglas Drummond Bailey, Mrs Maurice Russell, Mr and Mrs J. D. Buchanan, Mrs Richard Wallwork, Mrs Cameron Smith, Miss Norah Hoare. Mrs W. M’Gibbon, Miss Evelyn Corayns Thomas, Miss Betty Haunam, Mrs and Miss Clark, Mrs Satchell. Mrs Fred Armstrong, Mrs D. Pullon, Mrs A. M’Killop. Mr and Mrs A. S. Taylor, Mr and Mrs C. Knight, Mr and Mrs Denys Hoare, Mrs David Bates, Mrs W. Staniland, Mrs W. Best, Mrs Ma.nnmg, Mrs Bruce Stringer, Mrs M’D. Vincent, Miss Buckhurst, Mrs Austin, Mrs A. B. Pearson. Miss Janet Storry, Mrs H. 8. S. Kyle, Miss Eileen Tingey, Mrs Matthews and Mies Dawe.

RICCARTON. The annual distribution of prizes of the Riccarton School took place in the schoolroom on Thursday afternoon before a large gathering. Mr J. J. Keene, chairman of the committee, reported on the improvements carried out during the year, and congratulated the teaching staff upon the excellent reports received from the inspectors and the Ante showing made by Standard VI. in the proficiency examination. Mr Thompson, chairman of. the Education Board, gave an appropriate address and presented the prizes. The pupils of Standard VI. entertained the committee and more than one hundred parents at afternoon tea. Tlte following is the prize-list:— P.B—Boys: Gordon M'Taggart 2, Eric Gawler 3. Girls: Betty Reid 1, Marita Tucker 2, Pat Scobie 3. p.4—Boys: Kenneth Blakeway I, Frank Lewis 2. Colin Lake and John Townsend 3. Girls: Jean gawler 1, Constance Stephens 2, June Kennedy 3. Standard I—-David Jane 2, George Witty 2, Douglas -Ackerley 3, Joyce Bowman. 4. Standard IT.—May Leith 1, Emma Garrett 2, Iris Dixon 3, Conita Gourlay 4, Sybil Warren 5. Standard lII.A. —Patricia Harris and Bruce Daniels 3. Standard lll.B.—Lucy Cox 3, Alex Hamilton 2, Molly Wright 3. Standard IV.—David Leith 1, Osborne Kesteven 2, Alfred Nevell 3. Standard V.—George Christmas 3., Helen Stent 2. Colin Body 3, James Weaver 4, Marjorie Ackerley 5. Standard V.A.—Lewis Wright and David Ackerley 1, Connie Tovey 3. Standard Vl.—Reginald Martin (dux, Mr Ft. S. S. Kyle’s prize) 3, James Long 2, Muriel Ackerley 3, Barbara Newnham 4, Coila Stephen* 5, Essie Rountree 6. SPECIAL PRIZES. P.3—Gordon Lewis (Robbie Maekay Memorial Prize). Standard I.—Kathleen Kteene, diligence: Nira Chaney, Improvement. Standard ll.*—Merton Holmes and Arthur Tucker, progress.. Standard lll.—Sydney Borton, progress; Avis Gilbert, diligence; Margaret Wootton, neatness. Standard IV.-r-Hugh Pascoe, diligence; Keith Tonkin, menial. Standard V. ; —Philp Rose, arithmetic; Reg. Timms, drawing; Clarence M’Gregor, composition; Una Doell, neatness; Charles . NVayell, gardening; Ron. Raswortby, gardening; Connie Tovey, writing. Standard Vl.—Katie Stephens, composition; Mona Holmes, neatness; Colin Bowman, conduct; Jim Long, drawing; Trevor Andrews, diligence. Attendance.—Standard T.-r—Joyce Bowman and Jim Potter. Standard 111. Rue Holmes. Standard IV.—Albert Hewitt.. Standard V.—Alex Bowman. Philp Rose. Fergus Taylor, Thelma Exton, Doreen Halliday, Rem? Murray, Helen Stent. and Edgar Blackmore. Standard Vl.—Alan Francis, Desmond Skerton and Coila Stephens. Sewing.—Standard I.—Nira Chaney 1, Joyce Bowman 2.. Standard ll.—Betty Townsend 3. Iris Dixon and Joan Park 2. Standard lll.—Margaret Wootton I, Pat Harris 2. Standard IV.—Eileen Harrow 1, Marie Watson 2. Standard V.— Bettv Smith 1, Connie Tovey and Cfia Doell 2, Eleanor Ackerley 4. Stan-

dard Vl.—Beryl Raxworthy 1, Muriel Ackerley 2, Coila Stephens 3.

Darning.—Mavis Lewis. Sports.—Best girl swimming—Beryl Raxworthy 1, Winnie Collison 2. Boys —Reg. Timms 3, Ron. Raxworthy 3. Most graceful swimmter —Ayleen Tovey and Lewis Wright "3. Improvement in swimming—Molly Wright and Rue Holmes 1. Football.—Most consistent player— Colin Bowman. Best backs—Alan Francis 1, Cuthbert Poulsen 2. Forwards— Desmond Skerton 1. Kenneth Banna n 3. Attendance, having longest distance t.o come—Alan Francis 1, Fergus Taylor 2, Ruby Fine 3, George Fine 4. NEW BRIGHTON. The annual presentation of prizes of the New Brighton School took place in Joy land Theatre last evening. The prizes were presented by Mr D. G. Sullivan, M.P., the Mayor, Mr A. W. Owles, and Mr F. D. Muirson (chairman). Standard Vl.—Dux, Daphne Hooker (Mr Muirson’s medal); first boy, Bernard Moody; second girl, Lyndsay Herrick; second boy, Colin Wilson; Moyra Cocks: composition, Grace Arnott; arithmetic, Joan Chambers; reading, Agnes Pearson; merit, Nova Sutton, Sally Lancaster, Mary Hill; industry, Lorna Selfe; attendance (nine years), Elizabeth Stevenson; cookery. Daphne Hooker; woodwork. Jeffrey Glasgow; popular girl, Agnes Pearson; popular boy, Fergus Gallacher; sewing. Alison Carpenter. W.C.T.U., girls, Myra Cocks 1, Joan Chambers 2; boys, Lester Dickson 1, Bernard Moody 2. Standard V.—Boys: William Hay 1, Cyril Dorn 2: Harold Nutiall 3, Graham Brunt 4, Sevan Napper 6, Cyril Scrivener 6. Industry: .Tames Rigg, Allan Hill, Fred Townsend. Stidston Wroth, Lawrence Treleaven: improvement. Maxwell Stevens; drawing, Harry Foster, writing. Clifford Seaward: woodwork. Sevan Napper; W.C-T.U., Peter Mercer 1, William Hay 2. Girls: Beatrice Cook l, Jea.n Hounsell and Maisie Ward (equal) 2; composition, Lorraine Branch; reading and recitation, Mary 1 Conyers; industry, Jane M’Fadzien: June Milne, Doreen Shaw, Joan Napper, Edte Hill, Peggy Dunkley; merit (special), Bernice Cusack; cooking prize, Doreen Shaw; sewing, Nora Skinner. Standard TV.—Boys: L. Barry 1, W. Hulme 2; industry prize, G. Empson; handwork, A. Dowler: geography, C. Stevenson; history, C. Rodger; improvement, G. Newton; conduct, N. Dean; attendance, J. Lye: most popular boy, J. Cocks; best sport, P. Bellamy. Girls: Barbara Hoare 1, Mara Empson 2, Joan Buckley 3, Sylvia Ctaw 4; industry, Stella Empson 1, Joan Smith 2; diligence, Connje Wayman 1. Thora Shilstohe 2; drawing - , Joan Palmer; sewing, Edna Clarke. Standard lll.—Girls: Progress. Lorna Cutler, Betty Bennett, Greta IleaJ, Patsy Boyland, Olive Wyatt, Edna Dixon, Grace Sugden, Brenda Shaw, Jean Ker, Romola Barry, Spud Dawson: sewing. Peggy Sutton and June Midgley. Boys: W. M’Kenzie 1, H. Cook 2, L. Hudson 3, I. Lancaster 4,. R. ArroWsmith 5, W. Arrowsmith 6; general improvement, 1. Muirson 1. K. Sorrel 2; general proficiency, J. Hay 1, C. Milne 2. Standard ll.—Merit, Mary Stanley, Ngaire Cattermole, Robert "Macdonald, Tasman Scrivener;' diligence, Albert Duffield, John Littlewood; progress, Alan Dann, Weston Miller; handwork, Laurie Hunt; sewing, Sybil Scott. Standard I.—Rae Luxton .1, Eunice Hudson 2, Audrey Chambers 3, Dorothy Moses 4, Kathleen Evans and Melba Maclaine (equal): progress (special), George Fielder 3, Jack Julian 2; conduct (special), Aiarlon Meyers: progress, Dick Palk, Jean Thompson, Joy Ardenn. Owen Cunncen, Betty Palmer, Nancy Wroth, Tan Macintosh, Jean Cusack, Warren Hastings; conduct, Alan Hobbs: helpfulness, Beatrice Maher; handwork, Ala.n Ritchie; sewing, Marion Meyers 1, Joyce Hell 2. BROMLEY. Standard Vl.—Proficiency prizes*—Edna Paters, Margaret. Kinit. Adcock, J. Crair, M- Robinson, J. Jordan. W. M’Harg, R. Suckling and V. Thomas. Endorsed. competency—E<Jna Grenfell and Myrtle Eade. Competency —Kathleen Steele, Mavis Robinson, J. Black, p. L&ing and J. Moore. Standard V.—Myra Wilton 1. Winnie Dryden and Edna Dyke* (equal) 2, Iris Connor 4.

Standard IV.—Delsle Melhuish 1, Ena Thomson 2, Oolin Cameron 8. Standard ITT.—Glen Laing" I, Georgina Tewnioit 2, R. Huggins 3. Stg.nda.rd ll.—Joan Smith 1, Doris Stgnton 2, K. Kidd 3. Standard I.—Margaret Mitchell 1, L. Robinson 2. E. Craig 3. P. 4- —Mol lie Boundy 3, Marion Wilton 2. Special attendance prize—W. M’Harg. Simpson and Williams’* special prize— E. Adcock. SEWING PRIZES. Standard, VI.—O. Thomas 3, A. Mauger 2, K. Steele 3Standard V.—Myra Wilton 3, Edna Melhuish 2. Standard IV.—Ena Thomson 1, E. Purchaa 2. Standard 111.-:—Eileen Black 1, Jean Laing 2. Standard ll.—-Vonnie Pickles 1. Standard I.—Elizabeth Craig. At the annual exhibition of school sewing, arranged by the Home Economic* Association. Ouida Thomas won second prise and Avis Mauger won third prize in Standard VI. SPORTS. Girls,—Running—Standards T. and II.: Margaret Mitchell 1, Norma St.urgesn 2. Standard III.: Jean Laing 1, Klleen Black 2. Standard IV.: Dorothy St.urgess 1. Evelyn Scott 2. Standard V.: Kittle O'Sullivan 1, Lorna Will yams 2. Standard VI.: Edna Peters 3, Edna Grenfell and Lottie Somerville (equal) 2. Three-legged race—Senior: Iris Connor and Thelma. Fade 1, Winnie Dryden and Enid Purchas 2. Junior: Marion Pickles and Eileen Black 3, Ena Tewnlon and Hope Frewer 2. Sack race—Enid Purchaa 1. Delsle Melhuish 3. Old girls’ race—Nancy Thomas 3, Laura Suckling 2.

Boys.—Running—Standard I.: J. Somerville 1. C. Geary 2. Standard II.: T. Suckling 3. K. Kidd 2. Standard III.: E. Barker 1, B. M’Kernan 2. Standards IV. and V.: P. O’Sullivan 1, A. Genet 2. Standard VI.: J. Moore 1. C. Wrixton 2. Mile race—R. Suckling 1, El Barker 2, T. Suckling 3. Cycle race— Senior: E. Adcock 1, I. Sutherland 2. Junior: B. M’Kernan 1, Li Thomas 2. Old boys’ race—R. Steele 1, A. Black 2.

LYTTELTON. The prize distribution of the Lyttelton District High School, which was to have taken place in the playground yesterday afternoon, was. owing to the inclement weather, held in the Oddfellows’ Hall. The chairman of the School Committee, Mr C. Kay, presided, and in a brief address, spoke of the high standard of work attained in the school during the year, especially In the Secondary Department. The prize list is as follows: Form sA.—Beth Wilson 1. (English, arithmetic, history, mathematics, French); William Peebles 2 (English, arithmetic, mathematics, history, French): Form 58.—-Leo Dromgoole, 1 (arithmetic, botany, French, history), 2 (English, algebra, seometrj); Ronald Burbery 1, (geometry, algebra), 2 (arithmetic, French), 3 (botany); Ada Dudley. 1 (English and scripture); Douglas Stewart, 2 (botany, history), 3 (arithmetic); Gertrude James, 3 talgebra, history, geometry, French, scripture). Form 4.—Leslie Brown, 1 (English, French, history, botany, arithmetic, mathematics): Beth Gunn. 2 (arithmetic, geometry, algebra), 3 (botany, French); Stanley Gunn, 2 (history, botany, French), 3 (English, geometry); Jean Hunter, 2 (English), 3 (arithmetic, algebra, history). Form 3 and Commercial.—Ethel Huston, (special progress prize), 1 (French, shorthand, geography), 2 (typing, English), 3 (history and book-keeping); Chrissie Phillips, 1 (English, history, geography, and book-keeping), 2 (shorthand and arithmetic); Sydney Dromgoole, 1 equal (geometry and botany), 2 (algebra, English and history), 3 (French); Morris Radcliffe, l (algebra, geometry, equal): Hardie Wilson. 1 (arithmetic), 2 (French), 3 (geometry); Irene Wells 3 (botany and algebra); Charles Kay, 3 (geography); Keith Webb, 3 (arithmetic); Joseph Robertson, 3 (English); Phyllis Carter, 2 (book-keeping); R. Patc.hett, 3 (typing); Isabel Rurns, 3 (typing); Phyllis Carson. 2 (shorthand); Joyce Collett (diligence). Pitman's Shorthand Certificates—Ethel Huston, Phyllis Carson, Christina. F’hillips, Phyllis Carter. Ha*el Morris, Ivy Smith. Joyce Collett, Isabel Burns. Jack Childs, Raymond Patchett, Jack Burns. Keith Webb.

Standard Vl.—Boys—Jack Austad, 1, proficiency (dux medal) and Messrs Whitcombe and Tombs’ special prize; Ernest M’Cormiek 2, proficiency (Mr Sutton's prize); Er*l Rasmussen 3. proficiency (Mrs J. R. Wilson’s prize); Tval Carson, industry: Carl Demichili, progress; Edward Gillard. six years unbroken attendance: lan Dromgoole. geography and history; John .Turley, industry; Wilfred Hopwood. reading and recitation; Gilbert Lagrosse. 1 (woodwork), 2 (sports); Joseph Mitchell, arithmetic; Frederick Minty, drawing; Wilfred Miller, composition; Charles Hemslf-y, best athlete 10 2 7 (Mr J. R. Wilson's medal); William Wlllman,

best athlete 1926 (Mr Werren's medal). Girl6—Mona Carson 1. proficiency (dux medal) and Whitcombe and Tombs' special prize; Dorothy Davies 2, proficiency and 1 (cooking), Mr Sutton's prize; Jean Mills, 3 proficiency and 1 (sewing), Mr Kay’s prise; Gladys Bennetts, industry: Eileen Donaghey, homework and neatness; Zoe Lane, recitation and composition; Marie Pryde. history and geography; Constance Loader, 3 (sewing) and 2 (drill); Averill Ivesler, attendance and progress; Agnes Souter, drawing; Catherine Todd, diligence; Ngaire Watkins, 2 (sewing) and (drill); Doreen Wyatt, spelling and attendance; Ethel Thomas, industry: Dorotnj* Davies and Dorcas Whitford, 1 equal in sports, Mr Mazey’s prizes. Standard V.—Boys—Leslie Miller, 3; Reg. St John, 2 and 2 (woodwork); Corrie Toy, 3; Eliot Dudley, general excellence; Stanley Carson, general excellence, and 1 (woodwork); Hitton Wells, general excellence; Walter Smith. 2 (woodwork).; Alan Whithani, gardening; Eric Whitford, gardening: William Tissiman, much improved footballer; Harry Brodia, history and geography; Keith Louttit. diligence; Bernard Wilson, poetry. Girls—Joan Skippage, 1 and 1 (.sewing and cooking); Lurlene Carson, 2 and 2 (drill); Zenia Glasson, 3 and 2 (drill); Ethel Davies, general excellence; Florence Barraclough, general excellence; Evelyn Edgar, sewing: Iris Thompson, drill; May Brooks, industry; Freda Burberry, writing; Chrissie Pau'lger, industry; Phyllis Hunter, diligence; Scripture prizes (presented by Mrs A. J. Petrie); Florence Barrsclough 1, Joan Skipage 2, Lurline Carson 3. Standard IV.—Boys—Eric Mlntey, 1, proficiency; Gordon Matthews. 2. proficiency; John Sales. 3. proficiency; Don MacNaughton, progress; Albert Torrens, diligence; George Nelson, home work and neatness; Pat Reardon, history and geography: William Foubister, general excellence: Selwyn Jensen, drill. Girls—Gladys Barraclough, 3, proficiency; Nancye Wilson, 2. proficiency'; Phyllis Morris, 3. proficiency; Grace Davies, home work and neatness; Dora .101 l n son. progress; W inn if red Cant, progress: Lois Petrie, diligence; Betty Ryder, diligence; Doris Hemsley, drawing; Jessie PaLsc-oe. writing and neatness; Phillie Forman, sewing.

Standard lll.—Boys—Hugh Weatherhead, I; Ernest Willman, 2; Gordon Louttit, 3; George Millier, history; Colin Dix, progress; Willie Dix, improvement in writing: Harry Thomas, general excellence-; Arthur Carson, drawing; Allan Todd. Girls—lvy Samson, 1 ; Jean Carson, 2; Henrietta Brodie, 3; Joy Rasmussen, drill; Jean Roper, sewing; Eileen Fenton, general excellence; Beryi Wales, geography; Lorna M’Holm. reading; Mabel Hillrer, neatness; Dorothy Anderson, perseverance; Zw Bowling. Standard ll.—-Boys—Basil Dickie. 1; Charles Gaunson. 2'; John Tyro, 3; Keith Plowman, general excellence; Tommy Wilson, diligence; Charlie Hurley, general knowledge; Morris Lester, perseverance; . Ray Morris, handwork: Joseph Bain, drill. Girl's —Kathleen Plowman. 1 and nature study: Berta Monson and llazel Hunter. 2 and proficiency; Kathleen Wlllman, general excellence; Louis® Rees. diligence and sewing: Marie M’Kenzie, composition; Gwen Glasson, progress; Gladys Anderson, drill. Standard I.—Boys—Harold Jntemann, 1. proficiency, Sydney Canning, 2, proficiency and drill; Ronald Radcliffe, 3, proficiency; Gordon Tibbie, reading; Leslie Sales, recitation; Henry Cave, composition; Robert Armour, spelling; Sydney Ayres, progress: Edward Fenton. nature study; James Cowie, arithmetic; Arthur Robinson, progress; Ross Louttit, progress. Girls —Veronica Barnes, 1 and proficiency; Margaret Robertson, 2. proficiency, sewing and drill; Dorothy Shepheard, 3. proficiency; Myrtle Dix. recitation; Violet Gardner, composition; Dorothy Whitford, drawing: Marjorie Butcher, progress; Gwendoline Duff, reading and spelling.

Attendance Certificates.— Primary— Kathleen Ellis, Elsie M’Cormiek and Elsi® Comfort. Standard Vl.—Gladys Bennetts, Mona ('arson, Zoe Averill Lester. Jean Mills, Ngaire Watkins. Doreen Wyatt, Jack Crocker. Edward Gillard. George Hemsley. K. M’Cormick and John Hurley. Standard V.*— Eliot Dudley. Keith Louttit. Leopard M’Ginty. Neil Fhepheard. John Wilson. Freda Burberry. May Brooks. Ethel Davies. Ada Knowles, Myrtle Pascoe and Monica Rohertsqn. Standard IV.— Winnifred Cg.nt. Te-flah Childs. Rona Crocker. Run Hammill, Doris Hemsley. Dorm -Johnson. Ruth Madden. Audrey Orr, Leonard D. Anderson. Leonard A. Anderson. Ronald Anderson. Sydney Fisher. Gordon Matthews. Eric Mintey. Pat Reardon. John Sales and Morris Salomen.- Standard ITl.—John Tissima.n. Ernest Wlllman. Henrietta Brodie and Stella Robertson. Standard ll.—John Tyro. Morris T,e**ter and Aner Madden. Standard T.—Harold Intemann. LYTTELTON CONVENT. At the closing of th® Convent Schools. Lyttelton, prizes were awarded as fol-lows:-—Christian doctrine. Ellen Casey; good conduct (gold jriedal), Marion Costello (St Mary’s): matriculation class, Freda Molr; intermediate class, Robert Burns: commercial class (gold medal). Jean Reid; dux medal debated by Mr L. A. Waters. Combes (St Mary's). The two dux medals donated by Mr W. W. Toy to St Joseph’s school were won by Ivan Beaumont and Mary Loader. The Mayor (Mr F. E. Sutton), also gave a donation to the school psize fund. Prize* were distributed according to merit in the various classes. WAIMAIRI. Waimairl School held a prize-giving social and concert a.t the Memorial Hall. Papanui, last evening. Early in the evening Father Christmas arrived and presented all the younger children with toya. The programme was:—A play, Haj-.el Coull. Melvin Jones, Lloyd Henry; pianoforto solo, Jo.sephine Purse: dance, Noeline Hill; recitation. Emma Hunter; and nursery rhymes by the infants, boys' drill, country and other dances by the children occupied the rest of the evening. Mr R. R. Morrison presented the prizes am follows: Standard Vl.—Dux medal, Betty Smith; runner-up, Viol®t M’Connell; best boy, Jjm Sutherland; second boy. Lloyd Dailey; sewing, Joan Holloway; sewing, V. M'Conneli; ®aaays (W.C.T.U. prizes), T. Green and V. M’Conneli; best boy in sport s, William Wilson; best girl in sports, Irene Tullett. Standard V.—Fred Green 1. Rutherford Boyce 2; special. Alec Tolmie: diligence. Murray Cartner; sewing, Emma Hunter. Standard IV. : —Doris Heppelthwalte 1, Edna Burrows 2, Ron. Dryburgh 3, Doris Ya.rdley 4, Jack Le Page 6: best progress, Allan Holland; best writer. Owen Cox: sewing. Ruby Peters; sewing, Joan Salkeld; industry, Alice Patterson; progress, Jessie M'Leod 1. Nonie Berry; drawing, R. Tomkies: progress. Frank Rule: singing. Josephine Purse and Connie Watson: sport, L. Brett; progress, Mollv Stockdale, and Allan M’Kenzle. Standard ITl.—Dorothy Beker 1, Pat Hoare 2; progress, Iris Orchard; sewing. Allison Holloway. Standard 11. Rona Fisher 3, Lloyd Henry 2, progress, Ivan Shinn; sewing. Agnes Birtwistle. Standard T.—Jean Gibson 1. Irene Philpott 2; progress. Marjorie Le page; sewing, Helen Mulholland; mewing, Nancy Boyce: special, Clarence Franklin; Primer, G. Coott* and Mandie Cade. WEST LYTTELTON SCHOOL. The prize-giving ceremony of the West Lyttelon School took place yesterday afternoon and evening. At the school in the afternoon the Infanta were entertained at a Christmas tree party, when each child received a gift from the hands of Father Christmas. Refreshments were also dispensed. Tn the evening pupils from the primary department, as well as parents and friends, gathered in St Saviour’s schoolroom. The chairman of the committee, Mr E. Wea stoll. presided, and prizes were awarded as follows: Standard Vl.—Boys: Norman Odey (dux medallist and Whitcombe and Tombs’ special) 1. Patrick Miller 2. Arthur Isherwood 3. Progress, James May. Mr Weastell's hockey prize, Edward Adams. Girls: Betty Weastell (dux medallist and Whitcombe and Tombs’ special) L Lyndall Hendry 2. Phyllis Godard 3. Progress, Kathleen Oates, Eunice Sproule. Jean Voyce. Kempthorne memorial. Jessie Oilray. Parker brooch (athletics). Grace Clark I’age medal (athletics). Nonnan Odey. Standard VI. (lower) Eileen Matthews 1, James Anderson 2, Cecil Matthews 3. Progress. Dudl«yy Potts, Robert Hendry. Dora May. Standard V.—Albert Odey 1. Fred Priddy 2. Pat Rhind and Robert Herd (equal) 3. Progress, Margaret Ernest Hobbs Standard IV.—Boys: Ron Miller 1. James Anderson 2, Ron Seymour 3. progress, George ("lark- Girls: Flo Dave.v 1. Eunice Marsden 2. Gladys Dennis 3. Progress, Winsome M'Beath. Zita Brassel. Sewing. Agnes Sproule. Standard ITl.—Boys: Sydney Lane 1. Keith Hendry 2. Francis Matthews 3 Progress, Jim Rreston. Geography and history, Stuart Sillers, lan M’Kenzie. Girls: Phyllis May 1. Olive Hobbs 2. Nancy Anderson 3. Progress, Mary Matheson. Standard IT.—Boys: Roy Welsh 1. Ned Meikle 2. Ken Patience S. George Roder, Billy Preston. Ken Whitford. Special for composition: Roy Slyfield. Girls: Mavis GiJray I, Shirlev Mourltzen 2. Marjorie MTlr..\ :< Sewing: Noeline Smith.

RANGIORA. The prize-giving at the Rangiora High School took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of parents of pupils and others Interested in the school. The chairman of th* Board of Governors, Mr C. 1. Jennings, presided, and in a brief address noted the progress made in the school in various directions during the year. Mr J. E. Strachan, principal of th® school, also addressed the gathering. Part-songs, a trio and a chanty song were given by members of the school choir, conducted by Mr G. Gibbs Jordan, th# school music teacher. The prizes were presented by Mrs Jenninge. and afterwards afternoon tea was served. Following Is the prize list:— Dux modal—Mary Thorne. Form 6—English and mathematics. Leo Brocklebank. Form 3, Upper—Mary Ballinger 3 ; English and geography, Rohaon Thwaites: science. Francis Debenham. Form 6, lx>wer—Vera Matthsws 1, Isobel Kheat 2. Form 4 B—lsobel Forbes and Rita Piper (equal) 1: history, science and geography, lan Blair; French and agriculture. Dennis Lane. Form 4C—Dorothy Ayer* 1, Roy Moore 2 Form 4D—Ethel Sheat 1, Nancy Chinnery 2. Form 3A—Jack Evans 1. Form 3B—Jean Barrie and Sylvia . Little (equal) 1. Form SC—Eric Townley 1, Charle* Morriss 2; science, Gordon Spiller. Form 3D—Housecraft, Doris Allen. The Annie M Dchlan memorial prize for progress in science—lnez Farrar and Joan Parsons, equal. Dr I. M. Allen's prizes for moral leadership. community service, scholarship, culture and excellence in sports and hobbies—Joan Parsons and Percy BenProgress in science—Roy Moore. Cookery—Vera Matthews 1, Margaret M’lntosh 2. Field plots—Rex Parsons 1, Harry teaman 2, Jack Stackhouse and Clifford Crowe (equal) 3. First year boys’ plot*—Stanley Davev and Jack Stackhouse (equal) 3. Leslie Jolly and Charles Morris (equal) 2. Singing, attendance, attention and improvement—Senior: Garnet Rand* and Dorothy Ayers. Junior: Jean Barrie. Sewing—Senior: Mavis Trounce. Junior: Phyllis Harrison. Mr R. Ball s Agricultural Cup—Francis Debenham. Physical Drill—Senior girls’ shield and medal. Lucy Gulliver. Junior girl*, Mildred Wright. Boys, Donald Cutter. Ladies’ challenge cup and medal for rifle-shooting—Seniors: Corporal Ft. .1. W. Lindsay. Juniors: Cadet R. Ballinger. Tennis shield and medal—Joan Par-AthWl.-Si—Se-nior championships Nelson Mowatt. Joan Parsons. Junior: David Proune, Jean Rand*. Football trophy—F. J. Dawson. Swimming-:—Boys’ senior championship: Leo Brocklebank. Junior: F. J Dawson. Girls' senior and junior: Katherine Bishop. School Council presidents' badge*— Joan Parson*. Percy Bennett, lively n Lane. R. Lindsay, Nancy Wagner, Lester Butters. Secretary’s badge—V. Corbett. Oitizenshij-) prizes—Joan Parsons ami Malcolm Burns. FLOWER SHOW. In connection with the function there was also a flower show, and a competitive exhibition of school work. including cookery. needlework, writing, sketching, typing, mapping, bookkeeping, woodwork and photography. Prize* # were awarded a* follows: CUT FLOWERS. Rose Mary Thorne 1, Isobel Sheat J. Montgomery 3. Three roses -A. Taylor 3. Isobel Sheat 2, Mary Thorne Six rose*—Frances Mockett Bowl of rost'f* —Frances Mockett 1. Antirrhinum* —J. Montgomery 1. 1. Blair 2, R. Ballinger 3. Vase of antirrhinum*— K. Ballinger 1. I. Blair 2. J. Montgomery Collection of pansies—S. Ober.v 1 I Blair 2. Frances Mockett Verbei.;„>_ !F. Mockett 1. Oarnatidns— S. Ob. rv 1. Iceland poppies—Eileen Hallinan 1 Gaillai’dias—J. Montgomery 1. Kile-., Hallinan 2. Vase of gaiilardia* - Fr* n ees Mockett 1, J. Montgomery 2. Delphiniums—Eileen Hallinan 1. Yas. of delphinium*—Frances Mo< kett 1. Eileen Ha.llinan 2. Vase of coreoimi*—Eileen Hallinan 3. Vase of flowers, any varie-ties-—J. Montgomery 1. Eileen Hallinan 2. Sweet peas—Jane Thrtkcld 1. Fred* Threkeld 2. Nina Kill* 3. Collection of flowers—Eileen Hallinan 1. Franr. Mockett 2. DECORATIVE SECTION. Gentleman'* buttonhole, under 1 5- R. Ballinger 1, Frances Mockett 2. Ov-r 35—Margaret Min tosh 1. Lad) s spr:.> —Frances Mockett J. Decorated table Margaret M’lntosh 1. Docornt«d haak< t —Jane Threkeld 1. Victorian posj. - Frances Mockett 1. VEGETABLES. Peas—R. Ballinger J, R. Parsons 2. C. Devonshire 3. Broad beans—G. Spil ler 1, E. Oed 2. R. Parsons Radish, —R. Ballinger 1. V. Corbett 2 and :: White turnip*—E. Oed 1, R. Ballinge. 2. Ethel Graham 3. Spring onions—« \ Devonshire 3, E. Oed 2, R. Parsons Six spring onions—R. Ballinger 1, C Evans 2, E. Oed 3. Cauliflower—C. Devonshire 3. Cabbage—R. Ballinger 1. F. Oed 2, Maude James 3. A. Taylor 4. Lettuces—T. Lambert 1. C. Devonshire Maude James 3. R. Ballinger 4. Carrots —R. Parsons 1. C. Evans 2. E. Oed : Three early potatoes—R. Ballinger 1, j. Kelliher 2 and J. T. Lambert 4. Six early potatoes—R. Ballinger 1. .1 Kelliher 2. Maude James 3. Collection «.f vegetables—R. Ballinger 3, C. Evans 2. FRUITS. Gooseberries—Nina Ellis 3. Maude James 2. R. Ballinger 3, J. Kelliher 1 Black currant* —Maude Jame* j, s. Davey 2. R. Ballinger 3. White currants—S. Davey 1. COOKERY. Brown scones—Vera Matthews 3. Plain scones—P. Spink 1, V. Matthew* 2. \V. Hills 3. Girdle scone* —V. Matthews 1, P. Spink 2. rule scones—V. Matthews 1. Madeira cake—Margaret M lntosh 1. Sponge sandwich—Dorothy Rowe 1, Nina Ellis 2. Coffee cake—Margaret M’lntosh and Vera Matthews (equal) I Fruit cake—Vera Matthew* 1. Mixed biscuits—R. Jackson 1, V. Matthews and Peggy Smith (equal) 2. Plate of kiss, —Margaret M lntosh 1. Evelynne Lam 2. Freda Threkeld Pikelet*—V. Matthews 1, Jane Threkeld 2. Small good*— F. Threkeld 1. J. Threkeld 2. Afternoon

tea tray—Margaret M’Tntosh 1, Eve lynne Lane 2. Shortbread—Vera Mat thews 3. Peggy Spink 2.

Table centre, coloured—Peggy- Spink 1 and 2. Embroidered table runner or tray cloth—May Blackmore 1 and 2. Embroidered cushion—Freda Threkeld 1. Coloured cushion, worked in silk Ethel Sheat 1. Doily, eyelet—E. Hallinan 2. Crochet —K. Hallinan 3. Crochet jumper or dress—F. Mockett 2 White embroidery, eyelet—Peggy Spink 1. Not eyelet—lsobel Sheat 1. Marpnret MTntosh 2. Coloured embroidery-

Margaret M’lntosh 1. Olive Dixon Hand-sewing—M. Blackmore 1. Ethel Sheat 2. Girls frock—Ray Moore 3. Dorothy Ayers 2. Mavis Trounce 3 Pei ticoat—Doris Allen 7. Janie Threkeld 2. Nina Ellis 3. Nightdress—O. Dixon 1. Margaret Mlntosh 2. May Blackmor. 3. Collection of samples—Ruby Jackson 1. HANDWORK. Mapping.—Form 3—K. Banfield 3. Sylvia Little 2. Margaret. Stevenson 3. Form 4—Bett v Ogilvie 1. Mavis Tmunc* 2. Rita Hanna 3. Form 5—N. Mowatt 1, Lucy Gulliver 2. Katherine Bishop 3. Writing.—Form 3—D. Drewery 3. I’. Harriwon 2, J. Evans 3. Form 4 Be:< trice Kennedy 3. Jessie Croft 2, Mavi < Trounce 3. Form f». lower—Olive Dixon 1, Eileen Hallinan 2. N. Mowatt 3. Bookkeeping.—Form 3—J. Evans 1. Patricia Hanna 2. Frances Mockett Form 4—Dorothy Ayers 1, Cool*2, T. Dwan 3. Printinif and liond-colouring. Anthology of English verse—Form 3—S\lvia Little 1. Threkeld 2. Form » —Betty Ogilvie 1. Mavis Trounce 2. Form 5, lower—X. Mowatt 3, Peggy Sptnk 2. History time sheet—Form 3 Sylvia Little 3, Jean Rand* 2. Form 4 Rita Piper and Betty Ogilvie (equal) 1. Molly Gillon 2. Form 5. lower—N. Mowatt 1, Isobel Sheat 2. Typing—Confused manuscript—Maude James 1, Phyllis Turner 2. Peggy Spink 3, work—Freda Coote 1. Alice Rowe 2. Beatrice Kennedy 3. Form ■> —Patricia Hanna 3, L. Jolly 2. Patricia Dewar 3. Sketching, from copy—l^antlscape—N. Mowatt 1. Any object—N. Mowatt 1. From Nature—Landscape: N. Mowatt 1. Any object—N. Mowatt 1. Woodwork—Form 3—Geoffrey J‘arsons 1. Forms 4 and 5—A. Taylor 1.

ST JOSEPH’S. The breaking-up ceremony In connetlon with St Joseph's School, Papanui. took plara yesterday when the prizes were distributed. It had been arranged for the rest of the day to be spent at a picnic at. Stewart'* Gully, but owing t<» the Inclemency of the weather tb~ school became their playground and games end racing indulged in. a pleasant time being spent. The prize-Ust was: Standard Vl.—Leo M'lntee 1. Eileen Farrell 2: Standard V.—J. Highst.ed Margery Riley 2: Standard IN' --Sheila Colgan 1; Standard lll.—Terence Gr**fakl 3, R D. Connell 2; I’.S-».NVIa Sisson 1; P. 3. Dennis Rossiter 1.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 18339, 16 December 1927, Page 12

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Untitled Star (Christchurch), Issue 18339, 16 December 1927, Page 12

Untitled Star (Christchurch), Issue 18339, 16 December 1927, Page 12