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School and Playground

BY *


CRICKET. Although the rain which fell during: the morning made the wickets rather tricky last Saturday, the standard of the play in the fifth round of games in the Canterbury Boys’ Association's competition was quite high. As would be expected the pitches throughout favoured the bowlers, and. although on tho whole, the scoring was rather slower than usual, some bright innings were played during the afternoon. P. AUsop, who heads the batting honours with a total of 71, is a member of the Liu wood seventh grade team. He has been showing nice form of late and bis score last Saturday practically won ♦ lie match for his side. F. Riddle, who is next on the list with 66 not out, plays for the Boys High School fifth grade A team, whilst H. Armstrong (St Bede’s) and L. Fisher (School) arc both sixth grade players. Amongst the bowlers, the best figures were secured by B. Taylor, of the St Andrew's sixth grad© team. P. Donovan (St Bede’s sixth grade) comes a very good second. The next five bowlers also did well last Saturday, their performances being just about on a par as each of them averages under two runs per wicket. BATTING HONOURS. P. Allsop (Linwood) 71 F. Riddle (School) *66 M. Armstrong (St Bede’s) *SO L. Fisher (School) f>o D. O’Brien (St Bede’s) *4O C. Ward (St Bede's) 4 0 G. Balfour (Rieearton) 3$ M. Gray (West) 35 JT. M’Nair (St Andrew’s) 34 O. Scully (Marist) *32 .T. Mannix (St Bede's) 32 O. Hen wood (Technical) 3 2 P. Donovan (St Bede’s) 31 * Signifies “not out.” a BOWLING HONOURS. B. Taylor (St Andrew’s), five for 1. P. Donovan (St Bede's), two for 1, three for 1. A. Francis (School), five for 10, five for J. Patterson (Rieearton), five for 7, seven for 0 F. Steere (Marist), eight for 8, four for 5. O. Scully (Marist), one for 1, six for 10. S. Preston (St Bede’s), seven for 9. K. M’Menamin (St Bede’s), eight for 1 4, five for 22. .T. O’Brien (Technical), five for 15. H. Purchas (School), five for 16. three for G. W. Ooombes (Technical), five for 12. K. E. Grenfell (Technical), five for 13. S. V. Ellis (Rieearton), threo for 10, five for 22. R. Cannon (Rieearton), four for 8, one for 8. P. Talbot (St. Andrew’s), nine for 28. D. O'Brien (St Bede's), two for 13, five for 17. G. E. King (Rieearton), five for 31, three for 15. R. Grimmer (St Andrew's 1 ), four for 11, one for 13. B. M’Nieh six for 35. R. Brown (Linwood), five for 29. A. Leverett (St Andrew’s), six for 36. E. W. House (School), five for 33. T„ Armstrong (School), five for 34. D. A. Lightfoot. (School), five for 52. FIFTH GRADE. As Technical A had their bye last Saturday. Rieearton, who gained a sixpoint win in their game against Technical C, now have a lead of one point. Previous to last Saturday, Technical »i' had not been beaten, but do--9 IVal at the hands of Rieearton was ex-

ported as Technical C owed their position mainly to the fact that they had met only tho weaker teams in this grade. The following table shows the position of tho teams:—

School B batted first in their game against St Bede’s, but did not show much form and were all out for 28, E. House being the top scorer. K. M’Monamin proved deadly with the ball, his medium paced left-handers accounting for eight wickets for the small cost of 14 runs. D. O’Brien, two for 13, took the remaining wickets for St Bede’s, who replied with 73 of which total D. O’Brien contributed a nice 40 not out. E. W. House, five for 33, and .T. M’Ewin, four for 31, shared the bowling for School U, who in their second innings compiled 40. A. L. Smith, 13 not out, and H. Howe 10, gained double figures' whilst K. M’Menamin, five for 22, and D. O’Brien, five for 17. divided the wickets for St Bede’s, who secured a six-point win. Technical B won by default from LinRiocarton batted first in their game against Technical C and scored SO (S. V. Ellis 26, <;. Pf King 10, I\ Watson 10, and J. Brookleliurst 10). J. O’Brien live for 15, was the most successful with the hall, whilst G. Bourner, two for 30. and F. Wise, two for 2. also took wickets for Technical C, who replied with 36. J. O’Brien was the top scorer, whilst G. E. King, five for 21, and S. V. Ellis, three for 10. took the wickets. Rieearton declared their second knock with three wickets down for 43 runs. S. V. Ellis was again the chief contributor with a useful 21, whilst P. Watson came next with 13. S. M’Kernan, two for S, and S. Bourner. one for 4, bowled best for Technical C, whose second innings realised 3 7 (J. O’Brien, 20). S. V. Ellis, five for 22. G. E. King, three for 15. and N\ Wilson, one for 0, look the wickets for Rieearton, who secured a six-pointer. Playing at Strowan against School C. St Andrew’s batted nicely and declared with nine down for 135. M’Nair, 3 4, Broughton, 22, Weatherburn 27. and Lilley 21, were the chief scorers, whilst 1). A. Idghtfoot, five for 52, Prevail, one for 10 and Palmer, one for 12, howled best. School C. were all out for 34 (Lightfoot 16). Grimmer, four for 11, and M’Nairn, three for 22, handled the ball with success. Following on School C scored 28. Taylor, five for 1, gained the best figures, whilst Lilly, one fen 5. apd Grimmer, one for 13. also took wicketa for St Andrew’s, who secured a six-point win. Marist Brothers were first at the wickets in their game against School A. but failed to show much form and were all out for 26, M. M'Ponnell being the top scorer. A. Francis, five for 10, and H. Purchas, five for 16, shared the wickets for School A. who replied with 101 for one wicket, when the innings was declared. F. Riddle, 66 not out, and J. Peake, 29, were tho chief contributors. whilst C. Kirk, one for 25, bowled best. In their second innings, Marist Brothers were dismissed for 20. J. Price gaining the t«>p score. A. Francis. five f..r 7, and H. Purchas, three for 6, again bowled well for School A,

who notched a six-pointer. Technical A had tho bye. 35 ».• j,j The following is tho draw for the sixth round in the Fifth Grade:—School A v. School C, Hospital Corner, No. 3; Marist v. Technical C, Hospital Corner No. 4; Rieearton v. St Bed»'s, St Bede’s No. 3; School B v. Technical A. Hospital Corner No. 6; Linwood v. St Andrew’s. Hospital Corner No. C; Technical B a bye. SIXTH GRADE. The drawn game last week between West Christchurch and Linwood has infused fresh life Into the. competition in the sixth (under 16) grad»-, as the four leading teams are now separated by 45 points. Although it docs not appear very likely that either West or Linwood will bo defeated before Deotlon will close, next Saturday’s games will bo watched with interest for then Linwood meet School A, whilst West Christchurch are drawn against St Bede's. The positions of the teams are as follows:

Grammar batted first in their game against Rieearton. but were dismissed for 30 runs, P. Patterson, five for 7, and R. Cannon, four for 8, proving successful with the ball. Rieearton notched 105 (G. Balfour 38, S. Andrews 25, R. Cannon 10, and O. Hattersly 10). R. M’Nish again bowled well, taking six wickets for 35 runs whilst S. Bartlett, two for 13, also handled the ball successfully, in their second innings Grammar scored 37 <S. Bartlett 20). J. Patterson proved deadly capturing seven wickets for 9, whilst O. Balfour, two for 16, and R. Cannon, one for 8, accounted for the remaining batsmen. Rieearton secured a six-point win. Playing at Northcote, the home team were first at the wickets in tlieir game against School H. The St Bede's batsmen showed good form and ran up 123 (J. Mannix 32, P. Donovan 31, J. Ryan 16, and Ashley 12). Armstrong, five for 3.4; and I). M’Millan, three for 4, took the wickets for School B, who replied with 11. J. Mannix, three for ), P. Donovan, two for 1, and G. Clarkson, one for two, wfero the most successful bowlers. Following on, School B scored 30 (Anderson 19. and Strong 10). I*. Donovan three for 1. and J. Mannix, one for 3, secured the best figures for St Bede's, who gained a six-pointer. As was expected the game between West Christchurch and Linwood was very keenly contested. West Christchurch were first at the wickets and, although their opening was not very promising, their later batsmen got going well and a good stand for the last two wickets saw 121 scored before the clone of the Innings. M. Gray 35. R. M'Cleary 24, D. Angus 23, L. Ackery 17. and G. Sanson 11, were the chief scorers. 11. Brown, five for 29. and N. M'Rae, three for 17, bowled best for Linwood, who at time had los t six wickets for SO runs. N. M’Rae 28, A. Rimmer 26, and It. Brown 11, secured double figures whilst D. Angus, three tor 26 and M. Gray, three for 23, divided the wickets. The game was drawn. A close game resulted when School A and St Andrew’s met at Strowan. The visitors batted first and scored IJO of which total Fisher contributed a nice half-century, whilst Rum bold carried his bat for 30 runs. Leverett, six for oh, and Wilson, two for 49, took the wickets for St Andrew’s, who replied with 94. Adair 26, Leverett 19. Mac Gibbon 14, and Wilson 10, secured double figures, whilst R. Townshend. four for 24. M. Robinson, two for 33, and Benson, one for 10, bowled hest for School A, who obtained a five-point win. Technical batted first in their game against Marist and although the earlier batsmen went cheaply, the tail wagged well and 120 was scored. E. Taylor 28, J. Nelligan 15. Bailey 14. Hessey 13, Coombes 12 and 11. Puddle 11 not out. secured double figures, whilst S. Lav- • ry, lii,-. ,f..r ;,. two for ’V; \Y Bowen, two for 1 •», and Cronin, or-

for 10. took the wickets for Man:-', who replied with 34. <Hunter 1 «, arid R. Dynes 10, being the chic? w-ortr . T. Hobson, four for 11, and V»\ Cooinbes, five for 30. tooh the wickets for Technical, who notched a. slx-poini-The following is the draw for the next round ir> the sixth jrrado:—Mk I A v. Lin wood. Hospital Corner No. 7: Marlst V. St Andrew's. Hospital Corn- r No. S; Rlccarton v. Technical. Ensor s Road. No. 3; School R. v. <, School H won by default; West v. St Bede's, St Bede s No. 4. « SEVENTH GIUDE. As Marist Brothers notched another six-point win Saturday wbii t Technical A only secured a five-pointer, the former team now has a clear lea«* of five points and, with only two uau.-o games to play, look like winning ilio grade. The position of the teams are ai follows:—• 6pt. 6pt. Tl.

Technical batted first in their game against St Andrews. scoring SO (C. Hen wood 32, A. Boddington 15, and IL. Ooldstone 12). I*. Talbot put up a very lino performance in capturing niuo wickets for 28 runs. St Andrews ju?-t avoided a follow-on, replying with -.2 (K. Macartney 11, P. Adams iu>. E. ' Grenfell, live for 13, It. Goldstoric, two for 14, and R. Garrett, two for 7, bowled best for Technical, whu gained a livepoint win. The Marist Brothers bowling prov<d too difficult for Grammar, who were all out for nine runs. F. Steere, eight for fc, and O. Scully, one for 1. the wickets for Marist, who d* clar« d with one down for 72. O. Scully, 32. and L. McSlenamln, 2i. were the out batsmen, whilst F. Stecre. 1!. also gaioed double figufes. Blunden, one 1- r 15, bowled best for (Irammar, who, their second kuock, scored 24. O. Scull. l • six for 10. and F. Stecre. four for . again took the wickets for Marist, Mho gained a six-point win. Playing at Northcotc, St Bedes were first at the wickets in their g:tno» against School B, and notched 62 tSh* a 27). Prichardt and Lowry each tO"k five wickets for School B, who replied with 4 7 (Lowry 13). Armstrong (7) and Preston (2) took the wickets for St who declared tbeir second innings with two down for 120. H- Armstrong was the top scorer with a ni<*a 60 not out, whilst C. Ward was next on the list with 40. whilst. Preston trained double figures with 11. Prlchardt and Crompton took the wicket* for School B, who, iu their second innings, collapsed for 23, Lowry again being the top scorer. S. Preston, seven for 9, and H. Armstrong, three for It, took the wickets for St Bedes, who gained a six-pointer. School A batted first in their game against Llnwood, scoring 76 (W. Brown 26, M. Cooper IS, I. Parsons IS. » n< * E. Brunton 3 0). D. Dawson, four for 30, bowled best for Llnwood, who declared with four down for 106. 1\ A 11sop was again prominent with a nlcs 71. whilst IL Round <l2> also gained double figures. I. Parsons, three for bowled best for School A, who at time had lost three wricks ts for 34 (I. Parsons 16). Llnwood secured a fivepointer. .. , The sixth round of games In this grade will be as follows: School A v. St Bedes. St Bedes No. *, MArist v. ht Andrews. Hospital Corner No. 10; School B v. Technical. Eneor’s Road No. 4; J*inwood v. Grammar. Llnwood win by default.

6-pt. 5-pt. Til. wins. wins. L.. Pts. Riccarton 3 1 0 23* Technical A 2 2 0 22* School A. 3 0 1 18* St Bede’s 2 1 1 IT* Technical C. 1 2 1 16* Technical B 1 2 2 16 St Andrew’s 2 0 3 12 School B 1 1 3 11 Mar is t 1 0 4 6 Lin wood 0 0 5 0 School C 0 0 S 0 • Have had their bye.

West i 0 J 0 2«S l.inwoori .... 2 2 1 0 24J School A 2 2 0 1 22 St Bede’s 2 2 0 1 22 Technical 2 1 o 2 3 7 Riccarton .... 2 o 0 rt 3 2 St Andrew’s .1 1 0 .2 11 Marist 0 1 0 4 6 Grammnr 0 0 0 5 0 School B 0 0 0 6 0

Wins. Wins. Losses. T Marist 2 X 0 i'7 Technical ..... 2 2 1 2 2 School A. 2 L 2 1« Lin wood o 2 2 16 Sr. Bedes ...... 2 0 2 12 St Andrews ... 1 1 2 M School 13 1 " 4 •• G rat uinar 0 0 i t*

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 18013, 25 November 1926, Page 10

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School and Playground Star (Christchurch), Issue 18013, 25 November 1926, Page 10

School and Playground Star (Christchurch), Issue 18013, 25 November 1926, Page 10