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School and Playground



RUGBY FOOTBALL. SI: FONDA BY NOTES. Lrs(, w.'ek games were continued in the limi i * , w h hs;’ C , h , ■ s<ioom,a ry compel i- , ,n t;J 36o teams competing in the (an terbury Jim,-by Union's competition also fulfilled their engagements. The positions of the school teams in the various Uh.F. grades are very creditable. St Rede's 1. have not yet been beaten in 11111 mini grade (open), whilst School L. ■nr unucleated in tne thiru graue (under twenty) St Andrew s I. m the same graue .iu\e only lost two matcncs. .School 11. are runners-up in the four in grade, whilst b-iae 'il !j J rt!, | u '"Y rch a,m J echnical 1. Bie fifth graue, although not leading, Technical 11. have shown good form, whilst m the sixth grade, 'technical ii ary i n the toad and 'Jccumcal A a. re also Last Saturday, fit Andrew's I. met and actuated Old Boys B. the nnal store being 22 points to nil. In the first spell fit Andrews showed great form. especially amongst the forwards, who played a fine, bustlnit: game and cave tne Old Boy.' rearguard no chance of opening up the attack. At half-time the score was Lb points to nil ill favour of fit Andrew s, D. iVl'Donald, M'Farlane, Ixadlicld and ( unumgiiam securing tries in that order, and Johnston adding the major points to the last two tries. After half-iimo the ffi'.v*' 1' ‘-. wards playing a harder game, fit. Andrew's in tnis spell added t«o tries, both of these being scored by I>. M'Donrespcct by Cook, whilst amongst the rearguard Johnston, at half, and Iladfield, on tne left wing, showed good form, l’efcrec: 51 r T. Bain. Last Saturday. a friendly game was played between fit Bedes 1. and College L. the latter team winning by 33 points to 5. fit Bedes fielded a weak team, three of their players, including J. fitepfipring (left wing). being indisposed. teres ting, and on the whole closer than the score would indicate. From the kick off fit Bedes attacked strongly, but it. was not long before Sugden set. his backs in motion and Biddles scored, fit Bedes now attacked and fast play, in which Ahern was prominent, kept College busy. Their hacks however, by combined play. worked down into the fit Bedes territory, and from a scrum C. 51. (*. Wilson dived over. College were still aggressive, and a nice rush, in which the hacks handled cleanly, saw J. Armstrong score. Hard forward play by fit Bedes put College on the defensive. From a scrum near the College twenty-five, Doogan received and cut in, scoring a well-deserved try. The same player converted. Shortly before half-time a good rush down the line saw Gibbs, the left wing, gain a fourth try for College, and the spell ended with the score 12—5. On resuming, the weight of the College forwards began to tell, and a combined rush ended in a try by J. Armstrong. fi. fi. Wilson converted with a fine kick. The College forwards continued to attack, and the score was brought to 23—5 by medium <>l. a try by Marshall and a goal dropkicked from a mark by Hamilton. Towards the end of the game good combined play by the College backs enabled J. Armstrong to secure two more tries, both of which were converted by fi. fi. Wilson, and time was called with the score 3.5—5 in favour of College 1. At one period during the second .spell fit Bede's attacked very strongly. Doogan, mr? Ahern being prominent ments which were unlucky not^to'‘result m tries. Referee: slr T. W. Tothill. Although School I. again showed good form in their game against Varsitv B the opposition was so weak that the game were fairly closely contested but .School L were soon into their stride and carried (he score to 77 points to 3 before the final whistle blew. Referee: 51 r fi. j. Barnett. School Ir. scored another victory last week, defeating Old Boys A bv 14 points IP fi. Bradley (-2) and Billcliff secured trie-, whilst Jacobs kicked a penalty goal and also converted one try. School IT. now fill the second place in the C.R.U. fourth grade. , Meri vale * proved rather too strong for Technical J., who were defeated by 30 points to 10 after a bright game. For Technical T.. Barnett and Wilson scored tries, the former player and Welch converting. In their game against Albion. West Christchurch T. were defeated by 17 points to 3. Sutherland securing a try for the latter. Technical 11.. in the fifth grade, turned the tables upon Merivt.le, whom they defeated by U> points to 3. Patten (2). Freeman and Spenrer gained tries for Technical 11., two tries being converted by Tn the sixth grade. Technical A. also tried inclusions with Merivalo t.nd scored n. good win by 22 points to 3. For Technical A. Rouse (2). Welch and Marshall secured tries, three being contorted by Stokes who also ported a goal. The game between Technical B and Sydenham was close nn.l excitin*r from start to finish Technical R finally winning bv 5 points to 3. For Technical B. MTai'-'h-lan scored and ITendry converted. This win puts Technical B at the head of Hie sixth grade. Technical f\ in their game against. Linwood, wore defeated by Hi points t<» nil.

S ECO \ D GRA DE. T' a?t "cck games were continued in the second grade, when portionK of the fifth and sixth rounds were played. Four matches have not yet taken place. West Christchurch I. being the worst offenders with only two games played. School 111 , College 111.. Jtangiora 1.. St Andrews 11. and St Bede's 11. are all up to date with their matches, and the. remaining teams should endeavour to complete their games as soon as possible. The positions of the teams are as in the following, tabic: Points. Ch.

St Andrew's 11. scored their first, win last Saturday lvtien they defeated School IV- by the comfortable margin of ■> ]_ points to nil. St Andrew’s have previously drawn with West Christchurch 1. and St Hedo’s ] 1., and now ha\« two full points to their credit. On Saturday tries were scored by 1. Scott. Rittlo. Cook and, verted one try. .Referee: Air If. B. J. MurSohool 111. once again suffered defeat last week when they were beaten by West Christchurch I. by the large margin of .'52 points to nil. Phillips and Steane each gained two tries, whilst Hatteralfcy, Roberts. SUatty and lladley also scored. Roberts converted three tries and Phillips one. Referee: Mr C. W. Allard. Technical J. had things all their own way in their game against School IV.. and won by 71 points to nil. A. A. Smith had a fic-ld day. scoring live tries and converting a like number, whilst Bigliara (.3), day. Cox. Powell and Hobbs also gained tries. Spencer and Bigham converted one try apiece. Referee: Mr I>. Arnott. Rangiora I. last Saturday defeated St Bede's 11. by 33 points to nil. The latter were weakened by three of their usual team being absent, and on the whole the the score indicates- The Rangiora backs, who were heavier* 5 than tlieir opponents, combined well and moat of the tries resulted from passing rushes. In the first spell tries were scored by Scott. Pitima and Prichard i- . Buckley converting two, making the score 3 i to nil at half time. Parly iu the second spell Gainsford secured a try but after that play was very even until the last ton minutes, during which tries were scored by Pitima (2). Buckley and Richardson. Buckley converting one. Referee: Air E. Buckle;*. THIRD GRADE. The third round of games in this grade was played last week. School V. securing t.linir third win in succession, whilst College V. maintained their position as

runners-up. The following tabic shows the positions of the teams: Points. « h.

I„i2 Technical IT. and Col in i I'- ''T cl ° sel f «>nt*.ted and rosulte, n a win for the latter team by II point, ’ . for M'O winners Appleby secure,: Johnston,, also scored 1 y , in = converted by Rundle. Foi lechmcal T[. Freeman gained a try which GoldSo' ertCa Imnself - Referee: Air C. J vi An °S Cr «T Cn , ro3uUc,! ' V,ICII Eollegi 3 1. met behool M„ and the final score ol *; pointß to 51 m favour of the College team was a true indication of how the game went- For the winners Hartley Averdl aipl Parson each secured one frv Referee: MrO. J. Williams. r l'he remaining game in this rrrade waf cv f n] y contested. School V. nroviu-j a little too good for fit .Andrews 111. whom they defeated by 20 points- to nil, Referee: Air 11. O. .Teffeoate. FOURTH GRADE. J.apt. week the third round of games '• ,l,i fourth grade was played, with the exception of the mateh between S.-hooi Vljr and Technical JIT., which “V :i% " I<lal >l.v postponed. The teams now stand as in the following table:—

Most Christchurch 11. fielded a weak team m their game against College VI I . mnrHn rt J' e ‘^ en b * v Lht: falrl - v substantial mai gin of 24 points to nil. For the winiiers, Wyn-IViliiams scored on three occasions, whilst Bullen (2). McKellar, Konnedj' and Raw also gained tries, none li. Wh?fV VCr ° converted. Referee: slr The game between fit Bedes TIT. and ( onego \ 111. was uninteresting, as fit Lodes 111. quite ; outclassed their opPonmits and ran out the winners by 47 ‘■ints to ml. No record of the scores was kept, but Quinn, in the forwards. k5?-- t^.& u r* B^LS. ,ayer - rfit Andrews IV. and School IN. were evenly matched, and a good game resulted in a win for fit Andrews IV. l. v G P° in V* to »«L For the winners. Reed secured ;i try. and Shand kicked a penmain eoal * Iteferoe: * Mr l '- Quarter<'wing to the state of the ground, the game between Technical 111. and School \III. did not take place, but will he played later in the season. COLTS GRADE. Last week the third round of games in the colts grade (under 15) took place ami. owing to the defeat of St Andrews o.v ( ollege, the two leading teams. School and Technical, now have, a clear lead of two points. The meeting of these two teams in the fifth round is being keenly looked forward to. The table below indicates the present position of the teams in this grade:—

C Technical] P r °ved too good for West win by 31 points to 2. Sliou, at cent re-three-quarter, secured three tries, whilst sl<‘Lachlan (2), Almond and Loader also scored. The goal kicking in this maton was good. Hendry converting five tries for Technical, whilst ( Campbell kicked ai penalty goal for the losers. Referee * School had no difficulty in winning their game against fir. Bedes, the final score being 27 points to nil in their favour. Orevin. Gregg and Snowden each secured two tries for the winners, whilst Smith. Candry and Henry also scored. No tries were converted. Referee: Mr L. Spring. The match between College and St Andrews was closely contested, the former winning by 9 points to n. For College, tries were scored by Murphy, Wilkin and Cooper, whilst for fit AnRoyds adding the major points to Ida own try. Referee: Mr J. D. Bay butt.. lIEAYY-WEIG lIT GRA DE. frames in the heavy-weight, grade (under Bst. 711*) were continued last week when the third round was played. drew:/ all won their matches, tin* relative positions of the teams arc unchanged. This week Technical A will play School A, and although the game will not definitely decide the competition. .as a second series is to be played, considerable interest centres around the result.

Technical ( . •> " •' v •• 1 '' 3 ' . The game between fit Andrews and Technical C was fairly closely contested, fit Andrews winning by 1 1 points to nu. For the winners two tries were scored l.v I*. Scott, whilst Nutt also crossed the line. D. Scott converted one try. Referee: Air Smith. School A had a runaway victory in their game against School I>. the final score being 57 points to nil in their favour. Gros© (5). Ilenriek (4), <’urle (o). Clarke, Langford, Robinson, Strong and Vincent scored tries. Grose converted four tries and also plotted a goal. Referee: Air R. Lund. ... , The game between Technical A anu Technical B was closely contested in lhe first spell, but after half lime the A team ran up their score to 30 points to G. For the winners Bell secured two tries, whilst Carpenter. Ale.Phee, Stow. Duncan. Hopkins and Jones also scored. Hopkins converted one try. and (j. \S arc! potted a goal. For the B team. TJurly soored and Collins kicked a penalty goal. Referee: Air C. fi. A. Biltcliff. LIGHTtWEIGHT GRADE. Last week the third round of male-lies took place in the light-weight grade (under 7st 71b), the three undefeated teams. Cathedral Grammar. School A and Technical A maintaining their positions. whilst there was relatively little change in the placings of the lower teams. Cathedral, who still hold the lead, have played an extra game, whilst the match between School 13 cud School I* lias not yet been played. This week the game between Technical A and School A is to be played, ami as there is no chance of a second series of matches in this grade, the losing team is not likely to have much further chance in the competition. The positions of the teams after last week’s play were as follows: P. TV. L. For Ac. Ch.

School A proved too strong for To'-li-uical 13, tv ho were defeated by 3.". points to nil. For School A, Unmford had a field day. scoring four tyies and dt>nvertinsr Hire". Wishart <2.>, I-’nrrhas, Cameron and Mellray also scored tries, one of which was converted by Stringer. Referee: Mr R. 3M. Bruce. The frame between St Redes A and Redes A finally winning by three points irv gained by O'Brien. Referee: Air 1\ FI owe v. Another very close fume resulted wln n Technical J> met School I the final score being G points to •"> in favour of Technical I». for whom tlurdon and ] lornian each scored a try. For School C. Hall gained a try, and Cant converted. Referee: Mr AN - . W. Brassinglon. Technical A also had a close game against their C team, who were defeated Agassiz' scored two tries, whilst Barnett kicked a penalty goal. Referee: Mr .7. Nlcol. Cathedral Grammar secured their fourth win last week, defeating AVest Christchurch by 9 points to nil, after an interesting game. For the winners, tries •were scored by Barnett. 1.. Rlunden and IVakely. Referee: Mr M Keys. The remaining game in this gtade.

between School D and Sr Bedes U, was closely fought out, the victory going to School D bv s points to nil. Jtefcree: -Mr X. M Itogers.

I’- V . L. D. l'or. Agst. l’ts College III. . 5 5 0 0 94 13 f. Jlanuiora . . 5 3 1 1 1U5 21 3 i College IV. .1 2 J j 23 3-2 2* St Bodes II. -5-22 1 ul 51 <4 Technical I. .3 2 1 u lo.l li 2” St Andrew's 11. r, I 2 2 :;>> c«) 2 School III. .5 1 4 0 ;:l 127 ScIick) 1 IV. . . 5 0 5 l> 11 1GU 0

Sc!,on! V '■/ D „ r0 4 - A *t t- p .[* ('oUi-bc V. ' 3 2 1 0 r.7 13 2 Si. Andrew's III. 3 111 c,, u College VI. . 3 1 i l is m li Technical II. . 3 1 2 0 25 27 1 School VI. . 3 o 0 0 10 00 II

St TJfflrs III. V- T Tj. T> 0 0 For A c.C’li. J 30 3 3 j 01 :t .3 Kohool V I i I :: 2 3 0 l S P.2 f‘; IV*. 1 ! 1 0 jj ;'i IX. ; n o° 2 ! J i s« t Technical ill. . 2 0 2 D S 75 o"

Technical School . . . C. \v. Ij. n. For A g.Ch. . n n o o i3i n a • ? ? o o si s College . . ,312 ft 15 95 1 \\-eft euc . s : : - 3 0 3 0 1C GO 0

The teams now stand as in the following table:— T\ W. J-. J>. For Ag. Cli. School A . . 3 a 0 0 103 « Technical A - 3 :: o •» 80 n rf St Andrews . ?> 2 1 0 -■ • " Technical ii . 3 0 2 1 3 2 * School 15 . - » 0 2 1 » ;*• 4


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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17573, 25 June 1925, Page 4

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School and Playground Star (Christchurch), Issue 17573, 25 June 1925, Page 4

School and Playground Star (Christchurch), Issue 17573, 25 June 1925, Page 4