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SENIOR COMPETITION. SIXTH ROUND CONTINUED The sixth. round of tiio Canterbury Cricket AaßociaticM'a eenior conn>>tition waa continued to-day in l\o', and sultry weather. Tlie wickots wore hard and fast. Sydenham an.l West Christchurch met, at Sydenham Park, Euet Christchuroh nnd Linwood nt Lancaster Park, and Bt Albans and Riocarton at Hosloy Park. WEST CHRISTCHURCH SYDENHAM. In their first innings, Sydenham made 143 and when etumps were drawn on the first day of the match. West Christchurch had lost five wickots for 96 runu. AVcst/s iiusingrs was continued to-day by Dr P. S. Foster (17) and J. L. Findlay. J. M’Ewin and E. Ga3Btm were the opening bowlc-s. Tho batflraen rtarte-d to coore eteadily. When tho total stood at 116 and with his own eooro at six Findlay gavo a return, to Gaason. who. however, failed to hold it. A few minutes later Findlay was clean bowled by M'Ewjn. 121-6-3. Blunt waa tho next batsman, hut before he had scored lie was caught by Gasson, junr., who waa fielding substitute, off hi« father, E. Gasson. 122 7 —o. With the dismissal of Blunt Wetjfe prospects of parsing Sydenham's first innings total did not look so bright. However, J. Ilollinson and Foster got going and tho score steadily mounted towards tho 144 required for a first innings lead. Foster helped considerably with a six off M'Ewin. The total stood at 110 when Rollinson was caught in tho slips by Merriman off Gaston. 140—6—3. Cocks waa tho next man in. He hit. an uppish stroke ofi’ Gasson through the slips. Morriman just failed to reach the ball, whjoh went to thci boundary for four, and this brought West's total past Sydenham's first Innings score. Footer and Cocks carried the total to 160, at which figure Cooke was given out 1 b w to Gasson. 160—D—12. V. Hamilton was the last man in, but with the total at 161 Foster was caught by .Ayling off Gasson. It was a peculiar catch, Ayling juggling with the ball before he finally held it. 161—10—48. J. M’Ewin and G. M'Betli qpenecl Sydenham's second innings at 3.10 p.m. to tho bowling of Cocks and Findlay. After about ten minutes' play tho first inningß deficiency of 17 was wiped out. When the total had reached 42, M'Ewin was smartly caught in tho slips by Blunt off Cocke. 42—1—23. J. Murchison filled the vacancy and he opened his account with a three off Cocks, two of them coming as the result of an over-throw. Hayes went on in place of Findlay at tho north i end, and with his second delivery he scattered Murchison’s stumps. 45—2—3. H. King joined M'Betli, who at 3.45 p.m., after twenty-five minutes’ play, brought the half century up with, a single off Cooks. With tho score nt 57 West tried another change of bowlers. Blunt going on in place of Cocks. In his first over ho got King 1 b w. 58—3—8. Watt was the next man in, but it was not long before ho lost M'Betli, who stepped out to ono from Blunt and was smartly stumped by King. 71—1—30. G. Merriman joined Watt, and by 4.15 p.m. they had carried the total to 82 for the loos of four wickets. The total was 99 when Merriman hit Cocks over the southern boundary for six. The century had taken an hour and ten minutes to make. The total had reached 112 when Watt was caught by Foster off Cocks. 112—5—19. E. Gasson went in and opened his account with a single off Cocks. V. Hamilton went on in place of Hayes, and in his first over Merriman, who was going well, brought 120 up with a nice four. The total was 129 when Merriman, who had made 35 in good style, was run out. 129—6—35. By 4.55 p.m. Gasson and Ayling had carried the total to 363 for the loss of six wickets. With the total at 165, Ayling was run out. Sydenham then declared the innings closed, leaving West with 148 to get in under an hour and a half in order to secure a three-point win. WEST CHRISTCHURCH. First Innings. W. Hayes, stpd King b M’Ewin . . io L. G. Haynes, b M'Ewin . . . _ jo I. Hamilton, b M'Ewin . . . .19 H. W. Macfarlane, c Grenfell b M’Ewin 8 F. Jarrett. o Merriman b M’Ewin . 26 J. L Findlay, b M’Ewin .... 8 R. C. Blunt, c sub b Gasson . o J. Roilinson, o Merriman b Gasson . 3 C. A. Cocke, 1 b w b Gasson . . .12 Dr P. S. Foster, c .Ayling 1> Gasson . 48 V. Hamilton, not out ..... o Extras I 17 Total 161 Bowling analysis.—J. M’Ewin. 24 overs, 2 maidens, 69 rune. 6 wickets; E. Gaßson, 20.5 overs. 4 maidens. 64 runs. 4 wickets; G. Merriman, 3 overs, 11 runs. SYDENHAM. First Innings ... 143 Second Innings. J. M. Ewin. c Blunt b Cocks . a 03 J. Murchison, b Haves . H. King. 1 b w b Blunt . * G. M’Beth, stpd King b Blunt . . 30 E. L. Watt, c Foster b Cocks . . .19 C. Ayling. run out. . I " * ‘ 17 E. Gasson, not out 1 oExtras - • • . t [ I ~5 Total for seven wickets (declared) . 165 Bowling analysis.—C. A. Cox. 11 overs, 49 runs, 2 wickets; J. L. Findlay 4.5 overs, 22 runs; \V. Hayes, S overs, 1 maiden, 30 runs, 1 wicket; It, C. Blunt, 6 overs, 47 runs, 2 wickets; V. Hamilton, 4 overs’. 22

RICCARTON V. ST. ALBANS V hen Riccarton resumed their innings at Hagiey Park to-day they Were 445 runs bchinu Bc. Albans. The latter had made 450, batting nearly all the afternoon last Saturday. Riccarton'a score stood at 5 with no wickets down, the batsmen being G. W. Haines (2) and C. T. liix u'3). They faced the bowling of F. Woods and I. B. Cromb on a good wicket and in perfect weather. Only ten runs had been added to the score when Woods got Rix. 15 —I 8. This bowler's 6low leg break also meant the downfall of J. Powell a little later. 19—2—18. Tho partnership was then Haines and Bain. The bowling of Woods suited the latter, who hit out freely; ho gave a chance on a forward drive, but Brunton dropped a hard ball. It was not long afterwards, however, before Graham accepted a chance off a similar shot from Cromb s bowling. 84—3—28. Graham did the trick again before the over was called. Evans being dismissed before lie could score. Si—4—o. Killick and Haines were together when the century was reached, the 9o runs having been made in forvveight, minutes. Both batsmen were scoring freely when Killick put a hard one to to slips in the first over from Thomas, and Cromb stopped it. 125—5—25. Thomas got Haines’s middle stump with a fast one in the same over. 126—6—36. The batsmen were then Whitta and Caygill. The scoring was fairly steady, but not fast. Tho first maiden over was bowled by Cromb after play had been in progress nearly an hour and a half. Whitta. was caught behind the wickets by Mortlock off Cromb. 148—7-11. Caygill, who played Thomas for a maiden over, was joined by Fuller, and the rate at which runs were made was slower. Caygill was run out. 163—8—is. Woods went on again at tho nortnern end when the score was 170. Thomas took the place of Cromb in the j bowling from the southern end at a stag* when the scoring had brightened consider- j ably. The 200 mark was passed, the sec- j ond 100 having taken seventy minutee. ! fuller was hatting freely. Butler also | got run.®. Eleven runs were scored oS the first over from Brunton, who was brought I on in place of Woods when the score was 1 216. The partnership handled the bowl- i mg with vigour and were not separated j till they had added 85 runs. Then Thomas bowled Butler with a good length ball. *<? — The innings closed at 4.45 wnen Fuller hit up a full toss from Hickmott (who had replaced Brunton) and was caught hrr Brunton. Riccarton were 202 runs behind Scores:— ST ALBANS. First innings a . 450 RICCARTON. First Innings. G. W. Haines, b Thomas « , .36 C. T. Rix. b Woods . oils J. L. Powell, 1> Woods . 13 K. B. Bain, c Graham b Cromb <>« C. E. Evans, c Graham b Cromb . .* '0 L. J. Ivillick. o Cromb b Thomas 25 H. B. Whitta. c Mortlock b Cromb . , 11 E. R. Caygill. run out . . .18 A. C. Fuller, c Brunton b Hickmott . G’ W. T. Lttiiebein. not out ... <1 J. Butler. 1> Thomas .... a'a Extras 12

Bowling anals’sia. —A. W. 'Thomas, 14 wickets; F. Woods, .12 overs, 89 runs. 2

wickets; L. R. Brunton. 3 overs. 27 runs; 9. W. Hickmott, 0.1 overs, 1 wicket, overs. 4 maidens. 99 runs. 3 wickets; I. BCromb, 17 overs, 1 maiden, ffl runs, 8 LINWOOD V. EAST CHRISTCHURCH. When stumps were drawn laat Saturday, Linwood, in their second innings, had 30 for one wicket. Pengelly carried his score to 34, when he was caught and bowled by Coupland. Spaan added eight runs to his score, then Stringer clean bowled him. Tho century was reached by Smith, square-cutting Coupland to the boundary. Smith was batting nioely, and his score reached 50 by driving Stringer to the fence, the board showing 120. Shortly after, he was caught behind the wickets. 130—6—50. Yates came in, and Bugg went on in place of Stringer. A maiden resulted. At this point, Linwood had just made up their first innings deficit of 131 rune. Y’ates was getting set when he tipped one into Flood’s hands at slips, having scored 11. A. Jones came in and reached doubles by driving Stringer to the fence. N. Jones was playing oarefully and his score mounted up slowly through singles and a couple of boundary hits. The score was 192 when Egau replaced Bugg. Both batsmon got hold of the bowling, especially A. Jones. However. Stringer got a nice one past V. Jones., which the batsman hod tried to pull. 207—7—88. King was next, and Bugg took up tho ball from Egan. King did not remain long, only scoring on© run. 217—4 J--1. A. Jones lifted Bugg. Blank catching him in deep field 220 —©—41. Bugg in a smart return ran out Grose. The total was 224.


First Innings 56 Second Innings. M. Pengelly, o and b Coupland » . 84 G. Oondliffe, b Stringer .... 0 R. Spaan. b Stringer .... 9 F. Smith, C Lilbourne b Coupland . 50 G. Baker, c Brosnahan b Coupland . 11 S. o Flood b Stringer . . .11 N. Jones, b Stringer 33 A. Jones, o Blank b Bugg . . .41 G. King, a Lilburne b Stringer . , 1 H. Prospor, not out H. Grose, run out • « . , , 0 Extras 33 Total 224 Bowling analysis.—Stringer, 20.5 overs, 3 maidens. 72 runs, 6 wickets; Bugg, 16 overs, 6 maidens, 45 runs. 1 wicket; Ooupland, 12 overs. 1 maiden, 66 runs, 8 wickets; Egan, 2 ovors, 8 runs, no wickets. EAST CHRISTCHURCH. tFlrst. linnings -v . . . ■ 187 SENIOR B GRADE. Playing at Hagley Park, West Christchuroh batted first against St Albans, and made 155. St Albans replied with 186 (Hastie 33, Harrison 41, Sandman 89, Doreen not out 10). West, in their second innings, have lost six wickets for 147. (Hamilton 14, Dwyer I*2, Brown 18, Patterson 44, Carlton '-65, not out.) CITY AND SUBURBAN. SENIOR GRADE. The sixth round of the CHty and Suburban Association’s competitions was commenced to-day. The weather was very hot and the wickets dry and fast. Results; — Upper Riccarton took first strike against Woolston at Sydenham Park and have lost eix wickets for 59 runs. WOOLSTON v. UPPER RICCARTON. UPPER RICCARTON. Firßt Innings. H. Caukwell, c G. Roberta b Worrall . 1 S. Bush, b Kennedy .... 2 H. Holmes, lbw b Kennedy ... 0 J. Matthews b Worrall .... 3 J. Bennett, c G. Roberts b Kennedy . 17 D. Murray, not out . . . * . 81 H. Carr, b Kennedy 7 H. Smith, not out Extras 0 Total for six wickets . . .63 ST ALBANS r. GREEN’S A. B. Morris, rot out .... 25 W. Lawson b R. Winter . . .8 W. Smythe c Colville b Andrews . .32 J. Jones, not out Extras . . . » .5 Total for two wickets „ .70 GREEN’S B. v. SUNNYSIDE. Green's B. batted first and have made 96 for one wicket. Scores:— GREEN’S B. First Innings. W. Lagan, run cut 69 D. M’Kenzie, not out . . .22 Extras 12 Total for one wicket . . .98

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17246, 12 January 1924, Page 9

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CRICKET. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17246, 12 January 1924, Page 9

CRICKET. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17246, 12 January 1924, Page 9