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THE RUGBY GAME. DRAW FOR SATURDAY. The following i* the draw lor Saturday, Senior—Old Boys v. 'Varsity, Lancaster Park, Oval, ( . w. Allard; .’North i ?.ut;;rhur;.' y. Sydenham-Lyttelton, Lancaster Park, West. L. Ouine.V: Lin wood v. Albion, Lancaster Park, South, E. <*>- Steans; Christ church v. Merivalc, Show Grounds, No. 1. K. K. Luttrell; Marists a bye. Second Grade—PrebbletonHalsvrell ▼. Kaiaooi. Show Grounds. No. 2, M. L. Higgins;' Christchurch v. Varsity R, 'Varsity, South Park. E. J. Eafhorne. Linwood y. Merivale. M©rival©. North Park. -L Gray; Sydenham-Lytt-elton y. Belfast. Polo, No. 1, L. (ade; Mansi* a. Old Hoys. Old Roys. North Park. L. Hardie; Riccarton v. 'Varsity A, Riccarton. E. G. Perrin; Technical v Albion, linsor's Road. T. Crawebaw. Third Grade A (A Section)—Sydenham- \ Lyttelton A v. Varsity A. Sydenham Park, I W. Harman: Spreydon v. Albion. Spre.vfloti, K H. Perrin; Old Roys v. Wharemii A. Whnrenui. North Park. T. Bain; Linwood V. Merivale. Linwood Park. C. Weston; Christchurch A r. V.M.C.A. A. Christchurch North Park, <’. SfLachlan. Third Grade. A (R Section)- Belfast v. 'Varsity C, Belfast. J. R. Murphy; Riccarton y. Sydeuham-Lyttelton B. Polo. No. 2, 5. C. Murray; Wesley y. Varsity R, Wesley, No. 14. North Park. A. C. Puller: St. Andrew'-' v. Kaiapoi, St. Andrew's. W. R. Fuller; Wharenui B v. Christchurch B, Polo No. 3. IL Barrett: Sumner t. New Brighton. Heathcote Bridge. F. O. Schmidt. Third Grade B—Christchurch v. Merivale. Poio No. 4. O. I). Fraser; Technical B v. •Varsitv. Polo No. 5. G. S. Billeliff; Marists v. Technical A. Marists, North Park. E. G. Kents; Linwood a bye. Fourth Grade—Marists v. Kaiapoi. Kaiapoi. No. 1. Rev. li i(idlestone; Merivale v. V.M.C.A.. V.M.C.A.. North Park. W. Lang; Riccarton v. Sydenham-Ljrttelton. Polo No. 6. ,W. Duggan; Linwood v. North Canterbury. Rangiora. No. 1. L. 11. Buchanan; Old Roys v. Albion. Albion, -South Park, T. M. Ha siet t. Fifth Grade—Belfast v. Albion. Polo No. 7. A. King: Kaiapoi r. Technical. Kaiapoi. No. 2, H. Rollinson; Linwood v. Spreydon, Polo No. 8, A. J. Mason; Aranui r. Meri-va-1© B. Aranui. E. Cockroft: Marists v. Y.M.C.A.. Marists. North Parle (1.30 p.m.). M. Campbell: Merivale A v. .Sydenham-Lyt-telton. Sydenham Park (1.30 p.rn.), A. H. Guiney; North Canterbury a bve. Sixth Grade—Marists r. V.M.C.A. A. Lancaster Park Oval (1.30 p.m.), A. R. Henderson: V.M.C.A. B r. Merivale. Polo. No. 1 (1.30 p.m.). P. C. Jones; Spreydon v. Technical B. Lancaster Park West U. 30 P.m.), w. P. Caver hill: Technical A v. Sydenham Lyttelton. Lancaster Park South (1.30 P.m.), G. G. Dentiiston: Linwood a bye. CANTERBURY RUGBY UNION. The executive of the Canterbury JR.F.U. met last night ; present—Mr A. Dey (in the chair', and Messrs E. V. Phillips, A. * Duggan. Yv'. Maxwell, W. Britten, R. lieattie, C. W. Allard, .11. Davis, R. W. Britton, aud Di V. S. Seed. The secretary of ;hc Scfton Sub-Union wrote stating that with the information at present, in the possession of the Sub-Union that body was unable to consider favourably the application of the View Hill Club to play in the Malvern Sub-Union competitions. In dealing with the matter, the committee had taken into consideration the effect on the rest of the Sub-Union, particularly the Oxford Club. So far, the committee had been unable to obtain particulars of the. boundaries or proposed boundaries of the new club, which was quite close to Oxford. Ho was in communication with the View Hill and Malvern Clubs, and was hopeful of effecting a settlement. The matter was held over pending further information being received. A letter was received from the North Canterbury Club (Rangiora), with reference to that club having played two Oust men without permission. The letter stated that application had been made to the North Canterbury Sub-Union for permission to play Farr and Scrimshaw, ac cording to the rules. b.ut the union had objected to any player who played last year for Oust. When it was mooted that the Eangiora Club was contemplating entry into the senior competition, an offei to play was received from six Cii st players, including the above two. as they considered there was no chance of a senior team being formed in their district. With regard to Kempthorne and Lyndsay, these two ployed for North Canterbury for the last two seasons and no exception had been taken to them in the past. They wer« in a similar position to the other two, Kempt-borne stating that he would have no difficulty in getting a game with Old Boys should he make application. It was denied that the club had touted for members, but the club considered itself justified in accepting the offers made so spontaneously by the players. A letter was also received from G. .Scrimshaw stating that he was now living in Christchurch. He had applied for his discharge from the Sub-Union and hoped it would soon be forthcoming. The chairman stated that it was apparent from the letter that the club had played tl.e men without permission, ami had thus broken the rules. On his suggestion, a motion was carried to the effect that either the players or the club must get permission from both the Sub-Union and the committee of the Canterbury Rugby Union before playing the men. In reply to a question, the chairman stated that if the club continued to play the men without permission, it would be disqualified from the competition. An application from the Ashburton SubUnion for portion of any grant from the N.Z.R.U. or any fund for the purchase of school footballs was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr C. M’Lachlan. referee in the second grade match on Saturday between the Marists and Merivale teams, wrote complaining of the bad language used by the players. It was decided to send a copy of the letter to the clubs concerned. Mr Phillips drew the attention of the committee to the inconvenience caused by schoolboys and others at- the match on the south ground at Lancaster Park on Saturday between Marists and Christ- ! church. Owing to these spectators encroaching on. Ihe field of play, he said, the referee had to atop the game; on Mr Duggan suggested that a picket fence should be erected, a wire fence being useless to keep the public out. It wa-; decided that the secretary should communicate with the police on the subject. With regard to ihe proposed heavyweight and light-weight competitions for primary school boys, it was stated that }a full report would shortly be presented to the committee. In the meantime, the representatives of various clubs were interviewing head masters with a view to raising teams for the heavy-weight competition. With regard to the lightweight competition, it was reported that there was little doubt but that friendly matches would be played throughout th© The chairman: Well, they will get football all right. That is satisfactory. MALVERN SUB-UNION. The following ; re results of last Saturday's matches:— Sheffield 17 v. Barfield 5. Mr Butler; Kirwee 30 v. View Hill G, Mr Menzies; Springfield 7 v. Hororata 4. Mr Lon gets ft; Black Diamond 9 v. Greendale 0. Mr Green. TYi© following the remainder of the draw for the Malvern Sub-Union competition. wtih the ict'erees. The teams first mentioned play at home:— May s—Kirwee v. Black Diamond, Mr Macgee; Pa«-flelri t. View Hill, Mr M'Grath : Greendale v. Hororata. Mr M’Laugblan: Springfield t. Sheffield. Mr M’Nish. May P2—Sheffield v. Kirwee. Mr Green; Hororata v. Darfield. Mr Osborne: View Hill v. Greendale. .Mr Macgee; Black Diamond v. Springfield. Mr M'Meekan. May 19—Kirwee v. Springfield, Mr Butler; Hororata v Sheffield. Mr Macgee; Barfield v. Greendale. Mr M’Nish; View Hill v. Black Dia/moud, Mr- Osborne. May 26—Black Diamond v. Hororata, Mr M'Lauglilan; Springfield t. Dnrfleld, Mr Menzies: Greendale v. Kirwee. Mr Green; Sheffield v. View Hill, Mr Butler. June 2 Hororata v. View Hill. MM.’Nish: Springfield t. Greendale, Mr M Gratli: Black Diamond v. Sheffield. Mr Macgee; Kirwee v Barfield. Mr Menzies.


OURUHIA CLUB. The Ouruhia League Football Club met. on Wednesday night; present —Messrs O. F. Griffith (chairman). D C. Miller. E. 1». Spencer, G. L Miller. R. Bartlett. P. J. Wilkinson, W. 1.. Wilkinson. M. C. Farrell and B. R. Dunlop (secretary. An apology for absence wa> received irons the president. Mr W. P. Spencer. The aecretary i eported that the club's football with several articles belonging to ciub members had been destroyed in the recent fire **-" EL. M’MiHan’s Mr B. Bartlett

was added to tha election committee. A hearty vote of appreciation was passed to Mrs Harold Davrher for her services in playing for socials during: the past t-o make her * presentation. .Accounts amounting to .-€1 15* €d were passed for payment. The match against Central, pla-yed at Ouruhia last Saturday was a very keenly contested one, and resulted in a win for Central by one point, the scores being; Central G. Ouruhia 13. Ivan Miller scored a try for Ouruhia. aad ?>. P. Spencer potted a goal for the same club. During* the match Mr M. C. Farrell, of the Ouruhia C’lnb. received a nasty ltick on tlie leg-, which will Tieeessitate him layinjt up for a few days.


M ANA GEM FNT COMM ITTEE. A meeting of the Management Committee of the Gar.lerbury Football Association was held on Monday nig-ht; present —Messrs R. B. Bunt (in the chair). R. F.ngrlish, F. L. Faatjgatc, Warden. Frickleton. Kmcch. Maw**n. B. W. Perryman. Bentley. Knights. Johnson, Ramsay and H. Frogcratt (secret* rv >. The chairman and secretary were authorised to arraoye club colours. The report of the Match Committee stated that, the Aehburtoii v. Sunnyside. and Western r. Ashburton junior matches would be nlnyed at the end of the season if the results affected the position of the The Match Committee reported that the gpreydou third grade team had been granted permission to play Dunedin. Several members reported that they had been successful in. introducing the opinion that schoolboys should he allowed to play the game of their choice, into the annual meetings of residents, and that there was a general desire by schoolboys to play Association football. The following pre aented footballs 'or use in th© schools: M” F. Ij. East gale (East Chvietchuroh). Mr \Y. D. Ramsay (Richmond'. Mr Wardell (Spreydon). Mr Frickletoh (Linwood), Mr R. English. Western (West Christchurch). Mr Knight* (Victory School'. Mr ,T. Waters was eleeted a. vice-presi-dent of the association. It was decided to ask the Referees' Association to instruct their officials to blow three blasts on their whistles if an accident occu r«. The chairman's action in consulting Mr Ramsay, the only appointed selector in connection with the Australian tour was endorsed. The following matches will take place on Saturday:— Seniors—Villa v. Lyttelton, at- Lyttelton: Tangers v. Sunnyside. at Rmmyside; ,Ashl.urUm v. Nouiad«, at English Park. Thistle v. St .Albans, at Linwood: Western, a bye. Juniors—Villa Exoelsior. at Bichmoud. Y M.CJ.-A. v. Western, at Hagle.r Park No. 2 ground; Linwood y. Ashburton, at Haeley Park No 1 ground. Third Grade—Sumuer v. Spreydon. at lfagley Park No. 3 ground; Technical Old j Bovs y. Westera. at- Hagley No. i ground, j V.M.C.A.. a by*. i Fourth Grade---tt Albaoe v. Old Boy* j Battalion. Hasrlcy Park No. 2 ground: Strange's v. Old Poys" A. at No. 3 ground; V.M.C.A. v. Sprevlou. at English Park. Fifth Grade—Lyttelton v. V.M.C.A.. at No. 1 ground; Technical ▼. St Albans, at. Nr 4 ground. Sixth Grade- On Wednesday .at 4 p.m.. at Hag!O'" Park: Mari** Bros. v. St Mare s: Technical v. St M-.chad's; Spreydon, a bye. j CENTRAL CLUB. The following players will represent the Central Club: Juniors v. Kaii,T.oi. at Kaiapoi--Trow-bridge. Woods. Young. Johnson, Bamsey. Powell. Robinson Barber. Kirton, Cook. Coorabes. Stevens-)®. Garritt. Boyd. Hamilton. Edwards. Bus leaves Cook and Ross's corner at 1.30 p m. Fifth y. Linwood. at Linwood. i.30~ Higgins. Weir. Aid win, Maw.r. Chainey. Pitt, Anderson, Kelly, Stuart. Young. Connor, Watson. Smith. Powell. Poult-on.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17030, 2 May 1923, Page 9

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FOOTBALL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17030, 2 May 1923, Page 9

FOOTBALL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17030, 2 May 1923, Page 9