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MOTHERS’ UNION (LOWER RICCARTON BRANCH). The annual meeting of the Lower Riccarton branch ot the Mothers’ Union was held in the vicarage on April 20. Mrs •). A. S. Wait presided. Titere were also present:—Mesdames Luttrell. Shore, Bailey, Bannehr, Foster. Cantrell, Parsons, Powell, Jarman, Hammond. Watt. Saunders, Legg, Harris. Ford, Price, Hamilton and SarThe following officers were elected: President. Mrs Wait ; rice-president-s. Mesdames Luttrell, Shore and Pritchard ; secretary. Airs Sarjeant ; treasurer, Mrs Bailey: committee. Mesdames Jarman, Ford, Watt, Singleton, Harris, Cantrell, and Shore. The Rev E. H. Shore read a. letter from Airs Boyle thanking the members for their sympathy in her bereavement. Votes of sympathy with Airs Harris in the loss of her mother and with Airs C andy in the loss of her brother were passed, the members standing. It was arranged to hold meetings on the first Thursday'in each month. Airs Watkins, a well-known lecturer on health and kindred subjects, gave an interesting address to mothers. A very pleasant afternoon tea was provided by Airs Harris and Airs Bailey, and the meeting then closed. SURPRI£E|v PARTY. An enjoyable surprise party organised by Mrs R. M (.fury, visited the home of Air and Airs H. Gudsell, of Peverili Street. The party took the form of a kitchen evening, and Alias Lulu G i id sell, who is shortly to be married, was the recipient of many useful gifts. The evening was spent in games and dancing, and musical items were given by Alisses I. Macharrv. P. Coombs and Alessrs A. Reese and W. Stamhlin. w.c.T.r. The usual monthlv meeting of the Riccarton branch of the W.C.T.U. was held in tlm Clarence Road Church on April 19 Mrs C. W. Barrel 1 presiding; to a letter from ."the Returned Soldiers’ Association requesting the ladies to sell poppies on Anznc Dav. Alesdames Neutli. M’ Lean, Colder. Burrell and Miss- Russell volunteered to do so. with the result that a considerable sum was raised. Reports were read V Mesdames Al’Lean and White, the delegates to the recent W.C.T.U. Convention at Invercargill. NEW POST OFFICE BOX. Air C.‘. W. Johnston, of Puriri Road, ! has received word from the Chief Postj master, Christchurch, that his applicaj tion for the erection of a. posting box j at the corner of Hinau Street and J Puriri Street was successful. The new ; box. which i< already in position, will i uorHugh ccouncil affairs. ! After a period of comparative quiet, v.o sec signs of activity about fie j To a m Hall Loads of metal arrive | dailv ami is dealt willi h.v the bori ough’tt staff, which Ita.-i been increased i twofold. The Nagiev Street. Bridge ; s at present undergoing repairs, the old wo. den structure being replaced hv a . mo-ivrn cou-ivu culvert. Drainage of the 1 ’. ata Street block has been im(jroved anl quite an area of asphalt top-dressed in that vicinity. A „ow : street lamp has been tit ted in Rimiu ! SiMVt ami the v-ork of extending the borough’s fucilities to the now area Is proceeding as rapidly as is possible without undid v increasing the staff. The committee of the Addingtor Public.' Library bate it'll the arrange merits complete for the holding of theii card party and dance m the Rico* rt or

Town Hall on Tuesday. May 1. Tbs possibility of enlarging the Addington "Library is being favourably considered. and as the genera] funds are used solely for buying books, magazines. and other library essentials, the committee intends holding various functions to collect funds to provide floor covering and furniture. Eight prizes will he given for the card winners. A ladies’ committee whll supply the refreshments, and patrons can rely on being well catered for. WHARENUT SCHOOL. The Wharenwi householders are to be commended for turning out in such large numbers to the annual meeting on Monday evening. The annual statement submitted by the retiring School Committee must have been satisfactory, for all of the retiring members were re-elected for the incoming year. The surprise of the evening was in the rejection of Air T. Haberfield. who submitted himself for election again after a year's spell. It is doubtful whether any man has done more for the school in recent years. The two new members, Messrs Ford and Jones, are both energetic, and the school must be said to have a pretty good team as a committee. Air J. Singleton, the secretary. is an old hand at the job. At the meeting of the newly-elected committee on Monday a hearty vote ,of thanks was passed to Air (’. W. Harrell, who had acted as seeretarv for the year just closed. Mrs Stanton, Alessrs F. Coombs, T. Haberfield, G. Climpson. Cross and Bl ighting were elected to act with the School Committee in arranging for a presentation to Mr R. Mounsey, who recently resigned the position of first assistant master after some fourteen or fifteen years’ service. On the motion of Alessrs Haberfield and Coombes, the secretary was instructed to write to Mr Mounsey. conveying to him the householders’ appreciation of his long and valued services, together with the wish that lie may soon be restored to heal tli. The School Committee will hold its regular meetings on the first Wednesday evening in each month. THE CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION. Air R. Rankin presided over a lair attendance at Tuesday’s meeting of the Ricacrton ‘Citizens’ Association. Satisfaction was expressed that, as the result of tin* withdrawal of the candidature of Messrs Peters and Bradnock in the recent Borough Council eelction, the expense of a ]>oll had been avoidthe sporting' spirit of the. two gentlemen named, and trusted that at some fuiuro election the ratepayers would be able to show their appreciation. The secretary was requested to write io Messrs Bradnock and Peters according--1 , The chairman, who is. one of the borough councillors-elect, invited tb • meeting to bring forward any matters which were considered of importance to the borough. There were, he said, several of the new councillors present, and they ■ | would be glad of suggestions. Several speakers mentioned street works which needed attention, and the state of the a*v»halt footpaths came in for criticism. Tim oriuoipal discussion centred round the Riccarton Road, the condition of which is one of the favourite topics of conversation -amongst motorists who are compelled to use it. Mr S. A. Staples; said it seemed to him that this road would have to be tar-sealed before it would be able to st.-nml up to the very heavv traffic. He had made enquiries concerning tor-sealed roads in Tarain' waimairi County was answering well. However, before definitely advocating it on the borough council, he would make further enquiries. Mr B. Wise raised the question of the maintenance of Ricarton Avenue, from the hospital to Dean’s Avenue. This road, he said , was in a terrible state, except

where the Tramway Board had recently rep-aired it. Near the bowling green, too, it was too narrow to enable a carrier’s express to pass safely between a tram and the cycle track. Other speakers mentioned that in wet weather ifecenfcly the roadside had been one long succession of lakes, flooding part of the load, the whole of the cycle track, and part of the footpath. Upon the meeting proceeding to pass a resolution dra wing the borough council’s attention to the matter, a member expressed the opinion that this was perhaps going a bit too far. Was it within the scope of the association activities to make recommendations t-o the council? Others took the view ihat if the association was going to be “ worth its salt ” it would have to make recommendations, many and often. Its members were fill residents, and all had. a personal knowledge of some street or other. The borough council could only function properly if residents would take sufficient, interest to report such things as were needed, for it was manifestly impossible for the councillors, or the council’s staff, to traverse the whole borough every day. Eventually a motion was carried directing the council’s attention to the sta-te of the road, and the council will probably forward the letter to the City Council, which is now the controlling authoritv of Riccarton Avenue. “ OUR OLD BOYS.” The commemoration service at the M haremli School on Anzac Day passed off most successfully. It was a happy thought to ask the children, during the preceding two days, to bring flowers to the school lor making into wreaths. The little ones gleaned here and there, for no cottage garden is abundantly blessed with blooms just now. Under the guidance of Miss A. Pollock-Smith, these flowers were made into many beautiful wreaths, which were presented by the several standards. In addition to the tact that small contributions of flowers were so skilfully user! in combination, it. is U> be. noted that the collecting of the blooms, and the procession of wreath hearers to the memorial, gave the children a personal interest in the proceedings, just as they have a personal interest in the gates. This memorial has been handed over to the guardianship of the children, who are placed upon tlteir honour to see that no mischievous pranks are 7>layea upon it The principle reminds one of "Tom Brown’s Sch-ooldavs,” in which the boisterous Tom was given charge of a weaker boy. in older that hi . sense ot responsibility might l»e developed. Among the wreaths were several in memory of the lads who gave their lives. The Mavor and Councillors o-l . the Borough of Riccarton sent ,i ; wreath, as did the members of the School Committee. Credit must be given to the headmaster and his staff for their work in con- ; nectiori with the function. ; PERSONAL. : _ Mr Archibald, of Dilworth Street. * lion ill the Christchurch Hospital, hai . so far recovered as to be able to return home. > The condition of Air W. E. Snowball , also an inmate of the public hospital j! shows stea-ds; improvement.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17027, 28 April 1923, Page 6

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RICCARTON RECORDS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17027, 28 April 1923, Page 6

RICCARTON RECORDS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17027, 28 April 1923, Page 6