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Women Folk



" Stella " will be glad to receive items of interest and value to Women for publication or reference in this column.

Air and Mrs W. F. Bullen have re turned to “ The Lakes,” Kaikoura. Mr and Mrs TV. J. Hyde have returned to Kaikoura. Mr and Mrs T\ . R. Bullen motored hack to The Elms, ’ Kaikoura, yesterday. Mr and Mrs Herbert Hyde, “ Langrid ge.” Blenheim, who came to town tor Miss Pullen’s wedding, returned home yesterday. Mrs C. E. Thomas, of Timaru. who accompanied her daughter, Mrs E. J. Cordner, as far as Christchurch, will return home on Monday. -Miss May M’Kinley and Miss May Jones left by last night’s ferry steamer for Wellington en route for Alarton and Wanganui, where they will spend a fortnight’s holiday. The opening night of the Lilac Club, which was held in the Orange Hall on Thursday last, proved a great success. The music was supplied by the Lilac Jazz Orchestra. Miss Adelina Leon, the well-known ’cellist, w'ho was recently in Christchurch. gave a successful recital at the Auckland Town Hall before leaving for A m erica. Miss Roeina Buckman. Mr Maurice d’Oisly. Miss Adelina Leon and Mr Percy Kahn, who have just finished a tour of New Zealand, sailed by the Niagara. After a short holiday in America they will proceed to London. Miss Julia E. Fisher, who for the past three years has been directress r f the phvrical department of the YWCA., is touring New Zealand prior to her return to America. She is accompanied by her sister, Mrs S. S. Apted. The committee of the St .John Ambulance Association are making their annual appeal for funds to carry on their work. Expenses are greatly aboee present funds and help is urgently needed. Many lady sympathisers ar' required to assist with the sale of badges on “ Ambulance Day.” The members of the Avonside Division of the St John Ambulance Brigade met on Thursday evening in the brigade rooms. Mrs Middleton presiding. There was a good attendance. After the business was transacted the hon surgeon of the division gave an interesting lecture on digestion. The 1< cturer was accorded a vote of thanks. A surprise party was given to Mrs F. Fantham. George Street, New Brighton. by the ladies of the Miniature Rifle flub on her departure from the district. Mrs Fantham has been a captain of the club and also a very keen worker. Apologies for absence were received from Mesdames Harding and Burmeister. Mrs Brooks, secretary of tin* club, presented the guest of the evening with a beautiful handbag. Mrs .Fantham briefly responded. A dainty supper was served and musical items were given. A pleasant, evening ended / with the singing of “ For She's a Jolly Good Fellow.” At a meeting of the Health and Recreation Committee of the Y.W.O.A. held in the Club Rooms. Latimer Square, on Thursday evening, it was derided to organise a “ Learn to Swim ” month among the business girls rf the city. The subject was discussed at length, and all agreed that swimming should be encouraged. Special instructors will he engaged, and it is honed that every girl will avail herself of the opportunity offered. On Saturday last a surprise party organised by .Miss R. M’Saveney visiter the residence of Mr and Mrs A. Gritmvood, 21 Southey Street. Beckenham. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Musical items, games and dancing were indulged in. Amongst those present were Misses S. M’Saveney. M. I'randsen. L. Frand.sen, E. Frandsen, M. M’Saveney. R. M’Saveney. M. Peekem, E. Lander anti A. Lander; .Messrs L. Grimwood. O. Joyce. M. Hill. G. Rowlands. J. Hetherington, S C’hidgey, A. Ormandy and H. Ormandy. An enjoyable Garden Partv was held at •• The bines,” Vernon Terrace, St Martins, when Mrs E. T\\ Ivory, junr., entertained the members of the office staff of Messrs Jvorys Limited, to bid farewell to Miss Esther M. Buck, who was leaving the firm’s employ to take up a position as Commercial Instructor at- the Westport Technical High School. A solid leather attache case, suitably inscribed, was presented to Miss Buck on behalf of the firm and the office staff, by Mr N. Goldsbury, secretary of Ivorvs Ltd., who referreri to the remarkable progress Miss Buck had made in the commercial world, rising from a position of junior to that of a fully qualified accountant, lidding the highest examination diploma of the New Zealand Society of Accountants and also the Bachelor of Commerce Degree. Miss Buck, he said, was the only lady in New Zealand with such high commercial qualifications and he expressed the hope that her career in the teaching profession would he as brilliant and successful as her nrogress in the commercial world. Miss Buck, in returning thanks, fa id that she looked forward to her work as a teacher and would remember with pleasure her association during he time she had been a member of the staff of Tvorys Ltd. JANE LTD., 733 COLOMBO STREET The selection of your winter outfit justifies care and comparision Madame Jane is displaying many modeds of elegance and value in coats .suits, hats, end gowns, and you will be well-advis-ed and amply repaid for the time spent in her showrooms. There fashion’s latest, in infinite variety is displayed with infinite courtesy and patience. Particularly attractive are the new ccats and suits styles, materials and rut suggest quality, cosiness and oomf < > rr . 3031

Mr and Mrs Stokoe. "English visitors e town, are going south to-day. Mr and Mrs H. E. Gutterson. of Boston, U.S.A.. are visiting Christchurch. Guests at Warner’s include Mr and Mrs Tnne.s. Mackenzie Country. Mr and Mrs Godfrey Hall returned to I Hororata yesterday. Mr and Mrs C. O. M’Kellar returned j to Dunedin to-day. Dr and Mrs M. Erickson, of Adelaide. have gone on to Mount Cook. Mr and Mrs George Wright, who ar- j rived from Auckland this morning, arc staying at the Clarendon. Mesdames O. Capill and P. M’CJlure. j Taihape. are visiting Christchurch, and I are staying with relatives in St Albans. Mrs J. P. Newman, “ Moana,” Timaru. came to Christchurch on Thursday. Miss Ridley. England, returned yesterday from The Hermitage, and is spending the week-end with Mrs Herbert El worthy, “ Oraigmore.” Mr and Mrs Arthur El worthy returned to “Holme Station” on Wednesday, after a short visit to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs "Walter Baxter. Timaru, are hack from Chiistchurch ; their guests, Mr and Mrs AT’Gregor, have returned to Geraldine. Sir Francis Boys. who is at the Grosvennr, Timaru. will return to Christchurch to-day. accompanied by Mrs H. S. E. Turner, of England. Miss C. English, Australia, returnee to the Grosvenor Hotel on Thursday from the Hermitage, and motored back to Christchurch. Air and Airs W. S. Braimum. Aliss Helen Brannurn and Air J. Hanford Brannum.American visitors, went on to Mount Cook to-day. Air and Airs J. R. MacLennan and Aliss Nancy Sewell, of Hawke's Bay, are returning by motor via Kaikoura and Blenheim. Mr and Airs Alander and Ali6s P. Alander. of Gisborne, have returned from a motor tour of the south, and are at present at the United Service. Air and Mrs Hamilton and Miss Nelson, Dublin, who are touring New Zealand, were at the Grosvenor, Timaru. during the week. They motored up to Christchurch on Thursday. Aliss Florence Barnes, one of the teachers under the London Countv Council’s Education Committee, has joined the staff of the Clyde Quay School as infant mistress, in place of Mrs E. B. T/ee. who has left for London to take Aliss Barnes’s position. Pasengers who will leave for Alount Cook to-day include Dr and Airs Erickson (England!, Air and Airs Anderson (Christchurch), Airs Ataefadden. Alajor and Airs Savile (England). Mrs Alansfield. Mr and Airs W. S. Brannum. Aliss Helen Brannum, and Mr J. Han ford (Chicago). Colonel and Mrs James, of Melbourne. have come to Christchurch on a visit to relatives of Airs James, who is president of the Aletro}v>Jitan branch of the women’s section of the Country Party of Australia. Shrs is connected with other women’s organisations, and during the war was in charge of a body of W.A.A.C.’s in France. She is a. believer in the power of the pen. and writes for the “ Farmers Advocate ” (Alelbourne) on matters of interest to women. On Thursday evening last, at the Druids’ Hall. Woolston. a most enjovablc kitchen evening was given by Miss Helen Kirk in honour of Aliss Dolly Howell, who is shortly to be married. About seven tv friends were present, and the evening passed all too quickly with games, dancing, etc. During the evening musical items were contributed hv Airs Harris and Air AVhitc. Mr Doig acted as M.C. The guest of the evening was the recipient of many use ful gifts, and the evening was brought to a close by the singing of‘‘ Auld Lang ’ and cheers for the bride-to-be. The Winter Garden Cabaret Club held another very successful function last evening under the direction of the energetic and able secretary, Air Fulness James. The dancing room and supper room looked gay and bright and were most beautifully arranged. TJoto date and spirited music was played V Sutherland’s Jazz Band and Bailey’s j Banjo Band, and a- large crowd of mem I bers and guests enjoyed the gaiety of j the evening. Mr James was congratu- ! la ted on the success of the club. Dor I ing the evening it was announced that ! the club would hold a carnival on ! March 23. A surprise party visited the home of ! Mr and Airs J. Barry, of Lyttelton, j on Wednesday evening. Among those! present who travelled from Christchurch were:—AJrs Chambers. Airs ! Le Sueur, Alisses I’t'ggy Harris. Sue I Harris, B. Burford and A. Bui ford. E. Hull. Thelma. Buckley. T’eggy Watson. .Li lie Baillio. Peggy Sutherland Alonica Weakly. and Messrs A. Tongue. H. Groggin, A Al’Donald. R. Drvden. H Liston. F. O’Brien. F. Hill. F. Perkins, and X. Hale. Mr and Airs Bnrrv and Airis Kompton cordially received the party, and music, singing, recitations and dancing were indulged in. A dainty supper was served. and the evening parsed off most enjoyably to thn surpriser.s and the surprised . j A delightful function took place at J Dixieland on Wednesday on the occa- I j sion of the wedding of Airs H. Elwood I and Air Wilfred Scott, of Christchurch. I I The guests assembled in the supper ! j room for the wedding breakfast, and | j afterwards danced iri the ballroom to j I music supplied by Sutherland’s Jaz'. j j Band. The bride wore mauve brocaded I I crepe de chine and silver tissue traui ! | and coronet. The bridesmaid, Airis j ! Hanham. wore pari pink georgette. The page was little Alaste r Maurice j Elwood. Amongst the guests present < were : Mrs Round. Aliss Irene Round. ■ Air and Airs Harrison. Mr and Mrs I Sneethv. Mr Morgan. Mr and Airs Bid goad. Mr and Mrs Aliddleton. Mr and j Airs Walter TTelsdon. Aliss Palmer. Rev j W. R«ndv. Air Robertson. Mr Dobbv i and Air Chapman. I HOW DO YOTT RRtTSH TOFT! HATH, j Do you brush your hair only to nr- ! | range it. or do you give it a daily hard i * brushing to keep it glossy and, in good j healthy condition? Tn any case you i should emnlov a good brush and Tvainos ! Hair Tonic which ensures the elimina- i tion of all dardruff and the securing ! of beautiful. healthy. glossy liair. Knmn«= is obtainable at 3s fid a bnfilc from E. Cameron Smith. E\ ! change Buildings. Cathedral So 110 ”'' ■ 68. KO

Aliss Doris Coull is on a visit t-o j Christchurch from Wellington. A French Alagistrate has just decided I that husbands have a legal right to ad- [ minister corporal punishment to their wives as a means of enforcing their 1 domestic avithority, provided always j that such corporal punishment does not I inflict serious bodily harm. A league has been formed in Pekin I by those who believe that women should j be allowed to take part- in political life, j Among its members are some of the ; most eminent women of China. The league calls for the enfranchisement of women on equal terms with men, equal rights in marriage and the furtherance ol education avid social reform. The music of the kinema theatres in New Zealand came in for great praise from Aliss Adeline Leon before sFic left New Zealand. The artist spoke of it as the best that she had heard ; "better music was plaved. and the execution ‘ was also greatly above the average. It i was finer than any she had heard ex- ! cept. perhaps, the very best at one or j two places in London. Aliss Freda Sternberg, who will lie J remembered as advance agent for Sir j Arthur Conan Doyle, on his recent ■ lecturing tour through New Zealand, j and who recently has been acting ladv j editor of the “ Alelbourne Herald,” I passed through Auckland to-day by the Niagara, en route to England, where ! she has been appointed to represent the j “Alelbourne Herald” and the “Even- 1 ing News.” Sydney, in a literary capa- «

During the recent call at San Remo of an Italian submarine squadron, the Queen-Dowager of Italy, who has just completed her seventy-first year, went for an hour's trip under water. Aliss Adeline Leon, who has been touring the Dominion and Commonwealth with Miss Rosina Buckman’s concern party, returned to England by tile Niagara after a very enjoyable stay on this side of the world. One of her most thrilling experiences, amongst which she counts a descent in a submarine, occurred on the Franz Josef Glacier. She was climbing the ice slope in the steps cut by a guide when she came to «: sharp corner arid was suddenly horrified to find that lier nerve had gone, and that she could not proceed, but omy stand still, till the guide returned an 1 helped her round the dangerous angle. Aliss Tyeon has enjoyed every bit of th. time she has spent in New Zealand, arid has “ just loved the whole experience,” t-o quote her own Words, but feels that ii is not wise to be too long away from the capital of the English speaking world. She will give, a recital immedi - ately on her return to London about the middle of April, and afterwards may go with Miss Buckman. who contemplates a tour of South Africa.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16987, 10 March 1923, Page 5

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Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 16987, 10 March 1923, Page 5

Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 16987, 10 March 1923, Page 5