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A BIC OFFERING, FINE HALF-BREDS FIRM. MEDIUM SORTS LOWER. There was another big ottering at tho fourth wool sale of the season, begun in the Choral Hall this morning. In the early stages competition was frequently dull, though the buyers’ benches were full. It was suggested that many firms had decided to postpone heavy purchases until the coming Dunedin sale. The offering, compared with that at the sale on January 14, was made up as follows: Feb. IG. Jan. li. National Mortgage Co. . 2690 2G20 Mat3on and Co. . 2258 3324 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile . 690 1034 Dalgety and Co. - • N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. - 4435 co-10 Pyne, Gould, Guinness • 6163 oGlo 20,692 2f,784 Up to noon, indications were as follows : Fine half-breds, firm. Aiedium and inferior half-breds, Id to 14d lower than at - the January Three-quarter-bred So from par to 2d I lower. . j Best half-bred and best tliree-quar- j ter-bred pieces, prices a shade better, j Second pieces, from par to Id lower, j Aiedium merinoes, lower. Tlis following table shows the approx- j imate range of prices up till noon, wit-h : comparisons

For the Alendip Hills clip there was , fairly keen bidding, but several lota , were Passed at what one buyer termed “ ridiculous prices. " Three bales of super first combing hogget from this station were run up to 20id; five halos of super first combing ewe and wether to IB'id; and twenty-two bales of first combing hogget and wether to 16d. No business was done. Ten bales of halfbred hogget from Alendip Hills sold at lJgd, and ten bales of first pieces at 12iid. The highest prices actually j-ealised in tho morning were:— for four bales of half-bred, branded “IT ” ; and 15d for five bales of super half-bred wether, branded “Rockvale.” Bids of lid wore not accepted for fourteen bales of first eombingg merino and nine bales of second combing merino, branded “ Hundalee ” and “ Hundalee FerniJnrst, and, following that, other lots similarly branded attracted no bids. Ten merino ewe from AVai-ite sold at 12£d. .. 1)11 the progress of the sale in tho aitornoon it was stated that three-quarter-bred pieces were a little easier, and also super half-breds. Speculators buviivr ®°° urlng did most of the PRINCIPAL SALES f A 'h dinST, 9 bales, 4*d; F sideways, 5. three-quarter-bred ewe, lo balen. Ssd : cU- , ha,-bred. G bales. 12£d; do., first halfbred ewe 10 bales, IS^d; Elms, supor Kaif;>red, 14 bales, 14d; Lain don, threo-quarter-orecl ewe 11 bales, BJd; do. cross-bred ewe, 12 bales, vd; Mountain Yievv, half-bred e wn, | 8, 9g; do., first cross-bred ewe, ’5 baes, 6}d; Tehuna. fine tliree-quarter-bred owe, fa bales 7id ; Braemyle, three-quarter-brea ewe, 0 bales, 7d : J ?.f and various r^rst vaiimiT 1 ’ seVoi^ 1 tin- ? d ? lo dash , ove l r G C and 3d; R M, half-bred.' 7 bales,' 'lGd • ruarnock, half-bred ewe, 7 bales 9*d • B { three-quarter-bred, If, bales. Sd; dash over h. half-bred. 6 bales, Sgd; F 11, three-quar-ber-orod ewe, 7 bales, Gd; II X, three-quar-ter-bred, 7 bales. 6£d; B O, cross-bred, 7 bales, 5Jd; AVoolmers, first- Corriedalo ev.w 12 bales, do., Corriedale hogget, 8 bales, 9d; do., fir?* half-bred ewe. 7 bales, 1 lid: do., pieces, 6 balo-s. S^ci; Tcupesfleld. hrst half-bred ewe, 9 bale 3, 12*3; do., halfbred TO, 7 bale.,, ICiJd; do., 'three-quarter-pred Gives and hogget, 7 bales, 7*l; B. crossbred ewe, G bales, G^d; II J 11, super halfbred, 4. bales. 132 d; E D. half-bred. S bales, Djd; St Leonards, second cross-bred hogget and ewe, 6 bales, 7d; do, first ewe, S bales, 7d; do., half-bred hog-pet, 12 bales, J©id; do., first half-bred ewe, 7 bales lOd; Buccle.ucli, first half-bred ewe. 12 bales, -| -*d.; do., second half-bred ewe- and hofrget., 13 bales 31Jd; second half-bred e"'e and hogget, 13 bales llgd; do. firan cross-bred ewe, 6 bales, GJd; Kirkless. half-bx«d, 9 bales, Sid; HR conjoined, half-bred ewe, 6 bales, ygd; Temara-, half-bred ewe, 10 baler. Llid; Limestone Hills, three-quarter bred, lj bales, 6&d : dash over two strokes, crossbred, 9 bales, ; 22, three-quarter-bred, S bales, 7*d; 3 Z, half-bred pieces, 5 bales. 7jd; Mendip Hills, A half-bred hogget. 10 bales. ll|d; do., half-bred ewe, 5 bales, lOld: do first pieces, 10 bales, 51d; do., first half-bred pieces, fa bales, fi-id ; half square over fcbepherds Bush, half-bred, 7 bules, do., first three-quarter-bred, 8 bales, yad; crescent over J F, half-bred., G bales. ; crescent over JF conjoined, line cross bred, G bales, 52cl ; dash over T F. three quarter-bred, 9 bales, G^d; O Y, half-bred, B bales, Bjd; AVyndale, half-bred, 14 bales, lljd; do., three-qiiarter-bred, G bales, Sid; do., dingy, 7 bales. Sd; Ciearview, merino. 5 bales, 13d; H, half-bred, 4 bales. 1496 1; do., three-quarter-bred ewe, JG bales, 9jd: do., cross-bred, 10 bales, 63d; TJ upside down X, three-quarter-brod, 7 bales. 7id ; do., cross-bred, 8 bales, 5Jd; Riverlea-, threc-qviarter-bred, 8 bales. 7£d; AV C huff-bred, 7 b«iles, 12d ; do., first half-bred, 6 bales, lid; XX over Norwood, half-bred, 7 bales, A IT, locks,7 bales, 2£d; II C. merino, 1 G bales, 12Jd ;F M, super half-bred hogget, 7 bales, 12d; dash over W C and various, half-bred, i2 bales, U>id ; H. and various, three-qi arter-bred bellies, 15 bales, 3sd; lormore and various, half-bred bellies, 3.1 bales, 4d; D B and various, cross-bred. 19 bales, j sid: 3 H. half-bred ewe, G bales, 9ld; F. A. ' Craig, half-bred owe, 10 bales, fid; Dover C, half-bred ewe. S bales, 10*d ; J M, three-quarter-bred ewe. 6 bales, 9Ju; do., W{bied 3 bales. 13d; Conway Hills over J V, fine half-bred, 8 bales, 121 d; do., halfbred I), 9 baies. 1 O^a: Glencoe, cross-orea, G ba'es . Garfield, cross-bred ewe. 38 bales," 4Jd; Higbpeak. half-bred rrather, ,u bales, 9id; do., throe-quarter-bred \yo.uer, V bales 7-3 d; do., half-bred ewe, 10 bales, 9id; do., three-quarter-bred ewe, 21 bales, Sid; do., three-quarter-bired hogget, IS, Sid; do., cotted Hogget, 13 bales, 6fcd; do., second pieces. 10 bales, 7jd; CO, half-bred, 13 bales, 7Ad; do., three-quarter-bred, G bales, 6d; Nga Itoraa, half-bred ewe A, G bales, ll^d; do., pieces 5 bales, 9'2d; Grasslands,, half-bred wether, S bales, 12d; do., half-bred ewe A, 7 3jales, llfid; do., half-bred ewe 15, 6 bales. B*'d; Rockvale, merino, 3 bales. 18d; do., super half-bred wether. 5 bales, ,15d; do., hallbred wether, 11 bales, 12d; do., three-quarter-bred wether. 19 bales, 9id: do., cross-bred wether, 9 bales. Gi'd; do., three-quarter-bred ewe 7 bales, B£d: do., cross-bred ewe. 0 bales, 7d-’ do., pieces, 35 bales, 9(jd; P, half-bred ewe, G bales, Bsd; do., fine three-quarter-bred ewe, 12 bales, 7d; Danebury, haif-bred, 8 bales 13-Ad; do., three-quarter-bred A, 6 bales, 30d;’do., three-quarter-bred B, 7 bales, B^d; Scargill Hills, first half-bred, 6 bales, 13-jd ; do . first half-bred pieces, 6 bales, 10Jd: J H F, cross-bred ewe, 6 bales. 7Jd; Power, Onuku, medium cross-bred, 7 bales, old ; B X, three-quarter-bred, 4 bales, 6§d; Gleji-1-ari,' three-quarter-bred ewe, S bales, Tjjd; S-andford Downs, half-bred ewe B. 9 bales, <jjd ; do., half-bred pieces, G bales, s®d; AY H, half-bred hogget, G bales, 9fd; Island Hills, half-bred ewe. 11 bales, C|d ; F V, three-auarter-bred, 9 bales, 7id; D in > diamond 1 yB M over Montalto, three-quarter-bred ewe, 8 bales, Tid; Karetu Downs, half-bred pieces, 9 bales, 9d; Fernihurst over Hundalee, first half-bred, 4 pieces, 10d; Fernihurst, first , combing merino, 4 bales,. 13^d: Fernihurst over Hundalee, first half-bred pieces, G bales, 1 6d- Ouepunga. first half-bred pieces, 3 bales, 10d ; Waiiti, merino, ewe, dO bales 12Jd : Y T cross-bred hogget. 4 bales. sd;-.3 Cover > blew' Park, half-bred wether. 10 bales, 31ci ; i do three-quarter-bred wether. 7 bales, ?2d: A over Mt. Vernon, first cro*s-bred hogget. 3 bales. 7d: 3 C over New Park, first pieces, G bales. Gjd: J C, three-quarter-or ed ewe, 8 bales, 5d ". 9 bales, various, cross-bred. Sd. Cravendale over Mt Somers, ha-h-bred e we, 6 bales, B^d; do., fine three-quarter-bred ewe 1 and hogget, bales, GJu; two crosses, halfbred, 8 bales, 6d; AR conjoined, croeei bred! ft bales, s^d; dash over X. cross-bred 1 owe. G bales, l?d; Dowsbv, half-bred. 3 , bales, SJd; dash over A F, cross-bred, ft bales. Gd ; M 4. half end three-quarter-bred owe. 6 bales, 6- 1 ; Cbortsev shed O V daah, 1 super ineriuo. 3 bale-. 13d: F E. cross- ■ bred, G bales. -J M over crescent, cross-

bred ewa, 7 bales, TJd; S W over daeh, cross-bred, 3 bales., 3£d; Waterfall, half-bred hogget and wether, 6 bales, 9d; L C. halfbred, 7 ba-lea lid; do., throe-quarter-bred. 7 bales. Bsd ; L A, three-quarter-bred. 3 bales, ojd; MP conjoined over Mt Lawrie. half-bred AAA. 3 bales, 13d; do., half-bred AA. 8 bales. Hid: do., half-bred A. 8 bales. 10? d: Valehend. Corriedale hogget A. 1 5 bales, 9d; 3, lialf-bred wether, 6 bales. 9id; do., super cross-bred hogget. 13 bales, Sid : do., weft her, G bales, 7d: do., cross-bred hogget, fc bale*, 7J&.

Value:?, d. d. it Jar. 14, Fob. 15. 19-21. 3921. a. a. a. a. Med. if i n Ini', i-bd — to 20 20 to 22 14 to 1G£ 134 to 33 141- to 17i 14'i to 15 12 to 3-4 11 to 124 9 to U4 8 to 10v “4£IU b1 toU,i 7 to 9 75 to 8 42 to 6* 4 to G Sup. £-bcf 1G to 172 14 to 152 Sup. s-bd Med. :-:-bd 15 to 167; r.ii to 14s 71 to 11 bi to — 5* to C l 5 to 5g Etlfe 17 to 19i 13& to 15-j liri to 13 105 to 12?; 3 to 10 6 to 9 £tL poa 9 to 13 7 to 05 5 to 72 S to 02 22 to 4i 25

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16353, 16 February 1921, Page 8

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FOURTH WOOL SALE. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16353, 16 February 1921, Page 8

FOURTH WOOL SALE. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16353, 16 February 1921, Page 8