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NOTES BY “ CROW-BLACK." Entries are advertised to close at 9.30 p.m, on Tuesday, at the club rooms in Cashel Street, for the Utility Club’s forthcoming egg-laying contests. .Owing to pressure of work, especially with regard to returned soldiers, Messrs hj. 0. liroAvn (Chief Government Poultry Instructor) and C. Ousted (Government Poultry Instructor) will bo unable to undertake judging at any shows this season, except in one case, which was arranged for many months ago. On Wednesday evening Mr J. M. M Lean will give a lecture, at the request of the United Pigeon Fanciers’ Club, on ‘‘The Origin of Poultry, * Jgeons and Caruirics. ,> Members of kindred societies are invited to attend. Ihe Rhode Island Red Club’s handsome Challenge Shield, to be competed iOr at the Christchurch Poultry Club's show in June, has been on view m Mason Stnuhers window during the past week. ° Entries are coming to hand rapidly for the ISow Zealand Utility Poultry '-Jub s forthcoming tests. H. W. Beck and H. Williams have made application for ten and six pens respectively, ureen Bros, will he represented in three tests at Papanui with five entries. Iho secretary’s annual report and remits, to bo considered at the New Zealand loultry Association's annual conference, are to baud. The report snows that the executive met with little success when it waited on the Minister ot Agriculture with the remits passed at the last conference, only two of the first ten being favourably considered - increase of salaries to the Government poultry experts and assistance in the cool storage of eggs similar to that extended to the fruit industry. The secretary points out that it is hard to get tfio Government io move out of its denned policy, and producers must that progress and development can result from thei rown initiative and cooperation. However, it, is unfortunate or the producers that nothing has been done regarding remit 5 passed at Luo last conference. At that time there was plenty of wheat in Australia, and I feel sure poultrvmen would have been only too glad to cooperate m procuring a shipment of glam, would have cost considerably less than they can obtain it in New Zealand to-day. The New Zcamnet Utility Poultry Club’s remit No. t0 b 9 considered at this conference, is practically the same as last year’s vcmit o f and it is to bo hoped it will io agreed to by the conference, and tnat tile Government will accede to the request. Thousands of eggs have been lost to tno dominion through the scarcity of wheat during the last three, months. Ihe shortage has compelled many poultrymen to completely change' their lOivls- food suddenly, which "is disastrous during the laying period, Tim now season’s wheat will soon bo avail* able, but it is o! no use to the ponlivyrnon who arc looking forward*' to receiving a good cheque for autumn «SKsAt the Poultry Conference the Canterbury Egg !<’[, liners’ Association’s oa.egate will move:—“ That State flour nuils be established in tho North and South Islands.’’ Tho same association’s representative will also move: "That the conference set up a committee to report as to the advisability of the association running a co-operative flour mill or mills"; also “That a standard be set up io prevent the adulteration of pollard.” 'The Southland Utility Poultry Club's delegate will move“ That the Government, be urged to protect the poultry industry by fixing the gelling price of fowl or interior wheat at a lower rate than mßling wheat.” The Canterbury Egg Farmers' Association Ims elected Messrs AV. E. Green and H. Meadows to represent it at the poultry conference. Messrs J. Liggios and F. A. Roliinam will represent the Canterbury Egg Circle. At Mr_J. B, Merrett’s poultry institute ah St Albans tho incubators are in full swing, and last week Manager Dalch hatched 331 chicks from a 000 egg machine. It is the intention of the institute to hatch right on, as eggs will be dear next summer and pullets raiser! now will come in for summer supply. A new laying house 100 ft by loft has been erected. To bo followed by two others of similar size, and the institute is to bo brought right up to date. An advertisement appears elsewhere giving prices of day-old chicks ‘tnd eggs for setting, A great number of poultrvmen in Australia use the stove brooders for brooding chickens. Last rear Mr F. ARollinson installed two of thorn and was highly successful. Tho stoves mother 000 chicks in a room specially set aside tor it, and the losses arc very small, besides reducing labour to a minimum, feix of those stoves were imported by Mr J. B. Merrott this week, and will lie used in the coming season by various plants. Messrs A. Gapes and J. LicHns have acceded to the Utility Poultry Club’s request to judge at its young lord show next month. Mrs J. B. Merrott and Miss Claire Merrott left on Tuesday on a visit to Sydney and Melbourne. It is their intention to .spend two months in Australia, ami they will visit the Blue Mountains and the famous Jenoian Caves- On their return Mr J. ]>, Mcrrett will visit California, chiefly on husiuess. He should bring back to Now Zealand some advanced ideas for poultrymen. From Petaluma (forty miles trom r nsco) the egg returns for two bays espial the output of the Canterbury Egg Circle for one year, which is now over 200,000 dozen egus. Mr Morrott states there arc 0,000.000 hens in ictalnma. or three times as many n’s m the whole of New Zealand. Petaluma is the size of the Hutt Valley. SEASONABLE HINTS. Continue to keep the houses sweet and clean by spraying with a strong solution of dismtectant every fortnight,. \\hon cabbage is being fed as green ood to fowls it should not be given to ihom when the leaves are tough with tnc sun s rays; in the morning or evening tho leaves will be found more crisp than at noon or afternoon. At this season of the year both old and young stock should alwnvs have n good supnly of blue metal grit he--1 ore them. It not only helps digestion, ""j *'*■ of . Swat value to birds fn making their feathers: Thousands of pullets will now be under close observation with the intention of selecting birds for the several ■competitions held in tho Uomimon. It will be well to remind intending competitors at Pap ;in ui that rue tests do not commence until ten days later than usual and that no foremg foods should bo given them. Tbev should be given a, good stiff mash in '™ rn '"S, fioncl fat oats in the cieni ig, distributed m deep litter. Add a little peameal to the mash if the pollard is not up to standard, but do not oyet-do it—a pint for each 100 pullets•Should the pullers be commencing to shoot them combs now feed oats liidit apd morning, and allow them to peck bran from a hopper or a box: al<=o shift them occasionally in different houses and runs. Get the frame on the birds at-home; the competition food will soon Jmng them to lay. Well reared 6J to 7 month old pullets can usually bo depended upon to lay standard weight eggs shortly after comma- to Profit, whereas tho pullets brought to maturity under sis months usually lav under-sized eggs. v J pOG-LAYINO Comp.nilioii.—Entries will l,u Gu'sday iii s hl, k-iui-cu 7SC Hiiti 0.30, al Club K*oaw, 107, CVUiol St.

.UMW7JOWVi/7SWmiVSWtJi'X IiGC-LAYJNQ COMPaTITIONS There was another good week’s egg yield for the forty-fifth week of the New Zealand Utility Club’s egg-laying competition at Papanui, the 413 fowls yielding 1913 eggs, and tho fifty-eight ducks 101 eggs. Tho highest scores and total weight of eggs to February 15 are as follows: LIGHT BREED SINGLE PEN TEST. Total ’Weekly Total Weight. Score. Eggs. oz. dr, ■ Green -Brea. (No. 2) . 6 246 485 7 . Cinder Bros. (Ko. 2) . 6 243 494 12 , Miss James . . ,6 238 444 G H. Williams . . . S 228 489 13 Cruder Bros, (No. 3) . 5 224 442 10. 1 Av. Nownll , , ,6 22 i 434 12 Mrs Hunter ... 0 223 435 1 J. B. Merrott . . . 5 223 45,3 8 uoorge Goo . . . 6 233 435 3 V, .O. Sail . . , C 222 471 9 S. L. Beer . . ,4 222 403 8 ; HEAVY BREEDS SINGLE BIRD CONTEST. J. Donald . . , g 239 4G9 9 • Gre-e-a Bros. . , 6 C3I 438 0 j EXPERIMENTAL HOUSE TEST FOR • SINGLE FOWLS. ■ T. E. Conway . . 6 211 44D 10 1 i. Wilkinson . . 5 220 424 13 P. Farm . 6 22* 459 1 • Mrs S. Dick ... 7 225 413 11 Green Bros. . . .5 220 443 10 S- Dick ... 5 217 415 11 AVnitoiioi (No. D) . , o 219 LIGHT BREED TEAMS. E. G. Tarry . . .2$ 1305 2755 0 E. E. Msrsden . .00 1353 2C*5 10 C. Thomson . . .31 1374 2G67 13 James Robertson . .35 13U 2SUI 12 R. W. Cocmbes . . 2-J . 1290 2452 2 Gcargo Cm . . .31 12-57 2830 1 i Mrs Uorinski . . .30 1243 2657 13 1 I). F. M’Dougall . . u 1231 2155 7 1 J- Lignins . . .23 12‘5 5616 0 1 L. _ Couch . . .23 1265 252S 3 Good scotch for (he week wore also made by H. Williams's Minc-ror.s (25;, 8. Beer's Whitu Leghorns (20), H. Bell's (99), J. Na-r.-carrow’s (i(i ), Caldcr Btoa.’s (28), L. T. • Wright’a (25), P. Freeman's (331, Verrall Brow's (30), and A. M. Love’s (23). HEAVY BREEDS TEAMS’ CONTEST. T. S. Couwev . . .25 IMO 2266 3 T, Dovvtbwaito . !28 1.021 1969 4 In tho above test there was increased yield compared with the previous weak, L. Adams’s White Rocks contributing 3J, J. Niir.cerrsw'u Black Orpingtons 23, C. J. Norton’s and C. H. Izard's 21. DUCK. TEAMS’ CONTEST. W. T, Green . . .13 1335 3313 4 J. Donald . . .11 1213 3033 6 G. Bor.netVs (22) and T. Dov.thvrait.Vs [2o} were tho highest scores ior tho week. SINGLE DUCK CONTEST. W. T. Green ... 3 234 :,46 13 L- Wadhrau _. . .0 2H 436 14 if. Meadows's and T. *auov.-s’« clwks are tho only wrelo pen due..a in profit, TWO-YEAR DUCK TEST. W. T. Grrcn ... 0 2593 <513,3 0 TWO-YEAR LIGHT BREED FOWL TEST. H. W. Book . . .19 2447 5113 14, Mrs Gerinr-ki . . .21 210.1 5221 14 H. 'iViiiiar.r.’s Minorca* oui -I. Liygins'* White J/sghcrr.s laid 22 egg* each for the v.-mk, bringing their totals t > 2335 and 2173 ftr-Focdvcly. ’HI 0-YEAR LIGHT BREED SINGLE PEN BIRDS. Tracey F.iv.g . . .5 457 1055 5 Goe c.nd Sou ... 5 413 502 33 Nhetecn fowis and seven duck? have died during the tew. Broodies Icr the week—On* each in pens C2, 22, 81, 144, 12t and ill; two in pen 124. AUCKLAND, The following are tho records of the Icatlingg teams at tho close of tho fortyfifth wee!; HEAVY BREEDS. Black Orpingtons— E. Ti.tuyir.i, 31G, 23.>, ill, l' : 7. 2:3. Ml 1230 G. Siiaw. 210, 220, 173. 19D, 227, 155 1236 I'M' ? Thnnia*. 2-d, 5>7, 376. 530. 172 1132 C. Windnt-t. ;G, 195, ICG, RVi. 25:0, ’PR 11.72. W. Bicmfk-.d, 11,1, 1.-'l, 2'.',:-, 223, 2v>, 102 uys H. E, PorreU, IS3. 166. 910, 233, ii-l. J95, I'ifi H. Copland, 12.3, 176, 217. 132, Ife), 2-3 1103 LIGHT BREEDS. White Lech.orns— T. BlonjliM-I. 225, 211, It-J, 122 ‘223, 705 1239 Mrs Small, 219, 179, 217, 217, ;-n, 131 . 1527 J. Arbury, ill, 135, 223, IH9. 200. 2v! . litS A. lle.iyiiway, 101. ‘.'lß. 102. 295, 158. 232 2157 J Johns-c-n, 20, 2;G, :TV, ’,93. 21'), 552 . 1175 A. Stubby, 154, 2.13, 192. 132. 20L 217 . IK-2 J_. LL'.cins'a fivo h;r:lt- are., laying oven).' and enmislcntly, their s«i:ak are: 217, rl<, 211 v 21:.' and 203. The. Burwced breeder’s sixth bird died in Juno, after laving 37 eggs. DUCKS. Indian Runners— K. W. Daniel, 156, 275, 136, 257. 255. 230 1309 J. Owen, 227, 210. 107, 240, 120, 237 . T2G2 ; s. H. Scott, 206, 16S, 82, 135, 250, 170 . 1117 UTILITY POULTRY CLUB. ! The bi-monthly meeting of the New Zealand Utility Poultry Club was held • on Tuesday evening. About forty mcm- . bers were present, Mr W. A. Gee (president) presiding 1 Correspondence was read relating to [he forthcoming competition from Messrs AY, Airbus, L. Couch. A. Goodlet. C. Hansmaii, C. Lange, AV. Spence, ; O. H. Izard, A. A, Wo arc, A. Rramley, ; J- Gunn, T. Dove, M. C. Segers, F. 1 Rogen and Mcsdamos T. Rogers and A. F. Martin. ! The secretary reported that ho had [ notified several intending competitors that the club's definition of a breeder ! was that tho competitor must hatch ' and rear t.'io pullets intended to com- , pete. . Tho secretary’s action was cn- , dorsed CorrespfMidcnce was. also read relating to the present competition from Messrs , Spooner, M. F. 1! lack man. James Rob- . ertson. S. Hutchison, G. Gee and Caldcr Bros. - _ The secretary was instructed to notify - Mr Tracey King of. the total weight of 1 eggs laid by his team in last 'year’s ■ competition. _ It was decided to accept, the invitatiou of the United Pigeon Fanciers’ • Club to attend the lecture to be Mren : by Mr J, M. M’Lran. 1 Mr F. C. Brown. Chief Poultry Instructor, wrote stating that owing to pressure of work Air Cussen and him- ' f-Mf rvould ho unable to undertake judg- , iug tho club’s young bird show. hj was decided to invite Mr R. AV. Hawke to judge the light breed fowls, Mr Arthur Gapes heavy breeds and ducks, and Mr J. Liggins table poultry and eggs. I lie Christchurch Poultry Club wrote pointing out that nominations for : Utility poultry judges for its June show must be made at its next, meeting; and that.the dub would bo pic, -used to vo- , CC!VC nominations from the Utility Poultry Club. It was decided t-o recommend Mr G. , A ilhs to judge tho heavy breeds. Mr , tho light breeds, and Mr •I- Liggms table poultry and eegs. pro- - tmed these gentlemen consented to bo - nominated. The secretary reported that entries wore coming to hand freely for tho next competition.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19879, 21 February 1920, Page 11

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POULTRY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19879, 21 February 1920, Page 11

POULTRY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19879, 21 February 1920, Page 11